Modernized Computation Engines for Tomorrow's Formal Verification Robert Brayton Niklas Een Alan Mishchenko Berkeley Verification and Synthesis Research Center Department of EECS UC Berkeley Task Overview SRC task ID: 2265.001 Start date: April 1, 2012 Thrust area: Verification Task leaders: Industrial liaisons: Robert Brayton, Nilkas Een, Alan Mishchenko (Univ. of California/Berkeley) See next slide Students: Jiang Long, Sayak Ray, Baruch Sterin Industrial Liaisons Freescale Himyanshu Anand IBM Jason Baumgartner Intel Timothy Kam, Ranan Fraer, Alexander Nadel, Murali Talupur Mentor Graphics Jeremy Levitt, Christian Stangier (Source: Anticipated Results Methodology and algorithms for next-generation improvements in formal verification, addressing SAT solving hybrid simulation counter-example handling invariant generation Public software implementation of the above methodology and algorithms. Experimental evaluation on industrial benchmarks. Task Description We propose to leverage the unique expertise of our group, Berkeley Verification and Synthesis Research Center (BVSRC), and our previous SRC contracts for solving hard industrial problems arising in formal verification. The goal would be a new level in the state-of-the-art of logic formal verification engines, which adds the following to the design flow: Application-specific SAT solvers to improve performance of key verification engines. Two new design decisions will be explored for developing SAT solvers, which are specifically geared to solving numerous, related, and relatively easy problems, on the one hand, and monolithic, large, and hard problems, on the other hand. Hybrid simulation based on new heuristics to improve state space coverage. New ideas will be explored for improving bit-level simulation and combining it with symbolic simulation, handled by adding symbolic variables or exhaustively simulating selected input subspaces. Counter-example minimization to shorten the counter-examples produced by some algorithms, such as random and hybrid simulation. A counter-example minimizer will be developed based on hybrid simulation and bounded model checking. Another aspect to be explored is the use of concurrency to speed up the minimization process. Various methods for automated inductive invariant generation. Several ways of generating inductive invariants will be explored. One of them is based on using highlevel information about the design; another is an extension of a previous method based on the structural analysis of the AIG. The new methods developed while working on this proposal will be tested on industrial designs in our synthesis and verification tool, ABC, and made available in source code, which can be customized to specific applications. Task Deliverables 2013 Annual review presentation (27-Mar-2013) Report on a software release of a circuit-based SAT solver. Evaluation on industrial problems (30-Jun-2013) 2014 Annual review presentation (30-Apr-2014) Report on a software release of a counter-example generator. Evaluation on industrial problems (30-Jun-2014) 2015 Report on a software release of a hybrid simulator and invariant generator. Evaluation on industrial problems (30-Apr-2015) Final report summarizing research accomplishments and future direction (30-Jun-2015) Current State of the Project Covered in this presentation Advances in application-specific SAT solving (work in progress) Advances in simulation (IWLS’12) Counter-example analysis (submitted to IWLS’13) Towards new invariant generation (work in progress) Other developments Semi-canonical form for sequential AIGs (DATE’13) Automated gate-level abstraction (DATE’13) Solving multiple-output properties (work in progress) Advances in SAT Solving PunySAT: An application-specific SAT solver Geared to small, hard SAT instances Similar to MiniSAT in everything, except Clauses are bit-strings, not integer arrays BCP can be more efficient (see next slide) Experimental results inconclusive Tied with MiniSAT on 50 problems from SAT competition PunySAT: BCP Using Bit-Strings bool confl( BitVec iclause, BitVec assign ) { return (iclause & ~assign) == 0; } bool bcp (BitVec iclause, BitVec assign, lit_t& prop_lit) { BitVec mask = (iclause & ~assign); if ((mask & (mask-1)) == 0) { prop_lit = neg(__builtin_ctz(mask)); return