Nerve and Muscle Physiology of nerve The neuron • • • • • The basic structural unit of the nervous system. Structure: The soma The dendrites: antenna like processes The axon: hillock, terminal buttons Types of nerve fibers a- myelinated nerve fiber: • Covered by myelin sheath, protein-lipid layer, secreted by Schwann cells, acts as insulator to ion flow, interrupted at Nodes of Ranvier b- unmyelinated nerve fiber: • Less than 1μ, covered only with Schwann cells, as postganglionic fibers Electrical properties of a neuron • Electrical properties of nerve & muscle are: • 1-There is difference in electrical potential between the inside and outside the membrane • 2-Excitability: the ability to respond to any stimulus by generating action potential • 3-Conductivity: the ability to propagate action potential from point of generation to resting point Membrane potential; the basis of excitability • Def: electrical difference between the inside & outside the cell • Causes: selective permeability of the membrane • more K+, Mg2+, Ptn, PO4 inside • more Na+, Cl-, HCO3-outside • Exists in all living cells & it is the basis of excitability • Excitability: • Def: it is the ability to respond to stimuli (change in the environment) giving a response • The most excitable tissues are nerves & muscles • Stimuli: +anode - cathode • Types: • Electrical (preferred), chemical, mechanical, or thermal. • Cathode ( more important) & anode Excitability • • • • • Factors affecting effectiveness of the stimulus: 1- strength: effective stimulus 2- duration: a certain period of time, very short duration can not excite the nerve • 3- rate of rise of stimulus intensity: • Rapid increase…. Active response • Slow increase …. adaptation Strength –Duration Curve • Within limits stronger intensity shorter duration • Strength: • Threshold stimulus (rheobase): it is the minimal amplitude of stimulus that can excite the nerve and produce action potential. • Subthreshold stimulus: causes local response (electrotonic) • Duration: • stimuli of very short duration can not excite the nerve • Utilization time: is the time needed by threshold stimulus (Rheobase) to give a response • :Chronaxie time needed by a stimulus double the rheobase to excite the nerve, it is a measure of excitability, decrease chronaxie means increase excitability Stimulus amplitude Strength –Duration Curve chronaxi e 2R Utilization time duration R Measuring the membrane potential Recording: by 2 micoelectrodes inserting one inside the fiber & the other on the surface & connected to a voltmeter through an amplifier Types of membrane potential • • • • • Membrane potential has many forms: 1- RMP 2- on stimulation; a) action potential if threshold stimulus b) localized response (electrotonic) if subthreshold stimulus Resting membrane potential (RMP) *definition: It is the difference in electrical potential between the inside and outside the cell membrane under resting conditions with the inside negative to the outside Recording: by 2 micoelectrodes inserting one inside the fiber & the other on the surface & connected to a voltmeter • Value:-90 mv large fibers, -70 in medium fibers, -20 in RBCs • Causes • 1- selective permeability • 2- Na-K pump Resting Membrane Potential Selective permeability of the membrane: contributes to -86mv K+, ptn-, Mg2+&PO4- are concentrated inside the cell Na+, Cl-, HCO3- are found in the extracellular fluid During rest the membrane is 100 times more permeable to K+ than to Na+, K+tend to move outward through INWARD RECTFIER K+ channels down their concentration gradient The membrane is impermeable to intracellular Ptn-&other organic ions Accumulation of +ve charges outside & -ve charges in At equilibrium :K+ in to out is 35:1 Na+ in to out is 1-10 Potassium equilibrium -90 mV Na-K pump • Definition: carrier protein on the cell membrane: • 3 binding sites inside for Na+ • 2 sites outside for K+ • 1 site for ATP • Inner part has ATPase activity • It is an electrogenic pump Contributes for -4mv and helps to keep RMP • Nernest equation • E for K = -61 log con inside/ conc outside =- 94 • E for Na = -61 log con inside/ conc outside =+ 61 • Goldman equation: it considers • 1- Na, K and cl concentrations. • 2- K permeability is 100 times as that for Na Action Potential • Definition: It is the rapid change in membrane potential following stimulation of the nerve by a threshold stimulus. • Recording: microelectrodes and oscilloscope. Membrane Permeabilites • AP is produced by an increase in Na+ permeability. • After short delay, increase in K+ permeability. Figure 7-14 Shape and Phases of Action Potential • 1- Stimulus artifact.: small deflection indicates the time of application of stimulus, it is due to leakage of current • 2- Latent Period: isoelectrical interval, time for AP to travel from site of stimulation to recording electrode. • 3- Ascending limb (depolarization):starts slowly from -90, till firing level-65mv, reaches &overshoots the isopotential, ends at +35 • 4- Descending limb:(repolarization): starts rapidly till 70% complete then slows down * Hyperpolarization: in the opposite direction slight & prolonged • 5- RMP Shape and Phases of Action Potential +35 overshoot 0 depolarization repolarization mv 1- Ascending limb (depolarization) Slow..firing level..rapid. 