1 mark - ComputingRevision




Intermediate 2

1. Arrange the following

memory capacities into order from the smallest to the biggest.

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section I





1 mark - KU megabyte byte kilobyte terabyte

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section I

2. Name one input device that can be used to capture a graphic.


Digital Camera

1 mark for any one bullet, 1 mark - KU

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section I

3. State one reason why computer systems use binary instead of decimal numbers.

Simple two state system where ON is represented by a 1 and OFF is represented by a 0.

Arithmetic calculations are simpler since there are fewer combinations of 1s and 0s.

It is easier to represent two states physically on backing storage devices.

1 mark for any one bullet, 1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section I

4. Convert the binary number

10110 into a decimal number.


1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section I

5. A SmartTV has a built-in computer system. Name this type of computer system.


1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section I

6.Name the part of the processor where data or program instructions are held temporarily before or after processing.


1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section I

7. Describe one economic factor that has led to the development of computer networks.

Falling cost of telecommunication technologies and services

Shared access to expensive equipment

Geographical spread of organisations

Demand for up-to-date information

1 mark for any one bullet, 1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section I

8. State the purpose of a string variable.

To store text

1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section I

9. A program asks the user to enter a 13 digit number.

Name the standard algorithm that a program would use to check the number of digits in a password.

Input validation

1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section I

10. Making use of comments is one method of improving the readability of a program.

Describe one other way of improving the readability of a program.

Use of meaningful variable names

Using indentation

Use of blank lines (white space)

Modular code

1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section I

11. Macros are often used in an application to improve productivity. Describe one method of creating a macro.

Record user actions (as a series of mouse clicks/moves and assign actions to keystroke)

Use a scripting language

1 mark for any one bullet, 1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section I

12. Predefined functions are used in programming. Using a programming language with which you are familiar:

(a) give an example of a predefined function.

(b)explain the operation of the function you have given in

(a) above.


Any suitable predefined function

1 mark

Operation of matches function given in (a).

1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section I

13. Normal and exceptional data are used to test a computer program.


1 mark

State one other type of test data that should be used to test a program.

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section I

14. State the name of the application which you would use to type in the code for a computer program.

Text editor

1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2

15. Blake is a website designer who wants to buy a computer to store customer details and quotes and to use to design web sites.

The table below summarises some features of two suitable choices.

Computer Name



Magnetic Drive

Optical Drive

Genius 32

3.1 GHz

4 Gb

256 Gb


Bell 5120

3.5 GHz

8 Gb

512 Gb


Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2

(a) (i) State the clock speed of the Bell 5120.

3.5 GHz

1 mark

(ii) Explain what is meant by the term “clock speed”

Timing pulses per sec which co-ordinate the operation of the processor.

1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2

(b) The Bell 5120 has a DVD-

RW drive. Explain why Blake can use his existing CD-RW discs in this DVD-RW drive.

DVD-RW are backwards compatible with CD-RW.

1 mark

(c) Blake’s old computer had a

zip drive. State one reason why modern computers do

not have zip drives.

Capacity is smaller than

DVD or most USB flash drives so there is little use for it.

Other reasonable

1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2

(d) After considering the features of each computer and other factors, Blake decides to buy the “Genius


The higher specification of the Bell 5120 will cost significantly more therefore

Blake chose the Genius 32.

1 mark

Explain, with reference to

one other factor, why Blake decided to buy the Genius


Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2

(e) Blake designs an advert to send to his customers. He uses a word processing package to create the advert shown below.

Text, change font

Text, centre text

Image, Align Right

Other valid object and operation combination.

1 mark for object, 1 mark for operation

From the advert, identify

one object and one operation that may have been used to create the advert.

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2

(f) Blake wants to send the advert to all his customers using e-mail.

State one feature of e-mail that would allow Blake to send the advert to all his customers in one operation

Mailing list

1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2

(g) Blake’s e-mail is very successful and he receives lots of messages requesting quotes. He also receives messages from lots of new customers who want more details about his business.

Make new folders for each type of message received.

Move messages into the relevant folder.

1 mark each bullet, 2 marks

Describe how Blake can use a feature of his e-mail software to organise these messages.

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2

(h) Blake’s adds his computer to his client server network.

Explain the role of the

(i) client and

(ii) the server in this type of network.

Client makes requests to the server for resources such as files, authorisation etc.

1 mark

Server controls the network, manages services, file storage.

