Experiments of Microscale Analytical Chemistry 1 Workshop for Secondary School Teachers Dr. W M TSUI Department of Chemistry, HKUST Department of Chemistry Outline 2 Introduction: Analytical Chemistry Analysis of organic compounds Qualitative Analysis ; Quantitative analysis Accuracy and precision: use of balance Instrumental quantitative analysis Introduction to data-logger Experiments highlight Department of Chemistry Introduction: Analytical Chemistry 3 What is chemical analysis? Questions to answer: How much of substance X is in the sample? Does the sample contain substance X? What is the identity of the substance in the sample? How can the species of interest be separated from the sample matrix for better quantitation and identification? Department of Chemistry Introduction: Analytical Chemistry 4 “includes any aspect of the chemical characterization of a sample material.” Quantitation; Detection; Identification; Separation Department of Chemistry Introduction: Analytical Chemistry 5 What is analytical chemistry? “The science of chemical measurement…” “…Its object is the generation, treatment and evaluation of signals from which information is obtained on the composition and structure of matter.” Department of Chemistry Qualitative analysis of organic compounds 6 “An analysis in which we determine the identity of the constituent species in a sample” Does it contain …? Type? Binding state? Department of Chemistry Qualitative analysis of organic compounds 7 development of chemical tests to identify the presence of organic functional groups. >C=O + DNPH → orange precipitate H N C H3 C H3 C H3C H2 N C H3 C N O2 N O2 N O N O2 H N N O2 tests for the presence of carbonyl compounds using 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) solution Department of Chemistry Qualitative analysis of organic compounds 8 tests for the presence of >C=C< / -CΞC- using bromine solution >C=C< + Br2 → rapid decolorization CH3 C H3C C CH3 Br Br → CH3 C H3C C C C H2 H2 Br CH3 Br H H H 3C C C CH3 Br Br → Br Br H 3C C C C C CH3 H2 H2 Br Br Department of Chemistry Qualitative analysis of organic compounds 9 Qualitative analysis – chromatography and identification by measuring physical property (e.g. mass spectrometry, infra red spectroscopy) Paper chromatography Analysis of components in ball-pen inks Paper chromatogram Department of Chemistry Qualitative analysis of organic compounds 10 Infra-red spectroscopy O Transmittance(%) infrared absorption OH Department of Chemistry Quantitative analysis of organic compounds 11 “An analysis in which we determine how much of a constituent species is present in a sample” Developing methods to determine the concentration of targeted species in complex samples. O OH C H3 O O Department of Chemistry Quantitative analysis of organic compounds 12 e.g. measuring the amount of aspirin in analgesic tablets, by gravimetric method O O OH e.g. measuring the amount of aspirin in analgesic tablets, by volumetric method OH CH3 O C H3 O O + O Na O O O + N a O H (a q) CH3 O + H 2O Department of Chemistry Accuracy and Precision 13 Measurement in Science: In science, we want measurements to be both accurate and precise. What is the difference between accuracy and precision? Department of Chemistry Accuracy and Precision 14 Accuracy is a measure of how close a measured value to the true value (is it the correct value?) Precision is a measure of the reproducibility of a result (is it exactly the value?) Department of Chemistry Accuracy and Precision 15 What sort of measurements do we have? Department of Chemistry Accuracy and Precision 16 Results may be reproducible, but wrong. 5.0 grams of sample Balance “A” 5.2; sample 5.4; 5.3; 5.3 Balance “A” Balance “B” 5.0; 4.9; 5.1; 5.0 Balance “B” Department of Chemistry Accuracy and Precision 17 Systematic errors are constant and always of the same sign and thus may not be reduced by averaging over a lot of data Weighing bottle Random errors produced by any unpredictable & unknown variations in the experiment, e.g. fluctuations in room temperature, fluctuations in power supply voltage, mechanical vibrations etc. Department of Chemistry Instrumental Quantitative Analysis 18 Employing modern instrumentations for determining how much of a constituent species is present in a sample Modern instruments play a key role in chemical analysis nowadays Quantitative - measuring property and determining relationship to concentration (e.g. UV and visible spectrophotometry) Department of Chemistry Datalogger – Introduction 19 Datalogging device: also know as datalogger or data recorder Datalogging: a process of measuring variables in a laboratory or outside using electronic sensors Department of Chemistry Datalogger – Introduction 20 The measured data will be stored to computer/ hardwares Data of experiment can be displayed in form of charts, graphs and tables Department of Chemistry Datalogger – components 21 Electronic device that records data retrieved from electronic sensors Department of Chemistry Datalogger – components 22 Typical hardware setup Department of Chemistry Datalogger – components 23 Electronic device that records data retrieved from electronic sensors Stand-Alone datalogger Department of Chemistry Sensors 24 Various electronic sensors, e.g. Temperature sensor, humidity sensor, pressure sensor, & light sensor. Light sensor Sound sensor Temperature sensor Department of Chemistry Advantages 25 Multi-functional; can be equipped with different types of sensors Immediate feedback of results (Real Time!) Easy analysis of results Easy for the repetition of experiments Department of Chemistry Advantages 26 Suitable for both prolonged & short experiments. How temperature, particle size, and concentration affect the rate of reaction between magnesium metal and HCl(aq)? Department of