Awards Day - Baylor University

Baylor University Geology
April 26, 2013
Disclaimer: my apologies for any
omissions or errors in the
 *Ahr, S.W., Nordt, L.C., and Driese, S.G., 2012, Assessing lithologic discontinuities and parent
material uniformity within the Texas sandy mantle: Implications for archeological burial and
preservation potential in upland settings: Quaternary Research. v. 78, p. 60-71.
*Ahr, S.W., Nordt, L.C., and Forman, S.L., 2012, Soil genesis, optical dating, and
geoarchaeological evaluation of two upland Alfisol pedons within the Tertiary Gulf Coastal
Plain: Geoderma v. 192, p. 211-226.
*Meighan, H.E., and Pulliam, J., 2013, Seismic anisotropy beneath the northeastern
Caribbean: implications for the subducting North American lithosphere: Bulletin Societie
Géologique France, v. 184, p. 67-76.
*Michel, L.A., Driese, S.G., Nordt, L.C., Breecker, D.O., Labotka, D.M., and Dworkin, S.I., 2013,
Stable carbon isotope geochemistry of Vertisols formed on marine carbonates and implications
for deep-time paleoenvironmental reconstructions: Journal of Sedimentary Research v. 83, p.
*Stinchcomb, G.E., Driese, S.G., Nordt, L.C., and Allen, P.A., 2012, A mid to late Holocene
history of floodplain and terrace reworking along the middle Delaware River valley, USA:
Geomorphology: v. 169-170, p. 123-141.
*Stinchcomb, G.E., Messner, T.C., Williamson, F.C., Driese, S.G., and Nordt, L.C., 2013,
Climatic and human controls on Holocene floodplain vegetation changes in eastern
Pennsylvania based on the isotopic composition of soil organic matter: Quaternary Research:
doi: 10.1016/j.yqres.2013.02.004.
 *Trendell, A.M., Atchley, S.C., and Nordt, L.C., 2012, Depositional and diagenetic controls on
reservoir attributes within a fluvial outcrop analog: Upper Triassic Sonsela Member of the
Chinle Formation, Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona: American Association of Petroleum
Geologists Bulletin, v. 96, p. 679-707.
*Trendell, A.M., Atchley, S.C., and Nordt, L.C., in press, Facies analysis of a probably large
fluvial fan depositional system: the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation at Petrified Forest National
Park, Arizona: Journal of Sedimentary Research.
*Trendell, A.M., Nordt, L.C., and Atchley, S.C., in press, Determining floodplain plant
distributions and populations using paleopedology and fossil root traces – Upper Triassic
Sonsela Member of the Chinle Formation at Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona: Palaios.
 *Wong, S.S., Yelderman, J.C., Jr., and Byars, B., 2012, Developing a geospatial model for
analysis of a dynamic, heterogeneous aquifer: The Brazos River alluvium aquifer, Central Texas:
Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies and the Gulf Coast
Section of the SEPM, 62nd Annual convention, Austin, Texas, p. 653-660.
 Surpless, K.D., and *Beverly, E.J., 2013, Understanding a critical basinal link in Cretaceous
Cordilleran paleogeography: Detailed provenance of the Hornbrook Formation, Oregon and
California: Geological Society of America Bulletin, , no. X, p. 1–19, doi: 10.1130/B30690.1.
10 First-authored papers published in peer-reviewed journals
GSA National in Charlotte, NC: Emily Beverly, Amos
Culbertson, Lyndsay DiPietro, Will Horner, Mark McCollum,
Holly Meier, Lauren Michel, Ryan Morgan, Gary Stinchcomb
ACS: Alex Huang
AAPG: Curtis Barclay, Kelly Jones
AGU: Dominic Evanzia, Hallie Meighan, Lauren Michel
SSSA: Zach Valdez
Texas SSLRW: Lyndsay DiPietro, Kim Kuijper, Lauren Michel,
Gary Stinchcomb
20 presentations
Texas SSLRW: Nick Cestari, Todd Longbottom, Greg Rouze, Zack
Valdez, Justin Von Bargen,
ACS: Justin Von Bargen
AAPG: Nick Cestari
South-central GSA, Austin: Ryan Ainsworth, Cody Comiskey,
Dominic Evanzia, David Ju, Justin Von Bargen
Southeastern GSA, Puerto Rico: Hallie Meighan
URSA (Baylor) posters: Alex Boggess, Solon Burleson, Nick Cestari,
Dillon DeGarmo, Matthew McCarter, Mark McCollum, Creighton
Meyers, Clinton Ramey, Greg Rouze, Blake Taylor
23 presentations
 Ph.D.
Geology (3 students):
Ahr, Stephen W., 2012, Age, genesis, and archaeological
geology of the sandy mantle on the Gulf Coastal plain of
Texas: (Ph.D. Dissertation, supervisor: Nordt).
Stinchcomb, Gary E., 2012, Climatic and human influences
on the Holocene alluvial history and paleoenvironment of
the Middle Delaware River Valley, USA: (Ph.D. dissertation,
co-supervisors: Driese, Nordt).
Trendell, Aislyn M., 2012, Lithofacies heterogeneity, fluvial
style variations, and floodplain vegetation distributions:
Deposition and diagenesis of the Lower Chinle Formation at
Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona: (Ph.D. Dissertation,
co-supervisors Atchley, Nordt).
