I.T.V. Holz-Art Gallery
“My painting is born in real life, “en plain air”. The tree has always been a part of nature awaking my attention. The tree
with its curves and its shapes represents life and sentiment. In these movements, I see “gestures” and feelings. The tree
is deeply rooted, and strongly hangs on the ground. Hanging on, getting closer, holding up are all movements that can be
found in the wood and remind me of man’s movements that turn into sentiments. The tree has a soul, and you can
perceive it when entering the wood, it stretches its branches as arms. When the sunlight hits the bark, among the
branches colors are transformed and wonderful colors are created, green, purple, red, yellow….”Annemarie Ambrosoli
Annemarie Ambrosoli was born in Steinhaus in Ahrntal (Bozen/Italy). Main influences for her artistic career were the
masters of Impressionism, Post-Impressionism and Fauvism.
Of great significance was her time in Lombardy, South Tyrol and Austria. At an early age, Ms. Ambrosoli was fortunate
enough to be influenced artistically by a relative: The artist Ercole Frigoli, whose work mainly focuses on landscapes,
introduced her to the technique of oil painting as well as to the love of nature. Her aim is to paint landscapes “en plein
air”, using nature as a model for depicting color schemes on canvas. In her work, emotions are essential, followed by
motifs that also have a significant role.
This results in artworks that revolve around trees as a highly important theme. Particularly inspiring for Ms. Ambrosoli is
the cold season where trees show their branches, gestures and movements. These branches evoke emotions in the
artist’s soul, such as “gestures” expressing sensuality, love, desire and contact.
Spielerische Posen
Weiße Schleier
Come un riflesso
Another theme of great importance to the artist is “ensembles”. Ensembles are not mere combinations of single objects,
but are created through an interaction of several objects reflecting the history of humans and nature and contributing,
due to their individual characteristics, to local or regional identity. Landscapes, but also villages, are subject to
continuous and often swift change, which carries the risk of homogenization and therefore a loss of diversity. In these
artworks, she aims at expressing her emotions related to a certain motif by joyful color schemes, rather than just
depicting objects in a realistic way.
I.T.V. Holz-Art Gallery –
Annemarie Ambrosoli
Kötschach 467 - A-9640 Kötschach-Mauthen
ATU 67168646
Mobil +43 (0) 664 8558485
I.T.V. Holz-Art Gallery
Spuren des Frühlings
Blaue Schatten
Frohlicher Tag
Several art critics wrote about her oeuvre: Vittorio Sgarbi, Paolo Levi, Salvatore Russo, Dino Marasà, Letizia Lanzarotti,
Anna Francesca Biondolìllo, Eugen Galasso, Carlo Franza, Orfeo Carpinelli, Lidìa Silanos, Maria Grazia Spadaro, Erika
Nicchiosini, M. Malì, Alfonso Confalone, Teodosio Martucci, Maria Grazia Ginocchio, Lilia Grazia Tiberi, Leo Strozzieri,
Giorgio Falossi, Sandro Serradifalco, Giorgio Falossi etc.
Some artworks are in private ownership in Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Italy, City Hall in Olgiate Comasco (CO)
(Italy), Banks of Kötschach-Mauthen (Austria) and Bruneck (BZ) (Italy).
Annemarie Ambrosoli was awarded several prizes and mentions; she is listed in various art catalogues and publications.
2013 Award by auction House Iori Piacenza – Hotel de Paris Monaco - Principality of Monaco
2013 Award European Art Personality– Galleria Amart – Bruxelles - Belgium
2012 Special Award Premio dei Normanni Palermo - Italy
2012 International Le louvre Award - Galerie Thuillier Paris - France
2008 Critics Award F.I.A.R.(International Festival of Art) Galleria Il Collezionista Rome - Italy
2007 I° Prize Italian Culture Institut Laives Bolzano - Coordinamento Arte La Goccia - Italy
2006 V° Prize Centro d'arte e cultura "La Tavolozza" Sanremo - Italy
2005 I° Prize Centro d'arte e cultura "La Tavolozza" Porto S. Elpidio - Italy
2005 Special Distinction Gallery La Telaccia Turin - Italy
2004 Special Distinction Gallery La Telaccia Turin - Italy
“Annemarie Ambrosoli’s Tachisme is lively and merry, a chromatic weaving that recalls tapestries, in the density of the
material” Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi (Year 2014)
“Emotions told through the colors are evident in the work of Annemarie Ambrosoli, where trees, which she likes to
portray, are metaphorically interpret of gestures that belong to human being. As many arms they are moving, they are
touching and they are colored of vital emotions that narrate the soul of the artist and her desire to avoid loneliness, set
off by lines, which indicate a desire for upward movement, but also a sensitivity to all that is around us. The tree ... the
trees ... are nothing more than a Annemarie upward, but she is aware that it is the contact, relation of each one that
gives us the necessary energy to live” Prof. Gaetana Tay Foletto, cultrice d’arte (Year 2014)
“Gestures is a pictorial cycle that the artist Annemarie Ambrosoli dedicates to trees. The spectator finds himself
catapulted in that silent atmosphere, where he can listen to the sound of the wood. An enchanted wood the one
described by Ambrosoli. A wood where losing oneself and not finding a way out any longer. The trees with their roots,
conceptually sending back to sentiments felt by men. Trees that hang on to earth, as man hangs on to his traditions.
