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An Iterative Algorithm
for Trust Management
and Adversary Detection
for Delay-Tolerant Networks
Department of Computer Science
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Northern Virginia Center, USA
: Erman AYDAY,
Faramarz Fekri
Presented by : Mehmet Saglam
 Introduction
 Iterative Trust and Reputation
Management Mechanism (ITRM)
 Trust Management and Adversary
Detection in DTNs
 Conclusion
 Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs)
 Sparseness and delay are particularly high
 Characterized by intermittent contacts between nodes,
leading to spacetime evolution of multihop paths (routes)
for transmitting packets to the destination
• i.e. DTNs’ links on an end-to-end path do not exist
 Hence intermediate nodes may need to store, carry, and
wait for opportunities to transfer data packets toward their
 Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs)
 Application Areas;
• Emergency response
• Wildlife surveying
• Vehicular to vehicular communications
• Healthcare
• Military
• Tactical sensing
• …
 Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs)
 The existence of end-to-end paths via contemporaneous
links is assumed in spite of node mobility
 If a path is disrupted due to mobility, the disruption is
temporary and either the same path or an alternative one is
restored very quickly
 MANETs are special types of DTNs
 DTNs vs. MANETs
Problem of DTNs in packet communication;
 Routing, unicasting, broadcasting and multicasting become
sufficiently harder even with no packet erasures due to
communication link
 Lack of knowledge on the network topology, and the lack of
end to end path
 Byzantine Adversary attacks against DTNs (1/3)
Byzantine Attack: One or more legitimate nodes have been
compromised and fully controlled by the adversary. A Byzantine
malicious node may mount the following attacks;
 Packet drop, in which the malicious node drops legitimate
packets to disrupt data availability
 Bogus packet injection, in which the Byzantine node injects
bogus packets to consume the resources of the network
 Noise injection, in which the malicious node changes the
integrity of legitimate packets
 Byzantine Adversary attacks against DTNs (2/3)
 Routing attacks, in which the adversary tempers with the
routing by misleading the nodes
 Flooding attacks, in which the adversary keeps the
communication channel busy to prevent legitimate traffic
from reaching its destination
 Impersonation attacks, in which the adversary impersonates
the legitimate nodes to mislead the network
Routing attacks are not significant threats for DTNs because of
the lack of end-to-end path from a source to its destination
Attacks on packet integrity may be prevented using a robust
authentication mechanism in DTNs
 Byzantine Adversary attacks against DTNs (3/3)
 However, packet drop is harder to contain because nodes’
cooperation is fundamental for the operation of DTNs
 This paper focuses on packet drop attack which gives serious
damages to the network in terms of data availability, latency,
and throughput
 Finally, Byzantine nodes may individually or in collaboration
attack the security mechanism (e.g., the trust management
and malicious node detection schemes)
 Reputation-based trust management system in MANETs
 In MANETs, reputation-based trust management systems are
shown to be an effective way to cope with adversary
 Trust plays a pivotal role for a node in choosing with which
nodes it should cooperate, improving data availability in the
 Examining trust values has been shown to lead to the
detection of malicious nodes in MANETs
 Achieving the same for DTNs leads to additional challenges
 Constraints posed by DTNs make existing security protocols
inefficient or impractical
 Main objective of the paper
Develop a security mechanism for DTNs
 To evaluate the nodes based on their behavior during their
past interactions
 To detect misbehavior due to Byzantine adversaries, selfish
nodes, and faulty nodes
This paper develops the Iterative Trust and Reputation
Mechanism (ITRM), and explore its application on DTNs
 By proposing a distributed malicious node detection
mechanism for DTNs using ITRM
 ITRM enables every node to evaluate other nodes based on
their past behavior, without requiring a central authority
 Related Work (1/4)
 In MANETs, a node evaluates another by using either direct
or indirect measurements. Building reputation values by
direct measurement is either achieved by using the
watchdog mechanism or by using the ACK from the
 The use of indirect measurements to build reputation values
is also allowed while the watchdog mechanism is used to
obtain direct measurements
 Reputation values are constructed using the ACK messages
sent by the destination node.
