SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN IF041 - 3 © 2009 Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Budi Luhur Jl. Ciledug Raya Petukangan Utara Jakarta Selatan 12260 Website: Email: Turban, Aronson, and Liang Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Seventh Edition PERTEMUAN-4 CHAPTER 4 MODELING AND ANALYSIS Tujuan Pembelajaran Memahami konsep dasar MSS modeling. Menjelaskan interaksi MSS models. Memahami model class yang berbeda. Menyusun pengambilan keputusan dari beberapa alternatif. Mempelajari bagaimana menggunakan spreadsheets dalam MSS modeling. Memahami konsep optimization, simulation, dan heuristics. Mempelajari untuk menyusun linear program modeling. FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-3 Tujuan Pembelajaran Memahami kemampuan linear programming. Mengkaji metode pencarian untuk MSS models. Menentukan perbedaan antara algorithms, blind search, heuristics. Menangani multiple goals. Memahami sensitivity, automatic, what-if analysis, goal seeking. Mengetahui topik utama dari model management. FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-4 Caution: Not to master the topics, but gaining familiarity with the important concepts FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-5 Dupont Simulates Rail Transportation System and Avoids Costly Capital Expense Vignette Simulasi Promodel dibuat untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai sistem transportasi. Menerapkan what-if analyses Visual simulation Mengidentifikasi beragam kondisi Mengidentifikasi kemacetan Memungkinkan untuk menurunkan jumlah armada tanpa mengurangi jumlah yang diantarkan FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-6 MSS Modeling Elemen utama kedua dalam DSS, setelah database Berbagai jenis model Setiap model memiliki teknik yang berbeda Memungkinkan adanya pengkajian ulang untuk alternatif solusi Seringkali sebuah DSS melibatkan Multiple models Trend menuju transparansi Multidimensional modeling ditunjukkan seperti halnya spreadsheet FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-7 Simulasi Menelusuri masalah Mengidentifikasi alternatif solusi Dapat berorientasi obyek Meningkatkan proses pengambilan keputusan Memberikan gambaran dampak dari alternatif keputusan FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-8 DSS Models Algorithm-based models Statistic-based models Linear programming models Graphical models Quantitative models Qualitative models Simulation models FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-9 Identifikasi Masalah Memahami dan menganalisa lingkungan luar Should identify the organizational culture and the corporate decisionmaking processes (who makes decisions, degree of centralization, and so on). Mengidentifikasi variable dan hubungan Variabel decision, result, uncontrollable, and others. Influence diagrams Cognitive maps Forecasting Essential for construction and manipulation of models because when a decision is implemented, the results usually occur in the future. Ditingkatkan dengan e-commerce Meningkatkan jumlah informasi yang tersedia melalui teknologi FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-10 Kategori Model FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-11 Static Models Gambaran sederhana dari situasi Single interval Time can be rolled forward, a photo at a time Biasanya berulang repeat with identical conditions FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-12 Dynamic Model Merepresentasikan situasi yang kerap berubah Ex: 5-year profit-and-loss projection in which the input data, such as costs, prices, and quantities, change from year to year. Time dependent In determining how many checkout points should be open in a supermarket, it is important to take into consideration the time of day because different numbers of customers arrive during each hour. Kondisi yang beragam Generate dan mewakili trends atau pola yang terjadi pada waktu tertentu. They also show averages per period, moving averages, and comparative analyses (e.g., profit this quarter against profit in the same quarter of last year). Suatu kejadian mungkin saja tak berulang FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-13 Decision-Making Certainty (Kepastian) Diasumsikan sebagai knowledge utuh Dapat mengetahui semua hasil yang potensial Mudah digunakan Dapat menentukan solusi ulang dengan mudah Sangat kompleks FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-14 Decision-Making Uncertainty (Ketidak pastian) Beberapa hasil untuk setiap keputusan Kemungkinan yang terjadi untuk setiap hasil tidak dapat diketahui Informasi yang tidak mencukupi Membutuhkan resiko dan keinginan untuk mengambil resiko Pendekatan Pessimistic/optimistic FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-15 Decision-Making Probabilistic Decision-Making Keputusan yang beresiko Probabilitas dari beberapa hasil yang memungkinkan bisa saja terjadi Analisa Resiko Menghitung nilai untuk setiap alternatif Memilih nilai terbaik FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-16 Influence Diagrams Model disajikan dengan grafis Menyediakan relationship framework Menguji ketergantungan antar variabel Semua level disajikan detail Menunjukkan dampak perubahan Menunjukkan what-if analysis FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-17 