MULTI-PROXY STUDIES IN QUATERNARY PALAEOECOLOGY – ORIGINS, DEVELOPMENT, AND POTENTIALS John Birks and Hilary Birks University of Bergen & University College London INTRODUCTION WHAT ARE MULTI-PROXY STUDIES? WHY DO WE NEED MULTI-PROXY STUDIES? HISTORICAL BACKGROUND ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES PROBLEMS FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS CONCLUDING WORDS INTRODUCTION What this talk is not: 1. It is not a review of the methods or research techniques used in Quaternary multi-proxy palaeoecological studies. 2. It is not a review of numerical methods that can be useful in multi-proxy studies. 3. It is not a summary of our paper in Festschrift Brigitta Ammann published in Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. So what is this talk? 1. A personal view of why we think multiproxy studies are useful. 2. Some historical background for our own interests in multi-proxy studies. 3. A personal view of the advantages and disadvantages, the problems, and the future development of multi-proxy studies in palaeoecology. 4. A tribute to Brigitta Ammann and her great contributions to multi-proxy studies in Quaternary palaeoecology. Inevitably reflects our personal research interests, biases, and collaborations. WHAT ARE MULTI-PROXY STUDIES? A multi-proxy study uses more than one palaeoecological proxy to reconstruct past ecosystems & environmental conditions and to test hypotheses about causes of ecological change. Proxy (temperature) Proxy (man) Proxy (animals) Proxy (plants) Familiar proxies • pollen • plant macrofossils • diatoms • chrysophytes • cladocera • • • • • • sediment magnetics chironomids mollusca ostracods beetles trichoptera • • • • • oribatid mites testate amoebae phytoliths charcoal stomata • sediment grain-size • sediment inorganic • sediment organic chemistry chemistry • sediment pigments and biomarkers • stable isotopes 14N, 13C, 18O • radiometric chronologies • C:N ratios • laminations All combinations are possible depending on the research problem, site type, preservation, and expertise of the research team Palaeoecological Developments 1. New proxies, e.g. organic biomarkers, freshwater alkenones (e.g. TEX86), XRF analyses, near infrared spectroscopy 2. Quantification – modern calibration data-sets, numerical and statistical tools for data analysis 3. Fine-resolution studies laminated sediments and the study of 4. Improved chronologies and slowly improving age-depth models 5. Increased concern for careful and rigorous project design and site selection and greater emphasis on hypothesis testing and on studying biotic responses to environmental change Basic Requirements for a Multi-Proxy Study 1. Clear research questions. These are especially important in multi-proxy studies that inevitably involve many scientists. Multi-proxy studies are very time-consuming and are therefore expensive in time, effort, and resources. 2. A good leader is required, with effective communication and co-ordination skills, a broad knowledge, a flexible approach, and an enthusiasm and determination to synthesise and publish the results. 3. Careful site selection to provide potential answers to the original research questions. 4. Careful coring. 5. Reliable chronology. 6. Careful data-base storage of the primary and secondary data. 7. Clear presentation of the results on depth and age scales. 8. Numerical techniques to help summarise the major patterns ('signal') of variation in different data-sets and to test specific hypotheses about causes of observed changes. WHY DO WE NEED MULTI-PROXY STUDIES? Many factors can determine the composition and abundances of living communities and hence fossil assemblages. • environment (climate, soils, moisture, other abiotic variables, etc.) • biotic factors (competition, population dynamics, disease, predation, parasitism, etc.) • history (biogeography, disturbance, land-use, etc.) • interactions between factors • chance Interpretation of palaeoecological data Two major approaches 1. Descriptive – descriptive and narrative approaches. Hypothesis generation. 2. Causal – causes of observed changes or observed stability, analytical approach. Hypothesis testing. Descriptive approaches to interpretation Emphasis is on reconstruction 1. Past biota – what species were present in the past? 2. Past populations – what were the population sizes in the past? 3. Past communities – what communities or 'life assemblages' were present in the past? 4. Past landscapes – what was the past landscape and how did it vary in space and time? 5. Past environment – what was the environment at particular times in the past (e.g. climate, lakewater pH, etc.)