1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2

16. A computer game keeps a score table to remember the name and score of each player. Some sample data stored by the computer game is shown below

… …

Name[21] Sally Stuart

Name[22] Chris Reed

Name[23] Joe Beach

Name[24] Bruce White

Name[25] Amy Long

… …

… …

Score[21] 254

Score[22] 231

Score[23] 315

Score[24] 532

Score[25] 202

… …

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2

(a) Name the data structure used to store “Name” and



1 mark

(b) Name the standard algorithm that would be used to find the highest score.

Find Max

1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2








(c) One option in the game is to display all the names and scores of the previous players and then the average score. The pseudocode for this part of the program is shown below: player =1 total = 0


loop display name[player], score[player] player = player + 1 until no more players left calculate average display average

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2

(i) Step 2 and Step 5 are the beginning and end of a

conditional loop.

A conditional loop is used because the number of players (1 mark) is unknown (1 mark)

Explain why a conditional loop is used here.

(ii) Name and describe one other design notation that could have been used.

Structure diagram/Chart

Other valid

1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2

(iii) State which stage of the software development process is being carried out when the pseudocode is written.


1 mark

(iv) Using a high level language with which you are familiar, write one line of program

code that will represent

Step 7 of the algorithm above.

Visual Basic average = total / player

1 mark for assignment and division

1 mark for use of program variables

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2

(d) The average score is calculated as 342.736 points.

Number is stored as a mantissa (1 mark) and exponent (1 mark)

Describe how floating point

representation is used to represent real numbers such as this one.

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2

(e) A player has the option at the end of a game to print a certificate showing his/her name and score.

State one reason why a laser printer is used to print the certificate rather than an inkjet printer.

Able to print a greater number of sheets without replacing toner/ink.

Other valid

Note: may not be higher resolution.

1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2

(f) The computer game has been compiled.

(i) Describe how a compiler translates a high level

language program into

machine code.

Compiler translates the whole program into machine code in one operation.

1 mark

(ii) Name one other type of translator.


1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2

(iii) State two reasons why a high level language was used rather than machine code.

Easier to understand

Easier to edit

Easier to find errors


1 mark

Computing – Intermediate 2

Section 2

(g) The computer game is supplied with a technical

guide. Describe two features of a technical guide.

How to install software


System specification

Other valid

1 mark

(h) An error is found in the computer game. Some changes are made and a new version of the game is made available on a web site for people who have paid for the game to download.

Which stage of the software development process has just been carried out?



1 mark

SECTION III - Part A – Artificial Intelligence

17. MoviesForYou is an online film service which has thousands of members. The system randomly recommends movies which users have not seen but these random recommendations often result in a member receiving an unsuitable recommendation.

SECTION III - Part A – Artificial


(a) One way of improving the decision making could be to use an expert system to make the recommendations.

(i) What is an expert system?

(ii) Describe how an expert system is created.

A computer program that mimics the advice of a human expert.

1 mark

Human expert provide facts and rules (1mark) then coded by knowledge engineer (1mark)

2 marks

SECTION III - Part A – Artificial


(iii) Give one advantage and

one disadvantage of using an expert system to recommend movies for members.

Advantage always available/ no omissions/ builds up data over time.

1 mark

Disadvantage still need human expertise to upgrade/refine system.

Setup/running costs

1 mark

SECTION III - Part A – Artificial


(iv) State one example of a hardware development, other than higher capacity hard drives, that has allowed expert systems to be more effective.

Cheap memory,

Faster processors

Other valid

1 mark

SECTION III - Part A – Artificial


(b) Draw a semantic net to represent the following facts.

MoviesForYou Gold is a premium service

MoviesForYou Silver is a premium service

Premium services have 3 months included for free


Gold is_a


Service is_a has



3 months free

Nodes correct, 1 mark

Connections correct 1 mark

2 marks

SECTION III - Part A – Artificial


(c) The follow search tree represents a problem associated with making movie recommendations.

The solution to the problem is “Teen Drama”

List which nodes will be visited to reach the solution “Teen

Drama” if the search is:


Action Childrens Drama Horror

Superhero Martial Arts Cartoon Teen Drama Detective




SECTION III - Part A – Artificial


(i) A depth first search?

Movies, Action, Superhero,

Martial Arts, Childrens,

Cartoon, Teen Drama

1 mark

(ii) A breadth first search?

