
Book 4: Investigating

Network Intrusions and


Chapter 3: Investigating

Web Attacks


Recognize the indications of a Web attack

 Understand the different types of Web attacks

Understand and use Web logs

Investigate Web attacks

Investigate FTP servers

Investigate IIS logs

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Objectives (continued)

Investigate Web attacks in Windows-based servers

 Recognize Web page defacement

Investigate DNS poisoning

Investigate static and dynamic IP addresses

Protect against Web attacks

Use tools for Web attack investigations

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Introduction to Investigating Web


This chapter:

 Discusses the various types of attacks on Web servers and applications

 Covers how to recognize and investigate attacks, what tools attackers use, and how to proactively defend against attacks

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Indications of a Web Attack

Indications include:

 Customers being unable to access any online services

(possibly due to a denial-of-service attack)

 Correct URLs redirecting to incorrect sites

 Unusually slow network performance

 Frequent rebooting of the server

Anomalies in log files

 Error messages such as 500 errors, “internal server error,” and “problem processing your request”

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Types of Web Attacks

Attacks include:

 Cross-site scripting (XSS) attack

 Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)

 SQL injection

 Code injection

 Command injection

Parameter tampering

 Cookie poisoning

 Buffer overflow

 Cookie snooping

 DMZ protocol attack

 Zero-day attack

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Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Cross-site scripting (XSS)

 Application-layer hacking method used for hacking

Web applications

 Occurs when a dynamic Web page gets malicious data from the attacker and executes it on the user’s system

XSS attacks can be either stored or reflected

Investigating cross-site scripting (XSS)

 There is a chance that an XSS attacker may use HTML formatting tags

 Rather than using text for those tags, the attacker may use the hex equivalent to hide the code

Regular expressions can be used to detect attacks

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Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) (continued)

Table 3-1 These parts of the expression check for various characters and their hex equivalents

Table 3-2 This regular expression is helpful in catching “<img src” attacks

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Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Attacker forces the victim to submit the attacker’s form data to the victim’s Web server

 Attacker creates the host form, containing malicious information, and sends it to the authenticated user

 User fills in the form and sends it to the server

 Because the data is coming from a trusted user, the

Web server accepts the data

Pen-testing CSRF validation fields

 Before filing the form, it is necessary to confirm that the form is validated before reaching the server

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SQL Injection Attacks

Occurs when an attacker passes malicious SQL code to a Web application

 Data is placed into an SQL query without being validated for correct formatting or embedded escape strings


 Set myRecordset = myConnection.execute(“SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE someText ‘” & blah or 11 -

- & “‘”)

 Statement always evaluates as true and returns the record set

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SQL Injection Attacks (continued)

Investigating SQL injection attacks

 Locations to look for evidence of SQL injection attacks:

 IDS log files

 Database server log files

Web server log files

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Code Injection Attack

Similar to an SQL injection attack

 When a user sends any application to the server, an attacker hacks the application and adds malicious code, such as shell commands or PHP scripts

Investigating code injection attacks

Intrusion detection systems (IDS) and a series of sandbox execution environments provided by the OS detect code injection attacks

 IDS transfers the suspicious packets’ payload to the execution environment matching the packets’ destination

 Packet payload is then executed in the corresponding monitored environment

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Parameter Tampering

Figure 3-1 An attacker can change the parameters in a URL to gain unauthorized access.

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Cookie Poisoning

Attacker modifies the contents of a cookie to steal personal information about a user or defraud Web sites

 Investigating cookie poisoning attacks

 Intrusion prevention products must be used

Trace the cookie’s set command given by the Web server

Catch every HTTP request sent to the Web server and compares any cookie information sent with all stored cookies

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Buffer Overflow

If a program stores more data in a buffer than it can handle

 Buffer will overflow and spill data into a completely different buffer, overwriting or corrupting the data currently in that buffer

Detecting buffer overflows

 Nebula (NEtwork-based BUffer overfLow Attack detection) detects buffer overflow attacks by monitoring the traffic of the packets into the buffer without making any changes to the end hosts

