What Makes Paris Look like Paris?

What Makes Paris Look like Paris?
Carl Doersch1 Saurabh Singh1 Abhinav Gupta1 Josef Sivic2
Alexei A. Efros1,2
1Carnegie Mellon University
2INRIA / Ecole Normale Sup´erieure, Paris
Presenter Yunhai@VCC
Related Work
Results and Validation
• Given a large repository of geotagged imagery,
how to automatically find visual elements, that
are most distinctive for a certain geo-spatial area?
• Given all possible patches in all images, which of
them are both frequently occurring and
geographically informative?
– Sidewalks and cars occur frequently in Paris but
are hardly discriminative,
– Eiffel Tower is very discriminative, but too rare to
be useful
• Understanding which visual elements are
fundamental to our perception of a complex
visual concept
• Help CG modelers generate “reference art” for
a city
• Provide a stylistic narrative for a visual
experience of a place
Related Work
Results and Validation
Mining geotagged images
• Mining Model the photographer-defined
• maps of cities model worldwide human travel
• place recognition
Object discovery from geotagged
• Unsupervised methods
• Supervised methods
Procedural modeling
• generate 3D models of entire cities
• parse images of facades
Related Work
Results and Validation
• Google Street View imagery
– Approximately 10, 000 perspective images
(936x537 pixels) are extracted for each city
– 12 cities: Paris, London, Prague, Barcelona, Milan,
New York, Boston, Philadelphia, San Francisco, San
Paulo, Mexico City, and Tokyo.
Data Organization
• Visual elements are represented by square
image patches at various resolutions. The
database is divided into two parts:
– the positive set containing images from the
location whose visual elements are wished to
discover (e.g. Paris);
– the negative set containing images from the rest
of the world
• Matching the occurrences of the rare
interesting elements is like finding a few
needles in a haystack
– the overwhelming majority of data is
uninteresting, occur in both the positive and
negative sets, and should be filtered out.
Existing methods
• clustering on image patches represented by SIFT
descriptors tend to be dominated by low-level features
• k-means clustering of larger image patches (HOG)
behaves poorly in very high dimensions
Existing methods
• Use the geographic information as part of the
clustering, extracting elements that are both
repeated and discriminative.
– However, these methods either produce
inhomogeneous clusters or focus too much on the
most common visual features.
– The reason is such approaches include at least one
step that partitions the entire feature space.
• Start with a large number of randomly
sampled candidate patches, and then give
each candidate a chance to see if it can
converge to a cluster that is both frequent and
– compute the nearest neighbors of each candidate,
and reject candidates with too many neighbors in
the negative set.
– gradually build clusters by applying iterative
discriminative learning to each surviving candidate.
• Discriminative clustering
– alternates between clustering and training
discriminative classifier
– Applying cross-validation to prevent overfitting
SVM detector
Image descriptor
• Square patches and patches scales ranging
from 80-by-80 pixels to height-of-image size.
• Patches are represented with standard HOG
(8x8x31 cells), plus a 8x8 color image in L*a*b
color space (a and b only).
Initial Candidate Selection
• Randomly sample a subset of 25, 000 highcontrast patches to serve as candidates for
seeding the clusters.
• The initial geo-informativeness of each patch
is estimated by finding the top 20 nearest
neighbor patches in the full dataset. The
candidate with too many neighbors in the
negative set is rejected
Iterative clustering
• Train an SVM detector for each visual element,
using the top k nearest neighbors from the positive
set as positive examples, and all negative-set
patches as negative examples.
• Iterate the SVM learning, using the top k
detections from previous round as positives
• cross-validation
– Dividing the dataset into l equally-sized subset
– Apply the detectors trained on the previous round to a
new, unseen subset of data to select the top k
detections for retraining.
– Three iterations can achieve the convergence
Steps of this algorithm for two sample candidate patches in Paris. The first row: initial
candidate and its NN matches. Rows 2-4: iterations of SVM learning (trained using patches
on left). Red boxes indicate matches outside Paris. Rows show every 7th match for clarity.
Notice how the number of not-Paris matches decreases with each iteration, except for right
cluster, which is eventually discarded.
• A soft-margin SVM with C fixed to 0.1 is used.
• The full mining computation is quite expensive;
a single city requires approximately 1, 800
Related Work
Results and Validation
Trouble with US cities
• Some of discovered geo-informative elements
turned out to be different brands of cars, road
tunnels, etc.
1. do the discovered visual elements correspond to
an expert opinion of what visually characterizes
a particular city?
2. are they indeed objectively geoinformative?
3. do users find them subjectively geo-informative
in a visual discrimination task?
4. can the elements be potentially useful for some
practical task?
First question
• Consulted a respected volume on 19th
century Paris architecture [Loyer 1988]
How geo-informative the discovered
visual elements
• Ran the top 100 Paris element detectors over
an unseen dataset which was 50% from Paris
and 50% from elsewhere. The average
accuracy of top detectors was 83% (where
chance is 50%).
• Repeated this for our top 100 Prague
detectors, and found the average accuracy on
an unseen dataset of Prague to be 92%.
How geo-informative the discovered
visual elements
• Repeated the above experiment with people
rather than computers. Reduced the dataset to
100 visual elements, 50 from Paris and 50 from
– 50% of the elements were selected by algorithm for
Paris and Prague. The other 50% were randomly
sampled patches of Paris and Prague.
– 22 naive subjects were asked to label each patch as
belonging to either Paris or Prague
– average classification performance for the algorithmselected patches was 78.5% (std = 11.8), while for
random patches it was 58.1% (std = 6.1)
Reference art
• asked an artist to make a sketch from a photo
of Paris and then sketch it again after showing
her the top discovered visual elements for
this image
Related Work
Results and Validation
Applications:Mapping Patterns of
Visual Elements
Applications: Exploring Different Geospatial Scales
Applications: Visual Correspondences
Across Cities
Applications: Geographically-informed
Image Retrieval
• Argued that the “look and feel” of a city rests
on a set of stylistic elements, the visual
minutiae of daily urban life
• automatically find a subset of such visual
elements from a large dataset offered by
Google Street View.
Future work
• Capture larger structures, both urban and
• What makes an Apple product?
• Can we use discriminative clustering for
another problems, such as co-segmentation?