
Large-scale Internet Video Delivery:
YouTube & Netflix Case Studies
• Rationale:
– Why Large Content Delivery System
– YouTube & Netflix as two case studies
• Reverse-engineering YouTube Delivery Cloud
– Briefly, Pre-Google Restructuring (up to circa 2008)
– Google’s New YouTube Architectural Design
• Unreeling Netflix Video Streaming Service
– Cloud-sourcing: Amazon Cloud Services & CDNs
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Content is the King!
• This lecture focuses primarily on video content
• Two large-scale online video services as case
– YouTube: a globally popular (excluding China), “user-
generated” (short) video sharing site
– Netflix: feature-length video streaming service (movies &
TV shows), mostly in North America
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Why YouTube?
World’s largest (mostly user-generated) global (excl.
China) video sharing service
– More than 13 million hours of video were
uploaded during 2010 and 35 hours of video
are uploaded every minute.
– More video is uploaded to YouTube in 60
days than the 3 major US networks created
in 60 years
– 70% of YouTube traffic comes from
outside the US
– YouTube reached over 700 billion playbacks
in 2010
– YouTube mobile gets over 100 million views
a day
• By some estimates, 5%-10% global (interAS) Internet traffic (2007-2009 estimate)
– up to 20% HTTP traffic (2007 estimate)
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
What Makes Netflix Interesting?
• Commercial, feature-length movies and TV shows
- and not free; subscription-based
• Nonetheless, Netflix is huge!
~25 million subscribers
~20,000 titles (and growing)
consumes 30% of peak-time downstream bandwidth in North America
Netflix has an interesting (cloud-sourced) architecture
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Why Video Delivery Systems?
• Unlike other content, video exerts huge loads on
• Video delivery system is a complex distributed
– Not only networks, but also streaming servers, storage, ….
– Backend data centers, distributed cache/edge server
– User interests and demand drive the system: sociotechnical interplay, business models & economics
• Specifically, how does such a system scale?
How complex is the system: system components involved?
How does it handle geographically diverse user requests?
Where are the caches? How does it handle cache misses?
How does it perform load-balancing and handle/avoid
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Why Video Delivery Systems?
• Specifically, how does such a system scale?
 How does it adapt to network conditions, e.g. bw changes?
 How does it meet user performance expectations such as
quality of video or low-latency
Of both socio-technical significance/impact and purely
academic interest
– Interplay with ISPs: traffic engineering & routing
policy issues, etc.
How does YouTube’s or Netflix’s huge traffic affect my
traffic matrix?
How will my traffic matrix change if YouTube or Netflix
traffic dynamics changes?
– Network (or Internet) economics
 cooperation and competition among various players involved
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Why Video Delivery Systems …
Of both socio-technical significance/impact and purely
academic interest
– Network (or Internet) economics
 cooperation and competition among various players involved
– Design of Internet-scale large content distribution
How does a "best-practice" system work? Key design principles?
What can be improved upon? Limitations of Internet
Insights into “future” content-centric network design?
– Shedding light on user interests and social behavior
We will come back to some of these points in the latter
part of this course
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Part I:
YouTube Delivery Cloud
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
YouTube Delivery Cloud
• First: we will quickly give an overview of the
original YouTube architecture
– Fair simple: use 7 data centers + CDN
– Questions: how to perform load balancing?
• Interplay with ISPs: impact on ISP traffic matrix
– See [A+:IMC10] for details
• Focus on: the current YouTube architecture after
Google “re-structuring” (see [A+:YouTube])
– Active measurement platform based on PlanetLab, etc.
– Infer and deduce how Google re-structures YouTube
– Understand the YouTube delivery dynamics, e.g., how
Google handles load-balancing, cache misses, etc.
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
YouTube Video Delivery Basics
Front end
2. HTTP reply
containing html to
construct the web page 4. HTTP reply
and a link to stream the FLV stream
FLV file
(front end)
1. HTTP GET request
for video URL
for FLV stream
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Embedded Flash Video
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Original YouTube
Video Delivery Architecture
Prior to Google Re-structuring
A Fairly Simple Architecture!