? Reconstructions can be: • qualitative ('indicator species') or • quantitative (representation factors, multivariate data analysis, transfer functions) End results are descriptions of the basic data and narratives or reconstructions that are, in some way, derived from the basic data. Interpretation in terms of underlying causes What caused the observed changes in our fossil assemblages? Climate, land-use, biotic interactions, soil, pathogens, etc? Interested in causal underlying processes or 'forcing functions' for observed stratigraphical patterns. Usually there are two or more competing hypotheses to explain the observed patterns. Need at least three 'independent' proxies to resolve or test two competing hypotheses. Hence the value of multi-proxy studies. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Personal view: All started with H.E. Wright, Jr. 1966 Stratigraphy of lake sediment and the precision of the paleoclimatic record. In: World Climate 8000 to 0 BC. Royal Meteorological Society. Discussed multi-proxy studies in Minnesota & South Dakota (e.g. Kirchner Marsh, Jacobson Lake, Pickerel Lake), in New England (e.g. Linsley Pond), Europe (e.g. Esthwaite Water), & Iran (e.g. Lake Zeribar). Features of these pioneering early studies are: 1. Tested, using the palaeoecological record, ideas about lake ontogeny and biotic responses over time to external perturbations & internal processes 2. Studied relatively long time scales (e.g. Holocene) 3. Used selected taxa & proxies 4. No quantification 5. Provided elegant & carefully argued narratives 6. Invariably selective & perhaps only reported what 'fitted' the current paradigm (but not always!) We went to Minnesota in 1970 to work with Herb Wright at the Limnological Research Center (LRC), University of Minnesota. Hilary took up plant macrofossils, studied modern macrofossil representation in lakes, and did a multi-proxy study on the impacts of recent cultural eutrophication on 3 Minnesotan lakes. John did late-glacial pollen stratigraphy and acquired an interest in numerical methods from Ed Cushing and John Imbrie. Lake Itasca We also learnt how to use multi-items in coring with Herb Wright and how to survive (just!) In 1971 John went on a multi-proxy expedition to the Klutlan Glacier, Yukon Botany, glacial geology, geomorphology, soils, pollen, limnology, diatoms, cladocera, and philosophy of science In 1977 we met Brigitta Ammann at the INQUA Congress in Birmingham. We were introduced to her by Dan Livingstone from Duke University. During the Congress, we introduced Brigitta to Herb Wright. He was instantly thinking of projects in Minnesota that could bring Brigitta to the LRC! In 1985 John went to the International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP) 158B meeting in Switzerland led by Gerhard Lang There were many highlights, but the greatest was the day at Lobsigensee on the Swiss Plateau, the site of THE late-glacial multi-proxy study masterminded and led by Brigitta Ammann It was the major highpoint. Studied • pollen stratigraphy • algal & bacterial pigments • plant macrofossils • cladocera • beetles & trichoptera • chironomids • molluscs • stable isotopes • radiocarbon dating • diatoms & chrysophytes Some of the Lobsigensee team and other Swiss colleagues 1985 Major international effort – Switzerland, Germany, Poland, USA, UK, Canada Many major publications 1985 1999 1983 M.C. Escher "Sky and Water I" Our collaboration with the Bern group started in 1985 when we were held up below the Simplon Pass. Brigitta asked John if numerical methods could be used to analyse Swiss late-glacial pollen data. John was more interested in photographing Saxifraga cotyledon on the cliffs at the time and John fears that he rather rudely replied to Brigitta "of course" and then ignored her in preference to Saxifraga cotyledon! Saxifraga cotyledon Gerhard Lang and Brigitta Ammann invited John to Bern to give a course about numerical methods in Quaternary palaeoecology in 1988. The person who helped organise it was Andy Lotter, just about to go to Umeå as a post-doctoral fellow. From this, John's collaboration with Andy began but that is another story. Brigitta Ammann's Lobsigensee study inspired Hilary to initiate a late-glacial multi-proxy study at Kråkenes in western Norway Plant macrofossils, Salix herbacea stomatal density & CO2 concentrations, pollen, diatoms, chironomids, trichoptera, oribatid mites, cladocera, beetles, radiocarbon dating, sediment magnetics & lithology, etc. Birks, Hilary H. & Wright, Jr., H.E. 2000 Journal of Paleolimnology 23(1) 114 pp. Brigitta Ammann has always had a strong interest in biotic responses to environmental change This led to the so-called 'Rapid Warming Project' (Biotic responses to rapid climatic change around the Younger Dryas) where the oxygen isotope record was used as a record of climate 'forcing' against which the responses of various biotic proxies could be assessed. 