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Types of Web Attacks (continued)

Cookie Snooping

 Attacker steals a victim’s cookies, possibly using a local proxy, and uses them to log on as the victim

DMZ Protocol Attack

 DMZ (demilitarized zone)

Semitrusted network zone that separates the untrusted

Internet from the company’s trusted internal network

 To enhance the security of the DMZ and reduce risk, most companies limit the protocols allowed to flow through their DMZ

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Types of Web Attacks (continued)

Zero-Day Attack

 Exploit previously unknown vulnerabilities

 They are especially dangerous because preventative measures cannot be taken in advance

Log Tampering

 Web applications maintain logs to track the usage patterns of an application

 In order to cover their tracks, attackers will often delete logs, modify logs, change user information, and otherwise destroy evidence of the attack

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Authentication Hijacking

To identify users, personalize content, and set access levels, many Web applications require users to authenticate

Authentication hijacking can lead to theft of services, session hijacking, user impersonation, disclosure of sensitive information, and privilege escalation

Investigating authentication hijacking

 Check if the Web browser remembers the password

 See if the user forgot to log off after using the application

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Authentication Hijacking (continued)

Figure 3-2 Authentication tells the Web application the user’s identity.

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Authentication Hijacking (continued)

Figure 3-3 Having applications remember passwords can lead to authentication hijacking.

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Types of Web Attacks (continued)

Directory Traversal

 Also known as a forceful browsing attack

 Occurs when an attacker is able to browse for directories and files outside normal application access

Cryptographic Interception

 Disclosure of private keys and certificates gives an attacker the ability to read, and modify, a hitherto private communication

 Attacker able to intercept cryptographically secured messages can read and modify sensitive, encrypted data

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Types of Web Attacks (continued)

URL Interpretation Attack

 Attacker takes advantage of different methods of text encoding, abusing the interpretation of a URL

 URLs used for this type of attack typically contain special characters that require special syntax handling for interpretation

Impersonation Attack

 Attacker spoofs Web applications by pretending to be a legitimate user

 Attacker enters the session through a common port as a normal user, so the firewall does not detect it

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Overview of Web Logs

Source, nature, and time of attack can be determined by analyzing the log files of the compromised system

Log files have HTTP status codes that are specific to the types of incidents

Log security

 Web servers that run on IIS or Apache run the risk of log file deletion by any attacker who has access to the

Web server because the log files are stored on the Web server itself

 Network logging is the preferred method for maintaining the logs securely

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Overview of Web Logs (continued)

Table 3-3 Status codes are three digit numbers divided into five categories

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Overview of Web Logs (continued)

Log file information

 When investigating log files, the information is stored in a simple format with the following fields:

 Time/date

 Source IP address

HTTP source code

 Requested resource

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Investigating a Web Attack


 Analyze the Web server, FTP server, and local system logs to confirm a Web attack

 Check log file information

 Identify the nature of the attack

 Check if someone is trying to shut down the network

Localize the source

 Use the firewall and IDS logs to identify the source of attack

 Block the attack

 Disconnect compromised systems from the network

 Initiate an investigation from the IP address

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Investigating a Web Attack (continued)

Example of FTP compromise

 Before making an attempt to compromise FTP, an intruder performs port scanning

 After doing port scanning, the attacker connects to


Investigating FTP logs

 IIS keeps track of hosts that access the FTP site

 In Windows, the rule is to ensure continuity in the logs

 Another rule is to ensure that logs are not modified in any way after they have been originally recorded

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Investigating FTP Servers

FTP servers providing service to an internal network are not immune to attack

 Administrators should consider establishing access controls including usernames, passwords, and SSL for authentication

Defensive measures include the following:

 Protection of the server file system

 Isolation of the FTP directories

 Creation of authorization and access control rules

 Regular review of logs

Regular review of directory content to detect unauthorized files and usage

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Investigating IIS Logs

IIS logs all visits in log files, located in


If proxies are not used, then the IP can be logged

 The following URL lists the log files:

 c0%af../..%c0%af../..%c0%af../..%c0%af../..%c0%af..