• Three (logical) web servers (IP addresses)
– located near San Jose, CA
• Seven data centers consisting of thousands of
flash video servers
– located across continental US only
• In addition, use Limelight CDN to help video
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
YouTube Data Center Locations
(prior Google Re-structuring)
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Traffic Dynamics and Interplay
between ISP and Content Provider (CP)
to clients
(via ISP)
(via ISP)
It was reported that by 2007
was paying
$1 million/month ISP-X’s
or more
Customer ISP
to ISPs to carry its video traffic to users!
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Load Balancing Strategies
Random Data Center Selection
+ Pros: simple, no information is required
- Cons: Uneven load distribution if data centers have different “capacities”
Location-Based approach
+ Pros: Smaller latency, Less traffic in ISP backbone
+ used by large number of content providers and CDNs for serving
- Cons: potentially unbalance traffic distribution
(Location-Agnostic) Resource based approach
+ Pros: better division of traffic among multiple data centers based on the
capacity of each data center
- Cons: latency
Hybrid (location + resource) Approach
+ Pros: can balance servers and user latency (to some extent)
- Cons: more complex mechanisms
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
YouTube Load Balancing Strategy
among Data Centers?
Looking at traffic from clients to YouTube video
servers (or rather data centers)
• Group clients based on “locations”
– PoPs or IP prefixes
• Construct the “location” (PoP/IP prefix) to YouTube
data center traffic matrix (M)
• The properties (e.g., rank) of this matrix can tell us
what load-balancing strategy YouTube uses:
– if random load-balancing is used, what property does M
– if latency-aware (or location-aware) load-balancing, what
property does M have?
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
YouTube Load-Balancing Strategy
YouTube likely employs some form of proportional loadbalancing => “resource-based” load-balancing
about pre-Google
is approximately
to # of video
are replicated at all 7 locations!
in each data
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
YouTube Video Delivery Architecture
after Google Re-structuring
How Google engineers re-design YouTube?
to leverage
• Google’s huge infrastructure
– including globally distributed “edge servers & caches”
• and Google’s engineering talents
Especially, how to handle
• Enormous scale -- both in terms of #videos and #users
• Video delivery dynamics
– hot and cold videos, cache misses, etc.
– load-balancing among cache locations, servers, etc.
– relations with ISPs
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Active Measurement Platform
• 470 PlanetLab nodes
video playback using
 DNS resolution
 proxy servers
 ping measurement
• 840 Open DNS resolvers
 DNS resolution
• 48 node local compute
 video playback using
standard browser
 data analysis
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Google’s New YouTube
Video Delivery Architecture
Three components
• Videos and video id space
• Physical cache hierarchy
 three tiers: primary,
secondary, & tertiary
 primary caches:
“Google locations” vs.
“ISP locations”
Layered organizationImplications:
a) YouTube videos are not replicated at all locations!
b) only replicated at (5) tertiary cache locations
 representing “logical”
likely utilizes some form of location-aware
(among primary cache locations)
 five “anycast”
 two “unicast” namespaces
YouTube Video Id Space
• Each YouTube video is assigned a unique id
• Each video id is 11 char string
• first 10 chars can be any alpha-numeric values [0-9, a-z,
A-Z] plus “-” and “_”
• last char can be one of the 16 chars {0, 4, 8, ..., A, E, ...}
Video id space size: 6411
Video id’s are randomly
distributed in the id
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Physical Cache Hierarchy & Locations
~ 50 cache locations
• ~40 primary locations
• including ~10 non-
Google ISP locations
• 8 secondary locations
• 5 tertiary locations
Geo-locations using
• city codes in unicast hostnames,
• low latency from PLnodes (< 3ms)
• clustering of IP addresses using
P: primary
S: secondary
T: Tertiary
latency matrix
Layered Namespace Organization
