Preghiera per Cernobyl`

the future of THE
S 4. Geoscience frontiers: the role of Polar Regions
in Global change
Conveners and Chairpersons G. Villa (Univ.Parma), M. Frezzotti (ENEA,
Roma), M. Rebesco (OGS, Trieste), F. Talarico (Univ. Siena)
SESSIONE ORALE (1/1)-Aula 113-(*speaker)
(4-1) 15.30-15.45
Ogata K.*, Anell I., Braathen A., Osmundsen P.T., Smyrak-Sikora A., Husteli B.,
Olaussen S. & Maher H. Syndepositional faulting in the Late Triassic succession of
Kvalpynten, Edgeøya, East Svalbard
(4-2) 15.45-16.00
De Santis L.*, Caburlotto A., Donda F., Lucchi R.G., Presti M., Accettella D., Macrì
P., Geletti R., Wardell N., Colizza E., Candoni O., Tolotti R. & Giorgetti G. Antarctic
Bottom Water flow pathway inferred from geomorphology and seismic stratigraphy
of the George V Land margin
(4-3) 16.00-16.15
Frezzotti M.*, Urbini S. & Zirizzotti A. Dome C a potential site where to find a 1.5
million year “oldest ice” record of climate and greenhouse gases from Antarctica
(4-4) 16.15-16.30
Bergami C.*, Capotondi L., Langone L., Sangiorgi F., Giglio F. & Ravaioli M. A
multiproxy approach to reconstruct late Quaternary climate and environments in
the Ross Sea (Antartica)
(4-5) 16.30-16.45
Lucchi R.G.*, Colmenero-Hidalgo E., Sierro F.J., Sagnotti L., Barcena M.A., Melis R.,
Morigi C., Villa G., Urgeles R., Camerlenghi A. & Rebesco M. Extreme depositional
events on the NW-Barents Sea continental margin
(4-6) 16.45-17.00
Moroni B.*, Cappelletti D., Ferrero L. & Bolzacchini E. Sources and properties of
aerosol particles upon Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Islands): results of integrated vertical
profile measurements and electron microscopy analyses
MERCOLEDÌ 10/09/2014
Mercoledì 10 Settembre 2014
(4-7) Pannello 1
Cicconi A.*, Beltrami M.L., Cattadori M., Ciceri P., Macario M. & Miserere L.
Research and School for the Polar Sciences: a teacher training experience told by
(4-8) Pannello 2
Fioretti A.M., Bergomi M., Caironi V.*, Korsch R.J., Tunesi A. & Visonà D. U-Pb
SHRIMP zircon dating of magmatic rocks dredged from the South Tasman Rise
(4-9) Pannello 3
Lucchi R.G.* Significance of extreme glacimarine sedimentation on the NW
Barents Sea continental margin
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the future of THE
(4-10) Pannello 4
Mezgec K.*, Colizza E., Melis R. & Lucchi R.G. Post-LGM palaeoclimatic changes
derived from diatom census counts in the Western Ross Sea area (East Antarctica)
(4-11) Pannello 5
Olivetti V.*, Rossetti F., Balestrieri M.L., Cornamusini G. & Talarico F. Tectonic and
topographic evolution of an oblique rifting shoulder: the South Ross Sea region,
(4-12) Pannello 6
Pertusati P.C., Albani R., Carosi R., Montomoli C.*, Ribecai C., Santacroce R. &
Zanchetta G. Evolution of the Transantarctic basin from Trias to Jurassic: relations
between magmatism, bio-events and paleoclimate
(4-13) Pannello 7
Tolotti R.*, Bonci C., Crosta X., Caburlotto A., Colizza E., Corradi N., De Santis L.,
Harwood D., Lucchi R.G., Lodolo E. & Salvi G. Polar marine diatoms: key markers
for Cenozoic environmental shifts. Sedimentary and paleo-environmental reports
from Antarctic continental margin (Ross Sea, Wilkes Land and Prydz Bay)
(4-14) Pannello 8
Turetta C.*, Zangrando R., Barbaro E., Gambaro A., Gabrieli J. & Barbante C. Watersoluble trace and rare earth elements in Artic aerosol as tracer of different sources
(4-15) Pannello 9
Zangrando R.*, Barbaro E., Vecchiato M., Kehrwald N., Gambaro A. & Barbante C.
Presence and size distribution of water-soluble organic compounds in the Antarctic
S 6. Understanding carbonate sedimentary
systems and diagenesis: new concepts and
innovative approaches
Conveners and Chairpersons F. Jadoul (Univ. Milano), O. Borromeo (Eni
S.p.A.), M. Parente (Univ. Napoli Federico II)
SESSIONE ORALE (1/1)-Aula 201-(*speaker)
(6-1) 15.30-16.00
(KEYNOTE) Preto N.* A history of Triassic carbonate mud, from microbially
influenced precipitation to pelagic biomineralization
(6-2) 16.00-16.15
Gattolin G.*, Gianolla P., Breda A., Franceschi M. & Preto N. Climate vs. sea level
change on the generation of carbonate depositional sequences: the case of the
Carnian (Late Triassic) of the Dolomites
(6-3) 16.15-16.30
Berra F.*, Binda M. & Jadoul F. Effects of changing accommodation space on a
flat-topped, high relief carbonate platform: controls on facies distribution and
sedimentary processes during a sea-level fall (Ladinian-Carnian, Southern Alps,
(6-4) 16.30-16.45
Felici E.*, Frixa A., Maragliulo C. & Cirilli S. The Mila Member of Noto Formation:
an integrated method to characterize a Triassic microbial reservoir rock (SE Sicily,
the future of THE
MERCOLEDÌ 10/09/2014
(6-5) 16.45-17.00
Della Porta G.* & Webb G.E. REE patterns from Sinemurian (Lower Jurassic)
siliceous sponge mounds (Djebel Bou Dahar, High Atlas, Morocco)
(6-6) 17.00-17.15
Guido A.*, Mastandrea A., Rosso A., Sanfilippo R., Tosti F., Riding R. & Russo F.
