Lexical typology and the lexical profile of Swedish

Åke Viberg
February 2011
Lexical typology and the lexical profile of Swedish. A topically organized publication list. Publications are listed in descending chronological order under each topic. (In a few cases the chronological order has been broken in order to show a more important publication at the top.)
General survey of basic verbs. The nuclear verbs
Viberg, Å. Ms. 2010. Basic verbs in typological and contrastive perspective. (submitted)
­­­ 2006. Towards a lexical profile of the Swedish verb lexicon. In: Viberg, Å. Guest editor. The Typological Profile of Swedish. Thematic issue of Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung. Vol. 59:1, 103­129.
­­­ 2006. Verbs. In: Brown, Keith (ed.) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Ed. Vol. 13, 408­411. Oxford: Elsevier.
­­­ 1993. Crosslinguistic perspectives on lexical organization and lexical progression. In Kenneth Hyltenstam & Åke Viberg (eds.), Progression and regression in language, 340­385. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
­­­ 2007. Wordnets, Framenets and Corpus­based Contrastive Lexicology. In: Nugues, P. & Johansson, R. (eds.), FRAME 2007: Building frame semantics resources for Scandinavian and Baltic languages. NODALIDA 2007, 1­10.
­­­1994: Vocabularies, in: AHLGREN, I & HYLTENSTAM, K (eds.), Bilingualism in deaf education. Hamburg: Signum­Verlag, 169­199.
­­­ 2008. Svenskans lexikala profil ­ en uppdatering. (In Swedish. The lexical profile of Swedish­ an update.) In: Marianne Nordman et al. Svenskans beskrivning 29, 301­308. [Skrifter utgivna av Svensk­Österbottniska samfundet nr 70]. Vasa/Finland.
­­­ 1994. Polysemi hos svenska verb. Nordiske studier i leksikografi. (= Skrifter udgivet af Nordisk Forening for Leksikografi. Skrift nr. 2.) ed. by A. Garde & P. Jaravad, 279­290. (Available from: Nordisk Språksekretariat/Postboks 8107 Dep/N­0032 Oslo.)
­­­(1992): Universellt och språkspecifikt i det svenska ordförrådets organisation, in: Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek 13:2, 17­58.
­­­ 1992. Tvärspråklig lexikologi med svenskan i centrum. Nordiske studier i lexikografi ed. by R. Fjeld. Oslo.
­­­1990. Svenskans lexikala profil. (In Swedish: ’The lexical profile of Swedish’.), in ANDERSSON, E. & SUNDMAN, M. (eds.), Svenskans beskrivning 17. Turku: Åbo Academy Press.
­­­ 1981. Studier i kontrastiv lexikologi. (In Swedish: Studies in contrastive lexicology.) SSM­report 7­8. Ph. D. dissertation. Dept. of Linguistics, Stockholm University.
Verbs of perception
Viberg, Å. 2008. Swedish verbs of perception from a typological and contrastive perspective. In: María de los Ángeles Gómez González, J. Lachlan Mackenzie and Elsa M. González­ Álvarez (Editors) Languages and Cultures in Contrast and Comparison. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [Pragmatics and Beyond New Series 175], 123­172.
­­­ 2001. The verbs of perception. In: Haspelmath, M., König, E., Oesterreicher, W. & Raible, W. (eds.), Language Typology and Language Universals. An International Handbook. Berlin: De Gruyter.
­­­ 1984. The verbs of perception: a typological study. Linguistics 21­1. 1984. pp. 123­162.
­­­ 1983. A universal lexicalization hierarchy for the verbs of perception. I: Karlsson, F (ed.), Papers from the Seventh Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics. Helsinki 1983
Mental verbs/ Verbs of emotion
Viberg, Å. 2005. The lexical typological profile of Swedish mental verbs. Languages in Contrast 5:1, 121­157.
