MSc EEM118 Research Dissertation CITE, UEL

EEM118 Research Dissertation
Cryptography and Network Security
Dr David Xiao
General idea of symmetric-key cipher
Public-Key Cryptography
Locking and unlocking in asymmetric-key cryptosystem
Possible project areas:
1. Symmetric-key cryptography, DES, AES…
2. Asymmetric-key cryptography, RSA,
3. Reed-Solomon codes in error detection and
correction of network communication.
4. Evaluation of network simulation software
Network II and OPNET, and integration with
5. Wireless network security:
5. Wireless network security:
5.1 To assess the security posture of an organization's Ipsec
based VPN architecture using IKEProbe.
5.2 To assess the security posture of an organization's
network using IKE/IPSec authentication crack tool.
5.3 To assess the security posture of an organization's
network using Ettercap, a Unix and Windows tool for
computer network protocol analysis and security auditing.
5.4 To assess the wireless 802.11b network security using
AirSnort for decrypting WEP encryption of Linux and
Microsoft Windows utility.
5.5 To assess Weaknesses in the Key Scheduling Algorithm
of RC4 (RSA).
5.6 To assess 802.11 wireless LANs using Aircrack-ng
detector, packet sniffer, WEP and WPA/WPA2-PSK
analysis tool for raw monitoring mode and sniff 802.11a,
802.11b and 802.11g traffic.
Some references for “Cryptography” from the UEL library:
Applied cryptography : protocols, algorithms and source code in C / Bruce Sc.-2nd ed.
Basic methods of cryptography / Jan C.A. van der Lubbe
Computer security and cryptography [electronic resource] / Alan G. Konheim
Cryptography : proceedings of the Workshop on Cryptography, Burg Feuerstein,
Cryptography : an introduction to computer security / Jennifer Seberry, Jose
Cryptography and network security / Behrouz A. Forouzan. - International ed.
Cryptography and network security : principles and practices / William Stall. - 4th ed.
Introduction to cryptography : principles and applications / Hans Delfs, Hel
Introduction to cryptology and PC security / Brian Beckett
Java cryptography
If you are interested and have knowledge of C++, C#, or Java…,
please send me your “proposal form” by Email:
Some of previous MSc dissertations:
1. “Development of secured cryptosystem”
Software developed using UML and ASP.Net to calculate
cryptographic DES, 3DES, AES and RSA
2. “Application licensing with XML digital signature”
Software developed in XML language using for
generating digital signatures including MAC addresses and/or
system names.
3. “Security analysis of WLANs”
Wireless LAN performance assessment using “Iperf” software,
keys generations of WEP, WPA and WPA2,
Cracking WEP and WPA passwords using “aircrack-ng”,
Cracking WPA2 password using “backtrack”.
Some of previous MSc dissertations (continued)
4. “A measurement based admission control scheme to
enhance QoS of VoIP networks”
5. “Modelling and designing of peer-to-peer network using
OPNET package”
6. “Development of software scheme for RSA algorithm in C”