Bioconstructions in cryptic cave environments: a consortium between bacteria and
(6-7) 17.15-17.30
Brandano M.*, Cuffaro M., Gaglianone G., Mateu-Vicens G. & Petricca P. Quantifying
the contribute of seagrass carbonate factory from Paleocene to Present
(6-8) 17.30-17.45
Coletti G.* & Basso D. Paleontological applications of resedimented skeletal
(6-9) 17.45-18.00
Tomassetti L.*, Brandano M. & Petracchini L. The Lithothamnion Limestone of
Bolognano Formation (Majella, Central Apennines): not only red algae
(6-10) Pannello 10
Tessarollo A.*, Berra F. & Felletti F. Sedimentary and early diagenetic carbonates
from an Early Permian siliciclastic-dominated continental basin (Orobic Basin,
Southern Alps, Italy): oncoidal beds and groundwater calcretes
(6-11) Pannello 11
Tintori A.*, Berra F., Jiang D.Y., Lombardo C. & Meriggi G. Nodules formation in
Early Triassic fish-bearing beds from south-eastern China
(6-12) Pannello 12
Vola G.* & Jadoul F. Stratigraphic and petrographic analysis of the Arabescato
Orobico dimension stone from the Brembana Valley (Calcare Rosso, Bergamasc
(6-13) Pannello 13
Gilardoni S.E.*, Erba E., Casellato C.E., Balini M. & Muttoni G. Lithogenic importance
of calcareous nannofossils in the Late Triassic the case of the Pizzo Mondello
section (Monti Sicani, Sicily)
(6-14) Pannello 14
Bertok C., Borghi A., d’Atri A.*, Martire L., Massaro G. & Piana F. The Persichini
“marbles” of the Ligurian Briançonnais: a historical stone material with a renewed
scientific interest
(6-15) Pannello 15
Brandano M.*, Corda L., Tomassetti L. & Testa D. High-frequency carbonate cycles
and diagenetic features of Lower Jurassic peritidal carbonates in the Calcare
Massiccio Formation (Cornicolani Mountains, central Apennines)
(6-16) Pannello 16
Jadoul F.*, Della Porta G. & Lanfranchi A. Large scale detachments along lowangle slope depositional systems: the Tithonian disconformity of Eastern Sardinia
ramp carbonates (Jurassic Southern European passive margin)
(6-17) Pannello 17
Grillenzoni C.*, Conti S., Fioroni C., Fontana D. & Salocchi A. The evolution of the
Miocene platform-basin system in the northern Apennines (Italy): what can we
learn from seep-carbonates
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the future of THE
(6-18) Pannello 18
Mazzucchi A.*, Bosellini F.R., Tomassetti L. & Brandano M. Coral bioconstruction
variability in a small basin: the Burdigalian Bonifacio basin (South Corsica)
(6-19) Pannello 19
Meloni D.*, Moretti M., Tropeano M., Gallicchio S., Sabato L. & Spalluto L. Isolated
shallow-marine base-of-slope carbonate aprons in the Salento peninsula (PlioPleistocene, Apulia, Southern Italy)
(6-20) Pannello 20
Croci A.*, Della Porta G. & Capezzuoli E. Facies analyses and depositional
architecture of mixed siliciclastic-carbonate succession in a fault-controlled
extensional basin (Miocene, Southern Tuscany, Central Italy)
S 11. Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage: the
contribution of Geosciences
Conveners and Chairpersons G. Barone (Univ. Catania), M. Benvenuti
(Univ. Firenze), L. Maritan (Univ. Padova)
SESSIONE ORALE (1/2)-Aula 208-(*speaker)
(11-1) 15.30-16.00
Comunicazione Platinum Sponsor – Thermo Fisher Scientific
(11-2) 16.00-16.30
(KEYNOTE) Borghi A.*, Angelici D., Borla M., Castelli D., d’Atri A., Gariani G., Lo
Giudice A., Martire L., Re A. & Vaggelli G. The stones of the Egyptian Museum of
Turin: geological, mineralogical and petrographic characterization
(11-3) 16.30-16.45
Alfieri I., Barone G., Bergamonti L., Lorenzi A., Lottici P.P., Mazzoleni P., Predieri G.
& Raneri S.* Nanostructured coating and innovative organic-inorganic consolidant:
efficiency tests on a calcarenite from Sabucina (Sicily)
(11-4) 16.45-17.00
Costagliola P., Corti G., Benvenuti M.*, Bonini M., Landucci F., Pecchioni E. &
Vaiani A. A crash test for Michelangelo’s David: results from small-scale centrifuge
(11-5) 17.00-17.15
Toffolo L.*, Martin S., Nimis P. & Rottoli M. Ancient extractive metallurgy of copper
in the Aosta Valley (Western Alps, Italy): new evidence from pre-Roman slags from
the Misérègne site
(11-6) 17.15-17.30
Scrivano S.* & Gaggero L. Implemented, in situ, water absorption test by contact
(11-7) 17.30-17.45
Cazzani A.M., Columbu S., Ruggieri A.*, Sitzia F. & Verdiani G. From Roman to
Romanesque, a mix of architectural styles and geomaterials in San Saturnino
Basilica (Cagliari, Italy): petrophysical characterization, static-structural analysis
and 3D laser-scan relief
(11-8) 17.45-18.00
Forno M.G.*, Avondetto S., Groppo C.T. & Rolfo F. The Quaternary succession of
the Bulè Valley (Po Valley, Piedmont) as possible supply for prehistoric jade axes
the future of THE
(11-19) Pannello 21
Antonelli F.* & Lazzarini L. An updated isotopic and petrographic reference
database for white crystalline marbles used in antiquity
(11-20) Pannello 22
Cantù M.*, Conz E., Rebay G. & Riccardi M.P. A new methodological approach for
study pietra ollare artifacts
(11-21) Pannello 23
Chiarantini L.*, Calossi V., Domnori M., Fratangelo V., Silvestri G., Bruttini J., Bianchi
G. & Benvenuti M. Medieval Cu-Pb-(Zn)Ag smelting at Montieri and Cugnano,
Colline Metallifere district (southern Tuscany)
(11-22) Pannello 24