Movies, Action, Childrens,

Drama, Horror, Superhero,

Martial Arts, Cartoon, Teen


1 mark

SECTION III - Part A – Artificial


(d) Some members don’t like the recommendations they receive. Some complain that children are being recommended horror films.

Explain who may be held legally responsible if the “computer” gives advice that appears to be incorrect.

May be the original expert who gave incorrect information.

May be knowledge engineer/programmer who introduced an error when coding.

Other valid.

1 mark

SECTION III - Part A – Artificial


18. RoboClean is a robot which has been programmed to clean floors and avoid obstacles.

(a) (i) State one application of artificial intelligence that could be used to identify obstacles.

(ii) Describe one problem that could affect the success of

RoboClean in correctly identifying obstacles.

Vision system

1 mark

Field of vision of robot

Height of obstacles

Other valid

1 mark

SECTION III - Part A – Artificial


(iii) Name two sensors that would help RoboClean avoid obstacles.






Other valid

2 marks

SECTION III - Part A – Artificial


(b) RoboClean uses an Artificial

Neural System to help plan routes to move around rooms to clean.

(i) What is an Artificial Neural


(ii) State one disadvantage of using an Artificial Neural

System for this purpose.

Electronic model of the human brain (consisting of many interconnected processors).

1 mark

Expensive to set up

Cannot explain reasoning behind how it made its prediction or decision

1 mark for 1 bullet

SECTION III - Part A – Artificial


19. SkiAgency is an employment agency who supply snow sport instructors across Europe.

(see paper)

1. teaches(fred, skiing)

2. teaches(fred, snowboarding)

3. teaches(edith, skiing)

4. teaches(edith, climbing)

5. teaches(edith, snowsled)

6. works(fred, france)

7. works(fred, italy)

8. works(edith, france)

9. works(edith, spain)

10. years_employed(fred, 12)

11. years_employed(edith, 7)

12. experienced_teacher(X):- years_employed(X,Y), Y>=5.

SECTION III - Part A – Artificial


(a) State a query based on the above rules, which would result in a False/No answer.

?teaches(fred, skiing).

1 mark

SECTION III - Part A – Artificial


(b) (i) What would be the first solution to the query experienced_teacher(X)?

(ii) Complete a trace for this solution using the numbering system shown above.

X = fred

1 mark

12 Subgoal years_worked(X,Y)

10 matches X=fred and


12 Second subgoal Y>=5 succeeds first subgoal 1 mark idea of second subgoal succeeding 1 mark

2 marks

SECTION III - Part A – Artificial


(c) Create a rule to find teachers who will work in

France teaching snowboarding.

• french_ski_worker(X):works(X,france),

1mark teaches(X,snowboarding).

1 mark

2 marks

SECTION III - Part A – Artificial


(d) Potential teachers can download an application form from the company’s web site.

(i) A teacher downloads an application form to her

palmtop. State one input device that could be used to complete the application form.




Any one bullet for 1 mark

SECTION III - Part A – Artificial


(ii) Users of the web site can find out more about the company using exchanging text messages with a program called “WebHelp” which simulates conversation with a human.

Name this type of natural language processing application.


1 mark

SECTION III - Part B – Computer Networking

20. Paula is a web designer and has designed a site for selling ebooks online.

The URL of a page she is currently editing is: http://www.mye-bookstore.co.uk/thriller/detective.html

SECTION III - Part B – Computer


(a) From this URL state:

(i) The name of the server hosting the web page.

• www.mye-bookstrore.co.uk

1 mark

(ii) The name of the protocol being used.

• hypertext transfer protocol

1 mark

SECTION III - Part B – Computer


(b) (i) Describe how the

Domain Name Service (DNS) would find this URL on the


The appropriate server is found (1 mark) and translates the domain name into an IP address (1 mark)

2 marks

(ii) State one limitation of using domain names across the Internet.

Running out of domain names

1 mark

SECTION III - Part B – Computer


(c) Paula has developed a WAP version of the site which supports microbrowsers.

(i) What is a microbrowser?

A browser that is used on small screens of mobile devices.

1 mark

(ii) State one reason why mobile phones use microbrowsers.

They have small file sizes which match the small memory sizes of mobile phones.

Web-pages can be displayed on smaller screens.

Any one bullet, 1 mark

SECTION III - Part B – Computer


(d) Paul uses a broadband connection to upload the file she has been editing to her web server. Explain what is mean by “broadband.”