 Related Work (2/4)
The techniques used in MANETs are not applicable to DTNs
 The watchdog mechanism cannot used to monitor another
node after forwarding the packets. Because, links on an
end-to-end path do not exist contemporaneously and the
node loses connection with the intermediate node which it
desires to monitor
 Relying on the ACK packets would fail, because of the lack
of a fixed common multihop path
 Using indirect measurements is possible. However, it is
unclear as to how these measurements can be obtained
 Related Work (3/4)
 Reputation systems for P2P networks are either not
applicable for DTNs or they require excessive time to build
the reputation values of the peers
 The EigenTrust algorithm(most popular one) is constrained
by the fact that trustworthiness of a peer (on its feedback) is
equivalent to its reputation value
 However, trusting a peer’s feedback and trusting a peer’s
service quality are two different concepts
 A malicious peer can attack the network protocol or the
reputation management system independently. Therefore,
the EigenTrust algorithm is not practical for DTNs
 Related Work (4/4)
 The Cluster Filtering Method for reputation management
introduces quadratic complexity while the computational
complexity of ITRM is linear with the number of users in the
 Hence, ITRM scheme is more scalable and suitable for large
scale reputation systems
 Several other works have focused on securing DTNs by using
Identity Based Cryptography and packet replication which
provide confidentiality and authentication
 On the other hand, ITRM provides malicious node detection
and high data availability with low packet latency
ITRM Mechanism
 The Goals of ITRM
1. Computing the service quality (reputation) of the peers who
provide a service by using the feedbacks from the peers
who used the service (referred to as the raters)
2. Determining the trustworthiness of the raters by low packet
latency analyzing their feedback about Service Providers
ITRM Mechanism
 Considered attacks against trust and reputation management
1. Bad mouthing, in which malicious raters collude and attack
the SPs with the highest reputation by giving low ratings in
order to undermine them
2. Ballot stuffing, in which malicious raters collude to increase
the reputation values of peers with low reputations.
3. Sophisticated attacks
a. Utilizes bad mouthing or ballot stuffing with a
strategy such as RepTrap
b. Malicious raters provide both reliable and malicious
ratings to mislead the algorithm
ITRM Mechanism
Global reputation of the jth SP
Rating that the peer i reports about the SP j, whenever a transaction is
completed between the two peers
The trustworthiness of the ith peer as a rater
Age-factored 𝑇𝑅𝑖𝑗 (𝑊𝑅𝑖𝑗 = 𝑤𝑖𝑗 𝑇𝑅𝑖𝑗 )
Incorporates the time varying aspect of the reputation of the SPs
(𝑤𝑖𝑗 =𝜆𝑡−𝑡𝑖𝑗 where λ and 𝑡𝑖𝑗 are fading parameters
If a new rating arrives from the ith rater about the jth SP, the
scheme updates the new value of the edge {i,j} by averaging
the new rating and the old value of the edge multiplied with
the fading factor
ITRM Mechanism
ITRM Mechanism
 Initial Iteration
𝑇𝑅𝑗𝑣 and 𝑇𝑅𝑖𝑗
are the values of the SP and the {i,j}th edge at the
iteration v of the ITRM algorithm
= 𝑇𝑅𝑗
𝐴𝑗 - the set of all rater connected to the SP j
The list of malicious raters (blacklist) is empty
ITRM Mechanism
 First Iteration (1/2)
v =1
Compute average inconsistency factor (𝐶 𝑣 𝑖 ) of each rater i
using the values of the SPs
𝐵 - the set of SPs connected to the rater i
d(.,.) – distance metric used to measure the inconsistency
ITRM Mechanism
 First Iteration (2/2)
 List the inconsistency factors of all raters in ascending order
 Select and Blacklist the rater i with the highest inconsistency
• if it is greater than or equal to a definite threshold τ
 Delete the ratings of the blacklisted rater for all SPs
 If there is no rater to blacklist, stop the algorithm
ITRM Mechanism
- Actual reputations
are equal to 5
- τ=0.7
- 𝑤𝑖 s are equal to 1
- 𝑅𝑖 s are equal
- {1,2,3,4,5} honest
- {6,7} malicious
ITRM Mechanism
 Raters’ Trustworthiness
 𝑅𝑖 values updated using the set of all past blacklists together
in a Beta distribution. Initially, prior to the first time-slot, for
each rater peer i, the 𝑅𝑖 value is set to 0.5
- Then, if the rater peer i is blacklisted, 𝑅𝑖 is decreased by
- Otherwise, 𝑅𝑖 is increased by setting
 Where λ is the fading parameter and ᵟ denotes the penalty
factor for the blacklisted raters.