true; } else return false; } cla_id propagate() { while (qhead < trail_sz) { lit_t q, p = trail[qhead++]; for (uint i = 0; i < occurs[p].size(); i++){ cla_id from = occurs[p][i]; BitVec cl = clauses[from]; if (cl.confl(assign)) return from; // returns conflicting clause if (cl.bcp(assign, q) && !assign.has(q)) enqueueQ(q, from); } } return 0; // returns ”no conflict” } BitVec is a bit-vector of the appropriate size for the problem (say, 256 bits). iclause is a clause with all literals inverted. lit_t is a typedef for an unsigned int (mask & (mask-1)) == 0 checks if the mask has at most one bit set __builtin_ctz(mask) returns the index of the lowermost "1" in mask (supported natively by most processors) PunySAT: Experiment Considered 50+ problems from SAT competitions with less than 256 variables, solved by either MiniSAT or PunySAT in less than 5 min MiniSAT solved 48 problems; PunySAT solved 50 problems Green: ZZMiniSAT Red: PunySAT-2013-03-27 Advances in Simulation: Key Idea Rarity simulation is random simulation with prioritizing reachable states Gracefully handles resets by skipping frequently visited states Visits rare reachable states where hard-todetect failures may be found More efficient than naïve random simulation at detecting property failures Rarity Simulation: Implementation Divide flops into fixed-size groups in the order of their appearance in the design Maintain a record of observed flop values Groups of 8 flops are used by default For each group, 256 (=2^8) counters are used After simulating a fixed number (by default, 20) frames, recompute the frequency of having a given value in each flop group, and choose next states for simulation based on the rarity of values By default, 1 out of 64 states is chosen R. Brayton, N. Een, and A. Mishchenko, "Using speculation for sequential equivalence checking", Proc. IWLS'12, pp. 139-145. Rarity Simulation: Illustration Random PI values Initial state Start with initial state Accumulate info about reached states Decide what next states to simulate from Accumulate info about reached states Decide what next states to simulate from etc Counter-Example (CE) Analysis CE is a set of PI values in each time frame, which, starting from the initial state, leads to the property failure Given a CE, PIs can be divided into three categories We introduce the notion of CE-induced network Essential PIs whose values are needed for the property failure Don’t-care PIs whose values are not important Optional PIs (all the remaining ones) This network, composed of two-input AND-/OR-gates, has unate Boolean function in terms of PI variables, which represents all subsets of the PIs implying the property failure according to the CE Applications Design debugging, CE minimization, abstraction refinement A. Mishchenko, N. Een, and R. Brayton, "A toolbox for counterexample analysis and optimization", Submitted to IWLS'13. Construction of CE-Induced Network CE-induced network Unfolding Unfold the original network for the depth indicated by the CE Assign values of primary inputs and internal nodes according to the CE Replace all primary inputs of the unfolding by free variables Replace each AND of the unfolding by AND, OR or BUF using the rules Rehash and sweep dangling nodes 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Experiment: CE Bit Profiling Example Engine PIs FFs Frames Total bits DC, % Opt, % Essen, % Min, % Time, s 6s1 6s5 6s14 SIM SIM SIM 45 141 439 291 2519 811 1247 63 869 56115 8883 381491 53.95 60.32 83.16 27.50 37.95 15.25 18.55 1.73 1.59 29.72 25.69 4.38 173.33 11.48 141.72 6s17 6s18 SIM SIM 450 450 819 819 1084 496 487800 223200 83.50 83.14 15.23 15.41 1.27 1.44 4.43 4.56 213.70 83.53 6s133 6s134 SIM SIM 450 36 819 571 1084 610 487800 21960 83.50 90.83 15.23 7.02 1.27 2.15 4.44 7.19 209.30 3.83 Bob12s05 bobtuttt SIM SIM 437 2807 3956 111 43 1582 18791 4440674 65.60 98.74 31.48 1.24 2.92 0.02 30.09 0.09 28.44 57.50 6s41 6s134 BMC BMC 19 36 959 571 74 169 1406 6084 58.46 92.11 33.57 5.34 7.97 2.55 23.26 5.85 0.61 0.59 6s162 6s172 BMC BMC 73 403 156 422 74 46 5402 18538 79.67 66.71 13.16 29.48 7.16 3.81 13.92 10.42 0.42 1.48 6s172 PDR 403 422 111 44733 47.06 49.10 3.83 17.34 7.70 1.000 0.731 0.157 0.021 0.076 Geo Engine: Formal verification engine that produced counter-example