MXG Tools and Usage Chuck Hopf Agenda ANALID ANALGRID VMXGPRNT VMXGFIND VMXGSRCH UTILWORK READDB2 UTILBLDP VMXGSUM ANALCNCR ANALCAPD ANALID New MACRO to create an SMF Audit dataset and report – – – – – READSMF=NO PRINT=YES PDBOUT=PDB PERCENTS=YES ODS parameters ANALID – READSMF READSMF=YES will read an SMF dataset. The default of NO is used in BUILDPDB to read the ID dataset already being created. Driven by the value of the SMFAUDIT macro variable in VMXGINIT. If set to NO with a %LET the older style report is created with fewer variables. ANALID – PRINT/PDBOUT/PERCENTS PRINT=YES – prints SMF Audit report. To suppress the report specify NO. PDBOUT=PDB – the destination of the new SMFRECNT dataset. PERCENTS=YES – calculates the percentage of the data for each system represented by a single type/subtype. ANALID – ODS Parameters ODSTYPE= if you want to create HTML output specify HTML or specify some other valid ODS value. If blank ODS is not used. ODSPATH= the pathname for the ODS output – typically a directory on ASCII or a PDSE or zFS directory on zOS ODSFILE= the name of the output that will be created ANALID - Example %ANALID( READSMF=YES, PDBOUT=PDB, PRINT=YES, ODSTYPE=HTML, ODSPATH=E:\. ODSFILE=ANALID.HTML); ANALID – Sample ANALID - Sample ANALID - Sample ANALID – Sample ANALID - Sample ANALID - Sample ANALID - Sample ANALID - Sample ANALID - Sample ANALGRID Creates a dense color coded grid of values using PROC REPORT Does not require SAS/GRAPH Works on all SAS versions 9.1.3 and above ANALGRID Example 1 – – Read ASUM70LP and for the specified system create a grid of CPU busy for a day. This is the default with addition of an INCODE to select a specific LPAR %ANALGRID(INCODE=IF LPARNAME=SYSG;); ANALGRID ANALGRID Example 2 – compare year to year same month excluding weekdays and holidays – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – %ANALGRID( INDATA=RMFINTRV, SORTBY=SYSTEM MONTH, SYSTEM=SYSG, INCODE=MONTH=DATEPART(STARTIME)-DAY(DATEPART(STARTIME))+1; FORMAT MONTH MONYY.; if 1 lt weekday(datepart(startime)) lt 7; if month(datepart(startime))=1; if datepart(startime) not in('26dec11'd,'24nov11'd,'25nov11'd, '05sep11'd,'04jul11'd,'30may11'd,'21feb11'd,'17jan11'd,'24dec10'd, '25nov10'd,'26nov10'd,'16jan12'd,'02jan12'd,'16jan12'd,'20feb12'd);, TITLE1=% CPU Busy, VARIABLE=pctcpuby,VARLABEL=% CPU,varformat=5.2, ROWVARIABLE=DATE,ROWLABEL=DATE,ROWFORMAT=DATE., ODSPATH=e:,ODSFILE=april.html); ANALGRID ANALGRID ANALGRID You have complete control of – – – – Colors and levels Column and row variables Column and row labels Column and row formats ANALGRID %ANALGRID( SYSTEM=SYSG, INDATA=RMFINTRV, SORTBY=SYSTEM, VARFORMAT=TIME12.2, dates=lastweek, BKT1='01:00'T/BLUE/WHITE, BKT2='02:00'T/GREEN/WHITE, BKT3='03:00'T/CYAN/BLACK, BKT4=, WEIGHT=, SORTLABEL=System, STAT=SUM, VARIABLE=CPUTM, odspath=e:, odsfile=cputime.html, VARLABEL=CPU TIME, COLVARIABLE=TIME,COLLABEL=TIME,COLFORMAT=TIME5., ROWVARIABLE=DATE,ROWLABEL=DATE,ROWFORMAT=DATE. ); ANALGRID VMXGPRNT Utility to print any SAS dataset with labels modified to include the variable name and/or create a comma delimited output (CSV). VMXGPRNT – Parameters SP_DSET – dataset to be printed – defaults to _LAST_ SP_NOBS – number of OBS to be printed – defaults to 20 SP_REMV – remove * from labels in CSV file – defaults to NO VMXGPRNT – Parameters TMPPRNT – destination for a temporary dataset – on zOS it will be constructed and dynalloc’ed as a temporary dataset but on ASCII will be placed in your SASUSER directory. Defaults to TMPPRNT.SAS BYLST – list of BY variables – defaults to a null string VMXGPRNT – Parameters VARLST – list of variables to be