Slide 1

Figure 19.1
Slab of fine sandstone from the Robledo Mountains Formation (Lower Permian) of New
Mexico, showing the trace fossil Tonganoxichnus, the hopping trace of a basal wingless insect
such as Dasyleptus (inset). (Courtesy of Nic Minter.)
Figure 19.2
One animal may make many different kinds of trace fossils. The modern fiddler crab Uca
makes: (a) a J-shaped living burrow (domichnion; Psilonichnus), (b) a walking trail (repichnion;
Diplichnites), (c) a radiating grazing trace with balls of processed sand (pascichnion), and (d)
fecal pellets (coprolites). (Based on Ekdale et al. 1984.)
Figure 19.3
One trace fossil may be produced by many different organisms. Here, all the traces are resting
impressions, cubichnia, of the ichnogenus Rusophycus, produced by (a) the polychaete worm
Aphrodite, (b) a nassid snail, (c) a notostracan branchiopod shrimp, and (d) a trilobite. (Based
on Ekdale et al. 1984.)
Figure 19.4
Variations in the physical nature of the sediment may create variations in the appearance of a
trace fossil. Here, a subsurface, patch-feeding burrow develops different morphologies, and
therefore has different names, when preserved: (a) in sand (Scalarituba), (b) at a sand–mud
interface in firm sediment (Nereites), (c) at a sand–mud interface in wetter sediment
(Neonereites), and (d) at a mud–sand interface, seen from below (Neonereites). (Based on
Ekdale et al. 1984.)
Figure 19.5
Terminology for trace fossil preservation, depending on the relationship of the trace to
sediment horizons. (Based on Ekdale et al. 1984.)
Figure 19.6
Typical trace fossils of the Lower Silurian sediments of the Welsh Basin (Nereites ichnofacies):
(a) Helminthopsis, (b) Paleodictyon, (c) Nereites, (d) Gordia, and (e) the pre- and post-turbidite
trace fossil assemblages. (Courtesy of T. P. Crimes.)
Figure 19.7
Experimental ichnology: (a) graduate student Jesper Milàn, trying to persuade an emu to walk
where he wants it to walk, and (b) the tracks and undertracks of the emu – results of an
experiment where an emu stepped on a package of alternating layers of concrete and sand.
After the concrete hardened, the sand was flushed out and replaced with silicone rubber. The
top print (left) made an impression on several layers below, shown as undertracks at depths of
up to 40 mm. Notice how the impressions of the digits become wider and less well-defined
along each subjacent horizon. (Courtesy of J. Milàn.)
Figure 19.8
Trace fossils of the deep ocean floor. The patch-feeding trace (pascichnia) Helminthopsis
meanders on one horizon, and the network burrow system (agrichnia) Paleodictyon is seen at
a different level, in this field photograph from the Lower Silurian Aberystwyth Grits, Wales.
(Courtesy of Peter Crimes.)
Figure 19.9
Theropod dinosaur tracks from the Late Triassic of Greenland. (a) A three-dimensional
computer reconstruction (top) shows a theropod foot at three stages in the creation of a deep
track, moving from right to left. A photograph of a deep Greenland footprint is shown below. (b)
A three-dimensional computer image reconstructing theropod foot movements through sloppy
mud. The first toe creates a rearward pointing furrow (1, 2) as it plunges down and forward.
The sole of the foot leaves an impression at the back of the track (3) because it is not lifted as
the foot sinks. All toes converge below the surface and emerge together from the front of the
track (4). (Courtesy of Stephen Gatesy.)
Figure 19.10
The behavioral classification of trace fossils, showing the major categories, and some typical
examples of each. Illustrated ichnogenera are: 1, Cruziana; 2, Anomoepus; 3, Cosmorhaphe;
4, Paleodicyton; 5, Phycosiphon; 6, Zoophycos; 7, Thalassinoides; 8, Ophiomorpha; 9,
Diplocraterion; 10, Gastrochaenolites; 11, Asteriacites; 12, Rusophycus. (Based on Ekdale et
al. 1984.)
