

G54DMT – Data Mining Techniques and


Dr. Jaume Bacardit

Topic 1: Preliminaries

Outline of the topic

• General data mining definitions and concepts

• Handling datasets

• Repositories of datasets

• Experimental evaluation of data mining methods

• Information theory

• Playing a bit with Weka

Dataset structure

• It most cases we will treat a dataset as a table with rows and columns



Instances and attributes

• Instances are the atomic elements of information from a dataset

– Also known as records or prototypes

• Each instance is composed of a certain number of attributes

– Also known as features or variables

– In a dataset attributes can be of different types

• Continuous (or Integer)

• Discrete (i.e. being able to take a value from a finite set)

Supervised learning

• Many times the datasets got a special attribute, the class or output

• If they do, the task of the data mining process consists in generating a model that can predict the class/output for a new instance based on the values for the rest of attributes

• In order to generate this model, we will use a corpus of data for which we already know the answer, the training set

Example of dataset

Witten and Frank, 2005 (

Process of supervised learning







Models Inference




Types of supervised learning

• If the special attribute is discrete

– We call it class

– The dataset is a classification problem

• If the special attribute is continuous

– We call it output

– The dataset is a regression problem

• Also called modelling or function aproximation


Rule Learning

• CN2, RISE, GAssist, BioHEL


If (X<0.25 and Y>0.75) or

(X>0.75 and Y<0.25) then 

If (X>0.75 and Y>0.75) then 

If (X<0.25 and Y<0.25) then 

Everything else 




A decision tree (ID3/C4.5) age?

<=30 no no student?

yes yes yes

>40 credit rating?

excellent fair yes

Linear Classification (Logistic


x x x x x x x x x o o o o o o o x o o o o o o

Support Vector Machines (SVM)

Small Margin Large Margin

Support Vectors

Unsupervised learning

• When we do not have/not take into account the class/output attribute

• If the goal is to identify aggregations of instances

Clustering problem

• If the goal is to detect strong patterns in the data

Association rules/Itemset mining

Clustering (K-Means, EM)

Partitional clustering Hierarchical clustering

Association rules mining (Apriori,


Witten and Frank, 2005 (

Reinforcement learning

• When the system is being given a reward or

punishment whether its prediction was correct or not

• The DM system is not being told what is exactly right or wrong, just the reward

• RL methods work prediction by prediction

– This is why many times they are called online systems

Dataset handling and format

• In DM most datasets are represented as simple plain text files (or sometimes excel sheets)

• More sophisticated (and efficient) methods exist

• We need to decide how to specify the dataset structure (i.e. the metadata) and the content

(the instances)

ARFF format

• ARFF = Attribute-Relation File Format

• File format from the WEKA DM package



• Much more complex file format designed for scientific data handling

• It can store heterogeneous and hierarchical organized data

• It has been designed for efficiency

• Presentation slides

Repositories of datasets

• UCI repository


– Probably the most famous collection of datasets in


– Currently has 235 datasets

• Kaggle

– It is not a static repository of datasets, but a site that manages Data Mining competitions

– Example of the modern concept of crowdsourcing

Repositories of datasets

• KDNuggets


• PSPbenchmarks


– Datasets derived from Protein Structure

Prediction problems

– Interesting benchmarks because they can be parametrised in a very large variety of ways

• Pascal Large Scale Learning Challenge


Experimental Evaluation

• We have Data Mining methods and datasets

• How can we know that the patterns they extract are meaningful?

• How can we know how well do they perform and which method is the best?