2- Descending limb (repolarization) rapid then slow 3- Hyperpolarization: slight & prolonged 4- RMP -65 FL hyperpolarization -90 Latent period time Duration of Action Potential • Spike lasts 2msec • Hyperpolarization 35-40msec Ionic basis of action potential • Depolarization is caused by Na+ inflow • Repolarization is caused by K+ outflow Two types of gates: 1- voltage gated Na+ channels; having 2 gates: outer activation gate & inner inactivation gate 2- voltage gated K+ channels; one activation gate When the nerve is stimulated:: a- the outer gate of VG Na+ opens, activating Na+ channel…. Na+ inflow b- the inner gate of Na+ channels closes, inactivating Na+ channels… stop Na inflow c- K+ gates open, activating K+ channels, K+ outflow The Action Potential A stimulus opens activation gate of some Na+ channels depolarizing membrane potential, allowing some Na to enter, causing further depolariztion If threshold potential is reached, all Na+ channels open, triggering an action potential. The Action Potential 1-Depolariztaion:occurs in 2 stages: Slow stage: -90 to -65mv: some Na+ channels opened, depolarizing membrane potential, allowing some Na to enter, causing further depolarization At -65mv, the firing level or threshold for stimulation, all Na+ channels open, triggering an action potential. Rapid stage: -65 to +35: all Na+ channels are opened, Na+ rush into the fiber, causing rapid depolarization The Action Potential Within a fraction of msec, Na+ channel inactivation gates close and remained in the closed state for few milliseconds, before returning to the resting state. 2- Repolarization: Inactivation of Na+ channels and activation of K+ channels are fully open. Efflux of K+ from the cell drops membrane potential back to and below resting potential 3- Hyperpolarization; slow closure of K+ channels The Action Potential The Na+ & K+ gradients after action potential are re-established by Na+/K+ pump Only very minute fraction of Na+ & K+ share in action potential from the total concentration The action potential is an all-or-none response. (provided that all conditions are constant, AP once produced, is of maximum amplitude, constant duration & form, regardless the amplitude of the stimulus , however threshold or above Action potential will not occur unless depolarization reaches the FL (none) Action potential size is independent of the stimulus and once depolarization reaches FL, maximum response is produced, reaches a value of about +35 mV(all) The Action Potential Both gates of Na+ channel are closed but K+ channels are still open. K+ channels finally close and Na+ channel inactivation gates open to return to resting state. Continued efflux of K+ keeps potential below resting level. Action potential initiation S.I.Z. Action potential termination Action potential in a nerve trunk • Nerve trunk is made of many nerve fibers • The AP recorded is compound action potential, having many peaks • The individual fibers vary in: • 1- threshold of stimulation • 2-distance from stimulating electrode • 3- speed of conduction • During depolarization, there is +ve feed back response. • Repolarization is due to: 1- inactivation of Na+ channels( must be removed before another AP 2- slower & more prolonged activation of K+ channels • Hyperpolarization (undershoot): slow closing of K+ channels, K+ conductance is more than in resting states • Role of Inward rectifier K+ channels: Non gated channels Tend to drive the membrane to the RMP Drive K+ inwards only in hyperpolarization Re-establishing Na+ &K+ gradient after AP:role of Na+ /K+ pump All or none law Electrotonic potentials & local response • Catelectronus: at cathode/ depolarization less than 7mV/ passive • Anelectronus: at anode/ hyperpolarization/ passive • • • • • • • • • • • Local response (local excitatory state): Stonger cathodal stimuli Slight active response Some Na+ channels open, not enough to reach FL It is graded Does not obey all or none law Non propagated