Coppola F.* & Lezzerini M. The stones used for building the apse of the Pisa’s
Cathedral (Italy)
(11-23) Pannello 25
Cultraro M.*, Caruso F.*, Chillura Martino D.F. & Caponetti E. Non-destructive
investigation on the pigments from the earliest painted ware in the Neolithic Age
of Sicily
(11-24) Pannello 27
De Caro T.* Microchemical study of the corrosion products on archaeological
bronze artefacts by means of micro-Raman spectroscopy
(11-25) Pannello 26
De Caro T.*, Riccucci C. & Faraldi F. Micro-chemical and -structural study of pyrometallurgical materials found in different archaeological sites of Sardinia (Italy)
(11-26) Pannello 28
De Luca R.*, Cau Ontiveros M.A., Pecci A., Crisci G.M., Le Pera E., Bloise A. &
Miriello D. Mortars and plasters from the Forum of Pollentia (Mallorca, Balearic
Islands, Spain): an archaeometric study
(11-27) Pannello 29
Di Bella M.*, Mazzoleni P., Tigano G., Russo S., Sabatino G. & Tripodo A. The
provenance of volcanic millstones from archaeological sites of Messina
(11-28) Pannello 30
Di Bella M.*, Sabatino G., Quartieri S., Giacobbe C. & Spigo U. Archeometric
characterization through geochemical data of Proto-Byzantine glassware from
Roman Amphitheatre of Catania (Italy)
(11-29) Pannello 31
Di Benedetto F.*, Suzuki A., Gao X., Vettori S., Costagliola P., Benvenuti M., Rimondi
V., Camaiti M., Pecchioni E., Carretti E. & Moretti S. Hyperspectral monitoring
of marble in buildings: a case study of the Santa Maria del Fiore (Firenze, Italy)
(11-30) Pannello 32
Di Vito M.A.*, Boenzi G., de Vita S. & Talamo P. Volcanic activity and human
settlements in the past 10 ka in the city of Naples (Italy)
(11-31) Pannello 33
Fratini F., Pecchioni E.*, Cantisani E., Antonelli F., Giamello M. & Lezzerini M.
Portoro, the black and gold Italian “marble”
(11-32) Pannello 34
Giannossa L.C.*, Giannelli G., Mastrorocco F., Muntoni I.M., Pallara M., Mangone
A. & Laviano R. Production and provenance of Apulian Red Figured Ceramic from
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MERCOLEDÌ 10/09/2014
the future of THE
(11-33) Pannello 35
Ingoglia C.*, Barone G., Mazzoleni P., Raneri S. & Aquilia E. Archaeometric study of
the more ancient painted wall found in Sicily (Apaforte - Licata)
(11-34) Pannello 36
Mameli P.*, Masala L. & Rovina D. Majolica from Sassari: first evidence of a
production center in Sardinia
(11-35) Pannello 37
Manca R., Pecchioni E., Benvenuti M.*, Cambi F., Chiarantini L., Corretti A.,
Costagliola P. & Pagliantini L. Archaeometric study of ceramic materials from
archaeological excavations at the Roman iron-working site of San Giovanni
(Portoferraio, Elba Island)
(11-36) Pannello 38
Marinangeli L.*, Pompilio L., Baliva A., Bonanno G., Domeneghetti M.C., Fioretti
A.M., Nestola F., Piluso E., Pondrelli M., Tateo F. & the XMAP team : Development
of an ultra-miniaturised XRD/XRF instrument for the in situ mineralogical and
chemical analysis of planetary soils and rocks and implication for Archeometry
(11-37) Pannello 39
Orrù P.E.*, Solinas E., Columbu S., Deiana G., Melis M.T., Piras G. & Serrao P.
The monumental submerged punic harbor of Malfatano and associated Piscinnì
quarries, Archaeometric and Geoarchaeological approach
(11-38) Pannello 40
Privitera A., Mastandrea A., Rao A., Guido A.* & Russo F. Micropaleontological
contribution to the archaeometric study of ceramics from Caltagirone (Sicily)
(11-39) Pannello 41
Rispoli C.*, Stanislao C., Esposito R., Cappelletti P., Morra V., Fedele L. & Gialanella
C. Analysis of building stone materials used in Flavian Amphitheatre in Pozzuoli
(Italy): types and provenance
(11-40) Pannello 42
Salemi A., Sanfilippo G., Aquilia E.*, Barone G., Mazzoleni P. Strategies for the
building stone and damage mapping applied to the historical center of Catania
(11-41) Pannello 43
Scarpelli R.*, De Francesco A.M., Gaeta M. & Cottica D. LA-ICP-MS analyses on
clinopyroxenes for the provenance determination of the Pompeii cooking ware
(11-42) Pannello 44
Silvestri A.*, Nestola F. & Peruzzo L. New insights on production technologies of
Late-Antique glass mosaic tesserae with calcium phosphate as opacifier
(11-43) Pannello 45
Tempesta G.*, Porfido C. & Monno A. Characterization of pigments and
microclimate monitoring for the preservation of a rare medieval parchment
(11-44) Pannello 46
Zerboni A.*, Vignola P., Risplendente A., Ducale E., Gatto M.C. & Mori L. Looking for
the Garamantian emeralds. An archaeometric approach to reconstruct the trading
of amazonite stone beads in the ancient Sahara
the future of THE
Conveners and Chairpersons D. Belmonte (Univ. Genova), F. Nestola
(Univ. Padova), M. Prencipe (Univ. Torino)
SESSIONE ORALE (1/2)-Aula 102-(*speaker)
(12-1) 15.30-16.00
(KEYNOTE) Ottonello G.*, Attene M. & Vetuschi Zuccolini M. The Moving CMAS
Thermodynamics of Silicate Melts at High Pressure and Temperature
(12-2) 16.00-16.15
Merlini M.* New iron-carbonates and iron-oxides at core/mantle boundary
(12-3) 16.15-16.30
Parisi F., Sciascia L.*, Merli M. & Princivalle F. A Bader’s topological approach for
the investigation of the high pressure stability field of the Mg-perovskite phase
(12-4) 16.30-16.45
Lotti P.*, Gatta G.D., Merlini M., Cámara F., Rotiroti N., Comboni D. & Alvaro M.
