Matter and Measurement Jeopardy

Matter and Measurement Review
Sig Figs
Math Skills
Phases: $100
• Particles in this phase have very weak
intermolecular forces and hence are
spaced far apart
Phases: $200
• Particles in this phase are highly organized
Phases: $300
• Samples that are in the gas phase at STP
have _____________ melting points
– High or Low????
Phases: $400
• The boiling point of water is 100oC. Is this
a physical or chemical property?
Phases: $500
• Sample A has a boiling point of 55oC,
Sample B has a boiling point of 85oC.
Compare their intermolecular forces
Elements, Compounds, and
Mixtures: $100
• This type of matter cannot be decomposed
Elements, Compounds, and
Mixtures: $200
• A sample is classified as heterogeneous,
therefore it must be a(n) _____________
– Element/Compound/Mixture????
Elements, Compounds, and
Mixtures: $300
• What type(s) of matter is(are) classified as a
Elements, Compounds, and
Mixtures: $400
• Give an example of a
– Monatomic element
– Diatomic element
Elements, Compounds, and
Mixtures: $500
• Silver Chloride (an insoluble material) is
added to a beaker of water and a precipitate
is formed. Classify the resulting solution as
– Homogeneous or Heterogeneous
– Element, Compound, or Mixture
Significant Figures: $100
• How many significant figures are in the
following number
1080 cm
Significant Figures: $200
• How many significant figures are in the
following number
0.00250 g
Significant Figures: $300
• The volume of a 25.0g sample is 55mL.
What is the sample’s density?
Significant Figures: $400
• Round the following number to two (2)
significant figures
Significant Figures: $500
• Round the following number to two (2)
significant figures
Math Skills: $100
• Express the following number in scientific
Math Skills: $200
• Express the following number in scientific
Math Skills: $300
102.18 cm
75.3 cm
Math Skills: $400
(3.52 x 1012)(6.8x1015) =
Math Skills: $500
• 8.52 x 1015 + 7.51 x 1013 =
Measurements: $100
•Convert the following measurement
10,000g = ____________ kg
Measurements: $200
• Convert the following measurement
25L = ____________ kL
Measurements: $300
• 35oC is what temperature in Kelvin?
Measurements: $400
• Convert the following measurement
89dL = __________ µL
Measurements: $500
• What is the value of absolute zero, in
degrees Celsius?
• What theoretically occurs at absolute zero?
Answer Phases: $100
• Gas Phase
Answer Phases: $200
• Solid
Answer Phases: $300
• Low
Answer Phases: $400
• Physical
Answer Phases: $500
• Sample A has weaker intermolecular forces
than Sample B
Answer E/C/M: $100
• Elements
Answer E/C/M: $200
• Mixture
Answer E/C/M: $300
• Elements and Compounds
Answer E/C/M: $400
• Fe, Al, C, ….
• H2, F2, Cl2, I2, O2, N2, …
Answer E/C/M: $500
• Heterogeneous Mixture
Answer Sig Figs: $100
• Three
– 1080
Answer Sig Figs: $200
• Three
– 0.00250
Answer Sig Figs: $300
• 0.45g/mL
Answer Sig Figs: $400
• 85,000 (or 8.5 x 104)
Answer Sig Figs: $500
• 2.0 x 106
Answer Math Skills: $100
• 8.75 x 104
Answer Math Skills: $200
• 4.3 x 10-5
Answer Math Skills: $300
• 177.5 cm
The answer is 177.48, which rounds to
177.5 (one decimal)
Answer Math Skills: $400
• 2.4 x 1028
Answer Math Skills: $500
• 8.60 x 1015
– The answer is 8.5951 x 1015, which rounds to
8.60 x 1015 (two decimals)
Answer Measurements: $100
• 10 kg
Answer Measurements: $200
• 0.025 L
Answer Measurements: $300
• 308K
– 35 + 273 = 308
Answer Measurements: $400
• 8,900,000
– or 8.9 x 106
Answer Measurements: $500
• -273 oC
• Theoretically, all movement stops
Final Jeopardy
• A student measures the density of copper to
be 8.124 g/cm3. What is the percent error?