Excitability of the nerve increased Caused by subthreshold stimulus Can be summated & produce AP Has no refractory period Local Response (local excitatory change) • Although subthreshold stimuli do not produce AP they produce slight active changes in the membrane that DO NOT PROPAGATE. • It is a state of slight depolarization caused by subthreshold cathodal stimulus that opens a few Na channels not enough to produce AP Local Response (local excitatory change) • • • • • It differs from AP : It does not obey all or non rule Can be graded. Can be summated. It does not propagate. Excitability changes during the action potential • Up to FL, excitability increases The remaining part of action potential, the nerve is refractory to stimulation (difficult to be restimulated) • Absolute refractory period: Def: the period during which a 2nd AP can not be produced whatever the strength of the stimulus Length: from FL to early part of repolarization Causes: inactivation of Na+ channels • Relative refractory period: Def.; the period during which membrane can produce another action potential, but requires stronger stimulus. Length: from after the ARP to the end of the AP Causes: some Na+ channels are still inactivated K+ channels are wide open. ARP FL Increased excitability RRP Factors affecting Membane potential & Excitability • • • • • • • • • • • • Factors ↑ excitability: * Role of Na+ 1) ↑ Na permeability (veratrine & low Ca 2+). Factors ↓ excitability: 1)↓ Na permeability( local anaesthesia & high Ca2+) [ membrane stbilizers] Decrease Na+ in ECF: decreases size of AP, not affecting RMP Blockade of Na+ channels by tetradotoxin TTX decrease excitability & no AP ** Role of K+: 1)↑ K extracellularly (hyperkalemia). 2)↓ K extracellularly (hypokalemia): familial periodic paralysis 3) blockade of K+ channels by TEA: prolonged repolarization& absent hyperpolarization *** Role of Na+ K+ pump: only prolonged blockade can affect RMP & AP Accommodation of nerve fiber • Slow increase in the stimulus intensity gives no response: • 1- inactivation of Na+ Channels • 2- opening of K+ Channels Conduction in an Unmyelinated Axon • The action potential generated at one site, acts as a stimulus on the adjacent regions • During reversal of polarity, the stimulated area acts as a current sink for the adjacent area • A local circuit of current flow occurs between depolarized segment & resting segments (flow of +ve charges) in a complete loop of current flow • The adjacent segments become depolarized, FL is reached, AP is generated Figure 7-18 Conduction in Myelinated Axon (Saltatory conduction) • Myelin prevents movement of Na+ and K+ through the membrane. • The conduction is the same in unmyelinated nerve fibers Except that AP is generated only at Nodes of Ranvier • AP occurs only at the nodes. – AP at 1 node depolarizes membrane to reach threshold at next node. • The +ve charges jump from resting Node to the the neighbouring activated one (Saltatory conduction). Figure 7-19 Importance of saltatory conduction: • ↑velocity of nerve conduction. • Conserve energy for the axon. Orthodromic & antidromic conduction • Orthodromic: from axon to its termination • Antidromic: in the opposite direction • Any antidromic impulse produced, it fails to pass the 1st synapse & die out Monophasic &biphasic AP • Monophasic AP: recorded by one microelectrode inserted inside the fiber & one indifferent microelectrode on the surface. • Biphasic: two recording electrodes on the outer connected to CRO Depolarization & repolarization of a nerve fiber • RMP does not record any change • Depolarization flows to the +ve electrode ..... Upright deflection (+ve wave) • Complete depolarization ... No flow of current (baseline) • Repolarization to the +ve electrode....down deflection • Complete repolarization ... No flow of current (baseline) Action potential in a nerve trunk • Nerve trunk is made of many nerve fibers • The AP recorded is compound action potential, having many peaks • The individual fibers vary in: • 1- threshold of stimulation • 2-distance from stimulating electrode • 3- speed of conduction Compound AP • • • • Graded Subthreshold; no response occurs Threshold; a small AP, few nerve fibers Further increasing; AP amplitude increases up to a maximal • Increasing the intensity, supramaximal stimuli, no more increase in the AP Nerve fiber types • According to their thickness, they are divided into: diameter conduction Spike duration Remarks A fibers 2-20 micron 20-120m/s 0.5 msec Alpha, beta, gamma & delta Most sensitive to pressure B fibers 1-5 micron 5-15m/s 1msec Preganglionic autonomic f Most sensitive