American Community Survey Five-Year Estimates New York State Fall Affiliate Meeting October 28, 2010 1 Arun Peter Lobo Population Division Overview Three major concerns with 2005-2009 ACS census tract data: The use of 2000 Geography Validity of data Reliability of data New York City 2010 Census Tracts 2000 – 2010 CT Changes Validity of Age Data at the PUMA level And what it says about tract-level data Bronx Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) 3701 3702 3706 3704 3705 Bronx Other, NH 5.8% 3703 3707 3709 White, NH 14.5% Hispanic 48.4% Black, NH 31.2% 3710 3708 5 Method: The Cohort Component (CC) Model • The basic building blocks in a CC model are age and sex “cohorts” in a given population. • The CC model applies birth, death, and migration rates to these age and sex cohorts to project them into the future. 2000 20-24 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 Arrow shows 20-24 year old cohort aging through time 50-54 Age/Sex Distributions for Bronx PUMA 3701: 2005-07 ACS, and 2006 DCP Baseline and DCP Estimates TOTAL 0-4 5-19 20-44 45-64 65+ 2005-2007 ACS Male Female 51,082 59,128 3,567 4,083 11,030 9,881 17,966 19,649 11,790 14,358 6,729 11,157 2006 DCP Baseline Male Female 49,623 60,387 3,525 3,384 11,156 10,574 17,844 20,962 11,127 14,056 5,972 11,411 2006 DCP Estimates Male Female 51,081 59,125 3,487 3,350 11,495 10,348 18,389 20,541 11,497 13,740 6,213 11,145 7 Bronx PUMA 3701: DCP Baseline and DCP Modified AgeSpecific Migration Rates for Males, 2000-2006 300 + 5 per 1,000 Baseline -21 per 1,000 100 0 65+ 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 -100 0-4 Migration Rate 200 DCP Modified Age Group 8 Age/Sex Distributions for Bronx PUMA 3701: 2005-07 ACS and 2006 DCP Absolute Estimates TOTAL 0-4 5-19 20-44 45-64 65+ 2005-2007 ACS Male Female 51,082 59,128 3,567 4,083 11,030 9,881 17,966 19,649 11,790 14,358 6,729 11,157 2006 DCP Estimates Male Female 51,081 59,125 3,487 3,350 11,495 10,348 18,389 20,541 11,497 13,740 6,213 11,145 100 age/sex estimates: 27 significant differences 9 Population 0 to 4 by Sex for Bronx PUMAs: Comparing 2005-2007 ACS Estimates to DCP Estimates Males Females 2005-2007 ACS 2006 DCP Estimate 2006 Baseline 9,000 Population 0 to 4 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 M F* M* F* M 3701 3702 F 3703 M F 3704 M* F 3705 M 3706 F M 3707 F M 3708 F M 3709 F M 3710 PUMA *Difference between the ACS and DCP estimates is significant at the .10 level. Sex Ratio 2000 Census Jul 01-Jul 06 Births 2006 DCP 2005-2007ACS 3701 103.6 104.7 104.1 87.4 3702 104.5 103.6 105.5 129.2 3703 102.1 107.0 104.0 131.8 3704 103.0 104.4 103.2 102.2 3705 102.6 104.1 102.3 112.9 3706 103.4 104.1 104.7 106.5 3707 106.4 103.3 108.8 102.5 3708 103.6 103.2 104.0 92.9 3709 104.8 102.3 105.2 93.3 3710 99.9 104.5 10 100.4 96.0 F Age/Sex Distributions for Bronx County, New York: 2000 Census, and 2005-07 ACS and 2006 and DCP Estimates TOTAL 0-4 5-19 20-44 45-64 65+ 2000 Census Male Female 620,171 712,479 55,807 53,925 167,541 161,250 236,690 272,441 111,321 139,727 48,812 85,136 2005-2007 ACS Male Female 640,981 728,878 55,038 53,043 165,180 159,101 238,650 266,843 129,007 160,234 53,106 89,657 2006 DCP Estimates Male Female 640,959 728,887 51,623 49,543 181,003 168,940 238,501 274,463 