M.S. Geology (11 students):
Barclay, Curtis J., 2012, Regional reservoir characterization and sequence
stratigraphy of the Jean Marie Member of the Redknife Formation, Northern
British Columbia: (M.S. Thesis: supervisor: Atchley)
Comiskey, Cody, 2013, Origins of seismic anisotropy beneath Texas and
Oklahoma: (M.S. Thesis, supervisor: Pulliam)
Culbertson, Amos V., 2013, Detailed paleoclimate records from Late
Pennsylvanian polygenetic paleosols: North-central Texas, USA: (M.S. Thesis,
supervisor: Driese)
Diehl, Michelle, 2012, Intra-aquifer characterization and potential management
impacts: Trinity Aquifer, Central Texas: (M.S. Thesis, supervisor: Yelderman)
Foss, Laura, 2012, Interaction between floodplain groundwater and a
constructed wetland, north- central Texas: (M.S. Thesis, supervisor:
M.S. Geology (11 students):
Jones, Kelly, 2012, Reservoir assessment of the Late Devonian Kakisa
Formation, northeastern British Columbia: (M.S. Thesis, supervisor: Atchley)
Lemons, Casee, 2012, Leaf economics and biomechanics: (M.S. Thesis,
supervisor: Peppe)
Lindsay, Ryan, 2012, Seismogenic faulting, Tahoe Basin CA: (M.S. Thesis,
supervisor: Cronin)
Speckien, Mark, 2012, Analysis of magnetic anomalies at the oceaniccontinent crust boundary, northern Gulf of Mexico: (M.S. Thesis, supervisor:
Von Bargen, Justin, 2013, Charcoal chemistry: Developing a proxy for
paleofire regimes: (M.S. Thesis, supervisor: Hockaday)
Wong, Stephanie, 2012, Developing a geospatial model for analysis of a
dynamic, heterogeneous aquifer: the Brazos River Alluvium aquifer, Central
Texas: (M.S. Thesis, supervisor: Yelderman)
B.S. Geology (8 students):
Cestari, Nick, 2013, Developing a paleovegetation proxy along a forest to grassland transition
in Central Texas: (B.S. Thesis, supervisor: Hockaday)
DeGarmo, Dillon, 2013, Magnetostratigraphy of the Paleocene Tongue River Member of the
Fort Union Formation (Williston Basin, North Dakota): (B.S. Thesis, supervisor: Peppe)
Kuijper, Kimberly E., 2012, Analysis of the CIA-K geochemical proxy for Alfisols using the
Baylor soil geochemical database: (B.S. Thesis, co-supervisors: Driese and Stinchcomb).
Horner, William H., 2012, Determining depositional heterogeneity through clay mineralogy
and particle size analysis of an early Miocene paleo-forest paleosol, Hiwegi Formation, Rusinga
Island, Kenya: (B.S. Thesis, co-supervisors: Peppe and Michel)
McCollum, Mark, 2013, Magnetostratigraphy of the Early Miocene Hiwegi Formation
(Rusinga Island, Lake Victoria, Kenya): (B.S. Thesis, supervisor: Peppe ).
Mehta, Christopher, 2012, Geodynamics of coronae formation on Venus: (B.S. Thesis,
supervisor: Dunbar)
Rouze, Gregory S., 2013, The dynamics of soil organic matter in Central Texas soil profiles:
Implications for climate reconstructions inferred from paleosol organic matter: (B.S. Thesis,
supervisor: Dworkin).
Taylor, Blake, 2013, Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of Late Pleistocene deposits in the
Lake Victoria region using clay mineralogy and geochemistry: (B.S. Thesis, co-supervisors:
Peppe and Beverly)
McCarter, B.S.
Karim, B.A. Geography
McCollum, B.S. Geology
Field Assistantships
to work with Graduate Students
(currently still available)
Basic appreciation/understanding
of field safety (currently still
 Outstanding TA
for Fall 2012 Semester:
David Ju
 Outstanding TA
Awards for Spring 2013
Semester: Emily Beverly, Cody Comiskey,
and Lyndsay DiPietro
 Honorable
Mentions: Amos Culbertson
and Ryan Morgan
 Justin Von
Bargen, outgoing President of
 Kim
Kuijper – Vice-President
 Creighton
 Mark
Meyers – Treasurer
McCollum - Secretary
 PhD
Joshua Brownlow – Yelderman – West Texas A & M University
Hunter Harlow – Atchley/Peppe – University of Kansas
Cong Jin – Dworkin – University of Tulsa
Caitlin Leslie - Atchley – Grand Valley State University, MI
Bill Lukens – Driese – Temple University, PA
Don Esker – Nordt – University of Cincinnati
Yohan Letourmy – Driese – Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse,
M.S. students:
Brian Crass – Atchley – Texas Tech University
Collard, Adam – Dunbar – University of Dallas
Andrew Flynn – Peppe – Miami University, Oxford, OH
Erin Idleman – Atchley – Boston College
Jeffrey Jex – Dunbar – Brigham Young University, Idaho
Josh Kirby – Yelderman – Oklahoma State University
Tanner Mills – Dworkin - Brigham Young University, Utah
Kieron Prince – Atchley – Loma Linda University, CA
 Dr. Pier
Paolo Bruno – Assistant Professor
of Applied Geophysics – High-resolution,
active- source seismic reflection data
acquisition and interpretation
 Dr. Steven
L. Forman – Professor of
Paleoclimatology – Quaternary geology
and optically-stimulated luminescence
(OSL) geochronology