2000 Gerzensee Birks & Ammann 2000 Birks & Ammann 2000 ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES Advantages 1. More proxies provide more 'degrees of freedom' or independent variables in data interpretation and hypothesis testing. 2. More proxies, more detail. Can lead to a more holistic view of the past ecosystem. 3. Least publishable unit (LPU) principle. Multi-proxy studies can, if you wish, provide many LPUs! 4. Careful and critical synthesis avoids LPU and library and information overload. 5. The synthesis of multi-proxy results in successful studies exceeds the sum of the component parts. Major challenge to provide a rigorous and critical synthesis. Disadvantages 1. Very time consuming. Many co-workers are essential. 2. Too much data. Major challenges in data storage, handling, display, analysis, interpretation, and synthesis. 3. Different proxies reflect environmental factors at a range of spatial scales and consequently show different strengths, weaknesses, and sensitivities in different ecological contexts. 4. Interpretation is a major challenge. Need to avoid the 'reinforcement syndrome' or to adopt a 'confirmatory' approach where data interpretation is forced to fit into a particular favoured paradigm or stratigraphical sequence of environmental changes. "It is infinitely more difficult, if not impossible, to prove that a given magnetic field behaviour has not taken place, than to 'show' it has occurred. Superimposed on this is an important human element: it is far more reasonable to generate the energy and the belief (? faith) required for publication of data confirming a discovery than to publish more negative data of a pedestrian nature. Thus the initial discovery is reinforced." Watkins 1971 Comments on Earth Sciences: Geophysics 2: 3643 An invidious effect of the reinforcement syndrome is so-called 'publication bias' where only confirmatory results are published, especially in so-called 'highimpact journals' and non-confirmatory results are published in other journals or, worst of all, are never published. Watkins (1971) proposed "it would be instructive to compile examples of other applications of this 'reinforcement syndrome' to see if there are any natural laws governing the blossoming or survival of possibly spurious, or at least partially correct, observations or ideas." Cycles or periodicities in the Holocene and the global extent of rapid 'events' in the early Holocene might be an interesting topic to develop Watkins' ideas. 5. Psychological beliefs that one type of proxy is, in some way, more reliable or more informative than another proxy record, lead to greater weight being given to some proxies than to others. Challenge to avoid the natural tendency to believe that one favoured proxy is, in some way, more reliable or more informative. 6. Major challenge to synthesise and write up a multi-proxy study. 7. Major challenge to publish large-ish papers in these times of LPUs. 8. To some, a disadvantage is no LPUs! PROBLEMS 1. Very demanding on material. Ideal to have one continuous large-diameter (10-11 cm) core with 2-6 m core tube length from which all the samples are done, ideally all at the same levels. Nesje (1992) 'hammer' corer used in up to 80 m water. 2. Coping with vast amounts of primary data. Need for a relational data-base – PALICLAS (Palaeoenvironmental Analysis of Italian Crater Lakes and Adriatic Sediments). Juggins 1996 PALICLAS data retrieval and manipulation Juggins 1996 3. Data display of different proxies analysed at different resolutions. Albano Core 94-1E Oldfield 1996 Albano Core 94-1E and Adriatic Core 92-43 Oldfield 1996 4. In data analysis, principle of the 'minimal adequate model' or Ockham's Razor is essential in model selection (principle of parsimony). Select the least complex model with the fewest parameters and hence with the largest number of degrees of freedom and maximum robustness. Not always popular with palaeoecologists who feel numerical results should be complex and precise! 5. Interpretation 'let the data speak for themselves'. Not easy with many proxies that no one person can interpret. Essential therefore to have an effective team of collaborators with a good, tolerant, wideranging, and efficient leader. 6. Multi-proxy studies are deceptively simple and highly seductive. They are a huge amount of work – never simple, full of surprises and shocks. Nature is rarely neat, tidy, or consistent. 