 Updating 𝑅𝑖 values via the Beta distribution has one major
 An existing malicious rater with low 𝑅𝑖 could cancel its
account and sign in with a new ID
ITRM Mechanism
 Security Evaluation of ITRM
 To prove that the general ITRM framework is a robust trust
and reputation management mechanism, its security will be
briefly evaluated by both analytically and via computer
 Then, the security of ITRM will be evaluated in a realistic
DTN environment
ITRM Mechanism
 Frequently used notations
ITRM Mechanism
 Analytical Security Evaluation (1/3)
Assumed that
the quality of SPs remains unchanged during time slots
𝑅𝑖 = 1 (for simplicity)
The evaluation is for Bad-mouthing attack only (others have
similar results)
 Ratings generated by the nonmalicious raters are distributed
uniformly among the SPs
 d is a random variable with Yule-Simon distribution, which
resembles the power-law distribution used in modeling
online systems
ITRM Mechanism
 Analytical Security Evaluation (2/3)
 Lemma 1 : Let θ𝑗 and d𝑡 be the number of unique raters for
the jth SP and the total number of outgoing edges from an
honest rater in t elapsed time slots, respectively. Let Q also
be a random variable denoting the exponent of the fading
parameter λ at the tth time slot. Then, ITRM would be a
τ-eliminate-optimal scheme if the conditions
are satisfied at the tth time slot, where
and Λ is the index set of the set Γ
ITRM Mechanism
 Analytical Security Evaluation (3/3)
 The design parameter τ should be selected based on the
highest fraction of malicious raters to be tolerated
 We use a waiting time t such that (6a) and (6b) are satisfied
with high probability
 Then, among all τ values we select the highest τ value to
minimize the probability of blacklisting a reliable rater
ITRM Mechanism
 Simulations (1/4)
Assumed that, there were already 200 raters and 50 SPs
50 time slots have passed since the launch of the system
After this initialization process, 50 more SPs introduced
A fraction of the existing raters changed behavior (malicious)
By providing reliable ratings during the initialization period
the malicious raters increased their trustworthiness values
 Eventually, there are D+H=200 raters and N=100 SPs
 The performance of ITRM obtained, for each time slot, as
the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) (I𝑇𝑅𝑗 - 𝑇𝑅𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 I)
ITRM Mechanism
 Simulations (2/4)
 Performance has evaluated in the presence of bad mouthing
 The victims are chosen among the newcomer SPs in order to
have the most adverse effect
 The malicious raters do not deviate very much from the
actual values to remain under cover
 Malicious raters apply a low intensity attack(the RepTrap
attack) by choosing the same set of SPs and rate them as n=4
 By assuming that the ratings of the reliable raters deviate
from the actual reputation values, this attack scenario
becomes even harder to detect than the RepTrap
 Δ = 𝑏/b = 1
ITRM Mechanism
 Simulations (3/4)
ITRM Mechanism
 Simulations (4/4)
- Although the malicious raters
stay under cover when they
attack with very less number
of edges, this type of an attack
limits the malicious raters’
ability to make a serious
impact (they can only attack to
a small number of SPs)
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Adversary Models and Security Threats
Attack Types
1) Attack on the network communication protocol
2) Attack on the security mechanism
Packet drop and packet injection (type 1)
An insider adversary drops legitimate packets it has received
A malicious node may also generate its own flow to deliver
to another node via the legitimate nodes
Bad mouthing (Ballot stuffing) on trust management (type2)
A malicious node may give incorrect feedback in order to
undermine the trust management system
Bad-mouthing attacks attempt to reduce the trust on a
victim node
Ballot-stuffing attacks boost trust value of a malicious ally
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Adversary Models and Security Threats
Random attack on trust management (type 2)
A Byzantine node may adjust its packet drop rate (on the
scale of zero-to-one) to stay under cover
Bad mouthing (Ballot stuffing) on detection scheme (type 2)
Every legitimate node creates its own trust entries in a table
(rating table) for a subset of network nodes for which the
node has collected sufficient feedbacks
Each node also collects rating tables from other nodes
When the Byzantine nodes transfer their tables to a
legitimate node, they may victimize the legitimate nodes or
help their malicious allies
This effectively reduces the detection performance of the
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Network/Communication Model and Technical Background
 Mobility Models (1/2)
 Random Waypoint (RWP) model produces exponentially
decaying intercontact time distributions for the network
