Division Archaea Also Known as Archaebacteria Typical conditions on Earth today are comfortable for Typical Life Forms Average Temperature −20 to 36°C (−4 to 97°F) Pressure - 1 atm (sea level) to 0.5 atm (5500m) Salinity - Oceans are 3.5% salt Acidity - Neutral (pure water) to slightly alkaline (sea water) Radiation - Low background: 0.003 Joules/kg/year Location - Land or Sea Introduction to Extremophiles What are they? Microbes that live where conditions are extremely harsh. Definition - Lover of extremes Extremophile archaea are members of 6 main physiological groups. Anaerobic Environments High Salt Environments Acid Environments Alkali Environments High Heat Environments Extreme Cold Environments General Characteristics of Archaea Unicellular Prokaryotes First appeared on Earth 3.5 GA, oldest living organisms on the planet. Many are Chemoautotrophic and are capable of producing foods from inorganic molecules such as ammonia or sulfur dioxide. The Archaea are Extremophiles The Extremophiles are found in extremely harsh environmental conditions. Life at High Temperatures Extremophiles Images from NASA, http://pds.jpl.nasa.gov/planets/ Methanogens (Anaerobes) Found in anaerobic environments Bacteria that produce methane (CH4) The methanogens are found in mud, swamps (methane is sometimes called “swamp gas”) and in the intestines of humans, cows, termites and other animals. Chemical Extremes Chemical Extremes Halophiles – “salt lovers” High Salt Environments – Natural salt lakes and manmade pools – Sometimes occurs with extreme alkalinity Alkaliphiles – “base lovers” Alkaline Environments pH 8 -14 Acidophiles – “acid-lovers” Acid Environments pH 1 - 6 Halophiles Halophiles are found in salt marshes, subterranean salt deposits, dry soils, salted meats, hypersaline seas, and salt evaporation pools. Live in water with 10x the salinity of the oceans Dead Sea & Great Salt Lake Extra ions reduce osmotic pressure, stopping desiccation Implications: Salt seas on the early Mars & presentday Europa? High salinity (too much salt) is bad for most organisms High osmotic pressure draws out water from the cells Inhibits Limits Protein Function the availability of oxygen for respiration Halophiles solar salterns, Owens Lake, Great Salt Lake The Red Sea was named after halobacterium that turns the water red during massive blooms. Facts The term “red herring” comes from the foul smell of salted meats that were spoiled by halophiles. Alkaliphiles ”base-lovers” pH 7.5 - 14 Some efficiently neutralize their cellular interiors Other alkaliphiles have evolved base-stable proteins. e.g. Mono Lake alkaline soda lake, pH 9 salinity 8% Acidophiles - “acid-lovers” pH 0 -6.5 Some efficiently neutralize their cellular interiors Other acidophiles have evolved acid-stable proteins. archaea recently discovered in a mine drainage system high in acids. Extreme Temperatures Extreme Temperatures – “heat and acid lovers” live in high temperature, acidic environments Thermoacidophiles – Thermal vents and hot springs – May go hand in hand with chemical extremes – “cold lovers” live in low temperature environments Psychrophiles – Arctic and Antarctic Why High temperatures are bad for most organisms Degrades chlorophyll, stopping photosynthesis Decreases the solubility of CO2 and O2 in water Denatures proteins, causing them to stop working Have proteins & enzymes that work at high temperatures Thermoacidophiles Obsidian Pool, Yellowstone National Park Temp. 230 °F Oceanic Hydrothermal Vents Temp. 480 °F Why Cold temperatures are bad for most organisms Freezing damages cells Increased viscosity, limiting mobility of nutrients & waste Proteins and enzymes get stiff, inhibiting their function Found in glaciers, arctic ice, snow, & soil, and deep oceans Flexible enzymes and protein antifreeze Psychrophiles Alan Hills Ice Field: Antarctica Some archaea have been found 2 miles deep in ice core samples Division Bacteria Includes Kingdom Monera Quick Review Remember from earlier this year that there are two broad categories of organisms: *Prokaryotes – have No membrane bound organelle *Eukaryotes – have membrane bound organelle General Characteristics Prokaryotes (No membrane-bound organelle) Prokaryotes have a single, naked chromosome Some Prokaryotes have Plasmids, circular DNA Unicellular (single-cell) Cell Walls can contain peptidoglycan, not cellulose First appeared approximately 3.5 GA Flagella, if present, made up of Flagellin. Flagella do