Two types of namespaces
– Five “anycast” namespaces
• lscache: “visible” primary ns
• each ns representing fixed
# of “logical” servers
• logical servers mapped to
physical servers via DNS
– 2 “unicast” namespaces
• rhost: google locations
• rhostisp: ISP locations
• mapped to a single server
Static Mappings between and among
Video Id Space and Namespaces
– Video id’s are mapped to anycast
namespaces via a fixed mapping
• video id space “divided” evenly
among hostnames in each
– Mappings among namespaces are
also fixed
• 1-to-1 between primary and
secondary (192 hostnames
• 3-to-1 between primary or
secondary to tertiary (64
– Advantages:
• URLs for videos can be generated w/o info about physical video servers
• thus web servers can operate “independently” of video servers
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
YouTube Video Delivery Dynamics:
• Locality-aware DNS resolution
• Handling load balancing & hotspots
– DNS change
– Dynamic HTTP redirection
– local vs. higher cache tier
• Handling cache misses
– Background fetch
– Dynamic HTTP redirection
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Logical to Physical Server Mappings
via Location-Aware DNS Resolution
• Anycast hostnames
resolve to different
IPs from different
• YouTube DNS
generally returns
“closest” IP
– in terms of latency
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Logical to Physical Server Mappings
via Location-Aware DNS Resolution
• YouTube may introduce
additional IPs at busy hours
• Can use multiple IPs
continuously per location
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Cache Misses and Load Balancing
• Cache misses mostly handled via
“background fetch”
– 3 ms vs 30+ ms
• Sometimes via HTTP redirections
– also used for load-balancing
– redirections follows cache
• cache misses in an ISP primary
cache locations re-directed to a
Google primary cache location
– up to 9 re-directions
(tracked via a counter in URL)
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
HTTP Redirections
Cache misses vs Load Balancing
• Redirection probability for “hot” vs “cold” videos
• Redirections via unicast names are used mostly
among servers within same location:
– likely for load balancing
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
YouTube Study Summary
• YouTube: largest global video sharing site
• “Reverse-Engineering” YouTube Delivery Cloud
– comparative study of pre- vs. post-Google restructuring
• Google’s YouTube design provides an interesting case
study of large-scale content delivery system
– employs a combination of various “tricks” and mechanisms
to scale with YouTube size & handle video delivery
– represents some “best practice” design principles?
• [Video quality adaptation: users have to select
• Interplay with ISPs and socio-technical interplay
• Lessons for “future” content-centric network design
– shed light on limitations of today’s Internet architecture
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Part II:
Unreeling Netflix Architecture
and Tales of Three CDNs
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
What Makes Netflix Interesting?
• Commercial, feature-length movies and TV shows
 and not free; subscription-based
• Nonetheless, Netflix is huge!
25 million subscribers and ~20,000 titles (and growing)
consumes 30% of peak-time downstream bandwidth in North
• A prime example of cloud-sourced architecture
Maintains only a small “in-house” facility for key functions
e.g., subscriber management (account creation, payment, …)
user authentication, video search, video storage, …
Akamai, Level 3 and Limelight
Majority of functions are sourced to Amazon cloud (EC2/S3)
DNS service is sourced to UltraDNS
Leverage multiple CDNs for video delivery
• Can serve as a possible blue-print for future system design
• (nearly) “infrastructure-less” content delivery -- from Netflix’s
• CSci5221:
infrastructure, but may lose some
and Netflix Case of
“control” in terms of system performance, …
What are the Key Questions?
• What is overall Netflix architecture?
what components is out/cloud-sourced?
namespace management & interaction with CDNs
• How does it perform rate adaption & utilize multiple
esp., CDN selection strategy
• Does Netflix offer best user experience based upon the
bandwidth constraints? If not, what can be done?