nodes making the mobility analysis tractable
 Each node is assigned an initial location in the field
 Nodes travel at a constant speed to a randomly chosen
destination. The speed is randomly chosen between min and
max value
 After reaching the destination, the node may pause for a
random amount of time before the new destination and speed
are chosen randomly for the next movement
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Network/Communication Model and Technical Background
 Mobility Models (2/2)
 Levy-walk (LW) model is shown to produce power-law
distributions that has been studied extensively for animal
patterns and recently has been shown to be a promising
model for human mobility
 Each movement length and pause time distributions closely
match truncated power-law distributions
 Angles of movement are pulled from a uniform distribution
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Network/Communication Model and Technical Background
 Packet Format
 Each packet contains its two hop history in its header
• when node B receives a packet from node A, it learns
from which node A received that packet
 This mechanism is useful for the feedback mechanism
 Routing and packet exchange protocol
 The source node never transmits multiple copies of the
same packet
 Exchange of packets between two nodes follows a backpressure policy
• Assume nodes A and B have x and y packets belonging to the
same flow f (where x > y). Then, if the contact duration permits,
node A transfers (x-y)/2 packets to node B belonging to flow f
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Iterative Detection for DTNs
 In DTNs, due to intermittent contacts, a judge node has to
wait for a very long time to issue its own ratings for all the
nodes in the network
 However, it is desirable to have a fresh estimate of the
reputation in a timely manner, mitigating the effects of
malicious nodes immediately
 Present feedback ratings as (0-malicious) or (1-honest)
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Iterative Detection for DTNs
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Trust Management Scheme for DTNs (1/5)
 The authentication mechanism for the packets generated by
a specific source is provided by a Bloom filter and ID-based
signature (IBS)
 When a source node sends some packets, it creates a Bloom
filter output and signs it using IBS
 When an intermediate node forwards packets to its contact,
it also forwards the signed Bloom filter output for
 The feedback mechanism to determine the entries in the
rating table is based on a 3-hop loop
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Trust Management Scheme for DTNs (2/5)
When B and C meet at 𝑡1 , they first exchange signed time
B sends the packets in its buffer
Node B transfers the receipts it received thus far to C. Those
receipts include the proofs of node B’s deliveries
C also gives a signed receipt to B
The judge A and the witness C meet, they initially exchange
their contact histories. A learns that C has met B and
requests the feedback
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Trust Management Scheme for DTNs (3/5)
 The feedback consists of two parts; receipts of B and the
hashes of those packets for evaluation
 The feedbacks from the witnesses are not trustable. Because
of the bad mouthing (ballot stuffing) and random attacks
 A judge node waits for a definite number of feedbacks to
give its verdict
 Each judge node uses the Beta distribution to aggregate
multiple evaluations. If it is bigger than 0.5 the suspect is
rated as “1”, otherwise it is rated as “0”
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Trust Management Scheme for DTNs (4/5)
 The sufficient number of feedbacks that is required to give a
verdict with high confidence depends on the packet drop
rate and detection level
 The judge node applies the ITRM for the lowest possible
detection level depending on the entries in both its own
rating table and collected from other nodes
 Assume a judge node M collected rating tables from other
nodes K and V
 The rating table entries with the largest detection level has a
detection level of m, k, and v for M, K, and V ’s rating tables
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Trust Management Scheme for DTNs (5/5)
 M performs ITRM at the detection level of max(m,k,v)
 The malicious nodes may try to survive from the detection
mechanism by setting their packet drop rates to lower values
 The proposed detection mechanism eventually detects all
the malicious nodes when the judge node waits longer times
to apply the ITRM at a lower detection level
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Security Evaluations (1/9)
 The performance of ITRM compared with the well-known
reputation management schemes (Bayesian and EigenTrust)
in a realistic DTN environment.