Influence Diagrams Variables: Decision Intermediate atau uncontrollable Result atau outcome (intermediate atau final) Tanda panah mengindikasikan jenis hubungan dan arah dari pengaruh Certainty Amount in CDs Interest earned Sales Uncertainty FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI Price SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-18 Influence Diagrams Random (risk) ~ Demand Sales Place tilde above variable’s name Preference (double line arrow) Sleep all day Graduate University Get job Ski all day Anak panah bisa satu atau dua arah, tergantung pada arah dari pengaruh FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-19 An Influence Diagram For Profit Model FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-20 Modeling dengan Spreadsheets Fleksibel dan mudah End-user modeling tool Memungkinkan penggunaan linear programming dan analisa regresi Meliputi what-if analysis, data management, macros Sempurna dan transparan Memasukkan Model Statis dan Dinamis FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-21 FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-22 Decision Tables Analisa keputusan untuk multi kriteria (multiple goals) Meliputi: Decision variables (alternatif) Uncontrollable variables (Variabel tak terkontrol, contoh: the states of economy) Result variables (Variabel Hasil, contoh:projected yield) Menerapkan prinsip-prinsip certainty, uncertainty, and risk FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-23 Decision Tree Penggambaran dari beberapa hubungan Pendekatan multi kriteria Menunjukkan hubungan yang kompleks ke dalam bentuk yang lebih ringkas Tidak praktis, bila terlalu banyak alternatif FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN-IF041-3 4-24 Optimization via Mathematical Programming Linear programming (LP) Used extensively in DSS Mathematical Programming Family of tools to solve managerial problems in allocating scarce resources among various activities to optimize a measurable goal Ex: Distribution of machine time (the resource) among various products (the activities) Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ 25 LP Allocation Problem Characteristics 1. Limited quantity of economic resources 2. Resources are used in the production of products or services 3. Two or more ways (solutions, programs) to use the resources 4. Each activity (product or service) yields a return in terms of the stated goal 5. Allocation is usually restricted by constraints Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ 26 LP Allocation Model LP allocation model is based on the following rational economics assumptions: 1. Returns from allocations can be compared in a common unit 2. The return from any allocation is independent of other allocations 3. Total return is the sum of different activities’ returns 4. All data are known with certainty 5. The resources are to be used in the most economical manner Optimal solution: the best, found algorithmically Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ 27 Linear Programming LP Problem is composed of: Decision variables whose values are unknown and are searched for Objective function a linear mathematical function that relates the decision variables to the goal and measures goal attainment and is to be optimized Objective function coefficients unit profit or cost coefficients indicating the contribution to the objective of one unit of a decision variable Constraints Capacities upper and/or lower limits on the constraints and variables Input-output (technology) coefficients 28 Heuristic Programming Cuts the search Gets satisfactory solutions more quickly and less expensively Finds rules to solve complex problems Finds good enough feasible solutions to complex problems Heuristics can be Quantitative Qualitative (in ES) Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ 29 When to Use Heuristics 1. Inexact or limited input data 2. Complex reality (that optimization models cannot be used) 3. Dapat diandalkan, exact algorithm not available 4. Computation time excessive 5. To improve the efficiency of optimization (ex: by producing good starting solutions) 6. To solve complex problems 7. For symbolic processing (as in expert system) 8. For making quick decisions Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ 30 Simulation Technique for conducting experiments with a computer on a model of a management system Frequently used DSS tool Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ 31 Major Characteristics of Simulation Imitates reality and capture its richness Technique for conducting experiments Descriptive, not normative tool no automatic search for an optimal solution Describes or predicts the characteristics of a given system under different conditions Often to solve very complex, risky problems cannot be formulated for optimization Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ 32 Simulation Methodology Model real system and conduct repetitive experiments 1. Define problem why a simulation approach is appropriate 2. Construct simulation model determine variables and their relationships, data gathering 3. Test and validate model 4. Design experiments 5. Conduct experiments 6. Evaluate results 7. Implement solution Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ 33