printed. Default is a null string which will print all variables NOEXIMSG – suppresses various warnings/notes – default is YES SP_OPNS – PROC PRINT options default is SPLIT=‘*’ VMXGPRNT – Example 1 %VMXGPRNT(SP_DSET=PDB.DB2ACCT,SP_NOB S=3); Print PDB.DB2ACCT VMXGPRNT – Example 1 VMXGPRNT – Example 2 Create a CSV file – – – – – – Filename csv ‘h:\mxg\vmxgprnt.csv’; ods csvall file=csv; %vmxgprnt(SP_DSET=PDB.DB2ACCT,SP_NOBS=3,sp_remv=Y); run; ods csvall close; run; VMXGPRNT – Example 2 VMXGFIND Utility that will find every OBS in every dataset where some condition is satisfied and make a copy/print the observations. For example: – Find all obs where JOB=:’CICS’ VMXGFIND – Parameters PDB= LIBNAME to be searched – default is PDB – can be 1 or many PDBOUT= where to put the output datasets – datasets here will be named DDNAME_dataset where DDNAME is the libname where they were found VMXGFIND – Parameters KEEPIN= a list of variables that are used in the comparison FIND= the comparison – for example… – – – – Job=:’CICS’ KEEPIN=STARTIME STRTTIME INTBTIME, FIND= IF ('31JAN2010:10:11:12'DT LE STARTIME LE '31JAN2010:22:23:24'DT ) OR ('31JAN2010:10:11:12'DT LE STRTTIME LE '31JAN2010:22:23:24'DT ) OR ('31JAN2010:10:11:12'DT LE INTBTIME LE '31JAN2010:22:23:24'DT ) ;, VMXGFIND – Parameters PRINT= default is NO – – – YES – print all the observations NO – no print xxx – print xxx observations VMXGFIND If PRINT=YES or xxx then VMXGPRNT is used to do the printing Example 1: – %VMXGFIND(FIND=QWHSSSID=DBTB,PRINT=3); VMXGFIND VMXGSRCH Utility that will find every observation in every dataset in every allocated SAS data library where the value of the observation contains some string. – Note: libraries must have been allocated either explicitly (LIBNAME statement) or by a DATA/PROC step. VMXGSRCH – Parameters LIBNAME= the libname to be searched. Default is a NULL string. _ALL_ will search all allocated SAS data libraries (they don’t have to be MXG) and anything else will search that specific LIBNAME. Only LIBNAMEs that have been opened will be found!!!!! You may need to insert a LIBNAME on zOS. VMXGSRCH - Parameters COPYTO= copy the datasets and observations that match to this LIBNAME NOBS= the number of OBS to print – default is MAX LOG= a large number of lines may be generated – LOG=NO suppresses them. Default is YES VMXGSRCH - Parameters VALUE – the value to search for Results= what you want us to do – – – – – PRINT – just print the obs/datasets that match COPYONLY – copy the datasets but don’t print COUNT – just produce a count of datasets/obs/variables that match LABEL – produce a list of variables/datasets where the value is in the label FORMAT – produce a list of variables/datasets where the value is in the format VMXGSRCH – Example 1 %VMXGSRCH( LOG=NO,RESULTS=COUNT, VALUE=D2DD,LIBNAME=PDB); VMXGSRCH- Example 1 VMXGSRCH – Example 2 %VMXGSRCH( LOG=NO,RESULTS=PRINT,NOBS=2, VALUE=D2DD,LIBNAME=PDB); VMXGSRCH – Example 2 VMXGSRCH – Example 3 %VMXGSRCH( LOG=NO,RESULTS=PRINT,NOBS=2, VALUE=D2DD,LIBNAME=PDB, COPYTO=WORK); VMXGSRCH – Example 3 VMXGSRCH – Example 4 %VMXGSRCH( LOG=NO,RESULTS=COPYONLY, VALUE=D2DD,LIBNAME=PDB, COPYTO=WORK); VMXGSRCH – Example 4 VMXGSRCH – Example 5 %VMXGSRCH(VALUE=CPU,RESULTS=LABEL); NOTE: Values are case sensitive VMXGSRCH – Example 5 VMXGSRCH – Example 6 VMXGSRCH(VALUE=TIME,RESULTS=FORMAT); VMXGSRCH – Example 6 UTILWORK Don’t understand the documentation on defining your workloads to RMFINTRV? This utility will build you a skeleton RMFINTRV member based on your TYPE72GO records. UTILWORK - Parameters PDB= may be either SMF or some libname that contains a TYPE72GO dataset. SMF is preferred