Broadband is used to describe Internet access which is faster than dial-up of ISDN connection. It refers normally to ADSL and

Cable connections.

1 mark

SECTION III - Part B – Computer


(e) Paula has implemented a

backup strategy in case the web server should fail.

Describe how a successful backup strategy would help should the server fail.

A backup strategy ensures that regular backups are made of the system (1


These backups can then be used to rebuild the server in the event of a failure (1 mark)

Suitable description of backup strategy with restore for 2 marks

SECTION III - Part B – Computer


(f) Apart from saving on costs, state two other ways that booksellers benefit from selling e-books online.

Store is open 24/7

Worldwide market

Other valid

1 mark each bullet, 2 marks

SECTION III - Part B – Computer


(g) The increasing use of mobile devices to read ebooks could be seen as an example of converging technologies.

Not convergent:

This is a new technology as book had not been read using technology tools prior to this.

Explain why this may or may not be an example of

“converging technologies.”


The combination of e-reader and mobile device are two technologies being brought together and therefore represent converging technologies.

1 mark either point

SECTION III - Part B – Computer


21. Gaile is a player of “War Of

Guilds”, an online computer game which has millions of players. She plays the game from her laptop in a cafe, over a wireless LAN.

(a) When Gail loads the game the screen below is

Gaile has to login to the game to confirm that Gaile is who she claims to be. This will give her access to her in game account.

1 mark

Explain why Gaile has to complete this screen to access the game.

SECTION III - Part B – Computer


(b) The following message is displayed when she logs in.

Explain why the game has displayed this message.

To protect her account from being hacked the game recognises that she has logged from a location not associated with her account.

1 mark

(c) Gaile receives the email and clicks on the hyperlink contained in the email.

Explain the advantage of using “hyperlinks”.

Improves navigation from login screen to web pages.

Can move to news item by clicking hyperlink.

Concept of navigation to different content.

1 mark

SECTION III - Part B – Computer


(d) (i) What hardware will

Gaile’s laptop need so that it can connect to the wireless


(ii) State one advantage of using a wireless connection compared to a cabled connection

Wireless NIC

1 mark

No requirement to run cables

Laptop can be moved when connected

Other valid

1 mark

SECTION III - Part B – Computer


(e) Gaile often uses a web site that provides hints and tips on using “War of Guilds”.

Filtering software in school blocks access to this content.

1 mark

When she tries to access the site from school she gets the message “blocked content”. Describe one reason for this message appearing.

SECTION III - Part B – Computer


(f) She tries to play the game on the school network. The following message appears on her computer.

“Encrypted data detected: You are not authorised to use encryption on this network”

(i) Explain why the “War of

Guilds” game uses encryption?

Data is encrypted to prevent personal information being intercepted.

1 mark

SECTION III - Part B – Computer


(ii) Explain why the school do not allow encrypted data to be sent from the network.

If data is encrypted then the school network software cannot intercept and read it.

1 mark

SECTION III - Part B – Computer


(g) “War of Guilds” attracts customers to their web site to buy the game using e-


(i) Describe two ways, other than e-mail, that “emarketing” can be used to attract customers to the web site.

Using online adverts in web pages.

Using social media to promote game

Other valid

1 mark each bullet, max

2 marks

SECTION III - Part B – Computer


(ii) “War of Guilds” send an email to all the game’s players.

Some people who receive the e-mail complain of a problem with the character set.

The list of characters a laptop/device recognises (list of characters on own not enough for mark).

1 mark

Explain what is meant by a

“character set”

SECTION III - Part B – Computer


(iii) If a player did not wish to receive anymore e-mails from “War of Guilds” what could he do to the settings for his email program?

Create a folder rule to automatically delete/move the emails.

Other valid.

1 mark

Section III – Part C –Multimedia Technology

22. “Designs for you” create digital images and designs for their customers.

(a) The follow design was created using a vector

graphics package.

(i) Name two attributes of the line object used in the design.




Start X

Start Y

End X

End Y

Other valid

Any two attributes for 2 marks

Section III – Part C –Multimedia


(ii)Name one file type used to store graphics in vector format.

(iii) The customer for this image doesn’t want it to be slanted at 45 degrees. He wants the image to be rotated so that the line is horizontal.

Explain how using a vector graphics package makes this task easier to complete than using a bit-mapped graphics



1 mark

Vector allows objects to be edited via their properties rather than trying to edit individual pixels.