• We need to follow a principled protocol to make sure that the results and conclusions we extract are sound

Verifying that the model is sound

• The dataset, before the data mining process, is partitioned into two non-overlapped parts:

– Training set. Will be used to generate the model

– Test set. Will be used to validate the model

• We can compute the performance metric (more on the next slides) on both sets. If the metric for the training set is much higher than in the test set, we have a case of overlearning

• That is, the DM method has not modelled the problem, only the training set

Performance metrics: Classification


• Accuracy: C/D

– C = number of correctly classified examples. D is size of instance set

– Simplest and most widespread metric

– But what if some classes got more examples than others? The majority class would get more benefit out of this metric

Performance metrics: classification problems

• Cohen ’ s Kappa

– Computes the agreement between two distributions of categorical variables (i.e. real and predicted classes)

– Takes into account agreement by chance

– Hence, it may be more suitable for multi-class problems

(Garcia et al., 2009)

C = number of classes, x i

= examples from class I

X ii

=examples correctly classified from class i

• There are more metrics (e.g. ROC curves)

Performance metrics

• Regression problems


• Metrics for clustering problems

• Association rule mining

– Support (percentage of instances covered by the pattern)

– Confidence (agreement between predicate and consequent of the rule)

Performance estimation methodologies

• We have to partition the dataset into training and test, but how is this partitioning done?

• If this partitioning is wrong we will not obtain a good estimation of the method ’ s performance

Performace estimation methodologies: Holdout

• Simply dividing the dataset into two nonoverlaped sets (e.g. 2/3 of the dataset for training, 1/3 of the set for test).

• Most simple method and computationally cheap

• The performance is computed on the test set

• Its reliability greatly depends on how the sets are partitioned

Performace estimation methodologies:

K-fold cross-validation

• Divide the dataset into K strata

• Iterate K times:

– Use sets 1.. K-1 for training and the set K for test

– Use sets 1..K-2,K for training and the set K-1 for test

– etc

• Computer the performance estimation as the average of the metric for each of the K test sets

• More robust estimator, but computationally more costlier

• If each of the K strata has the same class distribution as the whole dataset, this method is called stratified K-fold cross- validation

Performance estimation methodologies

• Leave-one-out cross-validation

– Extreme case of cross-validation, where K=D, the size of the dataset

– Training sets will have size D-1 and test sets will have only one instance

– Mostly used in datasets of small size

• Bootstrap

– Generate a sample with replacement from the dataset with size D. Use it as training set

– Use the instances never selected as test set

– Repeat this process a high number of times

Performance estimation methodologies

• But which method is best?

• Two criteria to take into account

– Bias: Difference between the estimation and the true error

– Variance of the estimation ’ s sample

• Formal and experimental analysis of some of these methods

• Experimental study for microarray data

Who is the best?

• At the end of an experimentation we will have tested N methods on D datasets, thus we will have a NxD table of performance metrics

• How can we identify the best method?

– Highest average performance across the D datasets?

– Highest average rank across the D datasets?

• Also, is the best method significantly better than the others?

• For this we need statistical test (next slide)

• Best study nowadays on statistical tests

• Most of the tests described in the next slides can be found in many statistical packages (e.g. R )

Statistical tests

• Procedure for making decisions about data

• Each test defines an hypothesis (H


) about the observed data

– “The accuracy differences I observe between A and B are just by pure chance and the methods perform equally”

– Or in a more statistical way “The two sets of data observations A and B belong to the same distribution”

• Then, the probability of H

0 observed data is calculated being true given the

• If the probability (p-value) is smaller than a certain threshold, H

0 is rejected and the observed differences are statistically significant

Traditional approach: Student Ttest

• Tests whether the difference between two distributions is significant or not

• Generates a p-value, in this case the probability that the two distributions are not significantly different

• P-values of 0.05 or 0.01 are typical thresholds

• Can only applied if the distributions have the same variance and are normal. These conditions are hardly ever achieved

Wilcoxon test

• Non-parametric tests, which is not affected by the normality of the distribution

• It ranks the absolute differences in performance, dataset by dataset

• Next, it sums the ranks separately for the positive and negative differences

• A p-value will be generated depending on which sum of ranks is smaller and the number of datasets

Multiple pair-wise comparisons?

