S age I n s t r u m e n t s Sage 960B General Purpose IP Telephony Test Set December 2010 SageInst .com Sage Instruments Established in 1984 Headquarters, Engineering and Manufacturing Facilities Freedom, CA R&D Facility Newberg, OR Primary Focus: Testing Voice Centric Networks (with fax, video and in-band data) SageInst .com Product Overview 960B IP Telephony Test Set E1/T1, Analog and GigE interfaces Packet Voice, Next Generation Test Set Hybrid Network End-to-end testing, turn-up and troubleshooting SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Portable Instrument Test Interfaces Configurable Multi-Interface Test Instrument Up to four T1/E1 (CAS & PRI-ISDN) [Term, Dual Mon, and Drop&Insert] Two Ethernet 10/100 BaseT (SIP) [Half, Full, and Full Duplex Monitor] Up to four 2-wire Analog ports (FXO) Provides Physical Layers Metrics Two 4-wire Analog ports (Dry) Interface and Channel Selectable Audio Monitor and Talk (Mic & Spkr) SageInst .com What Degrades Voice Services? Excessive compression by low-bit vocoders Voice level too low/High Excessive packet/cell/frame loss/slip Excessive voice jitter (Jitter buffer resizing) Excessive voice clippings (VADs) Excessive noise (CNG) or not enough Excessive delay Echo SageInst .com IP Voice Processing Impairments Quantization Noise Audio Signal Clarity Degradation and Delay Voice Clipping Tone Detection Voice Compression Compressed Voice Frame 10110010…….101 PCM byte Line card: A/D, G.711 Logarithmic encoding Distortion Noise Forward Path Delay IP Layer Packetization IP Header VAD 10110010 Silence Suppression IAD/IP Phone CPE Noise Fidelity IP Data/payload Network Routers, Switches IP Header Lost/Errored Frame concealment Voice Decoder Delay IP Packet Fragmentation Noise Level Reverse Path Packet Jitter Buffer De-packetization, reassemble voice frames, Lost/delayed packet handling Long Delay Voice jitter Discarded Pkt Output Audio Signal PCM stream 10110010 Comfort Noise Generator IP Data/payload Echo Canceller PCM Line Driver Audio Playout Unit Gateway/ PBX On-Net 2-4 Wire Hybrid Off-Net Echo Source P O T S SageInst .com Next Generation Voice Processing Echo Canceller Tone Detection CODEC CNG Voice Processing DSP Dynamic Jitter Buffer Packet Substitution VAD T.38 Fax The Voice Processing DSP core Embedded in Gateways IADs and IP Phones Supports a variety of real-time processing tasks for multiple channels SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Applications: Enterprise GW Turn-up Multiple SIP Call(s) E1/T1 10/100 Analog Multiple Calls VoIP EC IP PBX/TGW/IAD/IP Phone Gateway Pass Thru Transparency Testing • Test Cancellers • Verify In-band Data or T.38 Fax Relay • Voice Quality • DTMF Encoding/Decoding (E911 Testing) SageInst .com 960B Technology Application: Lab Certification Enterprise Turn-up Troubleshooting 2/4-Wire Analog 10/100/1000 Optional SAGE 925 Handheld Device Supports E-model E1/T1 TGW VoIP Network IP PBX IP Phone/ATA Access Gateway Test Configuration Turn-up, and Cert Testing (SIP, RTP MON, TDM Call) Test Call Generation Voice Quality, Echo, Fax …… SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Applications: Passive Monitoring & Troubleshooting Half/Full Duplex Monitor 10/100 Rx1 E1/T1 IP PBX/TGW TDM Talker VoIP Network Rx2 Hybrid Echo Echo Troubleshooting Echo CO/Tandem Passively Monitor Echo, Audio Level, and RTP (G.711/G.729) INMD ITU P.561 (Level & Delay) Monitor 100’s channels simultaneously PRI-ISDN, SIP, RTP, T.38, V.9x, T.30 SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Technology Two-way SMOS & PESQ Provides End-to-End Voice Quality Characterization Test the networks ability to transmit voice distortion free in “both directions” through gateways, IADs and IP Phones. [Includes P.862 Psychoacoustic Core] Artificial Voice Test Signal (All Accents!) ITU P.50 STD Metrics Voice Clarity (MOS,PESQ) Voice Packet/Frame Slips Rnd Trp Delay Audio Level Comfort Noise Effective Bandwidth Codec Type Detection Listener Impact Distortion, Packet Loss Voice