Advanced Mobile Robotics Probabilistic Robotics: SLAM/FastSLAM Dr. Jizhong Xiao Department of Electrical Engineering CUNY City College City College of New York 1 Probabilistic Robotics SLAM/FastSLAM City College of New York SLAM Problem : Chicken or Egg Fundamental problems for localization and mapping The task of SLAM is to build a map while estimating the pose of the robot relative to this map. Without a map, robot cannot localize itself Without knowing its location, robot cannot build a map Which needed to be done first? Localization or mapping? City College of New York 3 SLAM Simultaneous Localization and Mapping A robot is exploring an unknown, static environment. Given: – The robot’s controls (U1:t) – Observations of nearby features (Z1:t) Estimate: – Map of features (m) – Pose / Path of the robot (xt) City College of New York 4 Why is SLAM a hard problem? Uncertanties • Error in pose • Error in observation • Error in mapping • Error accumulated City College of New York 5 Why is SLAM a hard problem? SLAM: robot path and map are both unknown! Robot path error correlates errors in the map City College of New York 6 Why is SLAM a hard problem? Robot pose uncertainty • In the real world, the mapping between observations and landmarks is unknown • Picking wrong data associations can have catastrophic consequences • Pose error correlates data associations City College of New York 7 Data Association Problem • A data association is an assignment of observations to landmarks • In general there are more than (n observations, m landmarks) possible associations • Also called “assignment problem” City College of New York 8 SLAM: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping • Full SLAM: Estimates entire path and map! p( x1:t , m | z1:t , u1:t ) Estimates Given Entire pose (x1:t) and map (m) Previous knowledge (Z1:t-1, U1:t-1) Current measurement (Zt, Ut) City College of New York 9 Graphical Model of Full SLAM: p( x1:t , m | z1:t , u1:t ) City College of New York 10 SLAM: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping • Online SLAM: p( xt , m | z1:t , u1:t ) Estimates Given Most recent pose (xt) and map (m) Previous knowledge (Z1:t-1, U1:t-1) Current measurement (Zt, Ut) Estimates most recent pose and map! City College of New York 11 Graphical Model of Online SLAM: p( xt , m | z1:t , u1:t ) p( x1:t , m | z1:t , u1:t ) dx1 dx2 ...dxt 1 Integrations typically done one at a time City College of New York 12 SLAM with Extended Kalman Filter • Pre-requisites – Maps are feature-based (landmarks) small number (< 1000) – Assumption - Gaussian Noise – Process only positive sightings No landmark = negative Landmark = positive City College of New York 13 EKF-SLAM with known correspondences Correspondence Data association problem Landmarks can’t be uniquely identified Correspondence variable (Cit) True identity of observed feature between feature (fit) and real landmark f t rt i i i t S i T t City College of New York 14 EKF-SLAM with known correspondences Signature Numerical value (average color) Characterize type of landmark (integer) Multidimensional vector (height and color) City College of New York 15 EKF-SLAM with known correspondences Similar development to EKF localization Diff robot pose + coordinates of all landmarks Combined state vector xt yt x m y m1, x p( yt | z1:t , u1:t ) m1, y S1 ... mN , x (3N + 3) mN , y Online posterior City College of New York SN T 16 Mean Motion update Covariance Test for new landmarks Initialization of elements Expected measurement Iteration through measurements Filter is updated City College of New York 17 FastSLAM Jizhong Xiao Department of Electrical Engineering The City College of New York City College of New York 18 Particle Filters Represent belief by random samples Estimation of non-Gaussian, nonlinear processes Sampling Importance Resampling (SIR) principle Draw the new generation of particles Assign an importance weight to each particle Resampling Typical application scenarios are tracking, localization, mapping … City College of New York 19 Localization vs. SLAM A particle filter can be used to solve both problems Monte Carlo Localization: state space < x, y, > SLAM: state space < x, y, , map> for