121,101 152,715 48,732 83,227 11 Bronx County: ACS and DCP Age-Specific Migration Rates for Females, 2000-2006 300 ACS 200 100 48 per 1,000 0 -100 -82 per 1,000 65+ 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 -200 0-4 Migration Rate DCP Age Group 12 Population 65 and Over by Sex for Bronx PUMAs: Comparing 2005-2007 ACS Estimates to DCP Estimates Males Females 2005-2007 ACS 2006 DCP Estimate 2006 Baseline Population 65 and Over 16,000 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 M 3701 F M F 3702 M* 3703 F* M 3704 F* M F M* 3705 3706 PUMA F* M 3707 F M 3708 F M 3709 F* M F 3710 13 *Difference between the ACS and DCP estimates is significant at the .10 level. Age/Sex Distributions for Bronx PUMA 3701: 2005-07 ACS and 2006 DCP Percent Distributions TOTAL 0-4 5-19 20-44 45-64 65+ 2005-2007 ACS Male Female 51,082 59,128 7.0% 6.9% 21.6% 16.7% 35.2% 33.2% 23.1% 24.3% 13.2% 18.9% 2006 DCP Estimates Male Female 51,081 59,125 6.8% 5.7% 22.5% 17.5% 36.0% 34.7% 22.5% 23.2% 12.2% 18.9% 100 age/sex estimates: 41 significant differences 24 of the differences were 2 points or greater, including 10 that were 3 points or greater 14 Hispanic Diversity in Bronx PUMAs in 2000 Hispanics Puerto Rican 34% Poverty 43% 3707 Bronx Other, NH 5.8% White, NH 14.5% Hispanic 48.4% 3703 Black, NH 31.2% Hispanics Puerto Rican 72% Poverty 17% 15 Black Diversity in Bronx PUMAs in 2000 Black nonhispanics Foreign-born 42% Poverty 17% 3702 Bronx Other, NH 5.8% White, NH 14.5% Hispanic 48.4% 3708 Black, NH 31.2% Black nonhispanics Foreign-born 21% Poverty 36% 16 Low Reliability of ACS Estimates at the Census Tract Level And a solution for some users ACS Initial Sample and Final Response as a Percent of all Bronx Housing Units, 2001-2005 2.8% 2001 1.5% % of Bronx Housing Units 2.2% 2002 1.1% Initial Sample Final Interviews Housing Unit Average: 496,517 2.2% 2003 1.2% 2.2% 2004 1.1% 2.1% 2005 1.2% 0 5,000 10,000 Housing Units ACS SAMPLE 5 Year Initial Sample Total: 56,761 (11.4% of annual avg. housing units) 5 Year Final Response Total: 29,896 (6.0% of annual avg. housing units) 2000 CENSUS LONG FORM Final Response was 11.3% of housing units 15,000 43 Demographic, Social, Economic, and Housing Variables Bronx Census Tracts and Neighborhoods, 2001-2005 ACS Demographic & Social Economic Housing 1) Children 0 to 4 years of age 2) Nonrelatives 3) Married couple families 4) Nonfamily households 5) High school graduate only 6) Bachelor’s degree 7) Never married 8) Divorced females 9) Civilian veterans 10) Foreign-born 11) Naturalized U.S. citizen 12) Speaks lang. other than Eng. 13) Speaks Eng. less than "very well" 14) Speaks Spanish at home 1) Persons employed 2) Females employed 3) Use public transp. 4) Mgmt., prof. & related occp. 5) Construction occp. 6) Retail industry 7) Education industry Class of workers: 8) Government 9) Self-employed Households: 10) w/ inc. & benefits < $10,000 11) w/ earnings 12) w/ Social Security 13) w/ cash public assist. inc. Housing units in: 1) Struct. w/ 20+ units 2) Struct. blt.1990 or later 3) Struct. blt.1980-89 4) Struct. blt.1970-79 5) Struct. blt. before 1940 6) Rooms in unit = 1 7) Rooms in unit = 5 8) Vehicles available = 0 9) Vehicles available = 1 Heating fuel: 10) Utility gas 11) Electric 12) Oil, etc. 