Copulas and their Applications Outline Introduction Application of Gaussian copula Simulation techniques Application in Finance Fitting with real life data Introduction Motivation Normal distributions are not normal!!! Linear correlation is not suitable Multinormal distribution is inappropriate. Empirical evidence in Finance : Marginal distributions are skewed and heavy-tailed (Mandelbrot (1963), Fama (1965), Bouchaud, Sornette, and Potters (1997), Danielsson and de Vries (1997)). B.B. Mandelbrot. The variation of certain speculative prices. Journal Of Business, 36:392{417, 1963 E.F. Fama. The behavior of stock market prices. Journal of Business, 38(1):34{105, 1965. Bouchaud,J. P., D. Sornette, and M. Potters (1997): Option Pricing in the Presence of Extreme Fluctuations, in Mathematics of Derivative Securities , eds. M. A. H. Dempster and S. Pliska. New York: Cambridge University Press. Danielsson , J. , and C. G. De Vries (1997): Tail Index and Quantile Estimation with Very High Frequency Data, Working paper, Tinbergen Insitute, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Introduction Why copula? Separation of dependence from marginal distributions (Sklar’s Theorem, 1959) Scale-free measure of dependence vs. traditional linear dependence (Fisher, 1997) Total dependence vs. pairwise dependence Useful for joint outcomes Fisher, N. I. 1997. Copulas. Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences. 2. Sklar, A. (1959), Fonctions de répartition à n dimensions et leurs marges, Publ. Inst. Statist. Univ. Paris 8: 229–231 Introduction What is copula? MV to 1-d marginal DF. (Nelsen,1999)) MV DF on [0,1]n , with uniformly distributed marginals (Embrechts, Lindskog, & McNeil, 2003). Embrechts, P., Lindskog, F., & McNeil, A. 2003. Modelling dependence with copulas and applications to risk management. Handbook of heavy tailed distributions in finance, 8(1), 329-384. Nelsen, R. B. (1999). An introduction to copulas. Springer. Introduction What is Copula? Graphical Demonstration* F2(y) (1,1) (x, y) H(x, y) (0,0) F1(x) * This concept is taken from: A Brief Introduction to Copulas, Speaker: Hua, Lei, February 24, 2009, Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia. Introduction What is Copula? Graphical Demonstration* F2(y) (1,1) Copula (x, y) (0,0) H(x, y) F1(x) Copula: Mapping (assigns value) of joint distribution function to each pair (x,y). * This concept is taken from: A Brief Introduction to Copulas, Speaker: Hua, Lei, February 24, 2009, Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia. Application of Gaussian Copula 1. Two correlated random variables 2. Easy way: generate MV Gaussian distribution Problem: Normally distributed 3. Marginal distributions with correlation 4. Possible way: A. Generate variables from correlated Gaussian distribution B. Transform into uniform distributions C. Transform again into desired marginal distributions Application of Gaussian Copula A. Generate variables from correlated Gaussian distribution require(mvtnorm) S <- matrix(c(1,.8,.8,1),2,2) #Correlation matrix A <- rmvnorm(mean=c(0,0), sig=S, n=1000) #Our Gaussian variables R –code for this part has been taken from with a little modification Application of Gaussian Copula B. Transform into uniform distributions require(mvtnorm) S <- matrix(c(1,.8,.8,1),2,2) #Correlation matrix A <- rmvnorm(mean=c(0,0), sig=S, n=1000) #Our gaussian variables U <- pnorm(A) #Now U is uniform hist(U[,1]) R –code for this part has been taken from with a little modification Application of Gaussian Copula B. Transform into uniform distributions require(mvtnorm) S <- matrix(c(1,.8,.8,1),2,2) #Correlation matrix A <- rmvnorm(mean=c(0,0), sig=S, n=1000) #Our gaussian variables U <- pnorm(A) #Now U is uniform hist(U[,2]) R –code for this part has been taken from with a little modification Application of Gaussian Copula C. Transform again into desired marginal distributions require(mvtnorm) S <- matrix(c(1,.8,.8,1),2,2) #Correlation matrix A <- rmvnorm(mean=c(0,0),sig=S,n=1000) #Our gaussian variables U <- pnorm(A) #Now U is uniform x <- qchisq(U[,1],10) #x is chi-sq distributed y <- qbeta(U[,2],1,2) #y is beta distributed plot(x,y) #They correlate! R –code for this part has been taken from with a little modification Simulation Technique Gaussian Copula 2 variables P = matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1), nrow = 2) ## Correlation matrix d = nrow(P) # Dimension n = 300 # Number of samples ## Simulation A = t(chol(P)) U = matrix(nrow = n, ncol = d) for (i in 1:n){ Z = rnorm(d) X = A%*%Z U[i, ] = pnorm(X)} plot(U) # Graph Code source: Simulation Technique Gaussian Copula 3 variables P = matrix(c(1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 1, 0.5, 0.9, 0.5, 1), nrow = 3) d = nrow(P) # Dimension n = 300 # Number of samples ## Simulation A = t(chol(P)) U = matrix(nrow = n, ncol = d) for (i in 1:n){ Z = rnorm(d) X = A%*%Z U[i, ] = pnorm(X)} pairs(U) # Graph Code source: Application in Finance VaR calculations Consider individual asset return’s dependence structure Linear correlation is no longer meaningful Mostly measured by tail dependence (Schmidt, 2004). Tail dependence coefficients calculation is easy for Gaussian copulas Schmidt, R. (2004). Tail dependence, in P. Cizek, W. Härdle, R. Weron (eds.) Statistical Tools for Finance and Insurance, Springer. Application in Finance VaR Calculation using MC: Conventional vs. Copula Creating MV normal and fat-tailed distributions require(copula) require(mvtnorm) ## Creating Mulativariate normal distributions set.seed(3) sigma = matrix(c(1,0.1,0.1,1), ncol=2) ret = rmvnorm(n=10000, mean=c(0,0), sigma=sigma) ## Creating non-normal fat-tailed distributions U = pnorm(ret) #Now U is uniform m = qcauchy(U[,1]) #x is Cauchy distributed n = qcauchy(U[,2]) #y is Cauchy distributed nret=cbind(m,n) Application in Finance VaR Calculation using MC: Conventional vs. Copula Conventional VaR calculation for MVN Distribution mu1=apply(ret,2,mean) sigma1=cov(ret) rep1=list("vector",1) 5% VaR = -1.43 for (i in 1:1) {rep1[[i]]=rmvnorm(10000,mu1,sigma1)} rep1 <- rep1[[1]] p_ret1<- apply(rep1, 1, function(x) return(sum(x * c(0.5, 0.5)))) # simulated portfolio return quantile(p_ret1, 0.05) #, type = 3) # your Portfolio VaR (95%) A basic structure of Copula simulation can be found at: Application in Finance VaR Calculation using MC: Conventional vs. Copula Copula VaR calculation for MVN Distribution cdata1=pobs(ret) 5% VaR = -1.39 fg1 = fitCopula(copula=normalCopula(), data=cdata1) rcop1 = rCopula(copula=normalCopula(fg1@estimate), n=10000) fcop1 = qnorm(rcop1) p_ret3= apply(fcop1, 1, function(x) return(sum(x * c(0.5, 0.5)))) # simulated portfolio return quantile(p_ret3, 0.05) # Portfolio VaR (95%) Application in Finance VaR Calculation using MC: Conventional vs. Copula Conventional VaR calculation for Non-normal Distribution mu2=apply(nret,2,mean) sigma2=cov(nret) rep2=list("vector",1) 5% VaR = -466.59 for (i in 1:1) {rep2[[i]]<-rmvnorm(10000,mu2,sigma2)} rep2 = rep2[[1]] p_ret2= apply(rep2, 1, function(x) return(sum(x * c(0.5, 0.5)))) # simulated portfolio return quantile(p_ret2, 0.05) # Portfolio VaR (95%) Application in Finance VaR Calculation using MC: Conventional vs. Copula Copula VaR calculation for Non-normal Distribution cdata2=pobs(nret) 5% VaR = -1.41 fg2 = fitCopula(copula=normalCopula(), data=cdata2) rcop2 = rCopula(copula=normalCopula(fg2@estimate), n=10000) fcop2 = qnorm(rcop2) p_ret4= apply(fcop2, 1, function(x) return(sum(x * c(0.5, 0.5)))) # simulated portfolio return quantile(p_ret4, 0.05) # Portfolio VaR (95%) Fitting with Real Life Data The forecast errors data set Gumbel Distribution Extreme value type I Smallest extreme and largest extreme. Source: Wikipedia Fitting with Real Life Data The forecast errors data set library(mvnmle) library(copula) error=read.csv("") er=as.matrix(error[,2:3]) #Fitting with Gumbel Copula* mu1=mean(er[,1]); mu2=mean(er[,2]) sd1=sd(er[,1]); sd2=sd(er[,2]) gmb=gumbelCopula(4,dim=2) myCDF = mvdc(gmb, margins=c("norm","norm"), paramMargins=list(list(mean=mu1,sd=sd1),list(mea n=mu2,sd=sd2))) fit <- fitMvdc(er, myCDF, start= c(4,1,2,3,4)) fit * Craighead , Steve.(2010) R CORNER: A TOY COPULA ERM MODEL IN R. Society for Actuaries. July 2010. Issue 36. # Get the parameter value b1hat=2.00032*sqrt(6)/pi b2hat=1.9795*sqrt(6)/pi mu1hat=0.06469-b1hat*0.5772 mu2hat=0.4219-b2hat*0.5772 E<-pobs(er) sigma=cor(qnorm(E)) ## Creating Mulativariate normal distributions Z = rmvnorm(n=1000, mean=c(0,0), sigma=sigma) # Creating uniform distribution U = pnorm(Z) # Transforming to Gumbel distribution Y1=qgumbel(U[,1], mu=mu1hat, sigma=b1hat) Y2=qgumbel(U[,2], mu=mu2hat, sigma=b2hat) Y=cbind(Y1, Y2) cor(Y); cor(er) summary(Y); summary(er) plot(Y); plot(er) Fitting with Real Life Data: Comparison The forecast errors data set Gumbel Copula Estimation vs. Regular Statistics Gumbel Copula Regular Mean of E1 0.03166 0.0107 Mean of E2 0.38944 0.3994 Correlation 0.9880363 0.9870216 Covariance Matrix: Gumbel Y1 Y2 Y1 Y2 3.947473 3.875008 3.875008 3.896550 Regular E1 E2 E1 E2 3.142011 3.149591 3.149591 3.240764 Fitting with Real Life Data: Comparison The forecast errors data set Plot of Regular vs. Gumbel Copula