Challenges in conducting measurement & inference:
Unlike YouTube, Netflix is not a free, “open” system:
only subscribers can access videos
most communications are encrypted; authentication, DRM, …
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Measurement Infrastructure
And Basic Measurement Methodology
•Create multiple user/subscriber accounts
•13 “client” computers located in different cities in US
5 different ISPs: residential/corporate networks
 non-proxy mode and proxy mode (via PlanetLab)
play movies and capture network traces (via tcpdump)
 e.g., to discover the communication entities and resources
“tamper data” plugin to read manifest files
conduct experiments to study system behavior & dynamics
 e.g., how Netflix selects CDNs & adapts to changes in network
Also conducted measurements/experiments via mobile
devices (iPhone/iPad, Nexus 1 Android Phone) over WiFi
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Netflix Architecture
• Netflix has its own “data center” for certain crucial operations
(e.g., user registration, billing, …)
• Most web-based user-video interaction, computation/storage
operations are cloud-sourced to Amazon AWS
• Video delivery is out/cloud-sourced to 3 CDNs
• Users need to use MS Silverlight player for video streaming
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Netflix Architecture: Video Streaming
• Manifest file comes from Netflix's control server
• Periodic updates are sent to the control server
• Frequent downloads in the beginning, becomes
periodic after buffer is filled
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Netflix Videos and Video Chunks
• Netflix uses a numeric ID to identify each movie
– IDs are variable length (6-8 digits): 213530, 1001192,
– video IDs do not seem to be evenly distributed in the
ID space
– these video IDs are not used in playback operations
• Each movie is encoded in multiple quality levels, each is
identified by a numeric ID (9 digits)
– various numeric IDs associated with the same movie appear to
have no obvious relations
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Netflix Videos and Video Chunks
• Videos are divided in “chunks” (of roughly 4 secs),
specified using (byte) “range/xxx-xxx?” in the URL path:
• Netflix uses a version of (MPEG-)DASH l for video
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
DASH: dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP
• Not really a protocol; it provides formats to enable efficient
and high-quality delivery of streaming services over the
– Enable HTTP-CDNs; reuse of existing technology (codec, DRM,…)
– Move “intelligence” to client: device capability, bandwidth
adaptation, …
• In particular, it specifies Media Presentation Description (MPD)
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Ack & ©: Thomas Stockhammer
DASH Data Model and Manifest Files
Segment Info
Initialization Segment
Media Presentation
Period, start=0s
Period, start=100s
Representation 1
Representation 2
Period, start=295s
Media Segment 1
Representation 1
•width 640, height 480
Segment Info
Media Segment 2
Media Segment 3
• Segment Indexing: MPD only; MPD+segment; segment onlyMedia Segment 20
Segment Index in MPD only
</MPD> <MPD>
<URL sourceURL="seg.mp4" range="0-499"/>
<URL sourceURL="seg.mp4" range="500999"/>
Ack & ©: Thomas Stockhammer
Netflix Videos and CDN Namespaces
Netflix video streaming is handled directly by CDNs
• How are Netflix videos mapped to CDN namespaces & servers?
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Netflix Videos and CDN Namespaces
Netflix video streaming is handled directly by CDNs
• Netflix video to CND namespace mapping is CDN-specific
– Limelight and Akamai use the last 3 digits of video IDs to
generate hostnames (up to 1000 hostnames)
– Level 3 uses some form of hash to generate the hostnames
• Each CDN resolves its own hostnames to IPs of DASH
– Each CDN performs its own locality-aware mapping and loadbalancing
• All CDN-specific hostnames (and part of URLs) are pushed
to Netflix control servers (in Amazon AWS), and
embedded in manifest files
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Netflix Manifest Files
• A manifest file contains metadata
• Netflix manifest files contain a lot of information
Available bitrates for audio, video and trickplay
MPD and URLs pointing to CDNs
CDNs and their "rankings"
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Netflix Manifest Files …
A section of the manifest containing the base URLs, pointing to
Manifest File Analysis & CDN Ranking
We collected a large number of manifest files
•Our analysis reveals the following:
different CDN rankings for different user accounts
does not change over time, geographical location or computer
•Why does Netflix use a static CDN ranking for each user?
Is it based upon performance?
Is there a single best CDN?
Does CDN performance remain unchanged over time?
Does this strategy give users the best possible experience?
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Netflix: Adapting to Bandwidth Changes
• Two possible approaches
Increase/decrease quality level using DASH
Switch CDNs
• Experiments
Play a movie and systematically throttle available
Observe server addresses and video quality
• Bandwidth throttling using the “dummynet” tool
Throttling done on the client side by limiting how fast it
can download from any given CDN server
First throttle the most preferred CDN server, keep
throttling other servers as they get selected
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Adapting to Bandwidth Changes
• Lower quality levels in response to lower bandwidth
• Switch CDN only when minimum quality level cannot be
• Netflix seems to use multiple CDNs only for failover
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
CDN Bandwidth Measurement
• Use both local residential hosts and PlanetLab nodes
 13 residential hosts and 100s PlanetLab nodes are used
 Each host downloads small chunks of Netflix videos from all
three CDN servers by replaying URLs from the manifest files
• Experiments are done for several hours every day for about
3 weeks
 total experiment duration was divided into 16 second intervals
 the clients downloaded chunks from CDN 1, 2 and 3 at the
beginning of seconds 0, 4 and 8.
 at the beginning of the 12th second, the clients tried to
download the chunks from all three CDNs simultaneously
• Measure bandwidth to 3 CDNs separately as well as the
combined bandwidth
• Perform analysis at three time-scales
average over the entire period
daily averages
instantaneous bandwidth
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
There is no Single Best CDN
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Bandwidth (and Order)
Change over Days
Residential host
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
PlanetLab node
Instantaneous Bandwidth Changes
Residential host
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
PlanetLab node
Will “Intelligent” CDN Selection Help?