Viberg, Å. 2008. Emotion and emotionality as a hidden dimension of lexicon and discourse. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 11 (2), 2008, 189­191
­­­ 1986. The study of crosslinguistic lexicology. In: Dahl, Ö (ed.), Papers from the Ninth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, pp. 313­327. Dept. of Linguistics, Stockholm University. [Uses the typology of emotional predicates as an example]
­­­ 1981: Emotiva predikat i svenskan och några andra språk, in: Studier i kontrastiv lexikologi, 61­99. (In Swedish. ‘Studies in contrastive lexicology’.) Ph. D. diss. Dept. of Linguistics, Stockholm University.
Verbs of possession
Viberg, Å. 2010. Basic verbs of possession. A typological and contrastive study. In: Maarten Lemmens (ed.) Unison in multiplicity: Cognitive and typological perspectives on grammar and lexis.
CogniTextes 4. http://cognitextes.revues.org/308
­­­(forthc.)Cognitive linguistics and corpus­based contrastive analysis: The case of the Swedish verb ta ‘take’(15 pages). To appear in the proceedings from: New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics, 2nd Conference of the UK­Cognitive Linguistics Assoc. Cardiff University August 27­30, 2007
­­­ 2002a. Polysemy and disambiguation cues across languages. The case of Swedish få and English get. In: Altenberg, B. & Granger, S. (eds.), Lexis in contrast. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 119­150.
­­­ 2002b. The polysemy of Swedish ge ‘give’ from a crosslinguistic perspective. In: Proceedings of Euralex 2002, Copenhagen University, 669­682.
Verbs of motion
­­­ 2006. Crosslinguistic lexicology and the lexical profile of Swedish. In Camilla Bardel & Jane Nystedt (eds), Progetto Dizionario Italiano Svedese. Atti del Primo colloquio (Acta Universitatis Stocholmiensis. Romanica Stockholmiensia 22), 79­
118. [Contains a survey of the field of motion verbs in Swedish]
­­­ 2008. RIDING, DRIVING and TRAVELING. Swedish verbs describing motion in a vehicle in crossslinguistic perspective. In: Joakim Nivre, Mats Dahllöf and Beáta Megyesi (eds.), Resourceful Language Technology. Festschrift in Honor of Anna Sågvall Hein [Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Linguistica Upsaliensia 7], pp. 173­201.
­­­ 2003. The polysemy of the Swedish verb komma ‘come’: A view from translation corpora. Jaszczolt, K. M. & Turner, K. (eds.) Meaning through language contrast. Vol. 2. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 75­105. ­­­ 1999. The polysemous cognates Swedish gå and English go. Universal and language­specific characteristics. Languages in Contrast 2, 89–115.
­­­ 1998. Contrasts in polysemy and differentiation: Running and putting in English and Swedish. Johansson, S. & Oksefjell, S. (eds.), Corpora and cross­linguistic research. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 343­376.
­­­ 1996. The meanings of Swedish dra 'pull': a case study of lexical polysemy. EURALEX'96. Proceedings. Part I. Göteborg University, Department of Swedish, 293­308.
Postural verbs (verbs of sitting, standing, and lying)
Viberg, Åke. 2010. Using multilingual parallel corpora for contrastive studies and translation studies: A case study of the verbs of sitting, standing, and lying. In: Isabel Moskowich­Spiegel Fandiño, Begoña Crespo García, Inés Lareo Martín & Paula Lojo Sandino, eds. Language Windowing through Corpora. / Visualización del lenguaje a través de corpus. Universidade da Coruña, A Coruña 2010. (ISBN: 978­84­9749­401­4) pp. 961­978. II International conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC­10) 13­15 May, 2010, Universidade da Coruña Verbs of physical contact (Verbs of hitting)
Viberg, Å. 2004. Physical contact verbs in English and Swedish from the perspective of crosslinguistic lexicology. Aijmer, K. & Altenberg, B. (eds.) Advances in corpus linguistics. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 327­352. ­­­ 1999. Polysemy and differentiation in the lexicon. Verbs of physical contact in Swedish. In: J. Allwood & P. Gärdenfors (eds.), Cognitive semantics. Meaning and cognition pp. 87­129. Benjamins, Amsterdam.