/..%c0%af../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir+C:\Wi nnt\system32\Logfiles\W3SVC1

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Investigating Apache Logs

Apache server has two logs: the error log and the access log

Apache server saves diagnostic information and error messages that it encounters while processing requests in the error logs

Format of the error log is descriptive

Requests processed by the Apache server are contained in the access log

 By default, access logs are stored in the common .log format

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Investigating Web Attacks in Windows-

Based Servers


 Run Event Viewer

 Check for suspicious events

 Look for a large number of failed logon attempts or locked-out accounts

 Look at file shares

Look at which users have open sessions

 Look at which sessions the machine has opened with other systems

 Look at NetBIOS over TCP/IP activity

 Look for unusual listening TCP and UDP ports

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Investigating Web Attacks in Windows-

Based Servers (continued)

Steps: (continued)

 Look for unusual tasks on the local host

 Look for new accounts in the administrator group

 Look for unexpected processes by running the Task


 Look for unusual network services

Check file space usage to look for a sudden decrease in free space

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Web Page Defacement

Unauthorized modification to a Web page leads to

Web page defacement

 Requires write-access privileges in the Web server root directory

Web page defacements are the result of the following:

 Weak administrator password

Application misconfiguration

 Server misconfiguration

 Accidental permission assignment

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Web Page Defacement (continued)

Figure 3-4 An unsecure Web page can be defaced by hackers.

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Defacement Using DNS Compromise

Attacker can compromise the authoritative domain name server for a Web server

 By redirecting DNS requests for a Web site to the attacker’s defaced Web site

Investigating DNS poisoning (steps)

 Start a packet sniffer, such as Wireshark

 Capture DNS packets

Identify the IP being used to resolve the domain name

Start investigating the IP. Try to determine who owns it and where it is located

Do a WHOIS lookup of the IP

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Intrusion Detection

Figure 3-5 HIDS analyze individual systems’ behavior.

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Intrusion Detection (continued)

Figure 3-6 A NIDS thoroughly analyzes all network traffic.

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Security Strategies for Web


Strategies include:

 Respond quickly to vulnerabilities

 Earlier detected vulnerabilities should be solved and fixed

 Pen-test the applications

 Check for flaws in security through IDS and IPS tools

Improve awareness of good security

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Investigating Static and Dynamic IP


DHCP log file stores information regarding the IP address allocated to a particular host at a particular time

 Static IP address of a particular host can be found with the help of tools such as Nslookup, WHOIS,

Traceroute, ARIN, and NeoTrace

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Checklist for Web Security

Checklist items include:

 Make sure user accounts do not have weak or missing passwords

 Block unused open ports

 Check for various Web attacks

 Check whether IDS or IPS is deployed

Use a vulnerability scanner to look for possible intrusion areas

Test the Web site to check whether it can handle large loads and SSL (if it is an e-commerce Web site)

 Document the list of techniques, devices, policies, and necessary steps for security

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Figure 3-7 This table shows the reported instances of various types of Web attacks.

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Statistics (continued)

Figure 3-8 This table shows the number of reported defacements of several types of Web servers.

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Statistics (continued)

Figure 3-9 This table shows the total number of Web site defacements every year on both Linux and Windows.

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Tools for Web Attack Investigations

Server Log Analysis

 Analyzes server logs by changing IP addresses into domain names with the help of httpdanalyse.c


 Helps to map the files, file parameters, and values of any site

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Figure 3-10 Analog analyzes log files.

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Deep Log Analyzer

Figure 3-11 Deep Log Analyzer is designed specifically for small and medium-sized sites.

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Figure 3-12 AWStats creates reports in HTML format.

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WebLog Expert

Figure 3-13 WebLog Expert also generates HTML reports.

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AlterWind Log Analyzer

Figure 3-14 AlterWind Log Analyzer comes in three different versions.

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Figure 3-15 Webalyzer is a fast and free Web log analyzer.