Total bits: The total number of primary inputs in the unrolled testcase DC/Opt/Essen: Percentage of don’t-care, optional, and essential bits Min: Percentage of bits in the minimized counter-example Time: Runtime of bit profiling in seconds Experiment: Bounded Unfolding vs. CE-Induced Network Example 6s1 6s5 6s14 6s17 6s18 6s133 6s134 bob12s05 bobtuttt 6s41 6s134 6s162 6s172 6s172 Geo CE Depth 1247 63 869 1084 496 1084 610 43 1582 74 169 74 46 111 PI AND Level Time, s PI AND Level Time, s 56115 8883 381491 487800 223200 487800 21960 18791 4440674 1406 6084 5402 18538 44733 3514473 1571421 12102021 12906342 5572818 12906261 103586 607028 14682128 103884 21844 67990 120433 389403 43546 2595 318775 330886 151699 330885 6430 743 64774 549 1495 1666 822 2382 1.91 0.55 6.66 7.31 3.17 7.16 0.09 0.38 6.30 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.11 56115 8883 381491 487800 223200 487800 21960 18791 4440674 1406 6084 5402 18538 44733 575536 548554 2666982 2925648 1292920 2926433 18033 196375 369044 27600 3925 16427 45363 153616 9243 1596 112934 114392 53502 114394 2492 548 13142 259 639 477 484 1472 0.63 0.38 5.78 6.05 2.33 6.14 0.06 0.30 3.34 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.08 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.212 0.397 0.711 CE Depth: The timeframe where the property fails according to the CE PI/AND/Level: The number of PIs, AIG nodes, and AIG node levels Time: Runtime of unfolding vs. constructing CE-induced network, in seconds Rediscovery of High-Level Structure in a Bit-Level AIG via Support Hashing Algorithm Computation Input: Sequential AIG Output: Sequential AIG annotated with high-level information Select a subset of inputs (or internal nodes) with high fanout Iterate combinational support computation to derive sequential support of every node in the AIG in terms of the selected nodes Hash nodes by their support to find their equivalence classes Group equivalence classes of small cardinality and/or with similar support to create well-balanced partitions (optional) Iterate support hashing to break large partitions into smaller ones Applications Circuits partitioning Invariant computation Support Hashing: Illustration Block A Support = X- Block B Support = XY Node X Block C Support = -Y Node Y Blocks A, B, and C are structurally different because Nodes in A depend on X Nodes in B depend on X and Y Nodes in C depend on Y Related Publications Hybrid simulation - R. Brayton, N. Een, and A. Mishchenko, "Using speculation for sequential equivalence checking", Proc. IWLS'12, pp. 139-145. Toolbox for counter-example manipulation - A. Mishchenko, N. Een, and R. Brayton, "A toolbox for counter-example analysis and optimization", Submitted to IWLS'13. Gate-level abstraction - A. Mishchenko, N. Een, R. Brayton, J. Baumgartner, H. Mony, and P. Nalla, "GLA: Gate-level abstraction revisited", Proc. DATE'13. Computing canonical form for sequential AIGs - A. Mishchenko, N. Een, R. Brayton, M. Case, P. Chauhan, and N. Sharma, "A semi-canonical form for sequential AIGs", Proc. DATE'13. Novel logic representation for fast synthesis and mapping - A. Mishchenko and R. Brayton, "Faster logic manipulation for large designs", To be submitted to IWLS'13. Ongoing and Future Work Application-specific SAT solving Hybrid simulation Combine rarity simulation with BMC Counter-example analysis Run additional experiments with PunySAT Develop a CE minimization procedure Invariant detection Develop invariant mining based on the proposed annotation of the AIG with high-level information Other Work Directions Improving multi-output property solver Exploring new algorithms for abstraction refinement Speeding up isomorphism detection Add incremental signature propagation Avoid separate handling of each PO sequential logic cone New memory-efficient BMC engine based on Refine multiple counter-examples Use UNSAT core computationin a seprate SAT solver Handle segments of counter Constant-memory unfolding engine Low-memory AIG package Fast logic synthesis to reduce logic cloud given to the SAT solver Continuing to release ABC with new features Conclusions Reviewed the SRC Task 2265.001 (first year) “Modernized Computation Engines for Tomorrow's Formal Verification” Discussed new findings Reviewed recent publications