NOT have a 9 + 2 Structure Typical Prokaryote Cell Structure Internal Structure: Bacteria have a very simple internal structure, and no membrane-bound organelles. Nucleoid DNA in the bacterial cell is generally confined to this central region. Though it isn't bounded by a membrane, it is visible. Ribosomes Ribosomes give the cytoplasm of bacteria a granular appearance in electron micrographs. Though smaller than the ribosomes in eukaryotic cells, they have a similar function in translating the genetic message in messenger RNA into the production of proteins. Storage granules Nutrients and reserves may be stored in the cytoplasm in the form of glycogen, lipids, and sugars. Endospore Some bacteria, like Clostridium botulinum, form spores that are highly resistant to drought, high temperature and other environmental hazards. Once the hazard is removed, the spore germinates to create a new population. Capsule This layer of polysaccharide (sometimes proteins) protects the bacterial cell and is often associated with pathogenic bacteria because it serves as a barrier against phagocytosis by white blood cells. Outer membrane (not shown) This lipid bilayer is found in Gram negative bacteria and is the source of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in these bacteria. LPS is toxic and turns on the immune system of , but not in Gram positive bacteria. Cell wall Composed of peptidoglycan (polysaccharides + protein), the cell wall maintains the overall shape of a bacterial cell. The three primary shapes in bacteria are coccus (spherical), bacillus (rod-shaped) and spirillum (spiral). Mycoplasma are bacteria that have no cell wall and therefore have no definite shape. Plasma membrane This is a lipid bilayer much like the cytoplasmic (plasma) membrane of other cells. There are numerous proteins moving within or upon this layer that are primarily responsible for transport of ions, nutrients and waste across the membrane. Pili These hollow, hairlike structures made of protein allow bacteria to attach to other cells. A specialized pilus, the sex pilus, allows the transfer from one bacterial cell to another. Pili (sing., pilus) are also called fimbriae (sing., fimbria). Flagella The purpose of flagella (sing., flagellum) is motility. Flagella are long appendages which rotate by means of a "motor" located just under the cytoplasmic membrane. Bacteria may have one, a few, or many flagella in different positions on the cell. Bacteria Escherichia coli E. coli Oxygen Preferences for Bacteria obligate aerobes must have oxygen obligate anaerobes cannot live in oxygen facultative anaerobes can grow with or without oxygen Nutrition Autotrophs- manufacture organic compound Photoautotrophs- use light energy H20 & CO2 Chemoautotrophs-use inorganic substances like H2S, NH3, and other nitrogen compounds Heterotrophs- obtain energy by consuming organic compounds – parasites- get energy from living organisms – saprobes (saprophytes)- get energy from dead, decaying matter; also called decomposers Endospores thick-walled structures that are highly resistant to harsh environmental conditions (high temperature, drying, oxygen, etc.); generally formed only by bacilli, and then each cell only forms one. endospore Locomotion (Methods of Movement) Bacterial Flagellum- lacks microtubules Classification Considerations Gram-staining characteristics Cell shapes and Groups Methods of obtaining energy Chemical Composition of the Cell Walls Gram Staining Gram-negative cells lack the ability to retain the deep violet dye because they have little, if any, peptidoglycan in their cell walls. Gram-positive cells have cell walls with large amounts of peptidoglycan which retain the deep violet dye and gives the cell a purple color. Gram Negative cell Gram Positive Cells Pink Purple Bacteria Photos E. coli Which of these cells are Gram +, Gram - ? Clostridium tetani Bacteria Photos Staphylococcus aureus Neisseria gonorrhoeae Cell Shapes and Groups Spherical-shaped cells Coccus (sng) , cocci (pl) A Group of Two is referred to as: Diplo…….. This is diplococccus A Cluster of cells is referred to as: Staphylo…. This is Staphylococcus What a slide of Typical coccus looks like in a microscope. Streptococcus aurelius Strep Throat Staph Infection Rod-shaped cells Bacillus (sng) , Bacilli (pl) Typical Bacillus Bacillus http://er1.org/docs/photos/Anthrax/bacillus%20anthracis%20-03.jpg Typical Bacillus in a Microscope Spiral-shaped cells Spirillum (sng) , Spirlli (pl) Spirochetes Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic autotrophs that produce carbohydrates and oxygen tend to cling together in filaments or colonies The “heterocysts contain enzymes that allow them to “fix” atmospheric nitrogen Filamentous: Chain of cells http://www.spea.indiana.edu/joneswi/e455/Anabaena.jpg Anabaena _ http://www.bio.mtu.edu/~jkoyadom/algae_webpage/ALGAL_IMAGES/cyanobacteria/Anabaena_jason_dbtow17 2016.jpg Some filamentous cyanobacteria have Heterocysts: which are Nitrogen-fixing structures http://www.people.vcu.edu/~elhaij/IntroBioinf/Scenarios/heterocyst2.JPG Oscillatoria http://botit.botany.wisc.edu:16080/images/130/Bacteria/Cyanobacteria/Oscillatoria/Oscillatoria_MC.jpg Nitrogen-fixation Some soil bacteria live in the ground and take in Nitrogen from the surroundings The Nitrogen is combined with oxygen to form nitrites and nitrates…. Plants use the nitrates and nitrites to make proteins…. (Grow !!) Denitrification Some soil bacteria break down the nitrogen compounds and release the nitrogen back into the environment. Life would not exist as we know it without Nitrogen-fixing and Denitrifying bacteria. Asexual Reproduction Binary Fission – cells grow in size the split in two…. Genetically identical Sexual Reproduction in Bacteria (methods of exchanging DNA) Conjugation Two bacteria join together and exchange portions of DNA Transformation DNA from the environment is simply taken in by a bacterium Transduction A virus obtains DNA from a host bacterium Virus Bacterium Beneficial Uses Chemical recyclers (Nitrogen Cycle) Used in the dairy industry to make cheese, yogurts and sour cream. Genetic Engineering of HGH, Insulin, Etc… Oil spill cleanup Synthesis of Vitamins in your intestines Symbiotic Relationships – E. coli in the intestines of mammals aid in digestion. Mutualism – some bacteria are parasites…. They live in a host and eventually overpopulate…. As they do they use the host’s food, water and eventually starve the tissues. Parasitism Antibiotics How Antibiotics Work Many Ways…. * Antibiotics can prevent bacteria from making new cell walls * Can disrupt Protein Synthesis * Disrupt many cell metabolic reactions Viruses (Virus?) Most viruses are “pathogens”. Pathogens are disease-causing agents and are harmful to living organisms. Virology is the study of viruses. A “Virologist” is a person who studies viruses. Viruses are not Living Organisms 1. They are not made of cells 2. They are not capable of carrying out any of the “life Functions” on their own such as….. 3. Reproduction, metabolic reactions, grow and develop and adapt. 4. Are only active inside living cells. 5. Require a “host” cell in order to reproduce. Viral History Dimitri Iwanowski (1892) – discovered the unssen, disease-causing agent in the filtrate of infected tobacco leaves was “filterable”. Martinus Beijerinck (1898) – coined the term “virus” (poison) and confirmed they are filterable. Wendell Stanley (1935) – isolated (with the advantage of the newly developed Electron Microscope) the particle causing tobacco mosaic disease. Discovered even though he could crystallize it, it would still destroy its host cells. The First Vaccination Dr. Edward Jenner's Inquiry, first published in 1798, reported how, over a period of years, he had noticed that an immunity to small pox was provided to anyone who had once contracted cow-pox. He decided to deliberately introduce cow-pox into a patient to see if the immunity could be artificially produced. Soon afterwards, he would again inoculate his patients, this time with live smallpox virus to see if the cow-pox had worked. A "healthy boy“, whom Jenner first vaccinated with virus from the dairymaid, proved Jenner's point by surviving repeated unsuccessful attempts to infect him with smallpox. Basic Viral Structures All viruses have A Nucleic acid core of DNA or RNA And a “capsid”. A capsid is a protective protein coat made of protein units called capsomeres. Some viruses also have An Envelope, which is a membrane-like structure outside the capsid that is usually made of lipids. Projections = protein containing sugar chains that attach the virus to the host cell. Viruses are 100’s to 1,000’s times smaller than bacteria Variations of the Virus Theme – RNA containing agents, smallest particles known which have the ability to replicate. Viroids destroy plants such as coconuts, oranges and potatoes. Viroids – small infectious protein particles which