Housekeeping • Assignment 1 • Readings for next week: – Base paper on validity – A paper from your research area that discusses validity of an empirical study Research Design • • • • Basic issues of research design Role of statistics in behavioral research Classification of variables Quantification of variables (scales of measurement) • Validity of interpretations of research studies • Limited to measurement reliability and validity today Research Design Decisions • What kinds of subjects/participants and how many? • What will subjects be asked to do? • How many comparison groups if any? • What dependent/independent variables to focus on? • How and when subjects will be measured? • Where study will be conducted? Systems Research Design Decisions • • • • What kinds of data and how much? What will the trials be? Under what conditions? What dependent/independent variables to focus on? • How and when will data be measured? • What will be the study environment? Design Issues: Participants • How were they recruited? • What kinds of population samples? • How many of intended participants actually supplied data? Were in final analysis? • If comparison groups, how were they formed? • How motivated were they? Design Issues: Participants • How were they recruited? • What kinds of population samples? • How many of intended participants actually supplied data? Were in final analysis? • If comparison groups, how were they formed? • How motivated were they? • What kind of issues are there for systems? Design Issues: Data • • • • Instrument quality Question/data match Independence of observations Person/people collecting data Design Issues: Study Context • • • • • Physical setting Pretest sensitization Treatment conditions Subjects thoughts about the study Temporal changes Descriptive and Inferential Statistics • Descriptive Statistics: Methods used to obtain indices that characterize or summarize data collected • Inferential Statistics: Methods that allow the researcher to make inferences from a set of data collected from a sample to a larger population. Review of Terms • Research: a systematic approach to finding answers to questions. • Research Design: a plan for gathering data for answering specific research questions. • Statistics: the methods used on the data collected to answer the research questions at hand. Basic Elements: Hypotheses • Hypothesis: a tentative statement (“educated guess”) about the expected relationship between two or more variables. – State expected relationship or difference between 2 variables – Be worthy of being tested – Be testable – Be brief and clear Basic Elements: Variables • Variable: what is measured or varied. An attribute or characteristic of a person (or object) that can change from person to person. – – – – Independent Dependent Control Intervening (mediator) Classification of Variables • Independent Variable: a variable that is manipulated, measured or selected by the researcher in order to observe its relation to the subject's "response” on another variable. An antecedent condition. • Dependent Variable: the variable that is observed and measured in response to an independent variable. Classification of Variables (Con’t) • Control Variable: any variable that is held constant in a research study by observing only one if its instances or levels. • Intervening Variable: a hypothetical variable that is not observed directly in the research study, but is inferred from the relationship between the independent and dependent variable. • Moderator Variable: Variables that may moderate the relationship between IV and DV (gender, race, etc.) Quantification of Variables • Measurement: systematic, replicable process by which objects or events are quantified and/or classified with respect to a particular dimension – Usually achieved by the assignment of numerical values • Four (4) scales of measurement The following slides are from the set provided for: Measurement: Scaling, Reliability, Validity CHAPTER 7 Research Methods in Psychology (6th Ed.), by Elmes, Kantowitz, & Roediger 16 Scale • Is a tool or mechanism by which individuals are distinguished as to how they differ from one another on the variables of interest to our study. 3 scales • 1. 2. 3. 4. There are four basic types of scales: Nominal Scale Ordinal Scale Interval Scale Ratio Scale 18 scales • The degree of sophistication to which the scales are fine-tuned increases progressively as we move from the nominal to the ratio scale. • The information on the variables can be obtained in greater detail when we employ an interval or a ratio scale than the other two scales. 19 scales • With more powerful scales, increasingly sophisticated data analyses can be performed, which in turn, means that more meaningful answers can be found to our research questions. 20 Nominal Scale • A nominal scale is one that allows the researcher to assign subjects to certain categories or groups. • What is your department? O Marketing O Maintenance O Finance O Production O Servicing O Personnel O Sales O Public Relations O Accounting • What is your gender? O Male O Female 7 Nominal Scale • For example, the variable of gender, respondents can be grouped into two categories- male and female. • Notice that there are no third category into which respondents would normally fall. 22 Nominal Scale • The information that can be generated from nominal scaling is to calculate the percentage (or frequency) of males and females in our sample of respondents. 23 Example 1 • Nominally scale the nationality of individuals in a group of tourists to a country during a certain year. • We could nominally scale this variable in the following mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive categories. American Japanese Russian Malaysian Chinese German Arabian Other 24 Example 1 • Note that every respondent has to fit into one of the above categories and that the scale will allow computation of the numbers and percentages of respondents that fit into them. 25 Ordinal Scale • Ordinal scale: not only categorizes variables in such a way as to denote differences among various categories, it also rank-orders categories in some meaningful way. • What is the highest level of education you have completed? O Less than High School O High School/GED Equivalent O College Degree O Masters Degree O Doctoral Degree 26 Ordinal Scale • The preference would be ranked ( from best to worse; or from first to last) and numbered as 1, 2, 3, and so on. 27 Example 2 • Rank the following five characteristics in a job in terms of how important they are for you. You should rank the most important item as 1, the next in importance a 2, and so on, until you have ranked each of them 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. 28 Example 2 (Cont.) • Job Characteristic Ranking The opportunity provided by the job to: 1. Interacts with others _____ 2. Use different skills _____ 3. Complete a task to the end _____ 4. Serve others _____ 5. Work independently _____ 29 Example 2 (Cont.) • This scale helps the researcher to determine the percentage of respondents who consider interaction with others as most important, those who consider using a number of skills as most important, and so on. Such knowledge might help in designing jobs that would be seen as most enriched by the majority of the employees. 