Gapping, Jerking Talk-over Too Loud or Quiet Too High or Too low In-band data qualification Provisioned incorrectly SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Technology PESQ File Director & Responder Provides End-to-End Voice Quality Characterization Allows operators to send generic audio file in both directions over analog interfaces SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Technology Continuous SMOS & PESQ Provides End-to-End Voice Quality Characterization Test the networks ability to transmit voice distortion free in through gateways, IADs and IP Phones. [P.862 Psychoacoustic Core] in a continuous mode Artificial Voice Test Signal (All Accents!) ITU P.50 STD or send and receive waves files and perform post-test analysis. One-Way Metrics Listener Impact Voice Clarity (MOS,PESQ) Voice Packet/Frame Slips Audio Level Comfort Noise Distortion, Packet Loss Voice Gapping, Jerking Too Loud or Quiet Too High or Too low SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Technology PVIT Comprehensive Voice Quality Performance test. Enables field personnel to zero in on causes of poor voice quality. Considered the DS0 BERT test for VoIP! Metrics Listener Impact Voice Frame Loss Event Count +/- Frame Slip Event Count Voice Clipping Event Count Noise Hit Event Count Distortion from Packet Loss Voice Gapping and Jerking Choppy Voice Impulse Noise During silence period Statistics provided for each event type Avr Burst Length (msec) Min/Max Burst length (msec) Percent of impairment over test duration (i.e. % packet loss) SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Technology Fax Tx, Rx & mon Emulate Up to 120 Facsimile Transmitters and Receivers (T.30) Certify and Stress Gateway/ATA for In-band Data Transparency Terminate Fax on TDM, Packet, and Analog Decodes V.21 (FSK) Two-way Fax Transmission Support All Data Rates for V.17 V.29, V.27, V.22 BIS & V.34 (Mon Only) SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Technology T.38 Fax Relay Monitor and Emulator Certify & Troubleshoot Fax over IP problems Full Monitor and decode of T.38 Protocol Emulate both near and Far T.38 servers (CPE or Gateway) Orig/Terminate T.30 fax from the TDM or analog side(s) and Orig/Terminate with T.38 on Ethernet (SIP ) for wrap around testing. SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Technology MoIP Objectively Measures a Packet Network’s Ability to Carry Telephony Traffic including Voice, Data, and Fax. Emulates Three Modes of Operation: Voice, Data, & Fax MoIP sends Appropriate Priming Tones (i.e. CNG) to Provoke Tone Detection for Call Type ( Data Mode) Send Pseudo Random Test Signal to Verify Data Mode Transparency (Essentially 64 KB/s) Fax & Data modems use vulnerable FSK signaling (V.21) Voice Data Fax Audio Level Frame Loss Frame Jitter (+/-) Codec Type Round Trip Delay Frame Loss Frame Jitter (+/-) Codec Type Round Trip Delay Frame Loss Frame Jitter (+/-) Codec Type Round Trip Delay SageInst .com 960B Technology E-MODEL ITU G.107 Conversational Quality Test Computational model for use in transmission planning Packet Loss, Jitter Induced PL, Echo, Delay, Noise plus Service Type Degradation Factor Provides R-Factor 1-100 and E-MOS of 1-5 Sage’s E-Model is calculated with real measurements whenever possible The internal DSP algorithm will use as many parameters as are available from the RTP handler and the VF test being selected. The immeasurable parameters will assume their ITU default values Supported over all Physical interfaces [Analog, TDM, and Ethernet] both passive & active E-Model & RTP Monitor When INMD is selected both Echo & delay along with lost and discarded packets E-Model & SIP Call Setup Uses metrics from selected VF tests (i.e. Echo Sounder) E-Model & MoIP Test (Voice Mode) MoIP provides E-model with measured values for frame loss, jitter, delay , echo and codec type. SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Technology Digit Analyzer, Sender & RFC-2833 DTMF/MF Digit Verification Next Gen