Trees that show their soul; they are hit by the sunlight that reveals their thousands of color shades. Ambrosoli’s painting
is the true painting of sentiment. A sentiment that comes out from the canvas and comes to live in our world”. Salvatore
Russo (Year 2013)
I.T.V. Holz-Art Gallery –
Annemarie Ambrosoli
Kötschach 467 - A-9640 Kötschach-Mauthen
ATU 67168646
Mobil +43 (0) 664 8558485
I.T.V. Holz-Art Gallery
“Annemarie Ambrosoli’s landscapes create a dreamy, suspended atmosphere thanks to her bright brushstrokes, creating
a dialogue with “chiarismo” tonality that distinguishes paintings that place themselves in a slightly formal abstract context
until the completed expressive communication. Free of poetic and figurative conditioning, the works are dynamically
structured, marks become tools and colors attune toward transcendence and conclude in concrete harmony in a
message that does not repeat usual forms but brings about innovation of perception. The secure feature is dominant,
allowing itself the preciosity of discovery and the communication of hope but also anxiety traced on deep interiority.
Annemarie Ambrosoli’s nature gives up the perfect shape for a more symbolic language; there is a line that encloses
color in a diffuse tenderness, which makes the blues and reds that climb the twisted trees, the dark greens and yellows
that gradate the vegetation of the hills of personal interpretation” Giorgio Falossi (Year 2013)
“Annemarie Ambrosoli is inspired by nature, which she however never transfers on the canvas with truism. It is a fantasy
or better, a poetic revisitation of nature that entwines her personality and conception of life. Thanks to the use of joyous
colors and the agile interlacing of strokes forming images, we can sense that Ambrosoli belongs to a legion of positive
people with an optimistic character I would call Franciscan. In fact, her painting is “en plain air”, marvelously fresh and
strongly recalls impressionism…” Leo Strozzieri (Year 2012)
“…Starting from real landscapes, that is, really existing …. Ambrosoli transfigures in a fantastic and dreamlike key such
natural reality, nearly tracking down the unconscious spirit in nature…., as Schelling and generally the Romantic artists
wanted. Realizing a synthesis between form and colour, where both the elements involve one another, with a choice of
colours always tending to light, in a key that reminds of Goethe “Theory of colours” (Farbenlehre) and then to the
following theorizations of Schopenhauer and Steiner, with the obvious and also remarkable differences between these
theories, where all the chromatic spectrum is experienced, with a prevalence of apparently “soft” and delicate shades, in
fact really vivid…” Eugen Galasso (2011)
“The abstract atmosphere of these paintings hides soft and elegant landscapes, to be caught among chromatic elements
of the palette… Annemarie Ambrosoli paints pictorial visions of spontaneous and vivacious lyricism that lead us to dream
far away escapes, where images gain energy as they lose in detail … Moreover, she seems to indulge on those aspects
that allow to catch the time and make mistery perceivable. Her mellow, magic and suggestive canvas release authentic
reflections that help find again the transfigured beauty of nature” Paolo Levi (Year 2006)
“Annemarie Ambrosoli’s pictorial performance turns into a peculiar figurative vision, she shows an absolutely personal
gestural espressiveness, fully carried out with artistic awareness and technical virtuosity. Colour, the absolute
protagonist, achieves beautiful creative results, the fluid movement of the matter is particularly innovative and skifully
described, and broadens deeply in harmonious dialectics, sign of an “iter” of noticeable contemporaneity. Expressive
freedom, vibrant emphasizing of the importance of colour and quick drawing live on an inimitable interpretation, where