Cancrinite-group minerals at non-ambient conditions: a model of the thermoelastic and structure behavior
(12-5) 16.45-17.00
Erba A.*, Mahmoud A. & Dovesi R. Elastic Properties of Minerals from Ab initio
Simulations: The case of Silicate Garnets
(12-6) 17.00-17.15
Bindi L.* Ultrafast growth of quasicrystals in shock-produced melts and its
implications for the early solar nebula
(12-7) 17.15-17.30
Zucchini A.*, Prencipe M., Comodi P. & Nazzareni S. Dolomite behaviour at highpressure and phase transition to Dolomite-II. A couple of theory and experiment
(12-8) 17.30-17.45
De Cristofaro S.P., Perinelli C.*, Gaeta M., Palladino D.M. & Armienti P. Water
effect on clinopyroxene compositions: insights from high pressure experiments on
hawaiitic magmas
(12-9) 17.45-18.00
Bruno M.* The energy and crystal morphology of diamond inclusions to explain
their genesis
MERCOLEDÌ 10/09/2014
S 12. Looking inside the planet Earth:
Experimental and Computational Methods in
Mineralogy and Geochemistry
(12-15) Pannello 47
Aliatis I.*, Lambruschi E., Mantovani L., Bersani D., Andò S., Gatta G.D., Gentile P.,
Salvioli-Mariani E., Prencipe M., Tribaudino M. & Lottici P.P. A comparison between
Ab Initio calculated and measured vibrational frequencies of the triclinic Albite
(12-16) Pannello 48
Cantucci B.*, Montegrossi G., Lucci F. & Quattrocchi F. Reconstruction of rocks
petrophysical properties as input data for analitical and numerical modeling
(12-17) Pannello 49
Giuli G., Paris E.* & Romano C. Modeling of Ca, Si and Al structural environments
in glasses of the CAS system
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the future of THE
(12-18) Pannello 50
Merli M., Sciascia L.*, Pavese A. & Diella V. Ab-initio investigation of the
thermodynamic stability of the magnesio-wüstite solid solution under Earth’s
lower mantle conditions
(12-19) Pannello 51
Scandolo L.*, Mazzucchelli M.L., Domeneghetti M.C., Alvaro M., Nestola F. &
Pandolfo F. Thermal expansion behavior of orthopyroxenes: the role of the Fe-Mn
(12-20) Pannello 52
Stangarone C.*, Lambruschi E., Aliatis I., Prencipe M., Bersani D., Mantovani L.,
Tribaudino M., Lottici P.P. & Redhammer G. Ab Initio calculated and experimental
Raman spectra of Ca-Mg germanate (CaMgGe2O6): studying phase transitions of
the Earth mantle
S 21. The role of metamorphic petrology in
understanding Earth evolution, mass transfer and
orogenic processes. A tribute to Bruno Lombardo
Conveners and Chairpersons M. Scambelluri (Univ. Genova), C. Groppo
(Univ. Torino), G. Ortolano (Univ. Catania)
SESSIONE ORALE (1/2)-Aula 211-(*speaker)
(21-1) 15.30-15.45
Castelli D.* Bruno Lombardo (1944 – 2014)
(21-2) 15.45-16.00
(KEYNOTE) Rolfo F.*, Groppo C., Mosca P. & Castelli D. Probing deep CO2 production
in a collisional orogen with petrology
(21-3) 16.00-16.15
Carosi R.*, Montomoli C., Iaccarino S. & Visonà D. Tectonic and metamorphic
evolution of the Greater Himalayan Sequence in Central Himalaya: the role of the
High Himalayan Discontinuity
(21-4) 16.15-16.30
Iaccarino S.*, Montomoli C., Carosi R., Massonne H.J., Langone A. & Visonà D.
Structural, metamorphic and geochronological constraints of the Himalayan
metamorphic core (HMC) in Western Nepal (Central Himalaya)
(21-5) 16.30-16.45
Mosca P.*, Groppo C. & Rolfo F. Petrological and structural studies in the eastern
Nepal Himalaya: data for a geological map and constraints for tectonic models
(21-6) 16.45-17.00
(KEYNOTE) Bartoli O.*, Cesare B., Acosta-Vigil A., Ferrero S. & Poli S. The role of
melt inclusions in understanding crustal melting
(21-7) 17.00-17.15
Ferrero S.*, O´Brien P., Hecht L., Ziemann M. & Wunder B. Carbonatites, silicate
melt and fluid produced during anatexis in the middle crust: a case study from
Oberpfalz (Bohemian Massif)
(21-8) 17.15-17.30
Cesare B.*, Schmidt M.W., Remusat L., Barich A., Bartoli O., Acosta-Vigil A., Poli
S. & Garrido C.J. Partial to complete deprotonation of staurolite during crustal
anatexis: nanoSIMS analysis and experimental constraints
the future of THE
(21-21) Pannello 53
Balestro G.*, Borghi A., Festa A., Gattiglio M. & Vaggelli G. Tectonostratigraphy and
metamorphic evolution of the northern Monviso Meta-ophiolite Complex (inner
Western Alps)
(21-22) Pannello 54
Botta S., Groppo C., Ferrando S.*, Frezzotti M.L. & Rolfo F. Petrographic study
of xenoliths from deep crustal levels of northern Karakorum (Shaksgam Valley,
Xinjiang, China)
(21-23) Pannello 55
Fornelli A.*, Langone A., Micheletti F. & Piccarreta G. REE distribution among
zircon, amphibole and garnet in Variscan granulites from southern Calabria (Italy)
(21-24) Pannello 56
Fumagalli P.*, Poli S., Fischer J., Merlini M. & Gemmi M. The stability of Cr-chlorite
and other hydrates in subduction mélanges: and experimental study in the system
(21-25) Pannello 57
Gaggero L., Gretter N.*, Lago M., Langone A. & Ronchi A. The Carboniferous Permian evolution of the Sardinia Variscan branch: tracing the geodynamic change