to hypoxia C fibers <1 micron 0.5-2m/s 2msec Postganglionic autonomic f Most sensitive to local anesthetics Metabolism of the nerve • Rest: nerve needs energy to maintain polarization of the membrane, energy needed for Na+/K+ pump, derived from ATP. Resting heat • Activity: pump activity increases to the 3rd power of Na+ concentration inside, if Na+ concentration is doubled, the pump activity increases 8 folds;23 . • Heat production increases: • • 1- initial heat during AP 2- a recovery heat, follows activity =30 times the initial heat • Neurotrophins: • Proteins necessary for neuronal development, growth & survival • Secreted by glial cells, muscles or other structures that neuron innervate • Internalised & retrograde transported to the cell body Types of muscles • Skeletal muscle: under voluntary control 40% of total body mass. • Cardiac muscle: not under voluntary control. • Smooth muscle: not under voluntary control. Both are 10% of total body mass Skeletal muscles • • • • • • • • Attached to bones >400 voluntary skeletal muscles Contraction depends on their nerve supply 4 functions: 1- force for locomotion & breathing 2- force for maintaining posture & stabilizing joints 3- heat production 4- help venous return Morphology • Muscle fibers: • • • • Bundled together by C.T. Arranged in parallel between 2 tendenious ends Is a single cell Closely enveloped by glycoprotein sheath (sarcolemma) outside the cell membrane • Made of many parallel myofibrils embeded in a sarcoplasm, between a complex tubular system Skeletal muscle • Each muscle fiber is a single unit. It is made up of many parallel myofibrils embedded together and a complex sarcotubular system. • Each muscle fibril contains interdigitating thick and thin myofilaments arranged in sarcomeres. • 2 major proteins: • 1- thick filaments [myosin] • 2- thin filaments [actin, troponin, troopomyosin] • Troponin & trpomyosin regulate muscle contraction by controlling the interaction of actin & myosin The sarcomere • It is the functional unit of the muscle. • It ext\ends between two sheets called Z lines. • Thick filaments (Myosin) in the middle (dark band (A)). • Thin filaments on both sides (light band (I) ). • Z line in the middle of I band. • H zone in the middle of A band. • When the muscle is stretched or shortened, the thick & thin filaments slide past each other, and the I band increases or decreases in size Internal organization: Striations: • • • • • • • • • • Myofilaments 1- thick filaments (myosin): 300 myosin molecules 2 heavy chains & 4 light chains Each myosin molecule has two heads attached to a double chains forming helix tail. myosin head contain actin – binding site, an ATP- binding site and a catalytic site (ATPase). Each myosin head protrude out of the thick filaments forming cross bridges that can make contact with the actin molecule 2- Thin filaments (actin) Actin, tropomyosin, troponin. Actin is a double helix that has active sites for combines with myosin cross bridges. Troponin: 3 subunits I for Actin binding, T for tropomyosin binding, C for Ca binding. Sarcotubular system • Consists of T-tubules and Sarcoplasmic reticulum. • T tubules consists of network of transverse tubules surround each myofibril, at the junction of the dark and light bands. • T tubules are invaginations from cell membrane. • T tubules contain extracellular fluid.r • T tubules transmit the AP from the surface to the depth of the muscle fiber. • Sarcoplasmic reticulum: surrounds each myofibril, run parallel to it • Sarcoplasmic reticulum: extends between the T tubules. • Sarcoplasmic reticulum: are the sites for Ca storage. • Sarcoplasmic reticulum ends expands to form terminal cistern, which makes specialized contact with the T tubules on either side • Foot processes span the 200 A0 between the 2 tubules • SR contains protein receptor called Ryanodine that contains the foot process and Ca channel • T tubule contains voltage- senstive dihydropyridine receptor that opens the ryanodine channel The muscle protein • Myosin protein: • Thick filaments: 300 myosin molecules • Myosin molecule is made up of 2 heavy chains coil around each other to form a helix. • Part of the heliix extends to side to form an arm • Terminal part of the helix with 4 light chains combine to form 2 globular heads • The arm & head are called cross bridges, flexible at 2 hinges, one at the junction between the arm leaves the body, the 2nd at the attachment of the head with the arm • The myosin heads contain an actin –binding site, catalytic site for hydrolysis of ATP Myosin thick filaments Thin filaments Backbone is formed of 2 chains of