Probabilistic Information Retrieval [ ProbIR ] Suman K Mitra DAIICT, Gandhinagar Acknowledgment Alexander Dekhtyar, University of Maryland Mandar Mitra, ISI, Kolkata Prasenjit Majumder, DAIICT, Gandhinagar Why use Probabilities? •Information Retrieval deals with uncertain information •Probability is a measure of uncertainty •Probabilistic Ranking Principle •provable •minimization of risk •Probabilistic Inference •To justify your decision 1. How good the representation is? 2. How exact the representation is? 3. How well is the query matched ? 4. How relevant is the result to the query? 1 Document Representation Document Collection 3 Query 2 Query Representation 4 Basic IR System Approaches and main Contributors Probability Ranking Principle – Robertson 1970 onwards Information Retrieval as Probabilistic Inference – Van Rijsbergen et al. 1970 onwards Probabilistic Indexing – Fuhr et al. 1980 onwards Bayesian Nets in Information Retrieval – Turtle, Croft 1990 onwards Probabilistic Logic Programming in Information Retrieval – Fuhr et al. 1990 onwards Probability Ranking Principle 1. Collection of documents Question: In what order documents to present to user? 2. Representation of documents Logically: Best document first and then next best and so on 3. User uses a query 4. Representation of query 5. A set of documents to return Requirement: A formal way to judge the goodness of documents with respect to query Possibility: Probability of relevance of the document with respect to query Probability Ranking Principle If a retrieval system’s response to each request is a ranking of the documents in the collections in order of decreasing probability of goodness to the user who submitted the request ... … where the probabilities are estimated as accurately as possible on the basis of whatever data made available to the system for this purpose ... … then the overall effectiveness of the system to its users will be the best that is obtainable on the basis of that data. W. S. Cooper Probability Basics Bayes’ Rule Let a and b are two events p(a | b) p(b) p(a b) p(b | a) p(a) p(b | a) p(a) p ( a | b) p(b) p(b | a ) p(a ) p ( a | b) p(b) Odds of an event a is defined as p(a) p(a) O( a ) p(a) 1 p(a) Conditional probability satisfies all axioms of probability (i) 0 p(a | b) 1 (ii) p(S | b) 1 (iii) If a i are mutually exclusive events then i 1 i 1 p( ai | b) p(ai | b) p(ab) p ( a | b) , p(ab) 0, p(b) 0 p(b) p(ab) ab b p(ab) p(b) 1 p(b) p(a | b) 0 p ( a | b) 1 Hence (i) p( Sb) p(b) p ( S | b) 1 p(b) p(b) Hence (ii) p( ai | b) p(( ai )b) b i 1 4 a p(b) i 1 a 1 p ( ai b) i 1 p (b) a p (a b) i i 1 [ p (b) ab i i 1 i p(b) p ( ai | b ) i 1 Hence (iii) 3 ‘s are all mutually exclusive] p(a | b) p(b) a 2 Probability Ranking Principle Let x be a document in the collection. Let R represent relevance of a document w.r.t. given (fixed) query and let NR represent non-relevance. p(R|x) - probability that a retrieved document x is relevant. p(NR|x) - probability that a retrieved document x is non-relevant. p( x | R) p( R) p( R | x) p( x) p( x | NR) p( NR) p( NR | x) p( x) p(R),p(NR) - prior probability of retrieving a relevant and nonrelevant document respectively p(x|R), p(x|NR) - probability that if a relevant (non-relevant) document is retrieved, it is x. Probability Ranking Principle p( x | R) p( R) p( R | x) p( x) p( x | NR) p( NR) p( NR | x) p( x) Ranking Principle (Bayes’ Decision Rule): If p(R|x) > p(NR|x) then x is relevant, otherwise x is not relevant Probability Ranking Principle Is PRP minimizes the average probability of error? Actual X is R X is NR Decision X is R 2 X is NR 1 p ( R | x) p(error | x) p( NR | x) If we decide NR If we decide R p(error) p(error | x) p( x) x p(error) is minimal when all p(error|x) are minimal. Bayes’ decision rule minimizes each p(error|x). p(error) p(error | x) p( x) x X is either in R or NR p(R | x) p( x) p( NR | x) p( x) p( R | x) p( x) p( NR | x) p( x) xNR xR xNR xR p( NR | x) p( x) p( NR | x) p( x) xNR xNR { p(R | x) p( NR | x)}p( x) p( NR | x) p( x) xNR x Constant p(error) { p( NR | x) p( R | x)}p( x) Cons tant xR Minimization of p(error) Min Minimization of 2p(error) { p( NR | x) p(R | x)}p( x) { p(R | x) p( NR | x} p( x) xR xNR p(x) is same for any x Define S1 {x : p( R | x) p( NR | x) 0} S2 {x : p( R | x) p( NR | x) 0} S1 and S2 are nothing but the decision