Figure 19.11
Diagram showing how to measure stride length (SL) and foot length (FL) on a dinosaur track.
Figure 19.12
The major ichnofacies, and their typical positions in a hypothetical diagram of marine and
continental environments. Typical offshore marine soft-sediment ichnofacies, from deep
oceanic and basinal locations to the intertidal zone, include the Nereites (N), Skolithos (Sk),
Zoophycos (Z) and Cruziana (Cr) ichnofacies, which may occur in various water depths and in
different conditions of sedimentation. A storm-sand fan and a turbidite fan are indicated. The
Psilonichnus (Ps) ichnofacies occurs in supratidal marshes and the Scoyenia (Sc) ichnofacies
includes all lacustrine and related continental settings. The Glossifungites (G) ichnofacies is
typical of firmgrounds, the Trypanites (Tr) ichnofacies consists of borings in limestone, and the
Teredolites (Te) ichnofacies consists of borings in wood. (Modified from Frey et al. 1990, and
other sources.)
Figure 19.13
Block diagrams showing typical trace fossils of the major ichnofacies: (a) Nereites ichnofacies,
viewed as molds on a turbidite bed bottom; (b) Zoophycos ichnofacies;. (c) Cruziana
ichnofacies; (d) Skolithos ichnofacies; (e) Psilonichnus ichnofacies; (f) Scoyenia ichnofacies;
(g) Glossifungites ichnofacies; (h) Trypanites ichnofacies; and (i) Teredolites ichnofacies,
characterized by vertical bulbous burrows of bivalves (Teredolites) and subhorizontal burrows.
(Based on Ekdale et al. 1984; Frey et al. 1990, and other sources.)
Figure 19.13
Figure 19.14
Sediments and trace fossils in the Late Cretaceous Cardium Formation of Alberta. Normal,
fine-grained sediments (A, C) are associated with Cruziana ichnofacies trace fossils,
while intermittent, coarse, sandstone, storm beds (B) show trace fossils of the Skolithos
ichnofacies. 1, Chondrites; 2, Cochlichnus; 3, Cylindrichnus; 4, Diplocraterion; 5, Gyrochorte;
6, Paleophycus; 7, Ophiomorpha; 8, ?Phoebichnus; 9, Taenidium; 10, Planolites;
11, Rhizocorallium; 12, Rosselia; 13, Skolithos; 14, Thalassinoides; 15, Zoophycos. (Based on
Pemberton & Frey 1984.)
Figure 19.15
Examples of trace fossil tiering, in which burrowers choose specific depth horizons below the
sediment–water interface. (a) In the Middle Ordovician limestones of Öland, Sweden, there are
three tiers. (b) In the Early Jurassic Posidonienschiefer of Germany, there are also three tiers.
(c) In the Late Cretaceous Chalk of Denmark, there are at least nine tiers. (Based on Ekdale &
Bromley 1991, and other sources.)
Figure 19.16
Trace fossils may help to define the Precambrian–Cambrian boundary, and to flesh out detail
about the Cambrian explosion. Jensen (2003) identified seven trace fossil zones, each
characterized by trace fossils of increasing complexity. Evidence for trilobites, and arthropods
in general, is signaled first by trace fossils and then by body fossils. Prot, Proterozoic.
(Drawing by Simon Powell.)
Figure 19.17
Ichnofabric indices for different sedimentary/ichnofacies settings. These diagrams show the
proportions of sediment reworked by bioturbation, as seen in vertical section and numbered
from top to bottom: 1 (no bioturbation) to 5 (intensely bioturbated). (Courtesy of Mary Droser
and Duncan McIlroy.)
Figure 19.18
Interpreting trace fossils in borehole cores can be difficult. Vertical (a) and horizontal
(b) cuts across a core may show rather obscure burrow impressions, but these make sense
when interpreted in three dimensions (c). These are indications of the U-shaped burrow
Diplocraterion, typical of the Skolithos ichnofacies, and so an indicator of the intertidal zone.
(Courtesy of Duncan McIlroy.)