since the normal _ETY72GO exit will suppress service classes with no activity in an interval. You only need to use a single RMF interval. UTILWORK – Parameters USEREPRT= YES/NO do you want to use report classes or service classes to define workloads. Strongly recommended that you use report classes since there can be many many more at no real cost. UTILWORK - Example %UTILWORK(PDB=PDB, OUTFILE=RMFINTRV, USERPRT=YES, INTERVAL=QTRHOUR) UTILWORK - Example READDB2 MXG supplied macro that generates the code to read all of the different types of DB2 SMF data (all IFCIDs). It has been ‘enhanced’ to make a copy of the SMF data and allow for selection based on reading the record headers only which makes it very fast. READDB2 For a full list of parameters and usage see READDB2 member in the MXG SOURCLIB Concentration here will be on selection parameters and copying of SMF data READDB2 SMFOUT= DDNAME to which SMF data will be copied – if blank no copy is made COPYONLY= YES/NO – only copy SMF data do not format SAS datasets – Useful to make mini-SMF files to feed to DB2PM or send off to vendors PDBOUT= DDNAME to which SAS datasets are written (WORK is default if left blank) READDB2 - Parameters SYSTEM – list of systems PLAN – list of plan names AUTHID – list of authorization IDs CORRID – list of correlation IDs CONNID – list of connection IDs DB2 – list of DB2 subsystems CONNTYPE – list of connect types READDB2 - Parameters TRANNAME – list of end-user transaction names PACKAGE – list of package names SMFBEGIN =SAS datetime constant – starting point of data SMFEND – SAS datetime constant – end point of data – SAS datetime constants are of the form 01sep10:01:30:00 – no quotes are needed READDB2 All values in lists separated by spaces All parameters separated by commas (except the last one) All values are automatically wild carded – that is, however many bytes are in the value is the length of the compare SMFBEGN= earliest time in form ddmmmyy:hh:mm:ss or 10OCT08:15:00:00 SMFEND= latest time in same form READDB2 %READDB2(TRANNAME=OLB_DISP, COPYONLY=YES,SMFOUT=SMFOUT); – Copy records where TRANNAME starts with OLB_DISP to SMFOUT DD but do not create SAS datasets %READDB2(TRANNAME=OLB,PDB=WORK, SMFOUT=SMFOUT); – Copy records where TRANNAME starts with OLB and also place them in SAS datasets in the WORK dataset UTILBLDP UTILBLDP is a macro designed to simplify adding records to the normal MXG PDB (performance data base.) The coding in exits is not difficult if you understand it all but can be arcane to the uninitiated. It can also be used to read multiple kinds of SMF data in a single pass of the SMF data and create the SAS datasets in WORK or in a PDB. UTILBLDP Normally the code to read an SMF record is: – And to read two types you might code: – – %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE30); %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE30); %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE1415); But that would cause two passes of the SMF dataset which can be very large and make this an expensive and time consuming process. With UTILBLDP this becomes: – – %UTILBLDP(USERADD=30 1415, BUILDPDB=NO,SORTOUT=NO,OUTFILE=INSTREAM); %INCLUDE INSTREAM; UTILBLDP For documentation on all parameters and usage see the member in the MXG SOURCLIB For our purposes there are only a few important parameters SORTOUT=NO – suppresses sorting and writing of the data to the PDB DD. You may want to use the sort (just add a PDB DD to your JCL) as it will remove any duplicate records. USERADD= a list of the record types you wish to read – 30 6 1415 64 70 etc. UTILBLDP OUTFILE= INSTREAM writes the data to