endless intimist messages continuously give prominence to the work, this development an intense and close dialogue
with nature. The artist Ambrosoli’s art is bearer of strong emotions, realized with great communicativeness because your
style, enlightened of originality and unmistakable narrative, charms the audience, projecting them in a balanced and
sensitive dimension…” M. Malì (Year 2005)
“What immediately meets the eyes, when observing a work by Annemarie Ambrosoli is the intense chromaticism of her
paintings. The colour strength and the vitality of the composition…In each of her paintings there is in faxt a continuous
dialogue with the surrounding world…What derives from that fine capacity to convey emotions and feelings…The results
are joyful compositions where the colour …is fluid and free to draw figures which are easy to make your own, without
ever losing neither in meaning nor in expressivity because it is important, in your works, never to appear banal…” Erika
Nicchiosini (2005)
I.T.V. Holz-Art Gallery –
Annemarie Ambrosoli
Kötschach 467 - A-9640 Kötschach-Mauthen
ATU 67168646
Mobil +43 (0) 664 8558485
I.T.V. Holz-Art Gallery
Spoleto Arte by historian Vittorio Sgarbi - De Ferrari
ItaliArts - Contemporary artists in Vienna – Giorgio Mondadori
Protagonisti dell’arte – dal XIX secolo ad oggi – EA Editore
Catalogo dell’Arte Moderna – CAM – L’Arte Contemporanea dal secondo Dopoguerra ad oggi - Giorgio Mondadori
- International Guide to Fine Art - n. 50
Important World Artist WWAB – California
Analisi Critica – Dalla tradizione classica alfascino del’avanguardia - Giorgio Falossi e Lorenzo Cipriani – Il Quadrato
I segnalati 2013 of Salvatore Russo – EA Editore
ArtParis 2013 –Giorgio Mondadori
Vernissage: I grandi dell’arte of Sandro Serradifalco – EA Editore
Catalogo dell’Arte Moderna – CAM – L’Arte Contemporanea dal secondo Dopoguerra ad oggi - Giorgio Mondadori
- International Guide to Fine Art - n. 49
I° Art Biennial of Palermo – General Artworks Catalogue
Suggestioni d’Autore –Giorgio Mondadori
Catalogo dell’Arte Moderna – CAM – L’Arte Contemporanea dal secondo Dopoguerra ad oggi - Giorgio Mondadori
- International Guide to Fine Art - n. 48
Art Museum Selection - Francesco Saverio Russo e Salvatore Russo - EA Editore
Gli ultimi 50 anni nella pittura e scultura italiana - Quando l'arte è storia - 1962-2012 - Giorgio Falossi e Lorenzo Cipriani
- Il Quadrato Editore
Grandi Maestri - Overart n. 4 - EA Editore
Speciale Premio dei Normanni - Overart n. 3 - EA Editore
Contemporary artists in Munich - Giorgio Mondadori
Sensazioni visive - Giorgio Mondadori
Catalogo dell’Arte Moderna – CAM – L’Arte Contemporanea dal secondo Dopoguerra ad oggi - Giorgio Mondadori
- International Guide to Fine Art - n. 43
Annuario Comed – International Guide to fine Arts n. 34
La città nell'arte contemporanea - Annuario Comed
Annuario Comed – International Guide to fine Arts n. 33
Nuova arte 2005 - Cairo Editore
Annuario Comed – International Guide to fine Arts n. 32
Annuario Comed – International Guide to fine Arts n. 31
Catalogo dell’Arte Moderna – CAM – L’Arte Contemporanea dal secondo Dopoguerra ad oggi - Giorgio Mondadori
- International Guide to Fine Art - n. 40
I.T.V. Holz-Art Gallery –
Annemarie Ambrosoli
Kötschach 467 - A-9640 Kötschach-Mauthen
ATU 67168646
Mobil +43 (0) 664 8558485
I.T.V. Holz-Art Gallery
Asia Contemporary Art Show - Hong Kong
Affordable Art Fair – Milan (Italy)
Galerie Art Fusion BNC – Barcelona (Spain)
Arte Padova – Contemporary Art Talent Show – Padova (Italy)
Tuyap Art fair Sanat Fuari – Istanbul (Turkey)
08.11. – 11.11.2015
19.03. – 22.03.2015
Spoleto Arte (Italy) Palazzo Leti Sansi Spoleto – curated by Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi
“Gestures” Consulate General of Austria – Montreal (Canada) (Solo-Exhibition)
The Jambo street & Pop Art – Bologna (Italy)
SIDIM – salon International du Design de Montréal (Canada)
