4.Sri. A Srinivas Rao, CPO Kodagu - Directorate of Economics and

District Domestic Product
compilation and its uses
What is DDP?
• District Domestic Product (DDP) represents
the sum of economic value of all goods and
services produced within the geographical
boundary of the district.
Why DDP compilation is essential?
• All Developing or developed country uses the
DDP to know the current development status.
• To know the economic status of the area,
taluk, district, state or even economic status of
the country
• The district income estimates assumes much
importance as an indicator of development in
decentralised planning.
Advantages of compiling DDP
• Shows the sector wise development of taluka’s
or a district.
• Differentiate the economic development
between taluka’s or a district.
• Helps to Prepare an Human Development
• Helps to prepare the development plans at
taluk level.
Method of compiling Gross Domestic
Product estimates
The methodology for compiling the
estimates of GDP consists in dividing the
whole economy into three sectors.
• Primary Sector:
1. Agriculture (including Livestock).
2. Forestry and Logging.
3. Fishing.
4. Mining and Quarrying.
Method of compiling Gross Domestic
Product estimates
• Secondary Sector:
5. Manufacturing
a) Registered
6. Construction
7. Electricity, Gas and Water Supply
Method of compiling Gross Domestic
Product estimates
• Tertiary Sector:
8. Transport, Storage and Communication
a) Railways
b) Transport by other means
c) Storage
d) Communication
9. Trade, Hotels and Restaurants
10. Banking and Insurance
11. Real Estate, Ownership of Dwellings and Business
Services including legal services
12. Public Administrations
13. Other Services.
Method of compiling Gross Domestic
Product estimates
GDDP Compilation worked out in any
one or more of the following three methods.
i) Production approach:
This approach is applied on sectors such
as Agriculture (including Livestock), Forestry
and Logging, Fishing, Mining and Quarrying,
Manufacturing (Registered).
Method of compiling Gross Domestic
Product estimates
ii) Income approach:
This approach is applied on sectors such
as… Manufacturing(unregistered), Electricity,
Gas and Water Supply, Transport, Storage and
Restaurants, Banking and Insurance, Real
Estate, Ownership of Dwellings and Business
Services, including legal services, Public
Administration, Other Services.
Method of compiling Gross Domestic
Product estimates
iii) Expenditure approach:
This Approach used in construction sector.
At present all the three methods are
followed to compute District Domestic
Source of data for compiling district
domestic product
Area, Yield, Production and Prices are used to
find the output value of the crops in agriculture
District Statistic Office: Supplies the data such as
Area, Yield and Production for several crops.
APMC: Supplies price to compile the output value
for all crops.
Horticulture Department: Supplies Area, Yield
and Production for Vegetable and Fruits crops.
DC Office: Supplies Irrigation charges.
Source of data for compiling district
domestic product
Data Limitation in Agriculture
• Area: In spite of best efforts, Area records
have not been updating in all three season
• Area reconciliation at the village level not
done properly by the concerned department.
• Crops which are grown in forest area,
government land or canal are not reflected
properly in the records.
Source of data for compiling district
domestic product
Data Limitation in Agriculture
Mixed Farming: Mixed farming is mainly found in
the horticulture sector and some major crops in
agriculture, where combination of the crop will be
• Estimation will be limited for the major crops in
which minor crop area not properly reflected.
• Example: The plantation crops such as coconut,
arecanut, banana etc found near each home stud
land, stray fruit trees found, normally in estate,
forest area and bund area are not at all reflected
which contribute sizable share.
Source of data for compiling district
domestic product
Data Limitation in Agriculture
Yield: Yield estimation has been under estimated
due to insurance claim.
Yield estimation is not been conducted
statistically for horticulture crops by horticulture
Price: The District DDP suffered with local
prices. The District level DDP
compilation is
processed based on district market prices, if district
price not found then state price has been allocated
on several crops.
Source of data for compiling district
domestic product
District Animal Husbandry: Price and
Production of the livestock are supplied by
District Animal Husbandry, It contain the data
on Milk, Egg, Meat, Wool and other livestock
products using livestock census results.
Source of data for compiling district
domestic product
Data Limitation in Livestock
• For the interceptional years, estimation has
been attempted by extrapolating the data on
the basis of observed growth rates between
the last two censuses.
• Accurate production data on byproducts is not
available, By comparing state figures variation
is found in the taluk-wise production as well
as taluk-wise price of the live stock products.
Source of data for compiling district
domestic product
Forestry and Logging
District Forest Department: Supplies Taluk-wise
Price and Production for forest products.
District Fisheries Department: Supplies Taluk-wise
Price and Production for fish products.
Mining and Quarrying
Mines and Geology Department: Supplies Talukwise Price and Production based on the royalty.
Source of data for compiling district
domestic product
PRI’s and ULB’s: Supplies Taluk-wise workforce
engaged in public sector and taluk-wise
Data Limitation in Construction
• limitation of data on private construction.
• observation on development in district shows the
major participation of the private sector, but due to
unavailability of data on private construction actually
under estimated the District Domestic Product.
Source of data for compiling district
domestic product
Manufacturing ( registered and unregistered)
Industries and commerce department: Supplies
Talukwise workforce engaged in industrial sectors.
Electricity, Gas and Water Supply
CLB’s Web Application: CLB’s web application and
district at a glance (DAG) have been used .
District Statistic Office: District at a Glance data
have been used.
Source of data for compiling district
domestic product
BSNL Office: Supplies Taluk-wise workforce engaged
in BSNL sector.
Data Limitation in Communication
• Compilation process has not been affected on private
sector where the major communication activities has
been found.
• Such as broadband communication, Postal
Generation or even 3rd Generation communication
have made revolutions in communication sector.
Source of data for compiling district
domestic product
Banking and Insurance
District Employment Office: Supplied Taluk-wise
workforce engaged in Banking sector..
LIC of India: Supplies Taluk-wise workforce engaged in
Insurance sector.
Data Limitation in Banking and Insurance
Data not available in the private sector who are engaged
in both Banking and Insurance .
Legal services
District Bar Association: Supplies Taluk-wise workforce
engaged in Legal services.
Source of data for compiling district
domestic product
District Health Office: : Supplies Taluk-wise
workforce engaged in Health services.
Data Limitation in Health Services
• Data does not available for the private heath
services find in the district
CLB’s Web Application : Workforce engaged in
sanitation in public sector has been accessed by
the web application
Data base problem and what has to
be done to overcome this Problem?
Primary Sector
Area Reconciliation at village level need to do
Enumerators have to be appointed at least in the
hobli level.
The area estimation on all season should be done
properly for all crops including mixed crops.
Village accountant should be supplied with
updated revenue village map.
Data base problem and what has to
be done to overcome this Problem?
Primary Sector
• Horticulture census needs be held along with
agriculture census in every five years.
• Especially for most of the horticultural crops yield
estimates are not available at district level, some
methodology must adopt to get yield estimate at
district level.
• Need to build an accurate system to get local
market prices for all crops and products in the
Data base problem and what has to
be done to overcome this Problem?
Secondary Sector& Tertiary Sector
• Special effort has to carry out to get an
accurate and reliable data.
• Private database need to be build in
construction, communication, transport and
other sector by initiating a special program at
regional level.
Thank you