(Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana e del Servizio Geologico

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The Italian Journal of Geosciences (Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana e del Servizio Geologico
d’Italia) is the official journal of the Italian Geological Society (Società Geologica Italiana) and of the
Italian Geological Survey. It is published every four months in February, June and October.
Aim and Scope
The Italian Journal of Geosciences (former Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana) is included in the
Journal of Citation Report issued by the Institute of Scientific Information (Thomson ISI database) since
2004. It is indexed by Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCIE), Web of Science, Current Contents/Physical,
Chemical & Earth Sciences (CC/PC&ES).
The Italian Journal of Geosciences (born from the mergeing of the Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana and the Bollettino del
Servizio Geologico d’Italia) provides an international outlet for the publication of high-quality original research contributions in the broad
field of the geosciences. It publishes research papers, special short papers, review papers, discussion-and-replies for their rapid distribution
to the international geosciences community.
The journal is firstly intended to call attention to the Italian territory and the adjacent areas for the exceptional role they play in the
understanding of geological processes, in the development of modern geology and the Earth sciences in general.
The main focus of the journal is on the geology of Italy and the surrounding sedimentary basins and landmasses, and on their
relationships with the Mediterranean geology and geodynamics, but also on process-oriented and regional studies concerning any other area
of the World.
Papers on structural geology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, basin analysis, paleontology, ecosystems, paleoceanography, paleoclimatology,
planetary sciences, geomorphology, volcanology, mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, geophysics, geodynamics, hydrogeology, geohazards,
marine and engineering geology, modelling of geological process, history of geology, the conservation of the geological heritage, and all related
applied sciences are welcome.
Responsible Director and Compiler: Alessandro ZUCCARI (Società Geologica Italiana, Roma).
Editorial Manager: Alessandro ZUCCARI (Società Geologica Italiana, Roma).
Editorial Manager Assistant: Fabio Massimo PETTI (Società Geologica Italiana, Roma).
Editor-in-Chief: Sandro CONTICELLI (Firenze).
Associate Editors:
Marco BALINI (Milano), Hugo BUCHER (Zürich - Switzerland), Angelo CAMERLENGHI (OGS - Trieste), José Maria
CARCIONE (OGS, Trieste), William CAVAZZA (Bologna), Raffaello CIONI (Firenze), Simonetta CIRILLI (Perugia), Laura CRISPINI
(Genova), Giovanni Battista CROSTA (Bicocca - Milano), Claudio FACCENNA (Roma TRE - Roma), Maurizio MAZZUCCHELLI
(Modena), Carmelo MONACO (Catania), Giulio OTTONELLO (Genova).
Advisory Board for the 2014-2016 period:
Fabrizio AGOSTA (Camerino), Lucia ANGIOLINI (Milano), Massimiliano BARCHI (Perugia), Giovanni BERTOTTI
(Amsterdam, NL), Anna Maria BLUMETTI (ISPRA - Roma), Paolo BONCIO (Chieti-Pescara), Domenico CALCATERRA
(Napoli), Piergiulio CAPPELLETTI (Federico II - Napoli), Michael CARROLL (Camerino), John CLAGUE (Burnaby,
Canada), Luigi CUCCI (INGV, Roma), Chiara D’AMBROGI (ISPRA - Roma), Andrea DI GIULIO (Pavia), Agata
DI STEFANO (Catania), Luca FERRARI (UNAM, Mexico), Fabio FLORINDO (INGV - Roma), Eduardo GARZANTI
(Bicocca - Milano), Francesco Maria GUADAGNO (Benevento), Pierpaolo GUARNIERI (GEUS - Copenhagen, Denmark),
Hugh JENKYNS (Oxford, UK), Alessio LANGELLA (Benevento), Domenico LIOTTA (Bari), Alberto MALINVERNO
(LDEO, USA), Massimo MATTEI (Roma TRE - Roma), Mustpha MEGHRAOUI (Strasbourg, France), Mariano
PARENTE (Federico II - Napoli), Giorgio PENNACCHIONI (Padova), Diego PERUGINI (Perugia), Chiara PETRONE
(Cambridge, UK), Fabrizio PIANA (Torino), Rita Maria PICHEZZI (ISPRA - Roma), Dejan PRELEVIC (Mainz - Germany),
Stefano POLI (Milano), Gerald ROBERTS (London, UK), François ROURE (IFP - Paris, France), Stefano SALVI
(INGV - Roma), Marco SCAMBELLURI (Genova), Mario SPROVIERI (CNR - Napoli), Roberto SULPIZIO (Bari), Luis E.
VALLEJO (Pittsburgh, USA), Helmut WEISSERT (Zurich, CH), Andrea ZANCHI (Bicocca - Milano), Massimiliano
ZATTIN (Padova).
The SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA was founded in Bologna on September 29th, 1881. It was recognized as non-profit
corporation with the Royal Decree of October 17th, 1885. The secretary office is hosted by the Dipartimento di Scienze della
Terra of the Sapienza University, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185 Roma, Italy.
Contacts: Tel. +39-06-4959-390; Fax +39-06-4991-4154; e-mail: info@socgeol.it
Society Web Site: http://www.socgeol.it
Journal Web Site: http://www.italianjournalofgeosciences.it
Income Tax Number (Codice fiscale): 80258790585; Postal giro account (CC Postale): 350009
Members of Council for 2014:
Carlo DOGLIONI - President, Alessandro ZUCCARI - General Secretary, Marco PETITTA - Treasurer, Domenico CALCATERRA,
Piero CASERO, Paolo CONTI, Domenico COSENTINO, Stefano DALLA, David GOVONI, Carmelo MONACO, Elisabetta ERBA,
Fabio Massimo PETTI, Sandro CONTICELLI (EiC of the IJG - BSGI).