7. Important, if the potential of multi-proxy studies is to be maximised, that the synthesis presents points of similarity and points of difference. Vastly more interesting to discuss apparent contradictions as these raise important questions about the proxies. Palaeoceanographers now recognise that different proxies (diatoms, planktonic foraminifera, benthic foraminifera, chemical ratios, stable isotopes, sediment grain-size) reflect different aspects of the ocean system in terms of stratification, currents, and rates of over turn. A similar approach could profitably be adopted in the interpretation of terrestrial multi-proxy data. 8. In Holocene palaeoclimatology, we may be at the limits of resolution and predictive abilities of our reconstruction methods. 9. Multi-proxy studies are not really safe science. 10. It is a challenge to improve on the classical pioneer studies or at least to argue as logically and as rigorously as they did. What are the research questions we are trying to answer, the hypotheses we are trying to test, and the limitations of our methods, tools and, approaches? FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Data-splitting as a means of testing palaeoecological hypotheses is becoming increasingly possible as studies are becoming more and more multi-proxy. Use one proxy (e.g. chironomids) to reconstruct mean July air temperature and then use this reconstruction to interpret another independent stratigraphical proxy (e.g. pollen). Two recent examples to illustrate this 'data-splitting' approach, both from palaeolimnology and looking at lake development in relation to catchment changes. Assessing potential 'drivers' on aquatic ecosystems. What determines changes in lake organisms and lake sediments? 1. External climate forcing functions 2. Catchment forcing functions 3. Lake as an isolated system that evolves through time with its own internal dynamics Birks et al. 2000 (a) Sägistalsee, Bernese Oberland, Swiss Alps Andy Lotter A.F. Lotter et al. 2003 J. Paleolimnology 30: 253-342 Age-depth model Lotter & Birks 2003 Wick et al. 2003 Wick et al. 2003 Heiri & Lotter 2003 Ideal study: 1. Critical ecological situation at tree-line today; sensitive to change 2. One core. Many proxies (pollen, macros, chironomids, cladocera, grain size, sediment magnetics, sediment geochemistry) 3. Well dated; 18 AMS 14C dates on terrestrial plant material 4. Well co-ordinated by A.F. Lotter 5. High quality data: No. of samples No. of taxa/variables Pollen 212 203 Plant macros 372 53 Chironomids 82 30 Cladocera 112 7 Geochemistry 176 14 Grain-size 294 6 Magnetics 504 5 Data-set 6. Consistent numerical methodology on all proxies 7. Numerical methods used to test hypotheses about the influence of climate and catchment processes on the aquatic ecosystem in the perspective of the Holocene time-scale. (Partial redundancy analysis with restricted Monte Carlo permutation tests) Of the catchment changes, the main ones appear to be the spread of Picea abies at about 6300 cal BP and Bronze Age and subsequent forest clearances and conversion to grazing pastures. 8. Split proxy data into one predictor variable (plant macrofossils as a reflection of catchment vegetation) and several response variables (pollen, cladocera, chironomids, sediment grain-size, geochemistry, magnetics) Predictor variables: Lotter & Birks 2003 Hypotheses tested: 1. Climate has had a significant control on lake ecosystem changes 2. Catchment vegetation has played significant role on lake changes "Responses" (proxies) Terrestrial Scale Climate a significant predictor? Catchment vegetation a significant predictor? Pollen Catchment & regional Y Y Lake biotic Chironomids Lake N Cladocera Lake N Lake abiotic Grain size Lake Magnetics Lake Geochemistry Lake * * Tested against insolation, central European cold phases, & Atlantic IRD record Y Y Y Y (Y) # # Veg phases: Betula-Pinus cembra; Alnus-Pinus cembra; Picea abies ~ 6300 cal BP; Pasture phases from Bronze Age to present (b) Dalland Sø, Funen, Denmark Dalland Sø, a small (15 ha), shallow (2.6 m) lowland eutrophic lake on the island of Funen, Denmark. Catchment (153 ha) today agriculture 77 ha built-up areas 41 ha woodland 32 ha wetlands 3 ha Nutrient rich – total P 65-120 mg l-1 Emily Bradshaw Bradshaw et al. 2005 The Holocene 15: 1152-1162 Map of Dalland Sø Multi-proxy study to assess role of potential external 'drivers' or forcing functions on changes in the lake ecosystem over the last 7000 yrs. Data: No. of samples 560 560 Transformation 560 Log (x + 1) 280 Log (x + 1) 90 118 118 None None None Biogenic silica 84 Not used Pediastrum % 90 None Zooplankton 31 Not used Sediment loss-on-ignition % Sediment dry mass accumulation