• Both the t-test and the Wilcoxon test are used to compare two methods

• What if we have more than two methods in our comparison?

– You can hold individually that A is better than B and better than C with 95% confidence and but it is better than both B and C at the same time?

– The p-values do not hold anymore

• We need to apply a correction for multiple tests (e.g. Bonferroni , Holm , etc.)

The Friedman test

• Designed explicitly to compare multiple methods

• Based on the average rank of each method across the datasets

• This test just says if the performance of the methods included is similar or not

• Can be used when having more than 10 datasets and more than 5 methods

• Once the test has determined that there are significant performance differences, a post-hoc test is used to spot them

Two types of post-hoc test

• Comparing every method to each other (e.g. the Nemenyi test)

• Comparing a control method against the others (e.g. the Holm test)

– E.g. the best method against the others

– This latter kind of test gives less information but are also more powerful (i.e. less conservative)

• Both are based on ranks

Using R to compute statistical tests

• R is an open source statistical computing package

• It is extremely powerful, but not the most simple tool to use in the world….

• It has build-in functions for most of the tests described in the previous slides

• Example from the command line….

Data for the test

• A plain text file with rows consisting of:

– <method> <dataset> <performance metric>

• Example file

• CV has already been computed

• Let ’ s load the data in R:

$ R

> data<-read.table("rchA.dat")

> data

V1 V2 V3

1 C4_5 rchA_1_q2 0.664884

2 C4_5 rchA_2_q2 0.690657

3 C4_5 rchA_3_q2 0.731942

4 C4_5 rchA_4_q2 0.756022

5 C4_5 rchA_5_q2 0.733984


> pairwise.t.test(data$V3,data$V1,,paired=T)

Pairwise comparisons using t tests with non-pooled SD data: data$V3 and data$V1

C4_5 HEL+ LCS+

HEL+ 0.00056 -

LCS+ 0.00038 0.53291 -

NB 0.53291 0.52834 0.53291

P value adjustment method: holm

Wilcoxon test

> pairwise.wilcox.test(data$V3,data$V1,paired=T)

Pairwise comparisons using Wilcoxon rank sum test data: data$V3 and data$V1

C4_5 HEL+ LCS+

HEL+ 0.00038 -

LCS+ 0.00032 0.72586 -

NB 0.72586 0.72586 0.72586

P value adjustment method: holm

> pairwise.wilcox.test(data$V3,data$V1,paired=T)$p.value

C4_5 HEL+ LCS+

HEL+ 0.0003814697 NA NA Saving the results to a file

LCS+ 0.0003204346 0.7258606 NA

NB 0.7258605957 0.7258606 0.7258606

> write.table(pairwise.wilcox.test(data$V3,data$V1,paired=T)$p.value,"wilcox.dat

” )

Friedman and post hoc tests

• Code for the Holm and Nemenyi post hoc tests

• Code for accuracy (between 0 and 1)

> source("fried+holm.r

” )

> fried.holm("rchA.dat")

Friedman rank sum test data: data$V3, data$V1 and data$V2

Friedman chi-squared = 22.4667, df = 3, p-value = 5.216e-05

[1] "Average ranks"


3.666667 1.722222 2.166667 2.444444

[1] "Control is HEL+"

[1] "Confidence level of 0.950000"

[1] "HEL+ is significantly better than C4_5"

[1] "Confidence level of 0.990000"

[1] "HEL+ is significantly better than C4_5"

Evaluation pipeline (summary)

• N datasets, M methods

– Method can mean anything (mining, preprocessing, etc.)

• For each of the N datasets

– Partition it into training and test sets

– For each of the K pairs of (Training k n ,Test k n ) sets

• For each of the M methods

model = Train Method M using set Training k n

– Metric[N][M][K] = Test model using set Test k n

– Metric[N][M] = Average across k pairs

• Compute average ranks of each method across datasets

• Run statistical tests using Metric matrix

– There are overall statistical significant performance differences?