landmark maps = < l1, l2, …, lm> for grid maps = < c11, c12, …, c1n, c21, …, cnm> Disadvantage: The number of particles needed to represent a posterior grows exponentially with the dimension of the state space! City College of New York 20 Some considerations of particle filter • • • • • • Scale exponentially with dimension Large variables involved to mapping Convergence of particles Choice of Re-sampling Conditionally independent mapping error And more…. City College of New York 21 Dependencies Is there a dependency between the dimensions of the state space? If so, can we use the dependency to solve the problem more efficiently? In the SLAM context The map depends on the poses of the robot. We know how to build a map given the position of the sensor is known. City College of New York 22 Mapping using Landmarks l1 Landmark 1 z1 observations Robot poses controls x1 x0 u0 z3 x2 x3 ... u1 u1 z2 Landmark 2 xt ut-1 zt l2 Knowledge of the robot’s true path renders landmark positions conditionally independent City College of New York 23 FastSLAM Principle Features are conditionally independent given the robot path Figure 13.3 The SLAM problem depicted as Bayes network graph. The robot moves from pose xt-1 to pose xt+2, driven by a sequence of controls. At each pose xt , it observes a nearby feature in the map m={m1, m2, m3}. This graphical network illustrates that the pose variables “separate” the individual features in the map from each other. If the poses are known, there remains no other path involving variables whose value is not known, between any two features in the map. This lack of a path renders the posterior of any two features in the map conditionally independent (given the poses). City College of New York 24 Factored Posterior (Landmarks) poses map observations & movements SLAM posterior Robot path posterior landmark positions Does this help to solve the problem? (Factorization first introduced by Murphy in 1999) City College of New York 25 Factored Posterior Robot path posterior (localization problem) Conditionally independent landmark positions City College of New York 26 Rao-Blackwellization This factorization is also called Rao-Blackwellization Given that the second term can be computed efficiently, particle filtering becomes possible! City College of New York 27 Fast SLAM Rao-Blackwellized particle filtering based on landmarks [Montemerlo et al., 2002] Each landmark is represented by a Extended Kalman Filter Each particle therefore has to maintain M EKFs x, y, Landmark 1 Landmark 2 … Landmark M Particle #2 x, y, Landmark 1 Landmark 2 … Landmark M Particle N x, y, Landmark 1 Landmark 2 … Landmark M … Particle #1 City College of New York 28 FastSLAM Algorithm setup City College of New York 29 Basic Step of FastSLAM City College of New York 30 Rao-Blackwellization Landmarks Grid-based poses map map observations movements City College of New York 31 Factored SLAM Posterior The mathematic expression of full SLAM posterior: p( y1:t | z1:t , c1:t , u1:t ) p( x1:t | z1:t , c1:t , u1:t ) p(m | z1:t , x1:t , c1:t ) After a long derivation (on page 442), it becomes p( y1:t | z1:t , c1:t , u1:t ) p( x1:t | z1:t , c1:t , u1:t ) N p(m n | z1:t , x1:t , c1:t ) n 1 City College of New York 32 Advantage of factorization • FastSLAM estimates the path posterior using particle filter, estimate map feature using EKF • • • • Because of factorization: Maintain MN+1 filters (M – particles, N features) All filters are low-dimensional Separate EFK for each map features which makes update more efficient than EKF-SLAM • Each particle possess its own sets of EKF’s • Easy for data association City College of New York 33 FastSLAM 1.0 Algorithm: N-th feature location (mean, variance) relative to the k-th particle Robot path estimation K-th Particle is denoted as: Yt xt , 1,t , 1,t ..., N ,t , N ,t , [k ] [k ] [k ] [k ] [k ] [k ] Step 1: Extend the path posterior by sampling new poses xt[ k ] ~ p( xt | xt[k1] , ut ) Uses control ut to sample new robot pose xt Added into a temporary set of particle, along with the path of previous poses x1[:kt]1 Step 2: Updating the observed feature estimate Step 3: Resembling City College of New York 34 FastSLAM 1.0 Algorithm: Step 1: Extend the path posterior by sampling new poses Step 2: Updating the observed feature estimate For n≠ct do not update For n=ct p(mct | x1:t , z1:t , c1:t ) p( zt | xt , mct , ct ) p(mct | z1:t 1, x1:t 1, , c1:t 1 ) Perceptual model, Gaussian Previous belief, Gaussian Using EKF, approximate the measurement model g by Taylor expansion g (mct , xt[ k ] ) g(c[tk,]t 1 , xt[k ] ) g ( xt[k ] , c[tk,]t 1 )(mct c[tk,]t 1 ) zˆt[k ] Gt[k ] (mc c[k,]t 1 ) New mean t t Kalman Gain K [k ] t [k ] ct ,t 1 [k ] t G (G [ k ]T t [k ] ct ,t 1 Gt[ k ] Rt ) 1 c[k,]t c[k,]t 1 Kt[k ] ( zt zˆt[k ] ) t [k ] ct ,t t ( I K t[ k ]Gt[ k ] ) [ckt ,]t 1 City College of New York T New covariance 35 FastSLAM 1.0 Algorithm: Step 1: Extend the path posterior by sampling new poses Step 2: Updating the observed feature estimate Step 3: Resembling • Necessity: particles in the temporary set are not distributed according to the desired posterior, (i.e., poses xt driven by most recent control ut, without paying attention to measurement zt). • Importance factor = Target distribution / Proposal distribution [k ] t w [k ] 1:t 1 1:t [k ] 1:t 1 1:t 1 p( x | u , z1:t , c1:t ) p( x | u , z1:t 1 , c1:t 1 ) City College of New York 36 Re-sampling by Importance Sampler Samples cannot be drawn conveniently from the target distribution f. Instead, the importance sampler draws samples from the proposal distribution g, which has a simpler form. Target distribution, takes into account of measurement zt, along with the correspondence ct wt[ k ] p( xt[ k ] | u1:t , z1:t , c1:t ) p( xt[ k ] | u1:t , z1:t 1 , c1:t 1 ) Proposal distribution of the path particles in the temporary set A sample of f is obtained by attaching the weight f/g to each sample x. City College of New York 37 Re-sampling by Importance Sampler Importance factor p( xt[ k ] | z1:t , c1:t , u1:t ) wt[ k ] p( xt[ k ] | u1:t , z1:t , c1:t ) p( xt[ k ] | u1:t , z1:t 1 , c1:t 1 ) p( z t xt[ k ] , z1:t 1 , u1:t , c1:t ) p( xt[ k ] z1:t 1 , u1:t , c1:t ) p ( z t xt[ k ] , z1:t 1 , c1:t ) p ( xt[ k ] z1:t 1 , u1:t , c1:t 1 ) Observed feature wt[ k ] p ( z t xt[ k ] , z1:t 1 , c1:t ) p( z t mct , xt[ k ] , z1:t 1 , c1:t ) p(mct xt[ k ] , z1:t 1 , c1:t )dmct p( z t mct , xt[ k ] , ct ) p(mct x1[:kt ] , z1:t 1 , c1:t 1 )dmct Measurement model, Gaussian [k ] t w 1 [k ] 2 t 2Q ~ N ( c[ tk,]t 1 , [ckt ,]t 1 ) With covariance: 1 exp ( z t zˆt[ k ] )Qt[ k ]1 ( z t zˆt[ k ] ) 2 City College of New York [k ] t Q G [ k ]T t [k ] n ,t 1 Gt[ k ] Rt 38 FastSLAM 1.0 Algorithm with known correspondence • See table 13.1 of text book on page 450 City College of New York 39 Weighting particle to Approximate Target Distribution City College of New York 40 Resampling mismatch FastSLAM 1.0 problem: samples poses based on control ut only, but the accuracy of control is low. Proposal generates a large spectrum of samples, but only a small subset has high likelihood . After re-sampling, only particles within the ellipsoid “survive” with reasonably high likelihood City College of New York 41 FastSLAM 2.0 Algorithm: FastSLAM 2.0 avoids the problem by sampling poses based on the measurement Zt in addition to control ut Step 1: Extend the path posterior by sampling new poses [k ] t x [k ] t 1 ~ p( xt | x , ut , z1:t , c1:t ) Bayes p( zt xt , x1[:kt]1 , u1:t , z1:t 1 , c1:t ) p( xt x1[:kt]1 , u1:t , z1:t 1 , c1:t ) p( zt x1[:kt]1 ,u1:t , z1:t 1 , c1:t ) See math on page 452~453 Step 2: Updating the observed feature estimate Step 3: Re-sampling City College of New York 42 FastSLAM 2.0 Algorithm: FastSLAM 2.0 avoids the problem by sampling poses based on the measurement Zt in addition to control ut 1. Extend the path posterior by sampling new poses [k ] t x [k ] t 1 ~ p( xt | x , ut , z1:t , c1:t ) 2. Updating the observed feature estimate p(mct | x , z1:t , c1:t ) p( zt | xt[k ] , mct , ct ) p(mct | z1:t 1, x1[:kt]1, c1:t 1 ) [k ] t 3. Re-sampling [k ] t w [k ] 1:t 1 1:t [k ] 1:t 1 1:t 1 p( x | u , z1:t , c1:t ) p( x | u , z1:t 1 , c1:t 1 ) City College of New York 43 FastSLAM Algorithm • Particle filter approach to the SLAM problem • Maintain a set of particles • Particles contain a sampled robot path and a map • The features of the map are represented by own