“Transparenz und Nachhaltigkeit” Galerie Burn-in – Vienna (Austria)
Affordable Art Fair – Milan (Italy)
Institute of Culture of Vienna (Austria)
Arte Genova – Contemporary Art Talent Show - Genova (Italy)
04.12. – 18.12.2014
14.11. – 17.11.2014
08.11. – 16.11.2014
27.06. – 24.07.2014
26.06. – 31.07.2014
06.06. – 08.06.2014
22.05. – 25.05.2014
10.04. – 30.04.2014
06.03. – 09.03.2014
19.02. – 19.03.2014
13.02. – 17.02.2014
Galleria ITACA -Verona
Arte Padova – Contemporary Art Talent Show – Padova (Italy)
Art International Zürich – Switzerland
Hotel De Paris Montecarlo Casa D’Aste Iori Piacenza – Patrocinio Ambasciata d’Italia – Principality of Monaco
Maison de l’Italie Paris – France
Spazio Arte Castello Torino - Italy
Vernice fiera Forlì presented by Gallery Spazio Museale Sabrina Falzone – Milan – Italy
Affordable Art Fair – Milan Italy
Art Biennial of Palermo - Italy
Arte Padova – Contemporary Art Talent Show – Padova (Italy)
Arte Genova – Contemporary Art Talent Show - Genova (Italy)
Art Fair Innsbruck - Austria
Affordable Art Fair – Milan (Italy)
Arte Padova – Padua (Italy)
“Works on paper” by Annemarie Ambrosoli – I.T.V. Holz-Art Gallery (Solo Exhibition)
“Art and Literature – The pose in the nude” Works by Annemarie Ambrosoli
- with presentation of the book of writer Maria Pink at the Gallery at
I.T.V. Holz-Art Gallery Kötschach-Mauthen (Austria) (Solo Exhibition)
Pasinger Fabrik Monaco with Italiarts
Art Fair Innsbruck-Austria
Immagina fiera Reggio Emilia- Italy
ArtbyGeneve at Geneva Palexpo - Switzerland
Art Biennial Asolo - Italy
Art Biennial Lecce – Italy
I.T.V. Holz-Art Gallery –
Annemarie Ambrosoli
Kötschach 467 - A-9640 Kötschach-Mauthen
ATU 67168646
Mobil +43 (0) 664 8558485
I.T.V. Holz-Art Gallery
Permament Exhibitons in the Holz-Art Gallery - Austria
F.I.A.R. Festival of art Roma (Italy) presented by Gallery Il Collezionista – Rome - Italy
Coordinamento Arte La Goccia – Leives (BZ) - Italy
Art Fair Puro Arte Vigo- Spain
Bratislava Castle, under the patronage of the Republic of Slovakia
Galerie Postart, Milano - Italy
Gallery Retucci-Bozen - Italy – Solo Exhibition
Gallery la Telaccia Turin – Solo Exhibition
Vitarte Viterbo-Italy
Galerie A.DEGA, Lissabon - Portugal
Galerie Pinna, Berlin - Germany
“Tecniche a confronto” galleria Artincontri, Torino - Italy
Galleria d’Arte D’Azeglio, Bologna - Italy
Centro Diffusione Arte, Palermo – Italy
Galleria Amici dell’Arte, Catania - Italy
Galerie A.DEGA, Lissabon - Portugal
Galerie Pinna, Berlin - Germany
Rathausgalerie Brixen (BZ) - Italy – Solo Exhibition
Josef Resch Haus Innichen (BZ) Italy - Solo Exhibition
Museum Haus Wassermann Niederdorf (BZ) – Italy - Solo Exhibition
Expo Arte Padova-Italy
Galleria Artecultura-Sala Olimpia Brera, Milan - Italy
Galleria “Punto”, Bologna - Italy
Galerie Lalaverie, Paris - France
Galleria Studio d’Arte Due, Venezia - Italy
Palagio di Parte Guelfa, Firenze - Italy
Galerie Artemix, Madrid - Spain
Galerie Esart, Barcellona - Spain
Musée d’Art spontanè – Brüssel - Belgium
Expo Arte Bari-Italy
Art Fair Immagina Fiera Reggio Emilia- Italy
Centro Culturale “Medio Evo” Olgiate Comasco (CO) – Italy Solo Exhibition
Ragenhaus Bruneck (BZ) – Italy Solo Exhibition
Galleria Il Collezionista Rome – Italy - Solo Exhibition
Association Culturelle d’Arts, Marseille - France
Contemporary Art Fair Forlì-Italy
I.T.V. Holz-Art Gallery –
Annemarie Ambrosoli
Kötschach 467 - A-9640 Kötschach-Mauthen
ATU 67168646
Mobil +43 (0) 664 8558485
I.T.V. Holz-Art Gallery
Partecipation Auction Stadtgalerie Klausen (BZ) - Italy
Galleria Spazio per l’Arte-Palazzo Lazzaroni, Roma - Italy
Galleria Mirabilia, Roma - Italy
Mac 21-International Contemporary Art Fair Marbella – Spain
Malaga-Spagna (1998), Mac 21-Int. Contemporary Art F. Malaga – Spain
I.T.V. Holz-Art Gallery –
Annemarie Ambrosoli
Kötschach 467 - A-9640 Kötschach-Mauthen
ATU 67168646
Mobil +43 (0) 664 8558485