trough U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry
(21-26) Pannello 58
Mazzucchelli M.L.*, Angel R.J., Alvaro M., Nestola F. & Nimis P. Geobarometry for
host-inclusion systems: the role of elastic relaxation
(21-27) Pannello 59
Montomoli C.*, Carosi R., Visonà D., Iaccarino S. & Langone A. Exhumation of the
crystalline core of the Himalaya: relations between the South Tibetan Detachment
and leucogranite emplacement in Western Nepal
(21-28) Pannello 60
Ortolano G., Rizzo G.*, Sansone M.T.C. & Cirrincione R. Evidence of rodingitization
process within Ophiolite Units (Liguride Units, Southern Apennines - Italy)
(21-29) Pannello 61
Petriglieri J.R.*, Salvioli-Mariani E., Mantovani L., Tribaudino M., Bersani D., Lottici
P.P. & Laporte-Magoni C. Preliminary study on polymorphs of serpentine of the
Koniambo Massif (New Caledonia)
(21-30) Pannello 62
Rebay G.*, Riccardi M.P. & Spalla M.I. Fluid rock interactions as recorded by Cl-rich
amphiboles from continental and oceanic crust of Italian orogenic belts
(21-31) Pannello 63
Scambelluri M.*, Pettke T., Cannaò E., Agostini S., Tonarini S. & Godard M. Petrology
and geochemistry of Alpine peridotites indicate mass transfer during subduction
of serpentinized mantle (Cima di Gagnone, Switzerland)
MERCOLEDÌ 10/09/2014
(21-9) 17.30-17.45
Langone A.*, Tiepolo M., Zanetti A., Mazzucchelli M. & Bergamaschi C. Is the
Ivrea-Verbano Zone subdivided in two sectors? New insights from the Kinzigite
Formation exposed in the Val Cannobina (northern Italy)
(21-10) 17.45-18.00
Ortolano G., Visalli R.*, Cirrincione R. & Rebay G. Sequential atoll-shaped
garnets formation from the Aspromonte Peloritani unit (northeastern Sicily-Italy):
Petrogenetic and Geothermobarometric implications
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the future of THE
(21-32) Pannello 64
Zanchetta S., Tumiati S.*, Malaspina N. & Poli S. UHT metamorphism of HP rocks?
A case study from the Adula nappe complex (Central Alps, N Italy)
S 22. Volcano laboratories: where geology,
geophysics and geochemistry gather together
Conveners and Chairpersons G. De Natale (INGV-Osservatorio
Vesuviano, Napoli), M. Viccaro (Univ. Catania)
SESSIONE ORALE (1/2)-Aula 113-(*speaker)
(22-1) 17.15-17.30
Loreto M.F.*, Pepe F., De Ritis R., Collura A.M., Ferrante V., Italiano F., Sacchi M.,
Speranza F. & Tomini I. On the relationships between tectonics and volcanism in
the offshore Capo Vaticano, SE Tyrrhenian Sea, during the Plio-Pleistocene
(22-2) 17.30-17.45
Sinigoi S.*, Quick J.E. & Demarchi G. Magmatic underplating and inremental
growth of a granite pluton in the Sesia Magmatic System
(22-3) 17.45-18.00
Braschi E.*, Francalanci L., Tommasini S. & Vougioukalakis G.E. Unravelling the
hidden origin and migration of plagioclase phenocrysts by in-situ Sr isotopes: the
case of final dome activity at Nisyros volcano, Greece
(22-7) Pannello 65
Arzilli F., Piochi M.*, Mormone A., Agostini C. & Carroll M.R. Magma system
conditions and ascent time during the Monte Nuovo eruption (Campi Flegrei,
Southern Italy): an experimental and CSD study
(22-8) Pannello 66
Barbieri E.*, Brunelli D., Cipriani A. & Mazzucchelli M. Melting of Plume Residue
beneath the Afar: Implications for Axial Basalts Geochemistry
(22-9) Pannello 67
De Natale G., Troise C., Piochi M.*, Mormone A., Aiello G., Barra D., de Vita S., Di Vito
M.A., Isaia R., Mark D.F., Smith C.V., Wiersberg T., Somma R., Tramelli A., Carlino
S., Caputo T., Erzinger J., Jurado Rodriguez M.J. & Marturano A. The CFDDP 506 m
drilling mud and cores at Campi Flegrei (Italy): volcanological and environmental
clues on the eastern sector of the caldera
(22-10) Pannello 68
De Vita S.*, Sansivero F., Piochi M. & Minin G. The Punta Chiarito Tephra (Ischia,
Italy): eruption dynamics and emplacement mechanism inferred from stratigraphic,
sedimentologic and petrological data
(22-11) Pannello 69
Giuffrida M.*, Viccaro M., Calcagno R., Garozzo I. & Nicotra E. Compositional
changes of erupted lavas and styles of volcanic activity at Mt. Etna during the
2011-2013 period
(22-12) Pannello 70
Iacovino K., Giuli G.* & Carroll M.R. Sulfur in alkaline melts: An experimental study
the future of THE
S 26. Energy and Earth resources: geology
between renewable, sustainable and conventional
energy sources
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(22-13) Pannello 71
Nicotra E.*, Viccaro M. & De Rosa R. Magma storage and ascent dynamics of early
volcanic manifestations at Salina (Aeolian Islands)
(22-14) Pannello 72
Sacchi M.*, Pepe F., Corradino M., Insinga D.D. & Molisso F. Seismic expression
of the shallow structure of The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT) caldera offshore the
Campi Flegrei
(22-15) Pannello 73
Viccaro M.*, Barca D., Bohrson W.A., Giuffrida M., Nicotra E. & Pitcher B.W.
