Efficient Coding: From Retina Ganglion Cells To V2 Cells

Efficient Coding: From Retina
Ganglion Cells To V2 Cells
Honghao Shan
Garrison W. Cottrell
The Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center
Gary's Unbelievable Research Unit (GURU)
Computer Science and Engineering Department
Institute for Neural Computation
Introduction and Motivation
• We have 1011 − 1012 neurons with ~1015 connections
between them - it seems highly unlikely that the features
they respond to are learned by any supervised mechanism!
• Hence unsupervised learning seems much more likely.
• What is the correct learning rule?
• Here we focus on the visual system.
Introduction and Motivation
• In V1, simple cells respond to oriented visual edges
• In V1, complex cells respond to visual edges at nearby
locations - they appear to pool the responses of simple cells
• In V2, cell responses are already hard to characterize.
• Eventually, there are cells that respond to faces, and even
further in, respond to identity (faces and names).
Introduction and Motivation
• E.g., the “Halle Berry” neuron…
Introduction and Motivation
• If these are learned by unsupervised learning, then what is the correct
learning rule?
• What is the goal of the learning rule?
• Hypothesis: visual perception serves to capture statistical structure of
the visual inputs
• Attneave (1954): the statistical structure can be measured by the
redundancy of the inputs: I(x) = iH(xi ) − H(x)
(Minimized to zero when xi are independent).
• Barlow (1961) suggested what has come to be called the efficient
coding theory: the goal of early vision is to remove redundancy from
the visual inputs.
• The coding (outputs) should be as independent as possible
Introduction and Motivation
There have been a variety of implementations of the efficient
coding theory:
• Principal Components Analysis (PCA): provably optimal
(in a least squares sense) linear dimensionality technique
Introduction and Motivation
• Principal
Analysis (PCA) but this only leads
to uncorrelated
outputs, and
global receptive
fields that look
nothing like V1
receptive fields.
Introduction and Motivation
There have been a variety of implementations of the efficient
coding theory:
• Principal Components Analysis (PCA) - but this only leads
to uncorrelated outputs, and global receptive fields
• Independent Components Analysis (ICA) (Bell &
• Sparse Coding (Olshausen & Field)
• These last two:
• Lead to Gabor like receptive fields (as we see in V1)
• Turn out to be equivalent under certain assumptions.
Introduction and Motivation
• When applied to natural images, ICA and sparse coding
give Gabor-like receptive fields, similar to those seen in
simple cells in V1
Introduction and Motivation
• There have been many attempts to go
beyond a single layer (Karklin, Y., & Lewicki, M. S. (2006),
Schwartz, O., & Simoncelli, E. P. (2001) Hoyer & Hyvarinen (2002) but:
• They usually require a different
learning rule
• And do not lead to a way to do the next
• Or, like deep belief networks, do not
have plausible receptive fields (Hinton, 2006)
Our contribution
• We have previously developed a method for applying ICA
over and over, in order to get higher layer representations
(Shan, Zhang, & Cottrell, NIPS, 2006/2007), called RICA
• Recursive Independent Components Analysis:
ICA->add nonlinearity->ICA->add nonlinearity…
• In our paper, we showed that the second layer of ICA had
interesting neural properties
• We describe ICA and our version of a hierarchical ICA,
Recursive ICA (RICA)
• We illustrate PCA and describe sparse PCA (SPCA) and the
initial results
• We investigate the receptive fields of the higher layers of
• We describe ICA and our version of a hierarchical
ICA, Recursive ICA (RICA)
• We illustrate PCA and describe sparse PCA (SPCA) and the
initial results
• We investigate the receptive fields of the higher layers of
Independent Components Analysis
• Sparse coding and ICA can be summarized by a generative
model, in which the observed data vector x ∈ RL is assumed
to be a linear mixture of some (unknown) underlying signal
sources s ∈ RM:
the pixels -> x = As + ε <- s is the neural firings
where A ∈ RLXM denotes the (unknown) mixing matrix, ε ∈
RL denotes additive Gaussian noise
• I.e., the pixels are a linear combination of neural firings (underlying
signal sources - what we believe is in the input).