rate Sediment minerogenic matter accumulation rate Plant macrofossil concentrations Pollen % Diatoms % Diatom inferred total P None Log (x + 1) Terrestrial landscape or catchment development Bradshaw et al. 2005 Aquatic ecosystem development Bradshaw et al. 2005 Detrended Correspondence Analysis of pollen and diatom data separately to summarise major underlying trends in both data sets Pollen – high scores for trees, low scores for light-demanding herbs and crops Bradshaw et al. 2005 Diatom - high scores mainly planktonic and large benthic types, low scores for Fragilaria spp. and eutrophic spp. (e.g. Cyclostephanos dubius) Major contrast between pollen and diatom samples before and after Late Bronze Age forest clearances on DCA axis 1 'Lake' Prior to clearance, lake experienced few impacts. After the clearance, lake heavily impacted. 'Catchment' Bradshaw et al. 2005 Canonical correspondence analysis Response variables - diatom taxa Predictor variables - pollen taxa, LOI, dry mass and minerogenic accumulation rates, plant macrofossils, Pediastrum Covariable - age 69 matching samples Partial CCA with age partialled out as a covariable. Makes interpretation of effects of predictors easier by removing temporal trends and temporal autocorrelation Partial CCA all variables- 18.4% of variation in diatom data explained by Poaceae pollen, Cannabistype pollen, and Daphnia ephippia. As different external factors may be important at different times, divided data into 50 overlapping data sets – sample 1-20, 2-21, 3-22, etc. Bradshaw et al. 2005 CCA of 50 subsets from bottom to top and % variance explained 1. 4520-1840 BC Poaceae is sole predictor variable (20-22% of diatom variance) 2. 3760-1310 BC LOI and Populus pollen (16-33%) 3. 3050-600 BC Betula, Ulmus, Populus, Fagus, Plantago, etc. (17-40%) i.e. in these early periods, diatom change influenced to some degree by external catchment processes and terrestrial vegetation change. 4. 2570 BC – 1260 AD Erosion indicators (charcoal, dry mass accumulation), retting indicator Linum capsules, Daphnia ephippia, Secale and Hordeum pollen (11-52%) i.e. changing water depth and catchment agricultural factors 5. 160 BC – 1900 AD Hordeum, Fagus, Cannabis pollen, Pediastrum boryanum, Nymphaea seeds (22-47%) i.e. nutrient enrichment as a result of retting hemp, also changes in water depth and water clarity Bradshaw et al. 2005 Strong link between inferred catchment change and within-lake development. Timing and magnitude are not always perfectly matched, e.g. transition to Medieval Period This type of 'data-splitting' provides a means of testing hypotheses about causal factors and of implementing Ed Deevey's (1969) brilliant idea of 'coaxing history to conduct experiments'. 'Using the geological record as an ecological laboratory' Flessa & Jackson, NRC 2005 OUR CONCLUDING TRIBUTE TO BRIGITTA AMMANN The basic idea of exploring and interpreting the palaeoecological record as a record of past ecological dynamics and as a means of understanding the biotic effects of past and future environmental change has, we believe, been the major vision behind so much of Brigitta Ammann's research and of her research group in Bern. Ecological palaeoecology par excellence Brigitta Ammann pioneered the first fully integrated detailed multi-proxy approach at Lobsigensee. She set new and very high analytical and intellectual standards in Quaternary palaeoecology. She changed the concept of a 'multi-proxy' study and the meaning of the word 'detail' in Quaternary palaeoecology by her Lobsigensee study. Fantastic developments and contributions in her own scientific career 2000 1989 1975 Brigitta Ammann has greatly influenced many people by her research, by her approach to science and to life, by her remarkable generosity, and by her helpfulness, loyalty, support, and encouragement. Outstanding scientists create subconsciously what Diane Crane (1972) calls an "invisible college" around them. What does the "invisible college" of Brigitta Ammann look like? Here is a very incomplete representation of Brigitta's "invisible college". Max Welten Gerhard Lang Dan Livingstone Knut Fægri Herb Wright, Jr Hilary and John Birks MarieJosé Gaillard Pim van der Knaap & Jacqueline van Leeuwen Willy Tinner Andy Lotter Lucia Wick and her very many colleagues, former students, and friends in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, and elsewhere that she has helped & influenced. Oliver Heiri Frank Oldfield WARMEST THANKS • Willy Tinner and Pim van der Knaap • Herb Wright and Andy Lotter • Saxifraga cotyledon • Rick Battarbee, John Smol, and John Anderson • Steve Juggins and Richard Telford • Cathy Jenks and, of course,