Timescales of magma storage and ascent at Mt. Etna volcano from plagioclase
trace element zoning
Conveners and Chairpersons A. Zaccone (Regione Lombardia), S. Chiesa
(CNR-IDPA, Milano), F. Quattrocchi (INGV), A. Galgaro (Univ. Padova)
SESSIONE ORALE (1/1)-Aula 104-(*speaker)
(26-1) 15.30-15.45
Moia F., Colucci F.*, Guandalini R., Agate G. & Rondena E. 3D Numerical Modeling
of a geothermal reservoir: the case of Torre Alfina in central Italy
(26-2) 15.45-16.00
La Felice S., Montanari D.*, Battaglia S., Bertini G., Gianelli G. & Principe C. Is the
Mt. Amiata aquifer made vulnerable by geothermal exploitation?
(26-3) 16.00-16.15
Funari V.*, Rovere M., Gamberi F., Marani M., Dinelli E. & Braga R. Marine
georesources of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea: critical elements potential assessed
by geochemical data
(26-4) 16.15-16.30
Garone A.*, Pizzino L., Sciarra A. & Quattrocchi F. Geochemical approach for the
assessment of Lamezia Terme (Southern Italy) geothermal system
(26-5) 16.30-16.45
Barbero D.*, De Luca D.A., Forno M.G., Lasagna M. & Magnea L. Thermal
characterization of shallow aquifer in the left sector of the Lanzo Fan (Piemonte
region) for geothermal applications
(26-6) 16.45-17.00
Procesi M., Cantucci B.*, Buttinelli M. & Quattrocchi F. Synergies among CO2-CH4
geological storage and geothermal energy: underground potential evaluation for
strategic energy mix plans
(26-7) 17.00-17.15
Kharaka Y.*, Thordsen J., Conaway C., Bullen T., Cole D. & Phelps T. Near surface and
deep subsurface geochemical monitoring for successful geologic sequestration of
carbon dioxide
(26-8) 17.15-17.30
Farina Z.* & Galgaro A. Closed-loop heat-exchanging systems in geothermal
anomaly areas: a feasibility analysis in the Euganean Thermal Basin, Italy
MERCOLEDÌ 10/09/2014
the future of THE
(26-9) 17.30-17.45
Alberti L.*, Angelotti A., Antelmi M. & La Licata I. Borehole Heat Exchanger
simulations in aquifer: the borehole grout influence in Thermal Response Test
(26-10) 17.45-18.00
Dalla Santa G.*, Galgaro A., Tateo F., Destro E., Cola S. & Bassan V. BHE geological
hazard on clayey sediments induced by thermal stress
(26-11) Pannello 74
Agostini L.*, Galgaro A., Collareda M.,Castellaccio E. & Dal Degan D. Geothermalism
in the Province of Verona
(26-12) Pannello 75
Buggiarin S., Di Sipio E.*, Galgaro A. & Sassi R. Thermo-physical properties of
Euganean Hills lithologies (Padua, North-Eastern Italy) related to underground
thermal storage feasibility
(26-13) Pannello 76
Chicco J.* & Invernizzi C. Thermo-physical properties of groundwater in sedimentary
deposits of Umbria-Marche succession and their role for low enthalpy geothermal
(26-14) Pannello 77
Cuccuru S.*, Longo V. & Testone V. Site location and planning of Borehole Heat
Exchangers using Electrical Resistivity Tomography
(26-15) Pannello 78
Di Sipio E.*, Destro E., Ruggeri M., Viesi D., Sassi R. & Galgaro A. Seasonal heat
storage systems in mountain regions: potential and feasibility of a pilot project in
the Trento municipality
S 27. Microstructures: characterization,
interpretation and modeling as a key to
deformation and reaction mechanisms, and
technological processes
Conveners and Chairpersons L. Mancini (Elettra,Trieste), R. Spiess (Univ.
Padova), C. Viti (Univ. Siena), M. Zucali (Univ. Milano)
SESSIONE ORALE (1/1)-Aula 109-(*speaker)
(27-1) 15.30-16.00
(KEYNOTE) Arzilli F.* X-ray computed microtomography in geosciences
(27-2) 16.00-16.15
Pistone M.*, Caricchi L., Fife J.L., Mader K., Rust A. & Ulmer P. Bubble coalescence
in magmas: insights from in-situ high-temperature synchrotron-based X-ray
tomographic microscopy
(27-3) 16.15-16.30
Polacci M., Arzilli F., Baker D.R., Landi P., Giordano D. & Mancini L.* Image
processing of crystallized textures using phase-contrast synchrotron X-ray
computed microtomography data
the future of THE
(27-6) Pannello 79
Arzilli F.*, Cilona A., Mancini L. & Tondi E. Natural and laboratory compaction
band in porous carbonates: a 3D characterization using synchrotron X-ray
(27-7) Pannello 80
Bernasconi A., Marinoni N.*, Lanzarotti R., Pedersini F., Mancini L. & Francescon
F. Microstructural characterization of raw and fired sanitary-ware vitreous body by
Synchrotron Computed Microtomography
(27-8) Pannello 81
Confalonieri G.*, Dapiaggi M., Sommariva M., Gateshki M., Fitch A.N. & Kimber
S.J.A : Comparison of Total Scattering data from gahnite nanocrystals
(27-9) Pannello 82
Fontana E., Marinoni N., Zucali M.*, Tartarotti P., Mancini L., Brignone V., Capelli
S. & Ouladdiaf B. Characterization, interpretation and modeling of the present day
oceanic crust microstructure by using innovative techniques based on neutron
diffraction and X-ray microtomograph
(27-10) Pannello 83
Parisatto M., Turina A., Cesare B.*, Cruciani G., Mancini L. & Peruzzo L. 3D
distribution of primary melt inclusions in garnets by X-ray microtomography
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(27-4) 16.30-16.45
Zucali M., Fontana E.*, Panseri M., Tartarotti P., Capelli S. & Ouladdiaf B.