Nets Encode & Decode Digits On/Off Times, Frequency & Level Detects ANSI Standards and RFC-2833 Digits Digit Sender Envelope Testing Settable Frequency and Level and On/Off times Send RFC-2833 Digits and in-band DTMF over SIP call Support Both call termination and passive monitoring modes SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Technology Advanced IEEE-743 TIMS Provides Send & Measure Tone Audio Spectrum Analyzer Captures analog audio (PCM) Sends Audio files Measures C-Message, C-Notch and Sophometric Noise, S/N Ratio, Loss, and Return Loss 23 Tones [IMD, EDD, SINAD, STD] Transient Tests [Impulse Noise, Phase & Gain Hits, Amp & Phase Jitter SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Technology Data Modem Emulation & Monitoring Certify & Troubleshoot Peer to Peer Data Services (Point of Sale devices) Emulate V.22Bis Monitor and Decode V.9x Sessions SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Technology Echo Sounder Provides Echo Detection and Echo Canceller Verification Enables field personnel to detect and isolates echo problems from a TDM, 10/100, or Analog interface Metrics Listener Impact Echo Level(s) Echo Loudness Echo Delay(s) As delay gets longer echo becomes more noticeable Requirements Specified in ITU G.131 Echo Generator – Advanced Echo Emulation – multi-channel to stress embedded echo cancellers SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Technology INMD Passive Echo Monitor ITU P.561 Non-Intrusive VQ Characterization Passively Detects Echo in both directions via Dual Monitor E1/T1 or RTP Monitor Monitor up to 60 TDM Channels Simultaneously and/or Up to 128 RTP Streams Measures and Captures both Echo Level and Delay with Option to Record Audio 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument SageInst .com ITU G.168 Conformance Testing USB TCP/IP Echo Canceller Control RS-232 TCP/IP Ri Talker E1/T1 Ro Network Echo Canceller So Si ITU G.168 Conformance Testing Test 2A Test 2B Test 2C Test 3A Test 3B Test 3C Test 4 Test 5 Echo (Hybrid Emulation) Convergence with NLP Enabled Convergence with NLP Disabled Convergence w/wo NLP Disabled Low Level Double Talk High Level Double Talk Double Talk w/ Conversation Leak Rate Test Infinite Return Loss Convergence Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Test 9 Test 10A Test 10B Test 13AB Test 15AB Non-divergence on Narrow Band Signals Stability Test Non-Divergence w/Misc Comfort Noise Test FAX Test at Calling Side w/wo NLP FAX Test at Called Side w/wo NLP GSMFR Echo w/wo NLP PCM Offset: S(in): R(in) Run Tests Manually or Automate in Sequence with Serial or TCP/IP Echo Control Supports all ITU Standard Hybrid Dispersion Models Conduct Tests while Stressing Canceller over Multiple Channels SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Technology One-Way Delay Test Measure One-way Delay between Disparate Telephony Interfaces in the Lab TDM to Analog IP to Analog IP Phone t PST N VoI P IP to TDM t t TDM to TDM POTS Gateway Pinpoint delay issues to segments of the network Test works with multiple 960’s as long as the realtime audio ports (mic & spk) are connected. SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Technology PRI-ISDN Protocol Monitor Easy to read layer 2 and Layer 3 decode and filter Manual call setup to facilitate call setup troubleshooting Supports Termination, Single and Dual Monitor modes SageInst .com CAS Signaling Monitor & Control Bit Emulation Monitor CAS Control Bit (ABCD) states and timing Troubleshoot wink start circuits Log signaling events for analysis Define Offhook/Onhook states Coming settable ABCD bits SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument SIP Call Setup RFC Standard 3261, 2617 Supports VF Test Setup (Clarity, Echo, etc…) VoIP Pre-Qualification & LAN Assessment Testing Simultaneous EP’s per Ethernet Port Port Configuration 24 10Mb/s, Half Duplex 48 10Mb/s, Full Duplex 100 100Mb/s, Half Duplex 200 100Mb/s,Full Duplex 200 1000Mb/s, Full / Half Duplex Metrics Lost, Discarded, & Out