30 Example 2 (Cont.) • We can see that the ordinal scale provides more information than the nominal scale. Even though differences in the ranking of objects, persons are clearly known, we do not know their magnitude. • This deficiency is overcome by interval scaling. 31 Interval Scale Interval scale: whereas the nominal scale allows us only to qualitatively distinguish groups by categorizing them into mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive sets, and the ordinal scale to rank-order the preferences, the interval scale lets us measure the distance between any two points on the scale. 32 Interval scale © 2009 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 33 Circle the number that represents your feelings at this particular moment best. There are no right or wrong answers. Please answer every question. 1. I invest more in my work than I get out of it I disagree completely 1 2 3 4 5 I agree completely 2. I exert myself too much considering what I get back in return I disagree completely 1 2 3 4 5 I agree completely 3. For the efforts I put into the organization, I get much in return I disagree completely 1 2 3 4 5 I agree completely 34 34 • Suppose that the employees circle the numbers 3, 1, 2, 4, and 5 for the five items. • The magnitude of difference represented by the space between points 1 and 2 on the scale is the same as the magnitude of difference represented by the space between points 4 and 5, or between any other two points. Any number can be added to or subtracted from the numbers on the scale, still retaining the magnitude of the difference. 35 • If we add 6 to the five points on the scale, the interval scale will have the numbers 7, 8,….., 11 ( instead of 1 to 5). • The magnitude of the difference between 7 and 8 is still the same as the magnitude of the difference between 9 and 10. It has an arbitrary origin. 36 Ratio Scale • Ratio scale: overcomes the disadvantage of the arbitrary origin point of the interval scale, in that it has an absolute (in contrast to an arbitrary) zero point, which is a meaningful measurement point. • What is your age? 26 Ratio Scale 38 Ratio Scale • The ratio scale is the most powerful of the four scales because it has a unique zero origin ( not an arbitrary origin). • The differences between scales are summarized in the next Figure. 39 The differences between scales 40 Properties of the Four Scales Validity of the Study • Can you trust the conclusions of the study? • Internal Validity: The extent to which the outcomes of the study result from the variables manipulated, measured or selected rather than from other variables not systematically managed. – Instrumentation--If measuring instruments are not reliable or valid, then their scores could be inaccurate. • External Validity: the extent to which the findings of a particular study can be generalized to people and/or situations other than those observed in the study. Goodness of Measures • It is important to make sure that the instrument that we develop to measure a particular concept is accurately measuring the variable, and we are actually measured the concept that we set out to measure. 43 Goodness of Measures Goodness of Measures • We need to assess the goodness of the measures developed. That is, we need to be reasonably sure that the instruments we use in our research do indeed measure the variables they are supposed to, and that they measure them accurately. 45 Reliability • Reliability of measure indicates extent to which it is without bias and hence ensures consistent measurement across time (stability) and across the various items in the instrument (internal consistency). – If administered the same questionnaire today and next month, would the results be consistent? – Are all questions related to a concept strongly correlated? 66 More generally…. • If you take the same measurement repeatedly will you get the same result? (is it reliable?) – If you step on the scales repeatedly, do you get the same number? • Is that result accurate? (is it valid?) – Is that number accurate? (are your scales 5 pounds lighter than at the doctor’s office?, do they give a result of 150 no matter what is weighed?) Validity • Validity tests show how well an instrument that is developed measures the particular concept it is intended to measure. Validity is concerned with whether we measure the right concept and is it accurate. • Several types of validity tests are used to test the goodness of measures: content validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity. 48 Content Validity • Content validity ensures that the measure includes an adequate and representative set of items that tap the concept. • The more the scale items represent the domain of the concept being measured, the greater the content validity. • In other words, content validity is a function of how well the dimensions and elements of a concept have been delineated. 49 Face validity • Does the test appear to test what it aims to test? – Experts – Participants – Researchers Criterion-Related Validity • Criterion-Related Validity is established when the measure differentiates individuals on a criterion it is expected to predict. This can be done by establishing what is called concurrent validity or predictive validity. • Concurrent validity is established when the scale discriminates individuals who are known to be different; that is, they should score differently on the instrument as in the following example. 51 Criterion-Related Validity Example • If a measure of work ethic is developed and administered to a group of welfare recipients, the scale should differentiate those who are enthusiastic about accepting a job and glad of a opportunity to be off welfare, from those who would not want to work even when offered a job. 52 (Cont.) • Those with high work ethic values would not want to be on welfare and would ask for employment. Those who are low on work ethic values, might exploit the opportunity to survive on welfare for as long as possible. • If both types of individuals have the same score on the work ethic scale, then the test would not be a measure of work ethic, but of something else. 53 Construct Validity • Construct Validity testifies to how well the results obtained from the use of the measure fit the theories around which the test is designed. This is assessed through convergent and discriminant validity. • Convergent validity is established when the scores obtained with two different instruments measuring the same concept are highly correlated. • Discriminant validity is established when, based on theory, two variables are predicted to be uncorrelated, and the scores obtained by measuring them are indeed empirically found to be so. 54 Goodness of Measures • Goodness of Measures is established through the different kinds of validity and reliability. • The results of any research can only be as good as the measures that tap the concepts in the theoretical framework. • Table 7.2 summarizes the kinds of validity discussed in the lecture. 55 Validity . 56