Welcome Start Jeopardy (Science and Socials Parts) Background information CLICK HERE TO ANSWER (English part) Photo Gallery EXTRA CREDIT PLEASE! Huasteca info! SCIENCE 1 2 3 4 5 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 60 CLICK HERE TO ANSWER 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 SOCIALS QUESTIONS What is weathering? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU The various mechanical and chemical processes that cause exposed rock to decompose. What it a parent rock? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU The original rock from which the soil was created What is root pry? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU The breaking apart of rocks caused by the growth of plant roots. What is gravity? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU The force of attraction by which terrestrial bodies tend to fall toward the center of the earth. CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU A sedimentary rock consisting mainly of calcium carbonate, deposited as the calcareous remains of marine animals or chemically precipitated from the sea: used as a building stone and in the manufacture of cement, lime, etc What is Landslide? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU The downward falling or sliding of a mass of soil, detritus, or rock on or from a steep slope. What is Erosion? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU The process by which the surface of the earth is worn away by the action of water, glaciers, winds, waves, etc. What is Water Abrasion? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU The process of wearing down or rubbing away by means of friction. What is Topsoil? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU The fertile, upper part of the soil. What is Stratification CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU Forming or depositing in layers What is conglomerate? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU a composite rock made up of particles of varying size. What are transported rocks? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU rock that was transported to a different place. What are tectonic plates? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU the branch of geology studying the folding and faulting of the earth's crust. What is humus? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU An organic material in soil. What is a chemical change? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER a process in which reactants are changed into products by chemical means. What is a physical change? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU a process in which reactants are changed into products by physical means What is acid rain? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU Rain or precipitation that is polluted by the pollution of factories and cars. What is chemical composition? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU The specific order in which atoms are put together What is a molecule? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU Two or more atoms bounded together and is the smallest particle of a compound. What does the law of conservation of matter state? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU It states that mass is neither created nor destroyed in an ordinary chemical reaction. What are plant acids? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU Acids that are made by plants. CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU the direction of stratification and what information it gives us: stratification is the deposition of layers. the layers where once horizontal but because of the pressure of moving tectonic plates, these horizontal layers are turned over 90 degrees upward to make a vertical. Back to paragraph (Rodolfo’s Vocabulary word #4) What type of rock is Available in the Huasteca canyon? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU Limestone. Did you know? contains at least 50% calcium carbonate in the form of calcite by weight. All lime stones contain at least a few percent other materials. These can be small particles of quartz, feldspar, clay minerals, pyrite, siderite and other minerals. It can also contain large nodules of chert, pyrite or siderite. The calcium carbonate content of limestone gives it a property that is often used in rock identification - it effervesces in contact with a cold solution of 5% hydrochloric acid. What is the Soil Type in the Huasteca Canyon? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU Made up layers of decayed materials, mostly transported soil and with little or no humus. More Info Back to paragraph (Mariana’s vocabulary word #4) What city is adjacent to the canyon? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU Monterrey (Mariana’s vocabulary word #5) Back to paragraph CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU The Huicholes. What indigenous people have the custom to go to the canyon to pray and dance to their gods? SOCIALS QUESTIONS! 1 2 20 20 40 40 CLICK 60HERE TO ANSWER 60 80 80 MAIN MENU 3 4 5 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 Science questions By Rodolfo What is the main mean of transportation? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOCIALS MENU Horses, walking, 4x4 pickup trucks, bicycles. By Rodolfo (Vocabulary word #5) Back to paragraph How does tourism Distrupted the Canyon? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOCIALS MENU Many tourists affect the canyon because they pollute all over the canyon. Very few tourists are organized and enjoy the canyon and they don’t pollute. Many fires have started because some tourists throw cigarettes to the floor. By Rodolfo What is the type of vegetation in the Huasteca canyon? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOCIALS MENU There are many plants that have adapted to the dry weather and there are almost no trees and there are many bushes with thorns. By Rodolfo What type of climate is in the Huasteca canyon? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOLCIALS MENU Semi desertic climate, dry but not very dry By Rodolfo How have people changed the enviornment in the Huasteca canyon? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOCIALS MENU They made the enviornment much more dirtier and polluted because of disorganized tourism. By Rodolfo How have hurricanes affected the Husteca canyon? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOCIALS MENU Many caos. Houses get destroyed and you could only enter by helicopter in hurricane Alex. By Rodolfo How do people depend on the canyon? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOCIALS MENU The canyon provides 50% of ll the water in monterrey. By Rodolfo What traditions are in the canyon? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOCIALS MENU The Huicholes do some ceremonies in Guitarritas (part in the canyon) . By: Mariana CLICK HERE TO ANSWER Fill in the blank: Monterrey is 15 min from the canyon. MAIN MENU SOlCIALS MENU By: Mariana What are some natural places near the huasteca canyon? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOCIALS MENU San Pablo By: Mariana What are some memorable places inside the canyon? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOCIALS MENU Rompepicos dam, EL Aguila, and the La Virgen By: Mariana The canyon is in what part of Mexico? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOCIALS MENU northeastern Mexico By: Mariana What's the longitude of the canyon? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOlCIALS MENU 100 deegres 20 min 95 second By: Mariana What's the latitude of the canyon? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOCIALS MENU 25 degrees 37 min 51.8 second By: Mariana The huasteca is in the middle of a what? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOCIALS MENU Desert How do people depend on the canyon? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOCIALS MENU 25 percent of Monterrey's water comes from the canyon How do you think that people living near the canyon had to adapt to it? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOCIALS MENU People living near the canyon have made their houses a little more far away from it because of the river. How was the Huasteca canyon formed? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU Because of tectonic plate movement. SOCIALS MENU How does the Huasteca canyon affect the traditions around? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOCIALS MENU Many families have the tradition of coming here on weekends. Does the huasteca canyon affect the weather of Monterrey? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOCIALS MENU no How have humans affected this canyon? CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU SOCIALS MENU Pollution, acid rain etc… Miguel’s Paragraph Rodolfo’s Paragraph Mariana’s CLICK HERE Paragraph TO ANSWER Main Menu Mariana’s Paragraph MAIN MENU Vocabulary word #4 Vocabulary word #5 Back CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU Miguel’s Paragraph. Back CLICK HERE TO ANSWER MAIN MENU Rodolfo’s Paragraph. Back Vocabulary word #4 Vocabulary word #5 CLICK HERE TO ANSWER Signs of weathering and erosion: the Huasteca Canyon there are many signs of weathering and erosion. Many of them are caused by acid rain, rivers and hurricane Alex. Weathering is when rocks are broken down into sediments. Erosion is when those sediments are taken away to another place. Some signs of weathering are some rocks that have holes because of the acid rain which become more easy to brake and eventually brake forming sediments. Some signs of erosion are the rivers, they transport sediments to new places. The type rock found in the canyon: In the Huasteca canyon there are many types of rocks, but there is one specific rock were you can find it any were, and its limestone. It was belived that the Huasteca canyon was once under the ocean and that’s why almost all the canyon is made out of limestone. There are also conglomerate rocks which are not as easy to find. There are also some mines in which they mine marmol. The effects of acid rain on limestone: CLICK HERE TO ANSWER In the rainy seasons in the Huasteca Canyon there is a thing called acid rain. Acid rain is rain that becomes acid because of all the pollution in the air caused many reasons like cars, factories, people, trucks, constructions, tire burning, etc. When acid rain meets limestone it chemically reacts making holes in the limestone rock more softer and easier to brake. Next facts! Soil Type: The soil in the Husteca canyon is mostly made up of all the layers except the topsoil because it has been washed away by the hurricane. Also the soil doesn’t have a lot of humus because all the humus in the topsoil got washed away. Also humus takes a lot of time to form especially in a semi-arid (dry) environment the canyon has. Last the soil is transported soil because the hurricane moved all the soil from its parent rock The conditions under which the rock was formed: The Huasteca canyon was formed underwater because millions of years ago the whole Huasteca canyon was a sea. The origin of the rock: layers of decayed animals, shells, bones, sea plants, and rock sediments form the Hasteca canyon. At first the layers where horizontal but the tectonic plates underneath it pushed on the rock creating the vertical layers we see today. CLICK HERE TO ANSWER Next fact! definition of stratification, the direction of stratification and what information it gives us: stratification is the deposition of layers. the layers where once horizontal but because of the pressure of moving tectonic plates, these horizontal layers are turned over 90 degrees upward to make a vertical. It gives us information of how it formed and how it was the bottom of a sea. the chemical composition of limestone is... contains at least 50% calcium carbonate in the form of calcite by weight. All lime stones contain at least a few percent other materials. These can be small particles of quartz, feldspar, clay minerals, pyrite, siderite and other minerals. It can also contain large nodules of chert, pyrite or siderite. The calcium carbonate content of limestone gives it a property that is often used in rock identification - it effervesces in contact with a cold solution of 5% hydrochloric acid. Next ! Moutain Landslide Transported rock Conglomerate Limestone Menu Topsoil