dfM at Stanford Design for Manufacturability ME317 dfM Quality by Design: Fundamentals “Quality is Far More than Just a Manufacturing Problem” Philip Barkan, 1996 Kos Ishii, Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Stanford University ishii@stanford.edu http://me317.stanford.edu ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Today’s Agenda Quality by Design the “Stanford-Way” Quick review of quality lingo Measure negative VOC, not scrap Complexity is the enemy Address variation and mistakes From Quality Control to “Quality by Design” Quality Scorecarding Framework to thread ME317B tools together ME317 Team Examples ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Quality by Design at Stanford Recall the ME317 Philosophy: “More than ease of Manufacture” How to make money in manufacturing business. Define, develop, and produce competitive products. ME317A: Product Definition Goal Identification “What Quality” to Deliver ME317B: Quality by Design “How to Deliver” the Identified Quality How to proceed from the developed concept? Robust Design using Quality Scorecarding ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Defects: ME317 Definition DEFECTS = negative VOC Anything that leads to customer dissatisfaction Consequences to the user Life threatening Irrevocable Loss Major inconvenience / Annoyance Costs to the Manufacturer Recall Costs Litigation Loss of repeat sales Company Survival! A tiny part can hurt a big company, big time... ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Quick Review of Quality “Lingo” To be explained later in the lecture: Process Specification Width (PSW) Manufacturing Capability: NT = +3s Capability Index Cp = PSW / NT Cp = 1.0 leads to 2,700 PPM scrap (99.73% yield) Process Spec. Width (PSW) Mfg. Capability STDEV = s Scrap USL: Upper Spec Limit LSL: Lower Spec Limit LSL Target USL ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Motorola Six-Sigma More Proactive than Statistical Process Control Systematic look at each PROCESS ELEMENT Process Element: discrete operation Apply early to design Address both random deviation & process shift Definition of process capabilities Cp and Cpk Guidelines for: Design: tight tolerance is expensive! Process Control: resource allocation ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Let’s review a few definitions... Natural Tolerance (NT) of a Process NT: Variance that can be expected in a process NT Depends on: How tight or broad the variation is Common assumption: Normal Distribution NT = + 3s Consider a precision ground shaft dia. 1.125cm Process s = + 0.001cm +3sgives 99.73% yield (2,700ppm defects) NT: 1.125 + 0.003cm for 99.73% yield ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Population under Normal Curve 99.9% 99.5% 99.0% 98.0% 95.0% 90.0% 80.0% + 3.291 + 2.807 + 2.576 + 2.326 + 1.960 + 1.645 + 1.282 3s 3s 99.73% If you want 99.9% yield Must go for 3.29s, either: Tighten the NT and reduce s Wider tolerance: 1.125 + 0.0039 cm ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Process Shift: PS Otherwise called drift E.g. tool wear causes dia shift From 1.125 cm to 1.13 cm Accepted value of PS = 1.5s Dia. USL 3s 1.5s Time 3s LSL ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Multiple Step Processes Throughput without repairing parts: Must consider every defect source Yield goes down dramatically with 100 processes 6s 1 0.9 6s +1.5s 0.8 0.99379 for 1 process 0.7 4s 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.53638 for 100 process 0.3 0.2 4s +1.5s 0.1 10000 3000 Number of Processes 1000 300 100 30 10 3 0 1 Defect Rate ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford What does 6 Sigma mean in real life? USL LSL USL LSL Defect 3 2 1 μ 1 2 3 3s 2700ppm 66, 810 ppm 6 4 2 μ 2 4 6 6s 0.002 ppm 3.4 ppm 5 Emergency landings at Chicago O’hare airport / day 1 Emergency landing in all US airports in 10 yr 5000 Malpractice cases/ week 5 Malpractice cases/ 10yr ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Process Capability Indices Process Capability Index Cp = PSW / NT Industry minimum = 4/3 Process Shift k = 2 PS / PSW k = 0.5 if PS=1.5s and PSW=6s Shifted Process Capability Index Cpk = Cp (1 - k) Industry minimum: 6/5 WHAT DO YOU DO IF Cp < 1 ? ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Capability Ratio Implications Traditional Approach If Cp < 1 Shift job to another process Improve capability Review tolerance requirements 100% inspection If 1.3 < Cp < 1.5 System is adequate Periodically check production If Cp > 2 Do you actually need the tight tolerance? Could you perhaps use a cheaper process? ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Motorola Targets Cp > 2 PSW > 12s6son each side) OR tighter process k = 0.25 PS = 1.5s (based on PSW=12s) Cpk >1.5 PSW=12sand PS=1.5s Motorola 6s Strategies: Summary Design products for wide PSW Employ processes with tight variation Apply the mfg. capability concept to design ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Six Sigma Limitations Six Sigma a significant advancement, but... Still underestimates defect rates often Defects often still over 1000ppm Non-normally distributed variations & interactions Multi-dimensional feature interactions Refer to reader / lecture on Poka Yoke Six Sigma does not take into account MISTAKES Matsushita actually targets 4.5 Sigma Focus more on “Zero Defect” ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Quality by Design: Stanford Way Complexity leads to defects! Address not only design but processes (project, supply chain…) Must address both variations and “mistakes” Tools to fight quality non-conformance Robust Design Error Proofing Quality Scorecarding Non Conformity M is tak e s Log(Likelihood) Complexity "Normal" Model of Hole Diameters Drilling Drilling Omitted Omitted Variation 00 Hole Diameter ©2006 K. Ishii Complexity: Toyota’s 4M and an i (from Martin Hinckley “Quality by Design”) Man Complexity Mistakes Variation Training Experience Skill Omission Errors Dropped parts Individual Differences Emotion Machine Tool Wear Bearing Wear Fixture Wear Vibration Incorrect Setup Software Errors Difficult Setup Difficult Operation Material Methods Information Purity Density Differences in Execution Homogeneity Wrong Material Wrong Part Wrong Method Error in Method Difficult to Make Difficult to shape Difficult Method Gage Consistency Or Accuracy Wrong Instructions Instruction Error Misread Gage Lengthy or Verbose Instructions Many Interpretations dfM at Stanford Mitigation 1: Design for Robustness against Complexity Wafer Handling Robot Example Complexity = No. of Error Sources Complexity Indicator Estimator of Defect Rate Prior Proposed FL DP 0.32 0.44 Error sources 22 Parts SDP RP FB 2.73 4.29 2.29 26 12 8 8 34 46 41 34 25 Enclosure radius (in) 8.8 7.0 7.8 12 .0 9.0 Natural frequency (hz) 80 23 61 38 56 Particle generation 14 18 17 4 10 5 1 9 8 10 Robustness Reliability ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Mitigation 2: Source Inspections & Error Proofing (Poka Yoke) Detect error / deviation BEFORE defects occur Remember the book “The Goal?” Requires cause-effect understanding (QFD) Source Inspections Opportunity for QUALITY by DESIGN Inputs Accept Inspect Shutdow n Process Product Control Warn ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Quality Scorecarding Compiles the Following Methods Robust Design Robust Design Basics Taguchi Method Robust Design Applications Robust Conceptual Design Zero Defect Six Sigma Concepts Poka Yoke (Error-Proofing) Quality Scorecarding Key: Identification of NOISE ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Six Sigma Scorecarding Project Objective (Biggest Y) Decrease Cost Objective Measures (Y’s and y’s) System Level: Anti-gravity device cost per server (Y) Component Level: Cost per installable card (y) Ergonomics / Safety: Number of Injuries Mean Time Between Failure Control Factors (Vital X) Geometry of the server box Material Selection (EMI, Heat, Debris) Anti-gravity Device Design Noise Factors (V’s) Manufacturing Variations / Material Variation Moving Parts / Part Interference Transfer Function MTBF Y = Function of Mfg. Variations, Material Variation, Injury, Cost ©2006 K. Ishii Scorecarding: Toyota Safety System (2003) Project Objective (Biggest Y) Increase Toyota’s overall profits (Y) Objective Measures (Ys and ys) Improve Toyota’s safety-conscious image (y) Reduce Toyota accidents (y) Control Factors (Vital Xs) Number of bad manners addressed (x) Demographic spectrum served (x) Product price & quality (x) Noise Factors (Vs) Changing rules & regulations (v) Transfer Function Transfer F unction Areas Addr essed User Frie ndliness Cost dfM at Stanford Decision Influence Diagram & Scorecarding Biggest Y: NPV/BET NPV/BET Big Y: Price & Volume Cost, Investment, TTM Vital X: Back-Bending or No New controller or No V(noise): Customer Response to Back-Bending Feature Customer Response to New Controller Cost Investment TTM Back-Bending/ No Back-Bending Mechanics Only/ Mechanics+Controls Revenue Price & Volume Customer Response To Back-Bend Marketing Report Customer Response To New Controls ©2006 K. Ishii dfM at Stanford Scorecarding Terminology Summary Biggest Y Scorecarding Clarifies business objectives Identifies decision & noise drivers Establishes relationships between product performance and decision variables Product Scorecards Track design progress Focus teams on quality objectives Transfer Functions Relationship between characteristics Essential in robust design / error proofing ©2006 K. Ishii