Chemistry Applications of Datalogging Experiments 27 Measurements in: pH change caused by chemical reactions Temperature change caused by chemical reactions Color change caused by chemical reactions (colorimetry) Pressure change caused by chemical reactions etc … Department of Chemistry Datalogger Set up 28 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Log onto the computer Choose an electronic detector Connect it with interface hardware (USB-link) Connect the assembly into the USB port on computer Start the software in the computer Department of Chemistry Neutralization Reaction 29 pH measurement: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Transfer 30 mL of HCl(aq) into a beaker Put the probe into the solution Start collecting the data Add equimolar NaOH(aq) slowly until you have added 35 mL Stop collecting the data Print your graph Department of Chemistry Neutralization Reaction 30 Mark in red where the graph is acidic. Mark in blue where the graph is basic. Make in green where neutralisation happens. pH pH Time Time Department of Chemistry Spectrophotometry 31 Intensity of electromagne tic radiation: IR; Visible; UV; X-ray. Department of Chemistry UV-Vis spectrophotometry 32 Corresponds to EM radiation in the ultraviolet (UV) region---100-400 nm Visible (Vis) regions--- 400-800 nm Suitable for organic compounds Unsaturated (conjugated) ~ 180 nm C-C=C-C C=C-C=C C=C-C-C=C Carbonyl ~ 300 nm Department of Chemistry UV-Vis spectrophotometry 33 Department of Chemistry UV-Vis spectroscopy 34 Two sources are required to scan the entire UV-VIS band: Deuterium (D2) lamp – covers UV: 200-400 nm Tungsten (W) lamp – covers visible: 400800 nm Department of Chemistry Beer-Lambert Law 35 Also known as Beer’s Law: A = -log10(I1/I0) = ε c l where ε = molar absorptivity; or molar extinction coefficient [cm-1·M-1 or cm-1·mol-1·dm3] c = concentration [mol-1·dm3] l = path length [cm] Department of Chemistry Transmittance and Absorbance 36 Transmittance (T) = I1/I0 (i.e. %T = T 100) Absorbance = -log10(%T/100) = -log10(I1/I0) = -log10 T T≠1-A Department of Chemistry Instrumentation 37 UV spectra are recorded in solution Cells (cuvette) can be made of plastic, glass or quartz Quartz - transparent in 200-700 nm Plastic and glass - visible spectra ONLY Department of Chemistry Instrumentation 38 Colorimeter Department of Chemistry Experiment: 1 39 Determine the order of reaction of phenolphthalein in alkaline solution Department of Chemistry Determine the order of reaction of phenolphthalein in alkaline solution 40 HO O OH O O O 2 OH C - OH C - H 2O O (slo w ) COO (fast) C - C OH COO O H 2 P h (pH = 0 - 8.2) (C olourless) P h 2- (pH = 8.2 - 12) (Pink) Acid base titration P O H 3 - (p H > 1 2 ) (C o lo u rless) Phenolphthalein in alkaline solution Department of Chemistry Determine the order of reaction of phenolphthalein in alkaline solution 41 Reaction: Ph2- + OH- POH3- m 2- n Rate law: Rate = k [OH ] [Ph ] The concentration of OH- is largely excess, therefore, can be assumed to remain essentially constant Rate = k1 [Ph2-]n , where k1 = k [OH-]m ln[Ph2-] = -k1t + In[Ph2-]o According to Beer’s Law, A = bc A plot of In A against t Department of Chemistry UV-Vis Spectrophotometry 42 Color of a solution: Department of Chemistry 43 Determine the order of reaction of phenolphthalein in alkaline solution UV spectrum of phenolphthalein Department of Chemistry Colorimeter 44 measure the absorbance at wavelength of 565nm (green) for each coloured solution using your colorimeter. The measured absorbance is a direct measure of the intensity of the solution’s colour Department of Chemistry 45 Determine the order of reaction of phenolphthalein in alkaline solution A plot of In A against t Department of Chemistry 46 Determine the order of reaction of phenolphthalein in alkaline solution Half-life (t1/2) determination Department of Chemistry 47 Determine the order of reaction of phenolphthalein in alkaline solution To determine the reaction order with respect to [NaOH] k1 = k [OH-]m ln k1 = ln k + m ln[OH-] Slope = reaction order with respect to [NaOH] Department of Chemistry Determine the order of reaction of phenolphthalein in alkaline solution 48 Data logger – for repeating measurements – for storage of the change of absorbance against time Department of Chemistry Procedure of using colorimeter 49 Select a wavelength filter- Red (660nm), orange (610nm), green (565nm) or blue (468nm) Record the Absorbance of sample at different time Plot graph of ln A vs time Plot graph of In k1 vs In [OH-] Department of Chemistry Experiment: 2 50 Thin layer chromatography analysis and purification of aspirin by recrystallization O OH C H3 O O Department of Chemistry Thin Layer Chromatography Analysis and Purification of Aspirin by Recrystallization 51 Recrystallization For purification of solid samples Dissolution Filter Crystallization Collection Drying solvent, supersaturated, heating Cooling Department of Chemistry Thin Layer Chromatography Analysis and Purification of Aspirin by Recrystallization 52 Thin layer chromatography (TLC) For determination of purify Chromatography: Separation of compounds by the distribution between two phases – Mobile phase & Stationary phase Department of Chemistry 53 Thin Layer Chromatography Analysis and Purification of Aspirin by Recrystallization stationary phase (TLC plate: Silica gel) Sample mixture mobile phase (solvent) Department of Chemistry 54 Thin Layer Chromatography Analysis and Purification of Aspirin by Recrystallization Department of Chemistry Thin Layer Chromatography Analysis and Purification of Aspirin by Recrystallization 55 TLC visualization UV lamp (254 nm) Department of Chemistry Thin Layer Chromatography Analysis and Purification of Aspirin by Recrystallization 56 TLC visualization Bromocresol green stain