actin, forming helix, has active site, 300-400 molecules Tropomyosin: long filaments, located in the groove between the 2 chains of actin, covers the active sites, 40-60 molecules. Troponin: small, globular, formed of 3 parts; 1-TI 2-TT 3- TC Actin tropomyosin Ca2+ • α actinin binds actin to the Z line Neuromuscular Junction • Def: it is the area lies between the nerve ending of the alpha motor neurons and skeletal muscle. •Structure of the NMJ : •1) terminal knobs 2)Motor End Plate (MEP) •contain Ach vesicle contain Ach receptors 3)Synaptic cleft contain choline estrase • Steps Of Neuromuscular Transmission: •1) Arrival of action potential : ↑ permeability to Ca2+ .. Rupture of vesicles. •2) Postsynaptic response: ↑ conductance to Na and K more Na influx…end plate potential •3) EPP: graded, non propagated response that act as a stimulus that depolarizes the adjacent membrane to firing level… AP…. Muscle contraction. •4) Acetyl choline degradation end plate Neuromuscular junction • • • • • • • Properties of neuromuscular transmission: 1) unidirectional: from nerve to muscle 2) delay: 0.5msec 3) fatigue: exhaustion of Ach vesicles. 4) Effect of ions: ↑Ca….. ↑ release of Ach ↑ Mg….↓ release of Ach 5) Effect of drugs: * Drugs stimulate NMJ • Ach like action Metacholine, carbachol, nicotine small dose. • inactivating choline esterase neostigmine, physostigmine, diisopropyl phlorophosphate. * Drugs block NMJ: curare competes with Ach for its receptors Motor end plate is a highly specialized region of the muscle plasma membrane. Myasthenia Gravis (MG) Serious may be fatal disease of neuromuscular junction Characterized by weakness of skeletal muscle, easy fatigability may affect the respiratory muscles and cause death More in female It is suspected to be a type of autoimmunity (the patient antibodies attack the acetyl choline receptors at the neuromuscular junction) Treatment: Adminestration of drugs as neostigmine, inactivating acetylcholinesterase Changes that occurs in the skeletal muscle after its stimulation 1- electrical changes: action potential 2- Excitability changes: ends before the beginning of contraction 3- chemical changes: at rest & during activity 4- mechanical changes: contraction Electrical changes Nerve action potential Muscle action potential RMP -70mV -90mV Rate of conduction According to myelination 5m/sec duration shorter longer After AP Release of acetyl choline Contraction after 2msec +35 -70 +35 -90 Excitability changes • It is like changes that occurs in the nerve during action potential (increased excitability, ARP, RRP, Supernormal excitability, subnormal excitability, normal) • The refractory period ends during the latent period before the beginning of contraction, so during contraction, the excitability is normal, can respond to another stimuli Mechanical changes AP Metabolic (Chemical) changes At rest: continuous metabolic activity to produce energy needed for: 1-maintenance of the polarized state (RMP) 2- synthesis of ptn, glycogen, other organic compounds 3- production of muscle tone During activity: energy consumption is markedly increased Converts chemical energy into mechanical energy The chemical energy is derived from: ATP, CP, glycogen, glucose The chief reactions are: 1- anaerobic breakdown of ATP myosin ADP+P+ E(12000 Cal) 2- ATP resynthesis by creatine phosphate, glycogen lactate & aerobic system ADP+CP→ creatine+ ATP (restored by reverse reaction during relaxation) Glucose +2ATP ( gycogen+ 1ATP) 2 lactic acid +4ATP Glucose +2ATP ( gycogen+ 1ATP) oxygen 6CO2+ 6H2O+ 40ATP Free fatty acids oxygen CO2+ H2O+ATP • ATP is the only immediate energy of the muscle. • ATP inside the muscle is enough only for 5-6 sec of maximal exercise • The muscle contains phosphocreatine 2-3 times as ATP • Phosphocreatine energy is transferred too ATP within a small fraction of a second • Phosphagen system: is ATP & CP is enough for max exercise for 10-15 sec (100m run) • Glycogen lactic acid system provide addition of 30-40 sec of max. exercise • Lactic acid produced from this system produces muscle fatigue, removal needs an hour or more by: • Lactic acid O2 pyrovic acid • Lactic acid is transformed to glucose inside the liver • Lactic acid may be used as a fuel by heart muscle During recovery (oxygen debt) • • • • • • After exercise, rate of ventilation remains high to: 1- remove lactate 2- rebuilding of ATP& CP stores 3- replace O2 taken from myoglobin The extra post exercise O2 is called Oxygen dept Measured by subtracting basal level from O2 consumption after exercise until basal consumption is reached Motor unit: Def: it is a single motor neuron , its axon, and the group of muscle fibres supplied by this axon In muscles perform fine movements, number of fibres in each motor unit is small In musclles perform gross movements, the number of fibres in each motor unit is large Motor Unit Mechanical changes [excitation-contraction coupling] Action potential produce muscle contraction in 4 steps; • 1- release of Ca2+: AP pass through T tubules, causing Ca release from the terminal cistern into the cytoplasm • 2- activation of muscle proteins: Ca2+ binds troponin, moves tropomyosin away from active site of actin, actin binds with myosin, contraction starts • 3- generation of tension: binding, bending, detachment, return • 4- relaxation: active process, when Ca is removed frrom the cytoplasm & actively pumped into the SR Action Potentials and Muscle Contraction Mechanism of muscle contraction Cross-bridge formation: Muscle Twitch a single action potential causes a brief contraction followed by relaxation The twitch starts 2msec after the start of depolarization, before the repolarization is complete obeys all or none law All or none law: a single muscle fiber; either contracts maximally or does not contract at all under the same conditions Types of Muscle Contractions • Isotonic: Change in length (muscle shortens) but tension constant • Isometric: No change in length but tension increases e.g. Postural muscles of body • Muscle contraction in the body is a mixture of both types e.g. when person lifts a heavy object, the biceps starts isometric, then isotonic contraction Isotonic and isometric contraction CE SEC Isotonic contraction Rest contraction isometric contraction rest contraction Muscle contraction Types of contractions: 1- isotonic contraction: a- muscle shortens & tension constant b- sliding occurs c- mechanical efficiency :20% of (energy converted to work) & rest is lost as heat d- inertia & momentum that interferes with the recording of the twitch, so it lasts longer & needs more energy e- e.g. Moving a part of the body or the body as a whole 2- isometric contraction: a- length of muscle is constant, the tension increases b- no much sliding c-no work is done (mechanical efficiency is zero) most energy is lost as heat d- e.g. Maintaining the posture against gravity Factors affecting muscle contraction • 1- type of muscle fiber: • Slow Red fiber: Type I: Small m.f., Slow nerve, Slow contraction & relaxation, not easily fatigued, low ATPase activity, large numbers of oxidative enzymes, large numbers of Capillaries, rich in Myoglobin, adapted for prolonged weight bearing, e.g. soleus muscle • Rapid pale fiber: Type IIb: Larger fibers, Rapid neurons, Rapid contraction & relaxation, easily fatigued, extensive SR, Large amount of glycolytic enzymes, high ATPase activity, less capillaries, less myoglobin, less mitochondria, adapted for skilled movements, e.g. hands & extraocular muscles • 2- stimulus factor: • Stimulus strength: the more strength of the stimulus, the more the fibers stimulated, the more force of contraction (maximal stimulus) • Stimulus frequency:Treppe (stair case phenomenon) • low frequency; separate twitches • Medium frequency; clonus • High frequency; tetanus Treppe • Graded response • Occurs in muscle • Each subsequent contraction is stronger than previous until all equal after few stimuli • 3- type of load: • Preload: load applied to the muscle before contraction changing its initial length, [within limits, the more the initial length, the more the tension in isometric contraction] • Afterload: load added to the muscle after it starts contraction [the more the after load, the less will be the velocity of contraction LENGTH-TENSION CURVE TOTAL TENSION ACTIVE TENSION TENSION PASSIVE TENSION OPTIMAL LENGTH (Lo) EQUILIBRIUM LENGTH RESTING LENGTH LENGTH Muscle Length and Tension TENSION SARCOMERE LENGTH () Initial velocity of shortening Load velocity curve Vmax 10 5 0 P0 5 Load (gm) 10 , ↑ afterload → ↓velocity of shortening (dl/dt) • 4- fatigue: repeated stimulation of the muscle results in fatigue due to: • Depletion of ATP,CP & glycogen consumption of acetyl choline • Accumulation of metabolites decreased O2 & nutrient supply Length –Tension curve • Passive tension: is the tension in the muscle when passively stretched • Active tension: is the tension in the muscle generated by its contraction • Total tension: is the sum of the 2 • Maximal tension is obtained when the sarcomere length is 2.2μ; optimal overlap between myosin & actin • Increasing the length, decreases the force; some cross bridges do not have actin molecules to bind with • Dereasing the length, decreases the force; the ends