
Chapter 8
Section 2
Distributions of the
Sample Proportion
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Chapter 8 – Section 2
● Learning objectives
Describe the sampling distribution of a sample
2 Calculate probabilities of a sample proportion
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Chapter 8 – Section 2
● Learning objectives
Describe the sampling distribution of a sample
2 Calculate probabilities of a sample proportion
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Chapter 8 – Section 2
● In an election, polling companies wish to
estimate the percent of people who will vote for
each candidate
● This clearly is a situation for sampling as it is
impractical to contact every single voter
● The desired results are proportions, for example
that 59% of the voters (a proportion of 0.59) said
that they will vote for candidate A
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Chapter 8 – Section 2
● We have the same questions for the sample
proportion as we had for the sample mean
 What is the mean of the sample proportion?
 What is the standard deviation of the sample
 What is the distribution of the sample proportion?
 Can we apply the Central Limit Theorem to
approximate these with normal distributions?
● The answer is yes …
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Chapter 8 – Section 2
● Sample proportions
● A random sample is take
 Of size n
 Each individual either has or does not have a certain
 In total, there are x individuals that have this
● Then the sample proportion pˆ (p hat) is given by
pˆ 
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Chapter 8 – Section 2
● If a polling company polled 800 people to see if
they supported a certain issue and 475 did, then
we have a sample proportion problem with
 n = 800
 x = 475
 and a sample proportion of
pˆ 
 0.59
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Chapter 8 – Section 2
● If the population proportion is p, then the
distribution of the sample proportion for a
sample of size n
 Is approximately normal if np(1-p) ≥ 10
 Has a mean of
 pˆ  p
 Has a standard deviation of
 pˆ 
p( 1  p )
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Chapter 8 – Section 2
● Learning objectives
Describe the sampling distribution of a sample
2 Calculate probabilities of a sample proportion
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Chapter 8 – Section 2
● Example
● Assume that 80% of the people taking aerobics
classes are female and a simple random sample
of n = 100 students is taken
 What is the probability that at most 75% of the sample
students are female?
 If the sample had exactly 90 female students, would
that be unusual?
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Chapter 8 – Section 2
● The sample proportion pˆ of aerobics students
who are female
 Has an approximately normal distribution
 Has a mean of 0.80 and a standard deviation of 0.04
● What is the probability that pˆ is 0.75 or less?
 0.75 is 0.05 less than the mean of 0.80
 0.05 is 1.25 standard deviations less than the mean
(i.e. the z-score is –1.25)
 The normal probability P(z ≤ –1.25) = .1056
 Thus P( pˆ ≤ 0.75) = .1056
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Chapter 8 – Section 2
● The sample proportion pˆ of aerobics students
who are female
 Has an approximately normal distribution
 Has a mean of 0.80 and a standard deviation of 0.04
● What is the probability that pˆ is 0.90 or more?
 0.90 is 0.10 more than the mean of 0.80
 0.10 is 2.5 standard deviations more than the mean
(i.e. the z-score is 2.5)
 The normal probability P(z ≥ 2.5) = .0062
 Thus P( pˆ ≥ 2.5) = .0062 … pretty unlikely
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Summary: Chapter 8
● The sample proportion, like the sample mean, is
a random variable
 If the sample size n is sufficiently large and the
population proportion p isn’t close to either 0 or 1,
then this distribution is approximately normal
 The mean of the sampling distribution is equal to the
population proportion p
 The standard deviation of the sampling distribution is
equal to p( 1  p ) / n
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Chapter 8 – Example 1
● According to a recent article, 98% of the people who travel on the New
Jersey Turnpike exceed the 60 miles per hour speed limit. (Source: Lange
JE, Johnson MB, Voas RB (2005) Testing the Racial Profiling Hypothesis for
Seemingly Disparate Traffic Stops. Justice Quarterly (22)2.) Law
enforcement officials are planning to covertly measure the speed of 1,000
cars on the Turnpike and will compute the proportion of drivers who exceed
the posted speed limit.
 a. Describe the sampling distribution of , the sample proportion of drivers who
exceed the speed limit.
 b. In a random sample of 1000 drivers, what is the probability that more than
97% of drivers will be speeding?
 c. Would it be unusual if in a random sample of 1000 drivers, 97% were
 d. What is the minimum number of drivers that must be sampled to be sure that
is approximately normal?
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Chapter 8 – Example 1
According to a recent article, 98% of the people who travel on the New Jersey
Turnpike exceed the 60 miles per hour speed limit. (Source: Lange JE, Johnson MB,
Voas RB (2005) Testing the Racial Profiling Hypothesis for Seemingly Disparate
Traffic Stops. Justice Quarterly (22)2.) Law enforcement officials are planning to
covertly measure the speed of 1,000 cars on the Turnpike and will compute the
proportion of drivers who exceed the posted speed limit.
a. Describe the sampling distribution of , the sample proportion of drivers who exceed the
speed limit. (Approximately normal with mean 0.98 and standard deviation 0.0044) pˆ
b. In a random sample of 1000 drivers, what is the probability that more than 97% of drivers
will be speeding? (0.9881)
c. Would it be unusual if in a random sample of 1000 drivers, 97% were speeding? (Yes,
since the probability that 97% or less would be speeding is 0.0119.)
d. What is the minimum number of drivers that must be sampled to be sure that is
approximately normal? (511)
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Chapter 8 – Example 2
● The quality control director of a small company that manufactures exercise
equipment knows that 10% of their products are defective. Market research
shows that only 30% of their customers will use the product in the first year
after the sale. So, the manufacturer expects that 3% of the units will be
returned for service under a one-year full warranty. This company expects to
sell 600 units next year. (This problem is based on data from an actual
 a. Describe the sampling distribution of , the proportion of the 600 units that will
be returned for service.
 b. What is the probability that more than 3% of the 600 units will be returned for
 c. What is the probability that more than 5% of the 600 units will be returned for
 d. Would it be unusual if in a random sample of 600 units, 5% were returned for
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Chapter 8 – Example 2
The quality control director of a small company that manufactures exercise
equipment knows that 10% of their products are defective. Market research shows
that only 30% of their customers will use the product in the first year after the sale.
So, the manufacturer expects that 3% of the units will be returned for service under a
one-year full warranty. This company expects to sell 600 units next year. (This
problem is based on data from an actual company.)
a. Describe the sampling distribution of , the proportion of the 600 units that will be returned
for service. (Approximately normal with mean 0.03 and standard deviation 0.006964) pˆ
b. What is the probability that more than 3% of the 600 units will be returned for service?
c. What is the probability that more than 5% of the 600 units will be returned for service?
d. Would it be unusual if in a random sample of 600 units, 5% were returned for service?
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