1 mark

Section III – Part C –Multimedia


(iv) Describe one other advantage of a “vector graphics package” over a

“bit-mapped graphics” package.

Ability to layer shapes

Other valid

1 mark

Section III – Part C –Multimedia


(b) A version of the salon logo is saved as a JPEG file and another as a GIF file.

(i) State the difference in colour depth between a

JPEG file and a GIF file.

(ii) JPEG uses lossy compression.

Explain what is meant by the term “lossy compression”.

JPEG is 24-bit colour (1 mark)

GIF is 8-bit colour (1 mark)

2 marks

Lossy compression involves removing data from the file which you hope will not be missed such as certain colours..

1 mark

Section III – Part C –Multimedia


(iii) What type of compression do GIF files use?


1 mark

Section III – Part C –Multimedia


(c) “Designs for You” also create some 3D digital images for a customer. (see paper)

Rotated clockwise and tilted forward.

1 mark

Shape 1 Shape 2

(i) How has “Shape 1” been manipulated to become

“Shape 2”.

Section III – Part C –Multimedia


(ii) The faces of the cube do not look very interesting.

State what can be done to improve the appearance of the cube.

Add a texture to the surface

(1 mark)

Section III – Part C –Multimedia


23. Nick is a multimedia producer and is working with a local pet shop to prepare a promotional video to be played on television and online video sites. The manager of the shop wants the video to be a collection of photographs, video and music.

Image A Image B

Section III – Part C –Multimedia


(a) Nick uses a digital camera to capture a photograph of some animals in the shop.

(i) Nick edits Image A to produce Image B as shown above.

Increased contrast

(also accept increase brightness)

1 mark

State which feature of the image editing software Nick has used.

Section III – Part C –Multimedia


(ii) The digital camera has a

CCD. Describe the function of a CCD in a digital camera.

The CCD (charged coupled device) uses sensors to capture light coming in through a lens and then converts it.

1 mark

Section III – Part C –Multimedia


(iii) This image is 3.2 Mb. The digital camera has a memory card with a capacity of 4 Gb.

Calculate how many images can be stored on the memory card.

4GB = 1024 * 4 = 4096 Mb

(1 mark)

4096/3.2 = 128 (1 mark)

128 images will fit on memory card.

2 marks

Section III – Part C –Multimedia


(b) Nick has to edit the audio from an interview with an employee of the shop. A copy of the audio track is shown below.

(i) Describe a problem with this audio recording.

(ii) Describe how this problem can fixed using audio editing software.

It doesn’t use the full dynamic range available

1 mark

Normalise the wave form.

Increase Volume

1 mark

Section III – Part C –Multimedia


(iii) This recording was sampled at a sampling

frequency of 48 kHz with a

bit depth of 16 bits. Explain each of the following terms.

bit depth sampling frequency

The number of bits used to store each sample taken of the sound. The more bits the greater the details stored. (1 mark)

The number of times per second that the audio is sampled and a value stored using the bit-depth. The higher the frequency the more accurate the representation of the sound.(1 mark)

Section III – Part C –Multimedia


(c) Nick has also recorded some video of pets in the shop.

(i) Nick used a digital video

camera to capture the footage. State one benefit of using a digital video camera rather than a webcam to capture this video.

A digital video camera can have better resolution and/or colour bit depth than a webcam

More features with digital video camera such as zoom, replay etc

Digital video camera can store data on tape, DVD etc

Webcam moved with difficulty/ inflexible

1 mark for any bullet

Section III – Part C –Multimedia


Timeline (1 mark) (ii) The footage is three minutes long when it needs to be two minutes long.

Which video editing tool can

Karin use to make the video the correct length?

(iii) The final video file is 5 Mb but needs to no bigger than

3Mb. Apart from compression and changing the length of the video, describe two ways that

Karin can reduce the video file size?

Reduce the number of frames per second

Reduce the bit depth of the video

Reduce the height/width of the frames

1 mark each bullet, max

2 marks

Section III – Part C –Multimedia


(d) Nick has created a MIDI soundtrack to play during the video.

(i) Give one reason why Nick has chosen a MIDI soundtrack rather than one based on digitized sound.

Smaller file size.- 1 mark

Easier to manipulate recording – 1 mark

Instrument, pitch, volume, duration, tempo

Any of the above 1 mark

(ii) Name one attribute of a

MIDI instruction.