local Gaussian • Map is created as a set of separate Gaussians Map features are conditionally independent given the path Factoring out the path (1 per particle) Map feature become independent Eliminates the need to maintain correlation among them City College of New York 44 FastSLAM Algorithm • Updating in FastSLAM Sample new pose update the observed features • Update can be performed online • Solves both online and offline SLAM problem • Instances Feature-based maps Grid-based algorithm City College of New York 45 Features of Fast-SLAM • Each particle can rely on its own, local data association decisions • More robust data association decision on perparticle basis. • Solves both full SLAM & on-line SLAM problems. • FastSLAM 1.0 – less efficient in generating samples • FastSLAM 2.0 – more efficient by improved proposal distribution, at the cost of mathematic complexity. City College of New York 46 Unknown Data Association Correspondence: maximizing the likelihood of the measurement zt [k ] t c arg max p( zt | x , u1:t 1, z1:t 1, ct , c1:t 1 ) [k ] 1:t City College of New York 47 FastSLAM – Action Update Landmark #1 Filter Particle #1 Landmark #2 Filter Particle #2 Particle #3 City College of New York 48 FastSLAM – Sensor Update Landmark #1 Filter Particle #1 Landmark #2 Filter Particle #2 Particle #3 City College of New York 49 FastSLAM – Sensor Update Particle #1 Weight = 0.8 Particle #2 Weight = 0.4 Particle #3 Weight = 0.1 City College of New York 50 FastSLAM - Video City College of New York 51 FastSLAM Complexity • Update robot particles based on control ut-1 • Incorporate observation zt into Kalman filters • Resample particle set N = Number of particles M = Number of map features City College of New York O(N) Constant time per particle O(N•log(M)) Log time per particle O(N•log(M)) Log time per particle O(N•log(M)) Log time per particle 52 Data Association Problem • Which observation belongs to which landmark? • A robust SLAM must consider possible data associations • Potential data associations depend also on the pose of the robot City College of New York 53 Multi-Hypothesis Data Association • Data association is done on a per-particle basis • Robot pose error is factored out of data association decisions City College of New York 54 Per-Particle Data Association Was the observation generated by the red or the blue landmark? P(observation|red) = 0.3 P(observation|blue) = 0.7 • Two options for per-particle data association – Pick the most probable match – Pick an random association weighted by the observation likelihoods • If the probability is too low, generate a new landmark City College of New York 55 Results – Data Association City College of New York 56 Results – Victoria Park • 4 km traverse • < 5 m RMS position error • 100 particles Blue = GPS Yellow = Fast SLAM Dataset courtesy of University of Sydney City College of New York 57 Results – Victoria Park Dataset courtesy of University of Sydney City College of New York 58 Grid-based SLAM Can we solve the SLAM problem if no pre-defined landmarks are available? Can we use the ideas of Fast SLAM to build grid maps? As with landmarks, the map depends on the poses of the robot during data acquisition If the poses are known, grid-based mapping is easy (“mapping with known poses”) City College of New York 59 Rao-Blackwellization poses map observations & movements City College of New York 60 Rao-Blackwellization poses map observations & movements SLAM posterior Robot path posterior Mapping with known poses City College of New York 61 Rao-Blackwellization This is localization, use MCL Use the pose estimate from the MCL part and apply mapping with known poses City College of New York 62 A Graphical Model of Rao-Blackwellized Mapping u0 x0 u1 ut-1 x1 x2 z1 z2 ... xt m City College of New York zt 63 Rao-Blackwellized Mapping Each particle represents a possible trajectory of the robot Each particle maintains its own map and updates it upon “mapping with known poses” Each particle survives with a probability proportional to the likelihood of the observations relative to its own map City College of New York 64 Mapping with Known Poses Mapping with known poses using laser range data City College