Empirical analysis and significance

Empirical Analysis
Doing and interpreting empirical work
Rules on Data
• You should never use data that you don’t know
– Know the source and how it was collected
– Understand the coding
– Know how variables are measured
– Know the time frame, locations and other relevant
• You should be able to describe the data
– Summary statistics
– Be very clear about definitions
• Understand its limitations and special features
• Know why and how it addresses your research question
Rules for good empirical analysis
• Never use a technique you don’t understand
• Plan your approach
– You are looking for something like “a” causes “b”
– Find a technique that leads to that conclusion; don’t
just automatically run a regression
– Think about how your results could provide the
answer to your hypotheses. In fact, plan your
approach from the hypotheses
• Know whose behavior you are modeling
• Understand your causation. Be careful of spurious
correlation, and of bi-directional causation.
• Defend the exogeneity of RHS variables.
Specifics on Empirical Models
• Describe what economic mechanism caused the dispersion in your
right hand variables. Remember, natural experiments are rare. Do
you really have one?
• Understand what economic mechanism constitutes the error
term. What variation in the dependent variable is not covered by
your predetermined variables.
– Understand why your error term is uncorrelated with RHS
variables, or how you will fix it
– There should be economic as well as statistical reasons.
• If you use instrumental variables
– Understand the difference between an instrument and a
control. Should it be an additional variable not an instrument?
– If it is an IV, why it is a good instrument and uncorrelated with
the error
• Think about the specification in terms of your
– Do you need a nonlinear model?
– Remember that high R2 can be bad (left shoes = b0 +
b1 right shoes)
– What out for estimating identities
• There is a distinct difference between economic
significance and statistical significance. You need to
understand the difference.
– Statistical significance is a measure of the strength
of the signal relative to background noise.
– Economic significance is a measure of the
importance of the finding to supporting or
disproving your hypotheses.
• Use statistical significance to test your null
• Use economic significance to test your research
Significance - Rules to Remember
• Statistical significance does not indicate causality. It
simply measures how precisely the degree of
correlation between the variables can be measured.
• Statistical significance is influenced by sample size.
With a sufficiently large sample, almost any estimate
can be found to be statistically significant at some
level. Hence, the significance level to reject a null
hypothesis should vary inversely with your sample
size. This is why the 5% level is not absolute.
• Statistical significance is not the same as economic
significance. Size matters!
Statistical Significance
• Statistical (Fisherian) significance has little to do with
economic significance.
• What is statistical significance? What does it
measure? Which of the following is the correct
– Given the data, the p-value tells us the probability
that the null hypothesis is true. P(H0|D)
– Given that the null hypothesis is true, the p-value
tells us the probability of getting these data.
• Does P(H0|D)= P(D|H0)? No
About 2% of a population has a disease. A test for the
disease is accurate 95% of the time when the disease is
present (called sensitivity) and will indicate the absence
of the disease 97% of the time when the disease is
absent (called specificity). Let H0 be that the disease is
absent in the patient. Hence we have P(D|H0)<0.05.
But when a test is done on a patient and we get an
indication that the disease is present, we need to
adjust for the fact that most people don’t have the
disease, and there are false positives.
Example (continued).
For every 1000 tests
Test shows patient
is normal
1 (5%)
Test shows patient
has the disease
30 (3%)
A positive test is more likely a false positive than a true
positive. Recent suggestion to do away with PSA tests
in men reflects this sort of result.
Think about the example in Cohen about his colleague.
Does anyone recall what that example is?
Pearson v. Fisher
• Buchanan-Wollaston claimed in any hypothesis test,
there is a large region in the distribution of the
criterion for which neither the hypothesis nor its
reverse can be assumed true. He focused his
comments on the 2 as a goodness of fit test.
• Pearson responded that the test is useful only to
choose between two distributions, not to validate
which distribution (hypothesis) is correct.
• Fisher responded that Buchanan was correct;
rejection of the null is not equivalent to acceptance
of the alternative. Indeed, it is the source of type II
Pearson v. Fisher (continued)
• Pearson responded again, arguing that the
conclusions and significance value used should be
chosen with regard to the problem at hand. The test
is a measure of the adequacy of some model to
explain the observed data (Power of the test).
Anything beyond that is inferential, not statistical.
• Both agree that the failure to reject the null
hypothesis does not mean it is true. The only
hypothesis proved true by a statistical test is the
negation of a hypothesis that the observed sample
has zero possibility. Think about the colleague
example in the Smith paper.
Pearson v. Fisher (continued)
• Fisher tells us that the value of significance tests is
only in that they tell us what to ignore. This is why
null results (that the parameter is not significantly
different from zero) are useful.
• Pearson tells us that scientists do not seek the truth,
only ways to summarize the data; that is what
significance testing is doing.
• What are we doing with econometrics? (discuss from
• Conclusion; statistical inference and economic
inference are different things.
McCloskey and McCloskey and Ziliak
• What is their point?
– Fisherian significance is meaningless in almost all
cases of economic application, yet economists
often report statistical significance as important.
– Size matters!
• A well-measured but trivial economic effect
may be neglected even if statistically
• But an economically large but poorly measured
effect should not be rejected because the signal
is noisy.
Blank’s study in AER (1991) about acceptance rates and
blind refereeing..
• She found that the acceptance rates of papers
written by women were lower than those written by
men when refereeing was not blind. But the
difference was statistically insignificant (at p<0.05)
– If the difference was statistically significant with
the sample, we know it would be so with a larger
sample too.
– But with it not statistically significant at an
acceptable level, it tells us nothing about truth.
Example 2
Suppose you measure the equation
Investment = a + b1*interest rate + b2*tax rates + e
If tax rates and b are large, then tax rates are
economically important. But if there is little variation in
tax rates, you would find b2 not different from 0 at
conventional levels of statistical significance.
So how big is big? There is no real answer, but if you do
empirical analysis, keep the following rules in mind.
• Statistical significance is about sample size.
• The level of statistical significance “used” should fit
your data, problem and importance of the variable to
your hypotheses and conclusion, and to the context
of your research question.
• Your assumptions matter, but you can’t just assume
something to be true. For example, you can’t just
assume a variable is exogenous. You need to argue
for it, and sometimes test it.