13) No telephone service 14) 1.5+ occupants per room Gross rent as % of HH inc.: 15) less than 15% 16) 35% or more Margins of Error • Standard Error (SE): Measures the variability of an estimate due to sampling. • Margin of Error (MOE) : Describes the precision of an estimate at a given level of confidence. For the ACS, since 90 percent confidence used, MOE= SE*1.645 • Say we estimate the number of carpenters to be 10,000, with an MOE of 1,000 persons. • If we had the patience and the dollars to create the same estimate of carpenters several thousand times from several thousand samples, 90% of the estimates of carpenters would be between 9,000and 11,000. Coefficient of Variation • Coefficient of Variation (CV) : Standardized indicator of the reliability of an estimate. CV=SE/Estimate • Step 1 - Derive the standard error MOE= SE*1.645 SE = MOE/1.645 =1,000/1.645=608 • Step 2 - Express the SE as a percent of the estimate CV= SE/Estimate * 100 CV = 608/10,000 * 100, or 6.0 percent • Step 3 – Evaluate: Our rule of thumb is that a CV in excess of 15 percent warrants caution 21 Median Overall Coefficients of Variation for Bronx Census Tracts, 2000 Census and 2001-2005 ACS Ratio of ACS to Census = 1.8 30 1.6 27.4 26.8 Coefficient of Variation 1.5 21.1 20 16.6 17.9 11.5 10 2001-2005 ACS 2000 Census 0 Demographic & Social Variables Economic Variables Housing Variables Neighborhood Aggregates of Bronx Census Tracts Riverdale Fieldston Woodlawn Wakefield Van Cortlandt Park Williamsbridge Olinville Spuyten Duyvil Kingsbridge Van Cortlandt Village Eastchester Edenwald Baychester Norwood Co-Op City Bedford Park Fordham North Kingsbridge Heights Bronxdale Fordham South Morris Heights Pelham Bay Park Belmont Allerton Pelham Gardens Bronx Park Pelham Parkway Pelham Bay Park Mount Hope Bathgate Claremont Highbridge Claremont Park Crotona Park East West Farms Bronx River Westchester Unionport Soundview - Bruckner Morrisania Melrose Schuylerville Throgs Neck Edgewater Park Longwood Soundview Park Melrose South Mott Haven North Mott Haven Port Morris Pelham Bay Country Club City Island Parkchester Crotona Park East Concourse Concourse Village West Concourse Van Nest Morris Park Westchester Sq. East Tremont Hunts Point Riker's Island Soundview Castle Hill Clason Point Pelham Bay Country Club City Island Median Overall Coefficients of Variation for Bronx Census Tracts and Neighborhoods, 2001-2005 ACS Ratio of Neighborhoods to Tracts = 0.36 0.31 0.33 40 Coefficient of Variation 32.9 30 26.8 21.6 20 10.9 10 7.7 8.4 Census Tracts Neighborhoods 0 Demographic & Social Variables Economic Variables Housing Variables How Can We Assist Users? • Important things to keep in mind: – – – – – – What the ACS is and isn’t What a 5 year estimate means Area with abundant change Explain measures that have a “look back” period Depict Confidence Intervals pictorially Resist establishing “hard and fast” rules • Distinguish the ACS from the decennial count Create a sense that there is a “cycle” at work Developing an Interactive Relationship with the Census Bureau • Creation of a User Feedback Loop • Keep track of inquiries and develop practical strategies to respond • Identify knowledge gaps that need to be addressed through special efforts WEB SITE WWW.NYC.GOV/PLANNING