Did Christian Theology Help to Cause Science?

Did Christian Theology Help
Cause Science?: The JakiDuhem and Merton Theses
Eric V. Snow
•Read aloud Karl Popper’s comment in Jaki, “Origin of Science,” p. 152, n. 45.
•Read aloud British Philosopher Alfred North Whitehead’s concession, C:CS?, p.
11; Rationality assumption issue: Universe knowable since God is rational, not
whimsical, and so made a knowable, observable universe.
Jaki-Duhem & Merton Theses
Copyright 1996-98 © Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc.
If Christianity is blamed for
causing science . . .
• . . . then Christian theology should be
credited for causing science.
• UN’s Environmental Programme’s Global
Biodiversity Assessment’s condemns
Christian ideas that desacralized nature,
made man distinct from the world.
•1. Read aloud quotes from UN’s report, as in p. 26, “C:CS?”; Origin, p. 107;154, n65
•2. Read Jaki’s witty retort, p. 27, “C:CS?”; Origin of Science, p. 107.
Jaki-Duhem & Merton Theses
Bad or incomplete explanations
for the rise of science
• Must explain why modern science rose in
early modern Europe first, not elsewhere.
• Other civilizations also had peace, wealth,
social organization, educated elite, etc.
– Limits to sociological explanations
• Intellectual climate is absolutely crucial
– Ideas have consequences
– Marxist/materialist bias against analyzing
– Cultures won’t automatically develop science
Jaki-Duhem & Merton Theses
•Quote Jaki, in C:CS?, p. 3; Savior of Science, p. 35; avoid loose, broad def. of “sci.,” why
Christian ideas, not just Greek,
needed for the birth of science
• Definition of self-sustaining “science” crucial,
it isn’t wisdom or practical technology.
• Duhem-Jaki thesis: Christian theology after
centuries eventually drives out or restrains
pagan ideas so science can be born.
• Merton thesis: Like Weber’s on Calvinism
helping cause the rise of capitalism.
• Puritanism’s beliefs and practical values
promoted the rise of science in England.
Jaki-Duhem & Merton Theses
For science to develop, what
Christian ideas did it need?
• Time is conceived of as linear, from creation, not
cyclical, as per pagan view; is quantifiable.
– Christians don’t want crucifixion literally repeated!; 1x for all.
• Clarifies cause-effect relationships, succession actions
– Chinese example of chronological confusion
• Avoids complacency and/or hopelessness since no
lasting developmental progress is possible.
– E. Indian examples, repetition causes also stagnation, etc.
•Chinese example, quote Jaki, in C:CS?,
p. 7. &East
examples, C:CS?, p. 12;
Reincarnation/transmigration of souls: Goal is to try to escape cycle, join Brahma; Sci. abs. Req.
What bad pagan ideas
prevented the rise of science?
• Organismic view of nature hinders scientific mind-set:
– All of universe/world one huge organism that is born, lives,
dies, reborn. (Applies to it cyclical view of time/reincarnation).
Denies creation from nothing, ex nihilo; world always existed.
– Pantheistic: Everything is divine and/or alive, has its own
consciousness. Mankind not qualitatively different from world.
– If has will of own, universe can’t be reliably predicted, has no
firm, steady laws of nature. Heavenly laws not = to earthly laws
– It conceives of stars, planets, rocks, water in oceans, etc., as
alive, as gods, as divine, etc. Planets named for gods.
– Christianity allowed for the de-animation of the heavens and of
nature: Non-living rocks, inorganic outer space made modern
science of astronomy possible; laws of physics then universal.
Jaki-Duhem & Merton Theses
•Quote Buddhist monk attacking creation
ex nihilo, C:CS?, p. 6; to Chr., world inferior to Creator;
More bad pagan ideas that
hindered scientific development
• Must avoid pseudo-scientific “explanations” that have
nothing to do with what occurs in physical reality.
– Astrology: Idea that the positions of stars determine human
destiny crippling to taking initiative in life.
– Chinese examples: Yin/Yang, I Ching (Book of Changes) for
– People don’t search for better, more correct explanations of
natural phenomena when they think they know the “causes”
already. Read alleged final causes into events, substances.
– Aristotle’s “four elements” theory example, pagan Greek.
•Chinese examples, C:CS?, p.Jaki-Duhem
8, top; Christian
astrology more successful than in other
& Merton
civiliz.: Augustine against, etc.
What Christian ideas promoted
the rise of science?
• The external world is both real and fundamentally
– People won’t carefully investigate, analyze, or quantify illusions
and chaos; meditating on nature isn’t “science.”
– Hindu/Buddhist concept of Maya, “All is illusion,” cripples
would-be physical sciences in India, China, etc.
– If nature whimsically controlled by millions of gods, deities,
godlets, spirits, and demons, not predictable.
– Christian view that God is rational and trustworthy, so therefore
His physical creation is knowable; man’s mind reliable.
– Islam’s Allah much more willful and unpredictable than
Jehovah, ultimately hinders Islamic science.
& Merton
•Quote C:CS?, pp. 21-22; Oresme’sJaki-Duhem
clock maker
for God; later somewhat
misused by Deists; Christ’s body real (I Jn, vs. Gnostics), so physical world real;
Balance between faith and
reason needed
• Balanced synthesis of Thomas Aquinas and
Scholasticism critical to late Medieval science’s rise.
– Catholicism ultimately finds a way to accept much of
Aristotle’s philosophy without going overboard either way.
– Had to reject bad ideas of Aristotle (heavens alive) while
accepting good ones (logic) to have science.
– Bishop of Paris Tempier’s 1277 condemnation crucial.
• Islam’s lack of balance stops its scientific development.
– Muslim philosophers Mutazilites, Avicenna, Averroes
subordinate Islamic theology to Aristotle’s ideas.
– Muslim theologians Al-Ghazzali and al-Ashari often very
mystical, emphasized Allah’s will over His reason.
•C:CS?, p15. Ghazzali’s “Incoherence of Philosophers” promoted occasionalism, God’s
& Merton
constant direct intervention in creating
all effects
in world.
Averroes double truth theory, that
Merton’s thesis: Did Puritanism
help cause science?
• Sociological, “externalist” explanation, not intellectual,
“internalist,” from within science’s own history.
• 17th century science in England promoted by Puritan
values of utility, reason, empiricism, and seeking the
glory of God.
• Serve God through serving the community through
useful trades, “callings,” vs. monastic ideal of
contemplative withdrawal from world.
• Reason and education both praised for practical
purposes; vs. speculative philosophy, scholasticism.
• High % of 17th century British scientists Puritans.
Jaki-Duhem & Merton Theses
Biblical beliefs and values
helped to cause science
• World’s overemphasis on Galileo’s condemnation by
Catholicism’s Inquisition gives false impression.
– Galileo and da Vinci depended on Oresme, Buridan, their
medieval predecessors.
– Jaki-Duhem and Merton theses make important correctives.
– Synthesis of Greek philosophy, Hindu-Arabic numerals, and
Christian theology created true self-sustaining science.
• Sources:
– Stanley Jaki, The Savior of Science, The Origin of Science
and the Science of Its Origin, Science and Creation.
– Robert Merton, “Science in Seventeenth Century England.”
– Pierre Duhem, Le System du Monde: Proposed project to
it into English,
•Must note continuity
from medieval
period to early
modern; for
history of sci., don’t
Theses 19th c. error); Jaki, “Origin,” 61-62.11
jump from Greeks to Galileo (Herbert