Dr. Gerson P. Santos
Sabbath School & Personal Ministries Department
Greater New York Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
I. How to present the Gospel
to a Former Member
1. Never reprove or condemn.
2. Never defend or take sides.
3. Ask for forgiveness for the wrong doings of the past,
and solicit the opportunity to compensate for the
embarrassment that they have experienced.
4. Admit that sometimes our church members make
mistakes, however, remind them that God does not
err. He is always just and considerate.
Presenting the Gospel
• The divine attraction - 1 John 4:8
• The problem of sin - Romans 3:23
• The solution: the gift of God - Romans 6:23
• Separation of sin - Romans 2:4
• Unity in Christ - Revelation 3:20
Acceptance Prayer
“Dear God, I invite you to take control of
my life. I want Jesus to come into my
heart. I want you to be my Lord and
Savior. Please forgive me of my sins.
I now thank you for giving me eternal life in
Jesus. Please help me to obey and
follow you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
II. Relationships
• “The first casualty in the culture war
isn’t truth. It is love.” John Ortberg
• Witnessing does not consist of winning
arguments. It consists of winning hearts.
• Friendship leads people into church
and helps them stay.
II. Relationships
• “A kind courteous Christian is the most powerful
argument that can be produced in favor of
Christianity.” Gospel Workers, 122
• “ If we would humble ourselves before God, and
be kind and courteous and tenderhearted and
pitiful there would be one hundred conversions
to the truth where now is only one.” Testimonies
9, 189
III. Relationships Come Before
• Rule # 1: Relationships come before
• Programs don’t win people back to
church, people do!
Six Ways to Raise Concern Over
Missing Members
Communicate the biblical paradigm.
Share facts.
Encourage personal story-sharing.
Raise a vision.
Begin intercessory prayer sessions.
Connect with a member passionate about
missing members.
Six Relationship Concepts to
Remember When Reclaiming Dropouts
1. Most people a church because of personal pain, not
2. Most missing members want to share their story.
3. Most dropouts need time to heal, time to rebuild
4. Most former members would be happy to meet with another
church member, but not the pastor.
5. Most who have left need one visit for every year they have
been out of the church.
6. Most people respond to personal care shown by someone
toward them.
IV. How to Get Decisions from
Former Adventists
• The greatest needs of former Adventists are
for love, understanding, nurturing and
• If you do not know the former Adventist
already, get acquainted with them using the
F-O-R-T approach.
Keep in Touch
Visit the former Adventist on a regular basis.
Help them work through special problems.
Find one or two members to befriend.
Add the person’s name to the church’s mailing list.
Send them a greeting card.
Give them a gift subscription.
Call them to tell them about upcoming events.
Visit and support them in times of bereavement.
Pray for them during altar calls.
Don’t embarrass them by acting surprised when they
come back to church.
Seven “Dos”
Come to the point quickly.
Let the bitterness come out.
Avoid defending anyone.
Do keep confidence.
Do make your visit brief.
Always close your visit with prayer.
Give a brief invitation to come.
Five “Don’ts”
1. Don’t try to arrange Bible studies.
2. Don’t accept money from backsliders.
3. Don’t solicit backsliders for an Ingathering
4. Don’t dismiss a backslider as hopeless
because he is too many miles away.
5. Don’t argue about church standards with a
V. God’s Church on Earth
• The church of Christ is the only object
on earth on which He bestows His
supreme regard.
• Ephesians 5:26, 27
• Zechariah 2:8
God’s Regard for His
• “Nothing else in this world is so dear to God as
His church.” (Testimonies 6, 42)
• “The church of Christ, enfeebled and defective
as it may be, is the only object on earth on
which He bestows His supreme regard.”
(Testimonies to Ministers, 15)
The Church is not perfect
• “The church of Christ on earth will be
imperfect, but God does not destroy His
church because of its imperfection.” (Test. to
Ministers, 46)
• The Church will consist of defective
• “He (God) has a church, but it is the church
militant , not the church triumphant.” (Test. to
Ministers, 45)
Tares amid the Wheat
• “Although in our churches, that claim to
believe advanced truth, there are those
who are faulty and erring, as tares among
the wheat, God is long-suffering and
patient.” (Testimonies to Ministers, p. 45)
Christ is leading a church, not
independent offshoots
• “God has a church upon the earth... He is
leading, not stray offshoots, not one here and
one there, but a people.” (Testimonies to Ministers,
p. 61)
• “The church, enfeebled and defective, needing
to be reproved, warned, and counseled, is the
only object upon earth upon which Christ
bestows His supreme regard.”(Testimonies to
Ministers, p. 49)
Quotations About Former and
Inactive Members
• Efforts should be made to bring back
those who have strayed
• In the parable of the Lost Sheep
Jesus illustrated heaven’s attitude
toward the backslidden
• Hunt up the backsliders with the
message of mercy
Checklist for Starting a Reclaiming
Pray for a God-given passion for missing members.
Develop a vision, both a picture of the problem and possib
Create awareness and communicate your vision with
Organize a ministry.
Choose a Sabbath for a special event to take place.
Prepare resources for your church date and event.
Use resources by sending them out or posting them at you
Prepare your church.
Do follow-up work, visit, and plan further events.