the temporary dataset defined by the INSTREAM DD. You can then simply %INCLUDE INSTREAM to execute the code. If you want to STORE the code for future use (or just to see what the generated code looks like) route to a PDB member or a sequential dataset. BUILDPDB=NO – suppresses the logic that builds the full MXG PDB. VMXGSUM Generalized summarization of ANY SAS dataset – – – – – – – Uses PROC MEANS to do summarization SORTs data Allows for changes in input and output data Optimizes variables kept Carries labels and formats thru summarization Allows for long variable names Allows for normalization of variables and changing time intervals VMXGSUM Common in reporting: – – – – – – DATA xxxx; SET yyyy; PROC SORT DATA=xxxx; PROC MEANS DATA=XXXX OUT=zzzz; DATA final; SET zzzz; VMXGSUM VMXGSUM is a short-hand way of coding a repetitive set of commands. Used extensively internally in many MXG members but especially common in ASUM**** and TRND**** members. VMXGSUM - SYNTAX %VMXGSUM( – – – – – INDATA= input dataset(s) name OUTDATA= output dataset name SUMBY= list of variables by which data should be sorted INCODE= a stub of SAS code executed during the first data step OUTCODE= a stub of SAS code executed during the final data step VMXGSUM - SYNTAX – INTERVAL= how to change the time interval. Valid values are: QTRHOUR HALFHOUR HOUR THREEHR MINUTE WEEK MONTH MYTIME – – DATETIME= the variable name of the variable containing the datetime value on which INTERVAL= will be applied SYNC59= if your time is synched to 59 minutes, will add 60 seconds before calculating interval if set to YES VMXGSUM - SYNTAX ID= list of variables that will be carried forward as ID values AUTONAME=YES/NO AUTONAME = YES says to use the autonaming functions of SAS V8 to name the output variables. – This allows the specification of the same variable name in multiple lists but changes the output variable name to variable_suffix where suffix is the name of the function performed on the variable. VMXGSUM - SYNTAX SUM= list of variables to be summed MAX= list of variables to be maxxed MIN= list of variables to be minned MEAN= list of variables to be meaned P1= list of variables to get percentile 1 P5= 5th percentile variables P10= 10th percentile variables VMXGSUM - SYNTAX – – – – – – – P25 P50 P75 P90 P95 P99 - percentile values STD - Standard Deviation VAR - variance CV - coefficient of variance STDERR - Standard error KURTOSIS - Kurtosis T - T value VMXGSUM - Syntax NORM1-NORM99 - normalization of data. Maintaining rates as rates and not averages of averages. On the frontend, the rate has to be multiplied by the duration and on the back end divided again to recalculate the correct rate. VMXGSUM - SYNTAX – NORM1-NORM99 - syntax rate1 List rate2 rate3…ratex/duration the variables to be normalized followed by a / then the variable to be used to do the normalization. VMXGSUM - SYNTAX There are other parameters. See the documentation in the member for usage and the member ADOCSUM. VMXGSUM - Example 1 Summarize the dataset TYPETMNT by DEVICE and TMNTTIME calculating average mount delay and the total number of mounts per quarter hour. %vmxgsum( indata=pdb.typetmnt, outdata=tapemnts, sumby=device tmnttime, interval=qtrhour, datetime=tmnttime, mean=tapmnttm, freq=mounts ); VMXGSUM - Example 2 Summarize the Goal Mode type 72 records for the TSO service class calculating the average response time, the number of transactions at one hour intervals by period. VMXGSUM - Example 2 %VMXGSUM( INDATA=PDB.TYPE72GO, OUTDATA=TSOSUM, SUMBY=STARTIME PERIOD, INCODE= IF SRVCLASS=‘TSO’;, SUM=RESPAVG NUMTRAN, NORM1=RESPAVG/NUMTRAN, INTERVAL=HOUR, DATETIME=STARTIME ); VMXGSUM Usage Notes NORMx operands must be contiguous starting at 1. That is, you cannot have NORM1 and NORM3 without a NORM2. VMXGSUM Usage Notes The first data step is almost always converted to a VIEW rather than a real data step. KEEPALL=NO is resource intensive and not really needed except in odd cases. KEEPALL=YES is much preferred. The keep lists on all output datasets are optimized regardless of KEEPALL setting. Why VMXGSUM? So why not just use PROC MEANS with CLASS operands? VMXGSUM in tests is usually much more efficient and in some cases will do the summarization where using PROC MEANS or PROC SUMMARY with CLASS operands runs out of memory. This is especially true with the current release of SAS (9.1.3 SP4) on zOS which is defaulting to using THREADS. ANALCNCR Counts concurrent events. How many of something were happening at the same time. ANALCNCR - History Method used in original release of MXG: – – – – DO TIME=BEGIN TO END BY 5; OUTPUT; END; Then add up all the observations with a given value of TIME. Created a HUGE number of observations and was cumbersome. ANALCNCR - History Method used with ANALCNCR: – – – TIME=BEGIN;COUNT=1;OUTPUT; TIME=END;COUNT=-1;OUTPUT; Now add up the counts by time and you are done (basically.) Many many fewer observations. ANALCNCR - History If there are three tape allocations: – – – Allocation 1 begins at 08:00 ends at 08:30 Allocation 2 begins at 08:15 ends at 08:25 Allocation 3 begins at 08:20 ends at 08:45 ANALCNCR - History MAX of 3 concurrent allocations – – – – – Old method – – – – 15 minutes of 1 5 minutes of 2 5 minutes of 3 5 minutes of 2 15 minutes of 1 Allocation 1 - 1800/5=360 obs Allocation 2 - 600/5=120 obs Allocation 3 - 1500/5=300 obs Total = 780 obs New Method – – Each allocation is 2 OBS Total = 6 ANALCNCR - Example 1 How many jobs are running concurrently in class A average and max. %ANALCNCR(INDATA=PDB.JOBS, OUTSUMRY=RUNTIME, SUMBY=JOBCLASS, INCODE=IF TYPETASK=‘JOB’;, INTERVAL=QTRHOUR, STARTIME=JINITIME, ENDTIME=JTRMTIME, OTCODESM= AVGRUN=CONCURNT/DURATM; RENAME MAXCNCR=MAXRUN; ); PROC PRINT; ID JOBCLASS TIMESTMP; VAR AVGRUN MAXRUN; ANALCNCR - Example 2 Now suppose you want the INPUT QUEUE time for the same job class. %ANALCNCR(INDATA=PDB.JOBS, OUTSUMRY=QUETIME, SUMBY=JOBCLASS, INCODE=IF TYPETASK=:’JOB’;, INTERVAL=QTRHOUR, STARTIME=READTIME, ENDTIME=JINITIME, OTCODESM= AVGQUE=CONCURNT/DURATM; RENAME MAXQUE=MAXRUN; ); PROC PRINT; ID JOBCLASS TIMESTMP; VAR AVGQUE MAXQUE; ANALCNCR - Example 3 Now put the two outputs together DATA JOBSTAT; MERGE RUNTIME QUETIME; BY JOBCLASS TIMESTMP; PROC PRINT; ID JOBCLASS TIMESTMP; VAR AVGQUE AVGRUN MAXQUE MAXRUN; ANALCAPD Can you save money by capping the MSU’s consumed? Billing is based on the peak of the rolling 4 hour MSU average Rolling average will (almost) always lag behind actual usage So, you can set a cap lower than the actual peak and possibly reduce software billing ANALCAPD will let you ‘play’ with values to find a happy MSU value that allows work to run while reducing the peak MSU value ANALCAPD Uses the ASUMCEC dataset in the PDB as input Best granularity is when you match CECINTRV to INTERVAL in ASUM70PR ANALCAPD – Parameters PDB=PDB – where is the ASUMCEC data GRAPHICS=YES – use SAS/GRAPH (it will detect if it is not there) DEFCAP= the MSU value you want to ‘model’ CECINTRV=HOUR – the CECINTRV value in use – QTRHOUR HALFHOUR etc ANALCAPD - Results ANALCAPD – Results Black line is current capacity Cyan line is current cap (in this case there is not one) Blue line is actual usage Green line is rolling 4 hour average Red * are the intervals where the CEC would have been capped