for x to be in R and NR respectively Hence S1 andS2 : The decision minimizes p(error) Probability Ranking Principle Issues • How do we compute all those probabilities? – Cannot compute exact probabilities, have to use estimates from the (ground truth) data. (Binary Independence Retrieval) (Bayesian Networks??) Assumptions – “Relevance” of each document is independent of relevance of other documents. – Most applications are for Boolean model. Probability Ranking Principle Actual X is R X is NR Decision X is R X is NR • Simple case: no selection costs. • x is relevant iff p(R|x) > p(NR|x) (Bayes’ Decision Rule) • PRP: Rank all documents by p(R|x). Probability Ranking Principle Actual X is R X is NR Decision X is R X is NR • More complex case: retrieval costs. – C - cost of retrieval of relevant document – C’ - cost of retrieval of non-relevant document – let d, be a document • Probability Ranking Principle: if C p( R | d ) C (1 p( R | d )) C p( R | d ) C (1 p( R | d )) for all d’ not yet retrieved, then d is the next document to be retrieved Binary Independence Model Binary Independence Model • Traditionally used in conjunction with PRP • “Binary” = Boolean: documents are represented as binary vectors of terms: x ( x1 ,, xn ) – xi 1 iff term i is present in document x. – • “Independence”: terms occur in documents independently • Different documents can be modeled as same vector. Binary Independence Model • Queries: binary vectors of terms • Given query q, – for each document d, need to compute p(R|q,d). – replace with computing p(R|q,x) where x is vector representing d • Interested only in ranking • Use odds: p ( R | q, x ) p ( R | q ) p ( x | R, q ) O ( R | q, x ) p( NR | q, x ) p( NR | q) p( x | NR, q) Binary Independence Model p ( R | q, x ) p ( R | q ) p ( x | R, q ) O ( R | q, x ) p( NR | q, x ) p( NR | q) p( x | NR, q) Constant for each query Needs estimation • Using Independence Assumption: n p( xi | R, q) p( x | R, q) p( x | NR, q) i 1 p( xi | NR, q) n •So : O( R | q, d ) O( R | q) i 1 p( xi | R, q) p( xi | NR, q) Binary Independence Model n O( R | q, d ) O( R | q) i 1 p( xi | R, q) p( xi | NR, q) • Since xi is either 0 or 1: p( xi 1 | R, q) p( xi 0 | R, q) O( R | q, d ) O( R | q) xi 1 p( xi 1 | NR, q) xi 0 p( xi 0 | NR, q) • Let pi p( xi 1 | R, q); ri p( xi 1 | NR, q); • Assume, for all terms not occurring in the query (qi=0) pi ri Binary Independence Model O ( R | q, x ) O ( R | q ) xi qi 1 All matching terms pi 1 pi ri xi 0 1 ri qi 1 Non-matching query terms pi (1 ri ) 1 pi O( R | q ) xi qi 1 ri (1 pi ) qi 1 1 ri All matching terms All query terms Binary Independence Model O( R | q, x ) O( R | q) pi (1 ri ) 1 pi xi qi 1 ri (1 pi ) qi 1 1 ri Constant for each query • Retrieval Status Value: Only quantity to be estimated for rankings pi (1 ri ) pi (1 ri ) RSV log log ri (1 pi ) xi qi 1 xi qi 1 ri (1 pi ) Binary Independence Model • All boils down to computing RSV. pi (1 ri ) pi (1 ri ) RSV log log ri (1 pi ) xi qi 1 xi qi 1 ri (1 pi ) pi (1 ri ) RSV ci ; ci log ri (1 pi ) xi qi 1 So, how do we compute ci’s from our data ? Binary Independence Model • Estimating RSV coefficients. • For each term i look at the following table: Documens Relevant Non-Relevant Total Xi=1 Xi=0 s S-s n-s N-n-S+s n N-n Total S N-S N s • Estimates: pi S (n s) ri (N S) s ( S s) ci K ( N , n, S , s) log (n s ) ( N n S s ) PRP and BIR: The lessons • Getting reasonable approximations of probabilities is possible. • Simple methods work only with restrictive assumptions: – term independence – terms not in query do not affect the outcome – boolean representation of documents/queries – document relevance values are independent • Some of these assumptions can be removed Probabilistic weighting scheme s( N n S s) log (n s)(S s) Add 0.5 with each term ( s 0.5)(N n S s 0.5) log (n s 0.5)(S s 0.5) log function of ratio of probabilities may lead to positive or negative of infinity Probabilistic weighting scheme [S.Robertson] In general form, the weighting function is (k3 1)q (k1 1) f ( s 0.5)(N n S s 0.5) . . log (k3 q) (k1L f ) (n s 0.5)(S s 0.5) k1 , k3 : are constants. q : within query frequency (wqf), f : within document frequency (wdf), n : number of documents in the collection indexed by this term, N : total number of documents in the collection, s : number of relevant documents indexed by this term, S : total number of relevant documents, L : normalised document length (i.e. the length of this document divided by the average length of documents in the collection). Probabilistic weighting scheme [S.Robertson] BM11 Stephen Robertson's BM11 uses the general form for weights, but adds an extra item to the sum of term weights to give the overall document score (1 L) k 2 nq (1 L) This term is 0 when L=1 nq : number of terms in the query (the query length), k2 : another constant. ( s 0.5)(N n S s 0.5) (1 L) (k3 1)q (k1 1) f . . log k 2 nq (1 L) (k3 q) (k1L f ) (n s 0.5)(S s 0.5) Probabilistic weighting scheme BM15 BM15 is same as BM11 with term k1L f replaced by k1 f ( s 0.5)(N n S s 0.5) (1 L) (k3 1)q (k1 1) f . . log k 2 nq (1 L) (k3 q) (k1L f ) (n s 0.5)(S s 0.5) ( s 0.5)(N n S s 0.5) (1 L) (k3 1)q (k1 1) f . . log k 2 nq (1 L) (k3 q) (k1 f ) (n s 0.5)(S s 0.5) Probabilistic weighting scheme BM25 BM25 combines the B11 and B15 with a scaling factor, b, which turns BM15 into BM11 as it moves from 0 to 1 (k3 1)q (k1 1) f (s 0.5)(N n S s 0.5) . . log ( k3 q ) ( k f ) (n s 0.5)(S s 0.5) k k1 (bL (1 b)) b=1 BM11 k2 0, b 1 Default values used: b=0 General Form k1 1, k2 0, k3 1, b 0.5 BM15 Bayesian Networks 1. Independent Assumption x x1, x2 ,........xn Independent Can they be dependent? 2. Binary Assumption x i = 0 or 1 Can it be 0, 1, , …..n ? A possible way could be Bayesian Networks Bayesian Network (BN) Basics Bayesian Network (BN) is a hybrid system of probability theory and graph theory. Graph theory provides the user to build an interface to model highly interacting variables. On the other hand probability theory ensures the system as a whole is consistent, and provides ways to interface models to data. BN Modeling of JPD in a compact way by using graph (s) to reflect conditional independence relationships BN : Representation Nodes Arcs Random variables Conditional independence (or causality) Undirected arcs MRF Directed arcs BNs BN : Advantages •Arc from node A to B implies : A causes B •Compact representation of JPD of nodes •Easier to learn (Fit to data) G = Global structure (DAG – Directed Acyclic Graph) that contains x1 • a node for each variable xi U, i = 1,2, ….., n x2 x3 •edges represent the probabilistic dependencies between nodes of variables xi U x4 M = set of local structures {M1 , M2 , …., Mn }. n mappings for n variables. Mi maps each values of {xi , Par(xi )} to parameter . Here Par(xi ) denotes the set of parent nodes of xi in G. The joint probability distribution over U can be decomposed by the global structure G as P(U | B) = i P(xi | Par(xi ), , Mi , G) * By Kevin Murphy BN : An Example Cloud True False Sprinkler On Rain Yes p(C=T) p(C=F) 1/2 1/2 Off No C p(R=Y) p(R=N) T 0.8 0.2 F 0.2 0.8 Wet Grass Yes C p(S=On) p(S=Off) T 0.1 0.9 F 0.5 0.5 No S R p(W=Y) p(W=N) On Y 0.99 0.01 On N 0.9 0.1 Off Y 0.9 0.1 Off N 0.0 1.0 p(C,S,R,W) = p(C ) p(S|C) p(R|C,S) p(W|C,S,R) p(C,S,R,W) = p(C ) p(S|C) p(R|C) p(W|S,R) BN : As Model •Hybrid system of probability theory and graph theory •Graph theory provides the user to build an interface to model the highly interactive variables •Probability theory provides ways to interface model to data BN : Notations B ( Bs , ) Bs : Structure of the Network : Set of parameters that encode local prob. dist. Bs again has two parts G and M G is the global structure (DAG) M is the mapping for n variables (arcs) {xi , par( xi )} BN : Learning Structure : DAG Parameter : CPD Known Structure Bs Unknown Known Parameter Unknown Parameter can only be learnt if structure is either known or learnt earlier BN : Learning Structure is known and full data is observed (nothing missing) Parameter learning MLE, MAP Structure is known and full data is NOT observed (data missing) Parameter learning EM BN : Learning Learning Structure •To find the best DAG that fits the data Objective Function: p( D | Bs ) p( Bs ) p( Bs | D) p ( D) log( p( Bs | D)) log( p( D | Bs )) log( p( Bs )) log( p( D)) Constant and indep. of Search Algorithm : NP hard Performance criteria used : MIC, BIC Bs References (basics) 1. S. E. Roberctson, “The Probability Ranking Principle in IR”, Journal of Documentation, 33, 294-304, 1977. 2. K. S. Jones, S. Walker and S. E. 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On Information systems, 7, 187-222, 1991. Thanks You Discussions