Independent Components Analysis
x = As + ε
• Two assumptions are imposed on the signal sources:
1. They are assumed to be independent
2. Each dimension of s is assumed to follow a sparse
distribution, usually with a peak at zero and two heavy
tails, unlike PCA, where the projections tend to follow a
• Model parameters are adapted to make the generation of
the observed x’s likely, and to encourage the sparse prior:
Recursive Independent Components
Analysis (RICA 1.0)
• We assume that higher layers of cortex follow a
similar learning rule as earlier layers - so we would
like to apply essentially the same learning rule to
subsequent layers.
• BUT:
• More linear processing will not lead to more
interesting structure…
• So we need some nonlinearity applied to the
output of the first layer of ICA…
Recursive Independent Components
Analysis (RICA 1.0)
• Notice that the generative model:
x = As + ε
• means that:
xi= j Aij*sj + εi
• Thus, each input variable (pixel) is assumed to be
the sum of many independent random variables…
Recursive Independent Components
Analysis (RICA 1.0)
• Thus, each input variable (pixel) is assumed to be
the sum of many independent random variables…
i.e., it follows a Gaussian distribution!
Idea: ICA therefore expects a Gaussian distributed input which makes applying a second layer of ICA to a
sparsely distributed input unlikely to work well.
Hence, we apply a component-wise nonlinearity to the
first layer outputs to make the output follow a Gaussian
Recursive Independent Components
Analysis (RICA 1.0)
Another observation: The sign of the output of any si is redundant
This is the distribution of one signal source (s2) as a function of the
value of a neighboring signal source (s1) …
Recursive Independent Components
Analysis (RICA 1.0)
Hence our nonlinear activation function:
Note that ambiguous (not quite on, not quite off) responses (in BLUE)
are emphasized in the activation function
Recursive Independent Components
Analysis (RICA 1.0)
• An actual nonlinear activation function
Recursive Independent Components Analysis
(RICA 1.0)
• We applied RICA 1.0 to natural image patches.
• Layer-1 ICA learns the standard edge/bar shaped visual
• Layer-2 ICA learns more complex visual features that
appear to capture contour and texture (Shan, Zhang &
Cottrell, NIPS, 2007).
QuickTime™ and a
are needed to see this picture.
Recursive Independent Components Analysis
(RICA 1.0)
Furthermore, these nonlinear features are useful:
• We applied layer 1 features with the nonlinearity to face
recognition, and obtained state-of-the-art recognition
performance on face recognition, using a simple linear
classifier (Shan & Cottrell, CVPR, 2008).
• We also used the layer 1 features in a completely different
recognition system we applied to faces, objects and flowers,
and got state-of-the-art results on all three, without
retraining (Kanan & Cottrell, CVPR, 2010)
Results (NIPS 06/07)
Number of features
• Error rates on the Yale face database:
Number of training examples
QuickTime™ and a
are needed to see this picture.
CVPR 2010
where to
Get next fixation?
• Both the salience map and the features stored at each
location are ICA features with our nonlinearity
Improvement Over State-of-the-art
Improvement Over State-of-the-art
• We describe ICA and our version of a hierarchical ICA,
Recursive ICA (RICA 1.0)
• We illustrate PCA and describe sparse PCA (SPCA)
and the initial results
• We investigate the receptive fields of the higher layers of
RICA 2.0.
The “hidden layers”
• The story I told:
• Recursive Independent Components Analysis:
ICA->add nonlinearity->ICA->add nonlinearity…
• The truth: in fact, like everyone else who does this sort of work, it is
actually interleaved with PCA:
• PCA->ICA->add nonlinearity->PCA->ICA->add nonlinearity…
• And like everyone else, we never publish the pictures of the PCA
receptive fields - because they don’t look biologically plausible!
RICA 2.0
• We now combine this with our improvements to sparse
PCA (Vincent et al., 2005) to get receptive fields up to V2.