1994. Differentiation and Polysemy in the Swedish Verbal Lexicon. In: Euralex 1994. Proceedings. Amsterdam. 1994. pp. 204­215.
­­­ 1984. “Fysiska kontaktverb i svenskan. En skiss”. Svenskans beskrivning 14. Lund. Disconnection (Breaking and cutting)
­­­ 2007. Whole and broken. Breaking and cutting in Swedish from a crosslinguistic perspective. In: Elisabeth Ahlsén et al. (eds.). Communication­ Action – Meaning. A Festschrift to Jens Allwood, 17­42. Department of Linguistics, Göteborg University.
­­­ 1985. Hel och trasig. En skiss av några verbala semantiska fält i svenskan. Svenskans beskrivning 15. Gothenburg.
The verb do/make. Periphrastic causatives
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle & Åke Viberg 2009. How to make do with one verb: a corpus­
based contrastive study of DO and MAKE. Revue française de linguistique appliquée. XIV :1, 67­82. [I.S.S.N. : papier 1386­1204]
Viberg, Å. 2009. The meaning patterns of Swedish låta "sound"; "let". A corpus­
based contrastive study. In: Petra Bernardini, Verner Egerland & Jonas Granfeldt (éds.) Mélanges plurilingues offerts à Suzanne Schlyter à l'occasion de son 65ème anniversaire. [Études romanes de Lund 85], pp. 455­480
­­­ 2006b. What one verb can do: The Swedish verb göra in a crosslinguistic perspective. In Mickael Suominen et al. (eds.), A Man of Measure: Festschrift in Honour of Fred Karlsson on his 60th Birthday. Special Supplement to SKY Journal of Linguistics 19, 243­257. Lexical acquisition in a second language
Viberg, Å. 2004. Lexikal utveckling i ett andraspråk. I: Hyltenstam, K. & Lindberg I. (red.) Svenska som andraspråk i forskning, undervisning och samhälle. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (sid. 197­220) ­­­2002a. Basic verbs in lexical progression and regression, in: Petra Burmeister, T. Piske & Andreas Rohde (eds.), An Integrated view of language development. Papers in honor of Henning Wode , 109­134. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag.
­­­ 2002b. Basic verbs in second language acquisition. Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée VII:2, 51­69.
­­­ 1999. Lexical development in a second language. In: Extra, G. & Verhoeven, L. (eds.), Bilingualism and migration. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 165­185. ­­­ 1998a. Crosslinguistic perspectives on lexical acquisition: the case of language­
specific semantic differentiation. In: Haastrup, K. & Viberg, Å. Eds. Perspectives on lexical acquisition in a second language. [Travux de l’institut de linguistique de Lund 38.] Lund: Lund University Press. 1998. pp. 175­208.
1998b. Lexical development and the lexical profile of the target language. In: Dorte Albrechtsen, Birgit Henriksen, Inger Mees & Erik Poulsen. Eds. Perspectives on foreign and second language pedagogy. Odense: Odense University Press. 1998. pp. 119­134.
­­­ 1996. The study of lexical patterns in L2 oral production. In: Sajavaara, K. & Fairweather, C. Eds. Approaches to second language acquisition. (The proceedings from EUROSLA 2 in Jyväskylä in June 1992.) Jyväskylä Cross­Language Studies 17. Jyväskylä University, Finland. 1996. pp. 87­107.
­­­ 1985. Lexikal andraspråksinlärning. I: SUM­rapport 2. Centrum för tvåspråkighetsforskning, Stockholms universitet. 1985.
­­­ 2006a. The typological profile of Swedish – an introduction. In: Viberg (guest ed.) The Typological Profile of Swedish. Thematic issue of Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung.(STUF) Vol. 59:1