 RWP and LW mobility models used to evaluate the
performance of the proposed scheme
 Simulation area is fixed to 4.5kmx4.5km which includes
N=100 nodes each with a transmission range of 250 m
 λ𝑖 is the intercontact time between two particular nodes
 Random variables x, y, and z represent the number of
feedbacks received at judge node A, total number of
contacts that node B established after meeting A, and the
number of distinct contacts of B after meeting A
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Security Evaluations (2/9)
Lemma 2. Let 𝑡0 be the time that a transaction occurred
between a particular judge-suspect pair. Further, let 𝑁𝑇 be the
number of feedbacks received by the judge for that particular
suspect node since t= 𝑡0 . Then, the probability that the judge
node has at least M feedbacks about the suspect node from M
distinct witnesses at time T + 𝑡0 is given by
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Security Evaluations (3/9)
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Security Evaluations (4/9)
Lemma 3. Let a particular judge node start collecting feedbacks
and generating its rating table at time t= 𝑡0 . Further, let 𝑁𝑇 be
the number of entries in the rating table of the judge node.
Then, the probability that the judge node has at least s entries
at time 𝑡0 + T is given by
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Security Evaluations (5/9)
 ITRM compared with the Bayesian reputation management
framework and the EigenTrust algorithm
 However, neither the original Bayesian framework nor
EigenTrust is directly applicable to DTNs since both protocols
rely on direct measurements which is not practical for DTNs
 ITRM performs better than the Bayesian framework since
Bayesian approaches assume that the reputation values of
the nodes are independent
 Hence, in these schemes, each reputation value is computed
independent of the other nodes’ reputation
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Security Evaluations (6/9)
 The strength of ITRM stems from the fact that it tries to
capture the correlation of probability distribution in
analyzing the ratings and computing the reputations.
 The EigenTrust algorithm is constrained by the fact that
trust- worthiness of a peer is equivalent to its reputation
 However, trusting a peer’s feedback and trusting a peer’s
service quality are two different concepts since a malicious
peer can attack the network protocol or the reputation
management system independently.
 Therefore, ITRM also performs better than the EigenTrust
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Security Evaluations (7/9)
 Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Security Evaluations (8/9)
 Availability
• Availability is the percentage of recovered messages at a
given time
1) When there is no defense against the malicious nodes and
each malicious node has a packet drop rate of 1
2) When a detection level of 0.8 is used by ITRM (in which
each judge node is supposed to identify and isolate all the
Byzantine nodes whose packet drop rates are 0.8 or higher)
3) When a complete detection is used by ITRM (in which all
malicious nodes are supposed to be detected and isolated
regardless of their packet drop rate)
4) When the Bayesian reputation management framework is
used to detect the malicious nodes.
Trust Management and Adversary Detection
 Security Evaluations (9/9)
 Availability
 A robust & efficient security mechanism introduced for DTNs
 The proposed security mechanism (ITRM) consists of a trust
management mechanism and an iterative reputation
management scheme
 The trust management mechanism enables each network
node to determine the trustworthiness of the nodes
 ITRM takes the advantage of an iterative mechanism to
detect and isolate the malicious nodes from the network in a
short time
 ITRM is far more effective than the Bayesian framework and
EigenTrust in computing the reputation values
 ITRM provides high data availability with low information
latency by detecting and isolating the malicious nodes
Questions & Answers
Thank You!
Mehmet Saglam