of actin filaments overlapping each other & more difficult for the muscle to develop force Load velocity curve • Increasing the afterload: 1- the velocity of shortening decreases; as each cross bridge cycle takes more time 2- the amount of shortening decreases; the ability to generate force decreases 3-V max occurs when the afterload is 0 (theoritically) • Muscles with more fast fibers have greater V max Electromyography • Is a record of electrical activity of the muscle using a cathode ray oscilloscope, picking up the electrical activity by metal dic electrode placed on the skin over the muscle or by hypodermic electrode inserted in the muscle • The record is called electrograph Grading of the muscular activity • There is little activity in the muscle at rest: • A- with minimal voluntary activity, a few motor units discharge, with increasing voluntary effort, more units contract • B- the force of voluntary movement is also increased by increasing the frequency of discharge, leading to tetanic contractions • Moderate intensity of rate of discharge→ clonic contractions. The motor units contract asynchronously, the responses fuse into smooth contraction of the whole muscle • Muscular hypertrophy: • Increase in size as a result of forceful muscular activity. The muscle fiber increase in thickness, increase in number of myofibrils and content of ATP, CP, glycogen. No increase in the number of the fibers. Reaction of muscle to denervation • If the nerve supply of the muscle is injured, the muscle is paralyzed (LMNL) • a- the muscle atrophies: decrease in size & the fibers are replaced by fibrous tissue • b- muscle fasciculation: the nerve fibers degenerate spontaneous impulses are discharged in the 1st few days, contractions seen on the surface of the skin, can be picked up by surface electrode EMG • c- muscle fibrillation: after all the nerve es to the muscle are damaged, spontaneous impulses start to appear in the muscle fibers, resulting in very weak contractions, cannot be seen, can be recorded by needle electrode EMG. Caused by increased sensitivity to circulating Ach (denervation hypersensitivty) • d- reactioon of degeneration Rigor mortis • • • • Contracture, rigid without action potentials Several hours after death Caused by loss of ATP, needed for relaxation Ends when the muscle proteins are destroyed by bacterial action 15-25 hrs later. • Has medicolegal importance Smooth muscle • Involuntary, supplied by autonomic nervous system Types: • Single unit (visceral) Smooth muscle: Sheats of mfs, membranes become adherent to each other at multiple points, many gap junctions, contract in a coordinated manner • Multiunit smooth muscle: fine movement as in ciliary m, iris of the eye, every fiber contracts independently Characters: 1- thinner than cardiac muscle fibers 2- no striations, no sarcomere, no Z line (dense bodies), no troponin (calmodulin) 3- sarcoplasmic reticulum are absent Membrane potential & action potentials • • • • Unstable membrane Relative RMP is -50mV Waves of depolarization & repolarization When depolarization reach -35mV, an action potential is produced AP of smooth muscles are of 2 types: • Spike potentials: similar to Sk m Ap on top of slow waves, or rhythmically (pace maker P), duration 50ms • AP with plateau: similar onset, delayed repolarization for several hundreds or thousands milliseconds. The plateau accounts for prolonged periods of contraction Role of Ca2+ channels • Cell membrane contains mainly VG Ca2+channels instead of Na+ • So depolarization occurs by inflow of Ca2+ not Na+, slow depolarization. Contractile process of smooth muscle EC coupling • Smooth m contains calmodulin instead of troponin • ↑Ca2+ in the cytoplasm binds to calmodulin • Ca2+/calmmodulin complex activates MLCK which phosphorylates regulatortory light chain on the head of myosin→hydrolysis of ATP and starts cycling & continue cycling until MLC phosphatase becomes active and dephosphorylates the cross bridges • Relaxation occurs by ↓ Ca2+ …MLCK inactivated… phosphatase removes phosphate from MLC …. Cycling stops Mechanical properties • Slower • Latch bridges • Ca2+ enters the cells by: Neurotransmitter (receptor activated Ca2+ channel) Voltage gated Ca2+ channels Release from SR through IP3 receptor • Ca2+ is determined by influx &release and rate of into SR or to outside the cell Characteristics of contraction of smooth muscles 1- spontaneous contractions 2- initiated by AP or without AP by: • stretch • Local factors: K+ / Alkalies … contracts Acids/ CO2/ ↓O2… relaxes Cold contracts Hormonal 3-Role of nerve supply: modifies 4-Plasticity 5-Fatigue resistant