• SPCA->ICA->add nonlinearity->SPCA->ICA->add
• And, sparse PCA learns biologically-realistic receptive
A simple (unrealistic) example
• Suppose two input signals (e.g., pixels) are completely correlated:
Pixel 2
Pixel 1
A simple (unrealistic) example
• Then we could represent that information with one (linear) “neuron”:
0.5*Pixel 1 + 0.5*Pixel 2
Pixel 1
Pixel 2
• This is an example of redundancy reduction
A simple (unrealistic) example
• Furthermore, we can reconstruct the original pixels from that one
“neural response”:
Pixel 1
Pixel 2
0.5*Pixel 1 + 0.5*Pixel 2
A simple (unrealistic) example
• Hence the “autoencoder network”:
Pixel 1
Pixel 2
0.5*Pixel 1 + 0.5*Pixel 2
Pixel 1
Pixel 2
Principal Components Analysis
• Principal Components Analysis would do exactly this, because it learns
representations based on correlations between the inputs.
0.5*Pixel 1 + 0.5*Pixel 2
Pixel 1
Pixel 2
• This is an example of redundancy reduction and dimensionality
reduction (from 2 dimensions to 1)
Principal Components Analysis
• Note that we can plot this “principal component” in image space,
corresponding to the “weights”, (0.5,0.5)
0.5*Pixel 1 + 0.5*Pixel 2
Pixel 1
Pixel 2
Pixel 1 Pixel 2
• The same thing applies if we have more than two pixels…so we have
more than 2 principal components…capturing more correlations…
Principal Components Analysis
• And now we can see that the reconstruction is a weighted version of that
Pixel 1
Pixel 1 Pixel 2
0.5*Pixel 1 + 0.5*Pixel 2
• The same thing applies if we have more than two pixels…so we have
more than 2 principal components…capturing more correlations…
Principal Components Analysis
• Here are the principal components of 10x10 patches of natural images:
Principal Components Analysis
• But PCA learns these correlations in order of their size: so the first
principal component does a lot of work:
1st PC
Principal Components Analysis
• and the last principal component does very little work:
last PC
Principal Components Analysis
So we can throw a lot of them away and you can’t tell the difference in an image
that was reconstructed from them:
So PCA does two things right: It decorrelates the inputs, and it reduces
dimensionality, making it “efficient” at encoding images.
Principal Components Analysis
• But no neuron should have to be the first principal component: So we
should distribute the load evenly - this is called “response equalization.”
Principal Components Analysis
• Secondly, PCA is profligate with connections - every pixel is connected
to every principal component “neuron”: we should try to reduce the
connections also.
Sparse Principal Components
• We will try to minimize reconstruction error,
• While trying to equalize the neural responses
• And minimizing the connections.
Sparse Principal Components
• We minimize:
• Subject to the following constraint:
the “work”
Information Kept With Sparse
• We applied the model to 20 X 20 image patches, and
reduced the dimensionality to 100.
• Results:
• Our model captures 99.23% of the variance that could be captured
by PCA with 100 output neurons.
• 96.31% of the connection weights in our model are zero.
Information Kept With Sparse
The model as a neural net…
It is AT that is mostly 0…
• On grayscale images:
• Note that we get essentially the same results applying the
model to pink noise images…
• suggesting the 1/f power spectrum of images is where this
is coming from…
• On color images:
• Many people have gotten this color opponency before, but not in
center-surround shape.
• The role of the number of features: 100 versus 32
• The role of :
• Recall this reduces the number of connections…
The role of : higher  means fewer
connections, which alters the
contrast sensitivity function (CSF).
Matches recent data on
malnourished kids and their CSF’s:
lower sensitivity at low spatial
frequencies, but slightly better at
high than normal controls…
Trained on grayscale video…
Two “movies” (spatiotemporal features) laid out in time
There appear to be two kinds of “cells.”
Persistent, small
Brief, big
Persistent, small
Brief, big
This suggests that these cell types exist because they
are useful for efficiently encoding the temporal
dynamics of the world.
• We describe ICA and our version of a hierarchical ICA,
Recursive ICA (RICA 1.0)
• We illustrate PCA and describe sparse PCA (SPCA) and the
initial results
• We investigate the receptive fields of the higher
layers of RICA 2.0.
Recursive Independent Components
Analysis (RICA 1.0)
While in this talk, we only go as far as layer 2, obviously, we
could keep going.