of Sequence Packets Packet Arrival Delay Inter-Arrival Jitter Transient Packet Loss (Lost + Discarded) Lost & Dropped Packet Loss Distribution Description Impaired Packet Counter Tracks One-Way Delay Variation Inter Packet Arrival Time Variation Tracks Bursty Packet Loss Quantifies Contiguous Packet Loss SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Technology SIP Monitor Easy to read decode with time stamping Troubleshoot Call setup issues SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Technology RTP Monitor Passively Monitor & Troubleshoot SIP, H.323, NCS, or MGCP VoIP calls from the 10/100 interface Qualify Voice Quality on Turn-up Select Auto Discovery or Specify up to 128 addresses to Monitor (256 Simultaneous RTP streams) Analyze RTP for Echo and Audio Levels (G.711 & G.729) Emulates Jitter Buffer filters to assess delays impacts on Audio Quality Assess Two-way RTP Packet Impairments Half Duplex (Hub/Switch) or Full Duplex (Tap) Monitor points Metrics Description Lost, Discarded, & Out of Sequence Packets Impaired Packet Counter Packet Arrival Delay Tracks One-Way Delay Variation Inter-Arrival Jitter Inter Packet Arrival Time Variation Transient Packet Loss (Lost + Discarded) Tracks Bursty Packet Loss Lost & Dropped Packet Loss Distribution Quantifies Contiguous Packet Loss SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Technology RTCP Monitor Isolate Poor Performance - Passivley Monitor RTCP Decode RTCP-XR Extending Reporting to Passively Assess User Experience on a Segment SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Set IP Impairment Generator Insert static and variable delay (jitter) Insert packet loss Impair target packet types (i.e RTP, SIP, etc…) Impair target IP addresses for compare and contract testing SageInst .com 960B NGN Telephony Portable Instrument Interfaces Analog Physical Parameters Line Voltage (On/Off Hook) Loop Current Ringing Voltage, Duration, Freq Call Progress Parameters Dial Tone Delay Post Dial Delay Caller ID Decode SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Instrument Test Throughput Orig/Term/Mon Up to 124 Simultaneous Test Calls Over TDM Interfaces Orig/Term/Mon Up to 200 Simultaneous Test Calls Over Ethernet Interfaces Orig/Term Up to 4 Simultaneous Test Calls Over Analog Interfaces All Interfaces can be operated Simultaneous SageInst .com 960B User Interfaces PC Client GUI HTML Interface Command Line Interface PC GUI Client Application with direct USB or Remote Connection via TCP/IP (Single-User) Stores & Loads User-Defined Test Configurations Interoperates with Script Control and Test Config Files Provides test scheduling and dial plan integration SageInst .com 960B IP Telephony Test Instrument Applications: VoIP Pre-Qualification Enterprise WAN 966R Router VoIP 10/100 Switch 960B Hub Work Station LAN VoIP Pre-qualification Testing Place Multiple SIP Calls to Assess Readiness (Up to 200 ) Test through Segments, Backplanes and Routers Generates Real RTP and Emulates IP Phones with Jitter Buffers, and TOS Test through router to 966 with TDM of IP Termination to Trunking Gateway SageInst .com 960B Technology Video Quality Monitor Monitors IP Video Teleconferencing Streams(H.264, MPEG4) Decodes and Discriminates between Frame types (I, B and P) Provides Damaged Video Sequence Counters Provides Effective Frame Loss (takes into account I, B and P frames) Supports RFC 4445 MDI Ratio Frame Loss and total Frame Count Ratio is mapped to a 1-5 MOS score SageInst .com 960B Technology ITU-T G.1070 Provide both Monitoring and VTC Emulation SIP and PRI-ISDN (H.321) Sq Avr, and Min/Max Vq Avr, and Min/Max MMq, MMsv, and MMT Adjustable Meas Window, Jitter Buffer & Codec Selection Provides Video Capture & Replay Late '09 SageInst .com 960B Roadmap Video Teleconference Terminal (VTC) Emulation GigE Interface SIP Video Capture and Display Early ‘10 Available now Post-Test Analysis Server Software (PASS) Complete ◆ 16 KHz Broadband Analog - Complete ◆ ITU-T G.1070 Early ’10