Submarine lava flow direction revealed by neutron diffraction analysis in mineral
lattice orientation
(27-5) 16.45-17.00
Spiess R.*, Faccenda M. & Festa V. The potential information contained in CPOs:
modelling granulite facies quartz pole figures
S 28. Active tectonics and seismic potential of the
Mediterranean region
Conveners and Chairpersons C. Monaco (Univ. Catania), A.M. Michetti
(Univ. Insubria), R. Sabadini (Univ. Milano)
SESSIONE ORALE (1/3)-Aula Magna-(*speaker)
(28-1) 15.30-16.00
(KEYNOTE) Roberts G.P.*, Cowie P.A., Phillips R., Gregory L., Faure Walker J.,
McCaffrey K., Papanikoloau I., Dunai T., Binnie S., Freeman S., Scholz C., Steer P.,
Sammonds P., Michetti A., Vittori E., Wedmore L. & Watson Z. Fault slip-rates on
active faults: vital data for seismic hazard mapping
(28-2) 16.00-16.15
Doglioni C.*, Barba S., Billi A., Collettini C., Cuffaro M., Petricca P., Riguzzi F.,
Scrocca D. & Trippetta F. Seismotectonics of Italy
(28-3) 16.15-16.30
Sabadini R.*, Barzaghi R., Cambiotti G., Marotta A.M., Crippa B., Peresan A. &
Panza G. Merging Geophysics and Space Geodesy for Earthquakes
(28-4) 16.30-16.45
Cambiotti G.*, Rigamonti S., Splendore R., Marotta A.M. & Sabadini R. Power-law
MERCOLEDÌ 10/09/2014
the future of THE
Maxwell rheologies and the interaction between tectonic and seismic deformations
(28-5) 16.45-17.00
Casale R., Chiaravalli F., Lombardo M., Rosati M. & Ventura G.* A contribution
to earth sciences from localization of the National Repository of LIL Radioactive
(28-6) 17.00-17.15
Bonadeo L., Brunamonte F., Michetti A.M.*, Livio F. & Fioraso G. Seismic Landscape
of the Monferrato Arc
(28-7) 17.15-17.30
Viganò A.*, Scafidi D., Ranalli G., Martin S., Della Vedova B. & Spallarossa D.
Seismicity, active deformation and crustal rheology in the central-eastern Southern
Alps (Italy)
(28-8) 17.30-17.45
Livio F.*, Michetti A.M., Ticozzi E. & Porfido S. The ESI macroseismic field for the
1624 AD Argenta earthquake (Po Plain – N Italy): an integrated macroseismic
approach to overcome MCS misfittings
(28-9) 17.45-18.00
Caputo R.* & San Carlo trench Working Group: Palaeoseismological evidence of
the 1570 Ferrara earthquake
(28-23) Pannello 84
Barreca G.*, Scarfì L., Cannavò F. & Koulakov I. Geological and seismological clues
for a regionally-extended crustal discontinuity in central- eastern Sicily (Italy)
(28-24) Pannello 85
Brutto F.*, Muto F., Loreto M.F., Tripodi V. & Facchin L. New features about the
Catanzaro Through evolution (Calabria, South Italy) by joining onshore with
offshore data
(28-25) Pannello 86
Caputo R.*, Pavlides S. & GreDaSS Working Group: The Greek Database of
Seismogenic Sources (GreDaSS)
(28-26) Pannello 87
D’Alessandro A.*, Mangano G., D’Anna G. & Luzio D. Highly complex fracturing
pattern in Southern Tyrrhenian Sea: multiplets triggered by deep fluid circulation
(28-27) Pannello 88
De Lucia M.*, Alessio G., Gaudiosi G., Nappi R. & Porfido S. A review of the Intensity
values for the 1743 Salento earthquake
(28-28) Pannello 89
Ferranti L., Milano G., Burrato P., Cannavò F., Meccariello M.* & Palano M. The
2013-2014 Matese Massif seismic sequence (Southern Apennine, Italy): a model
for the seismogenic structure derived from multidisciplinary investigation
(28-29) Pannello 90
Meccariello M.*, Ferranti L. & Pepe F. The NW sector of the Sicily Channel: geometry
and evolution of inverted structural lineaments
(28-30) Pannello 91
Monaco C.*, Ferranti L., Mattia M., Pepe F., Scarfì L. & PRIN Research Unit : PRIN
Project 2010-11 “Active and recent geodynamics of Calabrian Arc and accretionary
complex in the Ionian Sea”: new constraints from geological, geodetic and
seismological data
(28-31) Pannello 92
Monaco C.*, Barreca G., Di Stefano A. & Ristuccia G. Quaternary marine terraces
the future of THE
MERCOLEDÌ 10/09/2014
and fault activity in the Messina Straits area (southern Italy)
(28-32) Pannello 93
Orecchio B.*, Presti D., Totaro C., D’Amico S. & Neri G. High-quality hypocenter
locations and waveform-inversion focal mechanisms in the Calabrian Arc
subduction zone
(28-33) Pannello 94
Pepe F.*, Ferranti L., Monaco C. & Meccariello M. Architecture and Pliocene to
Recent evolution of the offshore prolongation of the Granitola - Castelvetrano
Thrust System (Sicily Channel)
(28-34) Pannello 95
Pierantoni P.P.*, Centamore E. & Costa M. A new hypothesis on the seismogenic
source in the Central Apennines axial sector
(28-35) Pannello 96
Scarfì L.*, Barberi G., Musumeci C. & Patanè D. Crustal structure and fault
kinematics between the Aeolian Arc and the Ionian Sea offshore as revealed by
earthquake tomography and focal mechanisms stress inversion
(28-36) Pannello 97
Scudero S.*, De Guidi G., Caputo R. & Perdicaro V. Quaternary and active tectonics
along the Thyrrenian coast of Sicily and Calabria
(28-37) Pannello 98
Visini F., Ferranti L.*, Pace B., Palano M. & Cannavò F. Seismic, geodetic and
geologic scalar moment rates of active faults in the Southern Apennines, Italy
S 33. Planetary Geology: frontiers of geological
exploration, modeling and understanding
Conveners and Chairpersons M. Massironi (Univ. Padova), A.M. Fioretti
(IGG-CNR, Padova), M. Prondelli (Univ. Chieti), F. De Blasio (Univ.