Our goal is to check whether we are consistent with the
neurophysiology before continuing.
Enter Sparse PCA:
RICA 2.0=RICA 1.0 + Sparse PCA
• Now, we no longer have to hide the PCA results!
• Question: What happens when we apply sparse PCA to the
(nonlinearized) ICA outputs of the first layer??
Image dataset
• Kyoto natural images… (Doi et al., 2003)
• Layer 1 Sparse PCA:
• Layer 1 ICA:
(learned on
image patches)
• Layer 1 ICA (we used overcomplete ICA)
• We describe ICA and our version of a hierarchical ICA,
Recursive ICA (RICA 1.0)
• We illustrate PCA and describe sparse PCA (SPCA) and the
initial results
• We investigate the receptive fields of the higher
layers of RICA 2.0.
• We take these:
• And fit gabor filters to them, and then plot them on top of
one another showing the major axis
• Then we color them by the strength of connections to them
by the next layer - to show a receptive field.
Layer 2 Sparse PCA cells
• Each patch represents one layer-2 PCA feature.
• Within the patch, each bar represents one layer-1 ICA feature.
• The layer-1 ICA features are fitted to Gabor kernel functions.
• The locations, orientations, lengths of the bars represent the locations,
orientations, frequencies of the fitted Gabor functions.
• The colors of the bars represent the connection strengths from the layer-2
PCA feature to the layer-1 ICA features.
• Warm colors represent positive connections; Cold colors represent negative
connections; Gray colors represent connection strengths that are close to zero.
Layer 2 Sparse PCA cells
• A positive connection suggests that this layer-2 PCA features prefers strong
responses, either positive or negative, from that layer-1 ICA feature.
• A negative connection suggests that it prefers weak or no responses from
that layer-1 ICA feature.
• These perform the pooling operation on V1 simple cell responses: I.e., they
agree with complex cell responses - but they also represent “OFF”-pooling
responses (the cold colors)
Layer 2 ICA features
Unlike previous visual layers, there isn’t a general
consensus about the visual features captured by V2 cells.
We choose to compare our learned features with (Anzai,
Peng, & Van Essen, Nature Neuroscience, 2007),
(1) It is a recent result, so they may reflect the most recent views
about V2 cells from experimental neuroscience;
(2) They adopted a similar technique as how we visualize the
second layer features to describe the V2 cells’ receptive fields,
hence it is convenient to compare our results with their results.
Layer 2 ICA features
They recorded 136 V2 cells from 16 macaque monkeys,
but only reported the results on 118 of them (we will go
back to this point later!!!)
For each V2 cell, they first identified its classical
receptive fields. Then they displayed 19 bars arranged in
hexagonal arrays within the receptive field, whose sizes
are much smaller than the receptive field size.
They varied the orientations of the bars, and measured
the V2 neurons’ responses to those settings.
In the end, they got a space-orientation RF map for each
V2 neuron.
Layer 2 ICA features
In the end, they got a space-orientation RF map for each
V2 neuron.
The first shows uniform orientation tuning across its
receptive field; the second, non-uniform tuning in
different sub-regions of space.
Layer 2 ICA features
The left-most column displays two model neurons that show uniform
orientation preference to layer-1 ICA features.
The middle column displays model neurons that have nonuniform/varying orientation preference to layer-1 ICA features.
The right column displays two model neurons that have location
preference, but no orientation preference, to layer-1 ICA features.
Layer 2 ICA features
The first two columns are consistent with their findings.
The right column does not, but they “threw away” 18 of their cells that did
not show orientation tuning.
• Dimensionality Reduction (e.g., Sparse PCA) & Expansion
(e.g., overcomplete ICA) might be a general strategy of
information processing in the brain.
The first step removes noise and reduces complexity, the
second step captures the statistical structure.
We showed that retinal ganglion cells and V1 complex cells
may be derived from the same learning algorithm, applied
to pixels in one case, and V1 simple cell outputs in the
This highly simplified model of early vision is the first one
that learns the RFs of all early visual layers, using a
consistent theory - the efficient coding theory.
We believe it could serve as a basis for more sophisticated
models of early vision.