Resolving Inference Issues in Mixed Models

Resolving Inference Issues in Mixed
Sam Weerahandi
April 2013
Draft – Work in Progress– Confidential – Do Not Distribute
 Why Mixed Models are Important
 Mixed Models: An Overview
 Issues with MLE based Inference
 Introduction to Generalized Inference
 Application: BLUP in Mixed Models
 Performance Comparison
Why Mixed Models Are Important!
 Mixed Models are especially useful in applications involving
 large samples with noisy data
 small samples with low noise
 In Clinical Research & Public Health Studies, Mixed Model can yield
results of greater accuracy in estimating effects by
 treatment levels
 Patient groups
 In Sales & Marketing Mixed Models are heavily used to estimate
Response due to promotional tactics:
– Advertisements (TV, Magazine, Web) by Market
– Doctors Response to Detailing/Starters.
 In fact, if you don’t use Mixed Models in this type of applications you
may get unreliable or junk estimates, tests, and intervals
 So, BLUP (and hence SAS PROC MIXED) has replaced LSE as the
most widely used statistical technique by Management Science
groups of Pharmaceutical companies, in particular
An Example
 Suppose you are asked to estimate effect of a
TV/Magazine Ad by every Market/District using a
model of longitudinal sales data on ad-stocked exposure
 If you run LSE you may not even get the right
sign of estimates for 40% of Markets
 If you formulate in a Mixed Model setting you will get
much more reliable estimates
 So, use Mixed Models and BLUP instead of LSE
 Mixed Models and the BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Predictor) are heavily used
in high noise & small sample applications
 In analysis of promotions, SAS Proc Mixed or R/S+ Lme is used more than any
other procedure
 But REML/ML frequently yield zero/negative variance components
 BLUPs fail or all become equal
 REML/ML could be inaccurate when factor variance is relatively small
Overview of Mixed Models
 Suppose certain groups/segments distributed around their
 Assumption in Mixed Models: Random effects are Normally
distributed around the mean, the parent estimate, say M
 Suppose Regression By Groups yield estimate Mi for
Segment i
 Let Vs be the between segment variance and Ve be the
error variance, which are known as Variance Components
 It can be shown that the Best Unbiased Predictor (BLUP) of
Segment i effect is
Ve M  kVs M i
Ve  kVs
a weighted average of the two estimates, and k is a known
constant that depends on sample size and group data
 The above is a shrinkage estimate that move extreme
estimates towards the parent estimate
 BLUP in Mixed model is a function of Variance Components
 Classical estimates of Factor variance can become negative
when noise (error variance) is large and/or sample size is
 Then, ML and REML fails: PROC Mixed will complaint about
non-convergence or will yield equal BLUPs for all segments
 I tried the Bayesian approach with MCMC, but when I did a
sanity check
 (i) by changing the hyper parameters OR (ii) by using Gamma
type prior in place of log-normal, I got very different estimates
 After both the Classical & Bayesian Approaches failed me, I
wrote a paper about “Generalized Point Estimation”, which
 Assure estimates fall into the parameter space
 Can take advantage of known signs of parameters without any
 Can improve MSE of estimates by taking such classical
methods as Stein method
Introduction to Generalized Inference
 Classical Pivotals for interval estimation are of the form Q=Q(X, q)
 Generalized Inference on a parameter q, is a generalized pivotal of the
form Q=Q(X, x, q,z) that is a function of Observable X, observed x, and
nuisance parameters
 satisfying Q(x,x, q, z) is free of z
 having a distribution free of z
 Classical Extreme Regions
 are of the form Q(X, q0)<Q(x, q0)
 cannot produce all extreme regions
 Q( X,x, q0, z)< Q( x,x, q0, z) greater class of extreme regions
 Generalized Test and Intervals are based on exact probability statements
on Q
 Generalized Estimators are based on transformed Generalized Pivotals
 If Q or a transformation satisfy Q(x,x, z)= q, then q is estimated using
 E(Q), the expected value of Q, Median of Q, etc.
Generalized Estimation (GE)
 The case Q(x,x, z)= q is too restrictive except in location parameters
 More generally, if Q(x,x, q, z) = 0, then the solution of E{Q(X,x,q,z)}=0
is said to be the Generalized Estimate of q
 Note: As in classical estimation, one will have a choice of estimates
and need to find one satisfying such desirable conditions as minimum
 Major advantage of GE is that, as in Bayesian Inference, it can assure,
via conditional expectation, any known signs of parameters
 Variance components are positive
 Variance ratio in BLUP is between 0 and 1
 Can produce inferences based on exact probabilities for Distributions
such as Gamma, Weibull, Uniform
 To do so you DO NOT need Prior or specify
values of hyper parameters
 Read more about Generalized Inference
at and even read my second book FREE!
Estimating Variance Components and BLUP
 For simplicity consider a
balanced Mixed Model
 The inference problems in
canonical form reduces to:
 Generalized approach can produce the above estimate or better estimates
 Generalized pivotal quantity
is a Generalized Estimator and E(Q)=0 yields the classical estimate
 But the drawback of the classical estimate is that
 MLE/UE frequently yields negative estimates
 The conditional E(Q|C)=0 with known knowledge C yields
 BLUPs are then obtained as weighted average Least Squares Estimates of Parent
and Child
Comparison of Variance Estimation Methods (based on
10,000 simulated samples): Performance of MLE Vs. GE
 Assume One-Way Random
Effects model with
 k segments
 n data from each segment
 Degrees of freedom a=k-1
and e=n(k-1)
 The variance component is
estimated by the MLE and
 Note that with small sample
sizes MLE/UE yield negative
estimates for Variance
 In such situations SAS does
not provide estimates or
BLUP (just say “did not
Comparison of Variance Estimation Methods:
Performance of ML/REML Vs. GE (ctd.)
 Table below shows MSE performance of competing estimates
 Note that
 Generalized estimate is better than any other estimate
 REML is not as good as ML
 Only GE can yield unequal BLUPs with any sample
Further Issues with BLUP
 ML and REML Prediction Intervals for BLUP are highly conservative:
 Actual coverage of 95% intended intervals area as large as 100%
 This implies serious lack of power in Testing of Hypotheses
 The drawback prevails unless number of groups tend to infinity
 Generalized Intervals proposed by Mathew, Gamage, and Weerahandi (2012) can
rectify the drawback
 Table below shows Performance of competing estimates