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eWebLog Analyzer

Figure 3-16 eWebLog Analyzer reads many common Web log file formats.

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Figure 3-17 N-Stealth scans Web servers for known vulnerabilities.

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Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner

Figure 3-18 Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner determines if a site is vulnerable to several types of attacks.

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Figure 3-19 dotDefender is a Web application firewall.

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Figure 3-20 AppScan simulates many different attacks.

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Figure 3-21 AccessDiver has multiple tools to detect

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Falcove Web Vulnerability Scanner

Figure 3-22 Falcove lets users perform SQL server penetration on their own servers.

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Emsa Web Monitor

Figure 3-23 Emsa Web Monitor monitors the uptime of Web sites.

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Figure 3-24 WebWatchBot monitors various IP devices.

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Figure 3-25 Paros intercepts all data between client and server to check the site’s security.

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HP WebInspect

Figure 3-26 HP WebInspect performs Web application security testing and assessment.

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Figure 3-27 keepNI checks many services of a Web site.

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Figure 3-28 Wikto checks Web servers for flaws.

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N-Stalker Web Application Security


Figure 3-29 N-Stalker offers a suite of Web security checks.

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Figure 3-30 Scrawlr crawls Web sites, looking for SQL injection vulnerabilities.

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Figure 3-31 XSS-Me checks for XSS vulnerabilities.

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Exploit-Me (continued)

Figure 3-32 SQL Inject-Me tests for

SQL injection vulnerabilities.

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Tools for Locating IP Addresses

Tools include:

 Nslookup

 Traceroute

 McAfee Visual Trace


 Hide Real IP


 IP Detective Suite

 Enterprise IP-Address Manager

 Whois Lookup


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Figure 3-33 Nslookup is included with all Windows and UNIX systems.

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Figure 3-34 Traceroute is the best way to find out where a packet goes to reach its destination.

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McAfee Visual Trace

Figure 3-35 McAfee Visual Trace shows Traceroute output visually.

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Figure 3-36 WHOIS can provide a wealth of information about a domain.

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Hide Real IP

Figure 3-37 Hide Real IP hides the user’s IP address.

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Figure 3-38 shows a computer’s external

IP address.

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IP Detective Suite

Figure 3-39 IP Detective reports any changes in IP addresses.

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Enterprise IP-Address Manager

Figure 3-40 Enterprise IP - Address Manager assigns IP addresses.

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Whois Lookup

Figure 3-41 Whois Lookup is an online WHOIS tool.

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Figure 3-42 SmartWhois integrates with programs like

Internet Explorer and Outlook.

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Figure 3-43 ActiveWhois has a Web-like interface for viewing results.

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Figure 3-44 LanWhoIs saves its results in HTML files.

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Figure 3-45 CountryWhois is focused on determining the locations of IP addresses.

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Figure 3-46 IP2country gives the physical location of an IP address.

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Figure 3-47 CallerIP identifies the IP addresses connected to the user’s system.

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Figure 3-48 Whois.Net is another online WHOIS tool.

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Other Tools

UV Uptime Website Defacement Detector

 Checks Web sites periodically and reports to the user immediately if there are unauthorized changes

 Available to enterprise URLs


 Suite of network security appliances automatically detects and stops attacks within seconds

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Figure 3-49 WebAgain monitors Web sites for unauthorized changes and restores the sites to their original forms.

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Pandora FMS

Figure 3-50 Pandora FMS monitors any kind of TCP/IP service.

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Cross-site scripting (XSS or CSS) is an applicationlayer hacking technique

SQL injection involves passing SQL code not created by the developer into an application

Cookie poisoning is the process of tampering with the values stored in cookies

The source, nature, and time of an attack can be determined by analyzing the log files of the compromised system

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Summary (continued)

FTP server vulnerabilities allow an attacker to directly compromise the system hosting the FTP server

Web page defacement requires write access privileges in the Web server root directory

Intrusion detection is the art of detecting inappropriate, incorrect, or anomalous activity

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