Milano Bicocca)
SESSIONE ORALE (1/2)-Aula 111--(*speaker)
(33-1) 15.30-15.45
Carli C.*, Carrozzo F.G., Altieri F., Giacomini L. & Bellucci G. A peculiar spectral unit
in the Southern Amazonian Polar Layered Deposits
(33-2) 15.45-16.00
Tangari A.C.*, Marinangeli L., Piluso E., Pompilio L. & Scarciglia F. Pedogenetic
processes on Mars
(33-3) 16.00-16.15
De Blasio F.V.*, Crosta G.B., Valbuzzi E. & Frattini P. Landslides in Valles Marineris
and other locations of Mars: a new database and examination of morphologies in
relation to the deposition environment
(33-4) 16.15-16.30
Di Achille G.*, Longhitano S.G., Ferranti L., Hutton E.W.H., Kettner A. & Rossi A.P.
Quantitative 2D and 3D modeling of a ancient Gilbert-type fan delta in Shalbatana
Vallis, Mars: paleoclimatic and paleohydrologic implications
(33-5) 16.30-16.45
Guallini L.*, Gilmore M.S. & Marinangeli L. Ancient Martian lakestands and
fluvial processes in Iani Chaos: geology of Light-Toned Layered Deposits and their
MERCOLEDÌ 10/09/2014
the future of THE
relationship to Ares Vallis outflow channels
(33-6) 16.45-17.00
Roda M.*, Kleinhans M.G., Govers R. & Zegers T. Correlation between chaotic
terrains and impact craters on Mars
(33-7) 17.00-17.15
Pozzobon R.*, Mazzarini F., Lucchetti A., Massironi M., Rossi A.P., Marinangeli L.
& Cremonese G. Fractal clustering analysis and numerical modeling results from
Firsoff Crater (Mars)
(33-8) 17.15-17.30
Komatsu G.* Possible mud volcanism and astrobiological potential on Mars
(33-9) 17.30-17.45
Pacifici A.*, Cannarsa F., Murana A., Aboudan A., Ori G.G., Marcer A., Portigliotti
S. & Lorenzoni L. Geological-geomorphological map of ExoMars 2016 landing site
(33-10) 17.45-18.00
Mancinelli P.*, Mondini A., Pauselli C. & Federico C. Relationship between surface
geology and impact cratering: global and local studies from Mars and Mercury
(33-17) Pannello 99
Cardinale M.*, Silvestro S., Vaz D.A., Michaels T. & Marinangeli L. Aeolian activity
in Herschel Crater, Mars
(33-18) Pannello 100
Carli C.*, Serventi G., Ciarniello M., Capaccioni F. & Sgavetti M. Particle sizes
influence on the retrieving optical constant of silicates on planetary regolith in the
VNIR by Hapke model
(33-19) Pannello 101
Colantuono L., Baliva A., Guallini L.*, Marinangeli L., Mastrogiuseppe M., Cassenti
F. & Seu R. Capabilities of the SHARAD instrument to detect subsurface features
on Mars: an example of possible buried outflow morphologies in Elysium Planitia
(33-20) Pannello 102
Di Achille G.*, Salese F. & Ori G.G. Geomorphology and sedimentology of an
unnamed ancient fluvial system in the Acidalia region of Mars
(33-21) Pannello 103
Domeneghetti M.C.*, Alvaro M., Fioretti A.M., Cámara F. & Marinangeli L. New
augite geothermometer for nakhlites
(33-22) Pannello 104
Frattini P.*, Crosta G.B., De Blasio F.V., Castellanza R. & Utili S. Landslides in Valles
Marineris, Mas, and their possible triggering mechanism
(33-23) Pannello 105
Galluzzi V.*, Di Achille G., Ferranti F., Rothery D.A. & Palumbo P. Geological map of
Victoria quadrangle (H-2) of Mercury from MESSENGER images
(33-24) Pannello 106
Marinangeli L.*, Liberi F., Piluso E., Pompilio L., Cardinale M., Rosatelli G., Tranquilli
A. & Pepe M. Geological constraints for carbonate occurrence within Elorza Crater
central pit
(33-25) Pannello 107
Orlando A., Serventi G.*, Carli C., Borrini D., Pratesi G., Sgavetti M. & Capaccioni F.
Synthesis of Fe2+- bearing plagioclases: a valuable tool for interpreting reflectance
spectra from Solar System bodies
(33-26) Pannello 108
Pernechele C., Solzi M., Mantovani L. & Tribaudino M.* Magnetic behaviour of the
the future of THE
S 34. Structural geology studies in extensional and
compressional plate tectonic settings: petroleum
geology implications
Conveners and Chairpersons M.R. Barchi (Univ. Perugia), S. Corrado
(Univ. RomaTre), C. Magistroni (Eni E&P)
MERCOLEDÌ 10/09/2014
high Ni NWA6259 iron meteorite
(33-27) Pannello 109
Pondrelli M.*, Rossi A.P. & Marinangeli L. Evolution of the fluvio-lacustrine system
of the Eberswalde crater (Mars)
(33-28) Pannello 110
Vivaldi V.*, Ninfo A., Massironi M., Martellato E. & Cremonese G. Morphometric
analysis comparison of differently degraded simple craters on the Moon
SESSIONE ORALE (1/2)-Aula 109-(*speaker)
(34-1) 17.15-17.30
Panza E.*, Zambrano M., Agosta F. & Tondi E. Multi-scale fracture networks of
faulted and fractured Apulian carbonates, Italy
(34-2) 17.30-17.45
Felici F.*, Alemanni A. & de Montleau P. Continuous Fracture Modeling: from well
data to dynamic flow. Methodology and application
(34-3) 17.45-18.00
Prosser G.*, Agosta F. & Giano S.I. The Vietri di Potenza relay ramp, Southern
Apennines, Italy