of New York 65 Particle Filter Example 3 particles map of particle 3 map of particle 1 map of particle 2 City College of New York 66 Problem Each map is quite big in case of grid maps Since each particle maintains its own map Therefore, one needs to keep the number of particles small Solution: Compute better proposal distributions! Idea 1: Improve the pose estimate before applying the particle filter City College of New York 67 Pose Correction Using Scan Matching Maximize the likelihood of the i-th pose and map relative to the (i-1)-th pose and map xˆt arg max p( zt | xt , mˆ t 1 ) p( xt | ut 1 , xˆt 1 ) xt current measurement robot motion map constructed so far City College of New York 68 Motion Model for Scan Matching Raw Odometry Scan Matching City College of New York 69 Mapping using Scan Matching City College of New York 70 FastSLAM with Scan-Matching City College of New York 71 Fast SLAM with Scan-Matching Loop Closure City College of New York 72 Map: Intel Research Lab Seattle Fast SLAM with Scan-Matching City College of New York 73 Intel Lab 15 particles four times faster than real-time P4, 2.8GHz 5cm resolution during scan matching 1cm resolution in final map City College of New York 74 Intel Lab 15 particles Compared to Fast SLAM with Scan-Matching, the particles are propagated closer to the true distribution City College of New York 75 Outdoor Campus Map 30 particles 250x250m2 1.75 km (odometry) 20cm resolution during scan matching 30cm resolution in final map City College of New York 76 Fast SLAM with Improved Odometry Scan-matching provides a locally consistent pose correction Pre-correct short odometry sequences using scan-matching and use them as input to Fast SLAM Fewer particles are needed, since the error in the input is smaller [Haehnel et al., 2003] City College of New York 77 Comparison to Standard Fast SLAM Same model for observations Odometry instead of scan matching as input Number of particles varying from 500 to 2,000 Typical result: City College of New York 78 Graphical Model for Mapping with Improved Odometry u0 ... uk-1 z1 ... z k-1 x0 uk ... u2k-1 zk+1...z2k-1 ... un·k ... u(n+1)·k-1 z n·k+1... z(n+1)·k-1 u'1 u'2 ... u'n xk x2k ... x n·k zk z2k ... zn·k m City College of New York 79 Further Improvements • Improved proposals will lead to more accurate maps • They can be achieved by adapting the proposal distribution according to the most recent observations • Flexible re-sampling steps can further improve the accuracy. City College of New York 80 Conclusion • The ideas of Fast SLAM can also be applied in the context of grid maps • Utilizing accurate sensor observation leads to good proposals and highly efficient filters • It is similar to scan-matching on a per-particle base • The number of necessary particles and re-sampling steps can seriously be reduced • Improved versions of grid-based Fast SLAM can handle larger environments than naïve implementations in “real time” since they need one order of magnitude fewer samples City College of New York 81 Approximations for SLAM Problem • Local submaps [Leonard et al.99, Bosse et al. 02, Newman et al. 03] • Sparse links (correlations) [Lu & Milios 97, Guivant & Nebot 01] • Sparse extended information filters [Frese et al. 01, Thrun et al. 02] • Thin junction tree filters [Paskin 03] • Rao-Blackwellisation (FastSLAM) [Murphy 99, Montemerlo et al. 02, Eliazar et al. 03, Haehnel et al. 03] City College of New York 82 Thank You 83 City College of New York FastSLAM 1.0 Algorithm: N-th feature location (mean, variance) relative to the k-th particle Robot path estimation K-th Particle is denoted as: Yt xt , 1,t , 1,t ..., N ,t , N ,t , [k ] [k ] [k ] [k ] [k ] [k ] 1. Extend the path posterior by sampling new poses [k ] t x [k ] t 1 ~ p( xt | x , ut ) Added into a temporary set of particle, along with the path of previous poses 2. Updating the observed feature estimate For n≠ct do not update For n=ct Represented by a Gaussian p(mct | x1:t , z1:t , c1:t ) p( zt | xt , mct , ct ) p(mct | z1:t 1, x1:t 1, , c1:t 1 ) Perceptual model 3. Resembling – difference of target and proposal distribution. – importance factor = Target distri. / Proposal distri. City College of New York 84