– Individual tests one-vs-rest or all-vs-all

Basic Information Theory

• Shannon’s Entropy

– Measure of the information content in discrete data

– Metric inspired by statistical information transmission

• “How many bits per symbol (in average) would it take to transmit a message given the frequencies of each symbol?”

H ( X )

= n




1 p ( x i

)log p ( x i


Shannon’s Entropy

• If we are tossing a coin and want to send a sequence of tosses

– If heads and tails have the same probability it would take one bit per toss

– If heads have a very small probability compared to tails we could just send a list of the heads and say that everything else is a tail

• Each head message would be long, but there would be very few of them, so overall it would take less than one bit to transmit a symbol (in average).

Other information theory metrics

• Conditional Entropy

– Entropy of a certain variable given that we know all about a related variable

H ( Y | X )





X p ( x ) H ( Y | X

= x )

• Information gain

– How many bits would I save from transmitting Y if I know about X?

– IG(Y|X) = H(Y) – H(Y|X)

• Mutual information

– Assesses the interrelationship between two variables

I ( X ; Y )









X p ( x , y )log



æ p ( x , y ) p ( x ) p ( y )




Why is it useful for in data mining?

• We have a continuous variable where each data point is associated to a class

– 10 red dots, 10 blue dots

– H(X) = -(0.5log(0.5)+0.5log(0.5))=1

• What if we split this variable in two?

– Where to split?

– The point where we obtain maximum IG.

Conditional variable X is the splitting point

IG ( X ; cutp )


H ( X )




X left


H ( X ; left )


X right


H ( X ; right )




Different cut points

• H(X;left) = 0.469, H(X;right) = 0.469, IG=0.531

• H(X;left) = 0, H(X;right) = 0.863, IG=0.384

• H(X;left) = 0.863, H(X;right)=0, IG=0.384

Let ’ s play a bit with Weka

• Download the WEKA GUI from here

• Dataset for this demo

• What I am going to show are just some of the steps from this tutorial

Weka from the command line….

$ java weka.classifiers.trees.J48 -t dataset.arff

J48 pruned tree

-----------------att16 <= 1.28221

| att1 <= 1.33404

| | att3 <= 1.37681: 3 (6.0)

| | att3 > 1.37681: 2 (4.0/1.0)

| att1 > 1.33404

| | att17 <= 1.52505

| | | att5 <= 1.34135: 3 (3.0)

| | | att5 > 1.34135

| | | | att8 <= 1.3391: 3 (4.0/1.0)

| | | | att8 > 1.3391: 2 (19.0/1.0)

| | att17 > 1.52505: 2 (18.0) att16 > 1.28221: 3 (938.0/456.0)

Number of Leaves : 7

Size of the tree : 13

=== Confusion Matrix === a b <-- classified as

39 457 | a = 2

2 494 | b = 3

=== Stratified cross-validation ===

Correctly Classified Instances 491 49.496 %

Incorrectly Classified Instances 501 50.504 %

Kappa statistic -0.0101

Mean absolute error 0.4992

Root mean squared error 0.5111

Relative absolute error 99.8304 %

Root relative squared error 102.214 %

Total Number of Instances 992

=== Confusion Matrix === a b <-- classified as

141 355 | a = 2

146 350 | b = 3

Time taken to build model: 0.11 seconds

Time taken to test model on training data: 0.05 seconds

=== Error on training data ===

Correctly Classified Instances 533 53.7298 %

Incorrectly Classified Instances 459 46.2702 %

Kappa statistic 0.0746

Mean absolute error 0.4774

Root mean squared error 0.4885

Relative absolute error 95.4706 %

Root relative squared error 97.7091 %

Total Number of Instances 992


• Knowledge Extration using Evolutionary


• Another data mining platform with integrated graphical design of experiments

• Download prototype

• Manual

• Instructions about integrating new methods into it ( slides , paper )

