Geology 12 Presents Chp 4 Volcanics (& Plutonics) Intrusive igneous body = pluton = when magma intrudes into and solidifies in the crust. They are later exposed due to weathering & erosion •2 types: Concordant & Discordant •A: Concordant: boundaries of pluton parallel to layers in country rock. •sills & laccoliths A: concordant features: intrusion runs parallel to bedding • 1. sill: usually <1 m thick (but up to 300 m thick • Parallel to bedding structures • Has inclusions of country rock & contact metamorphism in top & bottom • No vessicles (bubbles) – Ex: Palisades of New York 1. Sill: • 2. Laccolith: mushroom top sill where overlying rock is pushed up “zit” – Ex: Black Hills, S.D. Laccolith : concordant Laccolith : concordant Laccolith : concordant Black Hills, SD Black Hills, SD Black Hills, SD • B: Discordant: boundaries of intrusion cut across layering of country rock. – Dikes, pipes, stocks/batholiths • 1. Dikes: 1-2 m thick (but some cm to 100s of m thick Dike: discordant Volcano Dike: discordant Dike: discordant Volcanic neck Ship Rock, AZ. • 2. Volcanic Pipe: solid lava conduit from magma chamber to surface – Mined for diamonds in northern Canada. Before Volcano After Pipe Magma Chamber Neck Volcanic Pipe: discordant Ekati Mine, NWT Volcanic neck Volcanic neck Devils Tower, WY. • 3. Batholith: largest intrusive body with >100 km2 of exposed surface area – Stock: <100 km2 of exposed surface area – Usually granite Before Xenolith After Stock Batholith Stock Batholith: discordant Batholith: discordant Batholith: discordant Batholith: discordant Chief Stock: discordant Extrusive igneous body: structures created by magma -> lava solidifing (Volcanics) on the Earth’s surface. 550 active volcanoes (60% on Ring of Fire, 20% in Mediterrean, rest mainly on divergent boundaries) Emit many gasses: H2O (50-80%), CO2, N2, SO2, H2S (+ some CO, H2,Cl2). • Types of Lava: Felsic/silisic & intermediate Mafic Volcano Type Location Viscosity Colour composite convergent thick/hi dome ocean\cont cinder cone ocean\ocean light Explosive Type of Lava shield basalt flood cinder cones divergent hot spots thin/lo dark Subduction: Oceanic\Cont’l Subduction: oceanic\oceanic Divergent Hot Spots • Lava Flows & Pyroclastic Material fire + pieces blown out of volcano A: Lava Flows: 1. Pahoehoe: ropey, cow pie lava From thin mafic Play pahoehoe movie Lava Flows: Pahoehoe Lava Flows: Pahoehoe Ford Tough • 2. Aa: rough, jagged, angular blocks of lava – As lava freezes, it is being moved and breaks into pieces like glass. Lava Flows: Aa Lava Flows: Aa 3. Columnar Jointing: lava cools, contracts and splits at 60’ angles into hexagonal columns Mainly mafic lava Lava Flows:Columnar Jointing • 4. Pillow lava: blobs of lava quickly freeze underwater into “pillows” Lava Flows: Pillow Lava B: Pyroclastic Material = Tephra = lava ejected into air • 1. Ash: < 2mm – Most common pyroclastic – Welds to form tuff – Can be ejected 2 ways: • A) Ash Fall: blown high into atmosphere & may travel 1000s of km before settling –Can cool climate for years (ice age?) • B) Ash Flow= Nuee Ardente = Pyroclastic Flow: horizontal blast of ash and gasses –+500C at 800 km/h –Mt St Helens, Martinique Pyroclastics: Ash Pyroclastics: Ash Pyroclastics: Ash Fall Pyroclastics: Ash Flow Animation • 2. Lapilla: 2-64mm = pebble size Pyroclastics: Lapilla • 3. Blocks: solid chunk of igneous rock >64mm blown out of volcano Pyroclastics: Blocks • 4. Bombs: blob of hot molten lava >64mm that is ejected, and partially freezes in flight. solid molten Pyroclastics: Bombs • Volcano: conical mountain formed around a vent • Crater: depression near summit of volcano • Caldera: huge depression when most of volcano falls back into magma chamber CO2 being emitted with a pipe from a lake in a dormant volcano in Africa • Types of Volcanoes • 1. Composite/Strato: composed of layers of pyroclastics and lava flows – Andesitic rock usually (intermediate lava) – Ex. Mt. Baker, Mt. Vesuvius, Mt Fuji Lava Ash 30’ Volcano: Composite/Strato Mt. Rainier Mt. St. Helens Fuego, Mexico Mt. Jefferson Mt. Washinton Mt. Shasta Three Sisters & Black Butte • Lahar: mudflow of ash & water – Kill 1000s – Tacoma is built on old lahars! – *Lahars and Pyroclastic flows pose the greatest human danger from volcanoes Volcano: lahar mud flow • 2. Lava Dome: very, thick felsic/silisic lava moves up slowly under immense pressure – Ex: Lassen Peak, CA, inside of Mt. St. Helens Dome Old volcano Lassen Dome, CA Volcano: Lava Dome • 3. Cinder Cones: short-lived “baby volcanoes consisting of just pyroclastics – Form from initial eruption – Up to 400 m high 33’ Volcano: Cinder Cone • 4. Shield: shallow sloped consisting of many low-viscosity mafic lava flows – Largest volcanoes on Earth – Ex: Hawaii (10 km high = BIG) 10’ Volcano: Shield • 5. Basalt Flood/Basalt Plateau: large flows of low-viscosity mafic lava that flow from long fissures (crack), rather than a single vent. – Result of divergent boundaries Volcano: Basalt Flood One flow One flow •Cumulative flows in Washington are over 1 mile thick Melting Rock Mantle rock is solid, magma is only present under certain conditions Factors that affect melting include Temperature Pressure Volatiles (water, gas) Temperature Geothermal gradient, temperature increases 25 celsius every km depth Melting temperature of rocks at the surface is between 750-1000celsius Different minerals melt at lower temperatures, this produces a partial melt of mantle and crust rocks Pressure Pressure increases with depth, causes a higher melting temperature • Why Magma Rises • 1. Forceful Ejection: magma moves from high pressure at depth to low pressure at the surface • 2. Stoping: displacement of magma by country rock (i.e. xenoliths) pushes magma up (like placing ice cubes in a glass of water) Stoping • Explosiveness of a volcano is dependent on: 1. viscosity of magma: high viscosity slows the escape of gases which expand greatly near the surface 2. “stickiness” of magma = “corking effect”. The stickier, the more pressure it requires to erupt so when it does erupt… • Higher silica increases both viscosity & stickiness Do Lab 4-1 Igneous Rock ID Do WS 4.1 Do Chps 3-4 Review WS