do not have a genome. Infections convert normal brain proteins into prions and normal functions stop. BSE, commonly known as Mad Cow Disease, is caused by prions. Prions HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Envelope Projections Capsid RNA (made up of capsomeres) http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/BIOBK/HIV.gif The T4 Bacteriophage is a virus that destroys (eats?) bacteria. Viruses Destroy cells. The Lytic Cycle is the step by step process by which a virus destroys a cell. The Lytic Cycle has 5 steps. a) Attachment- virus connects to host cell b) Entry-nucleic acid is inserted into host cell c) Replication-viral components are made d) Assembly-new viruses are assembled e) Release-host cell membranes are destroyed by viral enzymes. New viruses are released and free to destroy other cells. The Lytic Cycle Pathway of the T4 Bacteriophage 2. Entry-nucleic acid is inserted into host cell 3. Replication-viral components are made 4. Assembly-new viruses are assembled 1. Attachment: virus connects to host cell 5. Release-host cell membranes are destroyed by viral enzymes. New viruses are released and free to destroy other cells. The Lytic Cycle The Lysogenic Cycle Pathway A) Attachment-virus connects to host cell B) Injection-viral nucleic acid is inserted into host cell and is incorporated into the host cell’s DNA as a Prophage. It can remain dormant for days, months, or even years. C) Host cells replicates both the host cells DNA and the Prophage. D) The “new” host cells continue to survive. Lysogenic Cycle A) Attachmentvirus connects to host cell B) Injection-viral nucleic acid is inserted into host cell and is incorporated into the host cell’s DNA as a Prophage. It can remain dormant for days, months, or even years. C) Host cells replicates both the host cells DNA and the Prophage. D) The “new” host cells continue to survive. The Lysogenic Cycle Radiation or chemicals can cause the lysogenic cycle to change to the lytic cycle. The Retrovirus Pathway The retrovirus has “RNA” as its nucleic acid core, not DNA. Retroviruses contain an enzyme called reverse transcriptase. Reverse transcriptase converts RNA to DNA The viral DNA is then incorporated into the host cell’s DNA The Lytic Cycle can then take place. HIV is a Retrovirus. Examples of Viruses Colds Polio Herpes Chickenpox Rabies Warts Measles Mumps Ebola Smallpox Hepatitis Shingles SARS AIDS Hantavirus Flu West Nile Infectious Mononucleosis HIV Destroys the Human Immune System by destroying the White Blood cells. HIV is a retrovirus HIV uses the Lysogenic Pathway Spread of Viral Diseases is called transmission. Viral diseases can be transmitted or transferred by: 1. Direct contact- touch or bites 2. Indirect contact- contaminated food, drinks or air, or contact with objects that have viral particles on them…. Doorknobs, utensils, etc.. Viruses can also be spread by Vectors Vectors are “agents” which transfer viruses from one host to another. Examples of vectors include: Mosquitoes: Which carry yellow fever. Mammals: Which carry rabies. Rodents: Which carry hantavirus Humans: HIV, HCV many others…. Dual Host Viruses Dual host viruses are viruses that can exist in two very different host cell types. Example: Equine Encephalitis Horse Mosquito vector Humans Viral Specificity Most viruses require specific surface receptors in order to attach to host cells. They cannot infect any cell they cannot attach to. For example: Rabies infects and destroys nerve cells. Hepatitis infects and destroys liver cells. HIV infects and destroys T4 lymphocytes. Viral Disease Prevention Vaccines = the injection of materials that stimulate the immune system; many contain inactive or altered viruses Quarantine = the isolation of infected individuals, keeping them away from healthy individuals Vector Control = vaccinations of some vectors, and extermination of others Treatment of Viral Diseases Antiviral Drugs interfere with the the synthesis of viral parts during the lytic or lysogenic cycle. Antibiotics will NOT work against viruses. They can only be used to treat bacterial diseases. Virus Origins Probably de-evolved from the first cells The first viruses may have been naked bits of nucleic acid that could travel from cell to cell through damaged surfaces. Viral Classifications Viruses are grouped according to: whether they contain DNA or RNA their shape Whether or not they have a membrane the organisms they affect size etc……etc……etc………