Financial Auditors 2014:
Italian Geological Society Sections:
Marine Geology: Francesco CHIOCCI - Chair
Planetary Geology: Gian Gabriele ORI - Chair
Hydrogeology: Giovanni BARROCU - Chair
Carbonate Geology: Gloria CIARAPICA, Antonio PRATURLON - Chairs
Geo-informatics: Chiara D’AMBROGI - Chair
Structural Geology: Giovanni CAPPONI - Chair
Young Geologists: Ester TIGANO - Chair
Environmental Geology: Leo ADAMOLI - Chair
Himalayan Geology: Rodolfo CAROSI - Chair
GeoSed: Simonetta CIRILLI - Chair
History of Geosciences: Alessio ARGENTIERI, Marco PANTALONI - Chairs
Geoethics and Geological Culture: Silvia PEPPOLONI - Chair
The Società Geologica Italiana is affiliated to the European Geosciences Union (EGU).
Guide for Authors
Manuscripts submission is only on-line using the link to ScholarOne in the journal home page:
Original Research Papers are published free of charge up to 14 printed pages* (including tables and black and white figures; see below
for details on colour figures and extra pages). Authors are encouraged to emphasize data presentation in their manuscripts. Large data files,
tables, and plates will be stored as digital supplementary material accessible via the internet. The former Bollettino della Società Geologica
Italiana relies on a long established tradition in publishing colour geological maps. We intend to keep promoting this tradition by
encouraging authors to submit their best geological maps, and/or maps derived from interpretation of aerial photographs or satellite images,
as a complement to Original Research Papers.
Special Short Papers must be limited within four printed pages* (all included). They need to be concise and focused scientific reports on
limited data sets.
Technical Notes: the journal publishes papers relasted to technical aspect of geology and computer science related with geology for a maximum
of 10 pages free of charges.
Review Papers can be submitted spontaneously or be solicited by the journal editors. Their length will be defined case-by-case.
Discussion-and-Reply Papers must be limited within three printed pages* (all included). Discussions will be submitted following the
standard procedure. The editors will review the submission and if accepted they will forward it to the addressed authors for reply. Discussion
and replies are published jointly.
* A full-text printed page of the journal typically contains 7.000 characters including blank spaces, each exceeding page will be charged 60 (+VAT) euros.
Reproduction of colour figures in the on-line version is free of charge. A charge of 300 (+VAT) euros will be applied to the Authors for
each printed colour figure. Colour figures published in black and white in the printed version are free of charge. The costs for printing large
attachments (maps, seismic profiles) must be covered by the authors and will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Publication of large
attachments as digital supplementary material is free of charge, provided that the author submit the final digital file to the editorial manager.
Copyright: the authors will transfer copyright of their work to the Journal after final acceptance of the manuscript for publication. Any
reproduction (full or in part) of material published elsewhere must be declared in the text (for example in the figure caption of an
illustration). In addition, the authors of a submitted manuscript must obtain permission of reproduction from other publishers. Copy of such
permission must be submitted to the Editorial Manager at or before the time of copyright transfer.
Preparation of the text
The official language of the journal is British English.
The manuscript, including references and figure captions, must be double spaced. References should be inserted in parentheses in the
text in full for single and dual authored papers (e.g. LYELL & BERTRAND, 1987), but using first author and et alii for multiple authored papers
(e.g. LYELL et alii, 1988). The order in the text should be chronological, then alphabetical. List all references cited in alphabetical order at the
end of the article in the following standard form:
BAKER V.R. (2006) - Water and the evolutionary geological history of Mars. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 125, 357-369.
RAMSAY J.G. & HUBER M. (1987) - The techniques of Modern Structural Geology. Volume 2: Folds and Fractures. Academic Press, London.
WEGENER A. (1912) - Die Entstehung der Kontinente. Geol. Runds., 3, 277-292.
Association Fees 2014 to the Società Geologica Italiana: supporter fellow € 100, ordinary fellow € 93; senior fellow € 68,
junior fellow € 68; students € 36; Institutions € 300.
Submit the text in the following order: Title page (with both the English and Italian article titles, authors’ names and addresses,
telephone, fax and e-mail of the corresponding author). Starting from the second page (abstract, key words, text, acknowledgements,
references, figure captions, and tables).
Subscription at http://www.socgeol.it/284/quota_sociale.html or at
DISCLAIMER: The Società Geologica Italiana, the Editors (Chief, Associate and Advisory), and the Publisher are not
responsible for the ideas, opinions, and contents of the papers published; the authors of each paper are responsible for
the ideas opinions and contents published.
The maximum available space for an illustration is 185_244 mm (full page) or 90_244 mm (column). Figures should be prepared with
lettering and symbols of sufficient size and clarity to be reduced (Arial, 6-8 pt. minimum). After reduction the smallest lettering should be a
minimum of 2 mm high. The approximate position, the suggested size for reproduction and the corrected orientation should be indicated. All
figures should be supplied with a separate figure legend included in the text and not in the figure file. After acceptance of the paper, digital
version of the figures should be as EPS or 500dpi TIF files.
La Società Geologica Italiana, i curatori scientifici (Chief, Associate and Advisory), e la Casa Editrice non sono
responsabili delle opinioni espresse e delle affermazioni pubblicate negli articoli: l’autore/i è/sono il/i solo/i responsabile/i.
It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that permission is granted for reproduction of any copyright material (reproduced
figures, tables, text passages) and that this permission is acknowledged in their articles.
Papers, data, figures, maps and any other material published are covered by the copyright own by the Società Geologica Italiana.