• How much can we improve if we have an oracle telling us the
optimal CDN to use at each instance?
• Oracle-based “upper bound” yields significant
improvement over "average" CDN
• Best CDN (based initial measurements) close to the
“upper bound"
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Selecting “Best” CDN via Initial
Bandwidth Measurement Incurs Little
Overhead !
Just 2 measurements are enough!
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
“Intelligent” CDN Selection …
We can improve user experiences by performing more
“intelligent” CDN selection
•One strategy: selecting “best” CDN using initial measurements!
•What about using multiple CDNs simultaneously?
Average improvement is 54% and 70% for residential hosts and
PlanetLab nodes over the best CDN!
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Netflix Study Summary
• Netflix employs an interesting cloud-sourced architecture
 Amazon AWS cloud + 3 CDNs for video streaming
• Netflix video streaming utilizes DASH
 enables it to leverage CDNs
 performs adaptive streaming for feature-length movies
 allows DRM management (handled by Netflix + MS Silverlight)
• Load-balancing, cache misses or other video delivery
dynamics are handled internally by each CDN
• Netflix uses a static ranking of CDNs (per user)
 multiple CDNs are used mostly for the fail-over purpose
 how the static ranking is determined is still a mystery (to us!)
• More “intelligent” CDN selection is possible to further
improve user-perceived quality (and make them happier!)
 As higher resolution/3D movies come into picture, these
improvements will have a considerable impact
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
A Few Words on Lessons Learned
YouTube vs. Netflix: two interesting & contrasting
video delivery architectures
•Likely many factors determine the choice of the
architecture and system design!
•Both architectures separate “user-video” interaction
from video delivery
 user video search and other operations handled by “web
•DNS plays a crucial role in both systems
 careful “namespace” design is required
 both in terms of DNS hostnames, also URLs
 mapping videos to DNS hostnames (logical servers)
 mapping DNS hostnames to IP addresses (physical
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
A Few Words on Lessons Learned
Google’s YouTube delivery architecture:
 for “user-generated” short videos; “open” system
no “explicit” DRM management issues
but still need to handle “unauthorized” content publishing
employ a variety of mechanisms to handle load-balancing,
cache misses, etc.: DNS resolution, HTTP re-direction,
internal fetch
mostly web browser and flash-based
leverage its own in-house CDN infrastructure
•YouTube flash-based video delivery does not support
“dynamic” adaptive streaming
users need to explicitly & manually select video quality level
each (short) video is delivered as a single Flash file
It’s interesting to see how Google will adapt the current
YouTube architecture to support feature-length video ondemand service!
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
A Few Words on Lessons Learned
Netflix’s cloud-sourced video delivery architecture
 subscription based; does not own most content
• DRM management is a must
 DASH-compliant architecture – more flexible
requires separate client players
allow adaptive streaming; different codec, etc.
enable (third-party) CDNs
but require separate channels for “manifest” file delivery
 Does not require huge investment in infrastructure
 leverage “expertise” of other entities
 but lose some level of control
 Also need “profit-sharing” with the other entities
 potential conflicts: e.g., Amazon has its own video
streaming service (Amazon Instant Video)!
 Netflix OpenConnect initiative
 Start building its own delivery infrastructure
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies
Looking Forward …
Making content “first-class” citizen on the Internet?
currently, specified by a URL, thus tied to “hostname”
DNS resolution is (generally) content (or server load)
e.g., Akamai employs sophisticated mechanisms for DNS
cache miss may occur and re-direction may be needed
either done either internally or externally
 New content-centric network architectures?
• So far, both YouTube and Netflix scale well with the
growth in videos and users
scalability of either video delivery system is ultimately
limited by the CDN infrastructure(s): whether Google’s own
or big 3 CDNs
Must account for or accommodate “business interests”
Economic viability is critical to the success of any system
CSci5221: YouTube and Netflix Case Studies