The Wily Coyote Lecture Fires and Explosions CME 470 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 1 Caution! 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 2 Fire vs. Explosion • Fires: release energy slowly • Explosions: rapid release of energy 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 3 Fire or Explosion? 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 4 Fire Triangle Fuels •Solids: plastic, wood dust fiber, metal particles •Liquids: gasoline, acetone, ether, pentane •Vapors: acetylene, propane, CO, H2 Oxidizers •Solids: metal peroxides, ammonium nitrate Ignition sources •Sparks •Liquids: H2O2, nitric acid, perchloric acid •Flames •Vapors: O2, F2, Cl2 •heat 4/13/2015 •Static electricity Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 5 The Fire Triangle 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 6 Definitions • Combustion: chemical reaction in which fuel combines with oxidant and releases energy • Ignition: start of the burning process • Autoignition temperature: T such that mixture can self-ignite • Flash Point: lowest temperature at which the liquid will volatilize enough vapor to form an ignitable mixture 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 7 Definitions • Fire point: lowest T at which vapor above a liquid will burn • Flammability limits: burning occurs between LFL and UFL (LEL and UEL) • Explosion: rapid expansion of gases with fast pressure or shock wave • Mechanical Explosion: explosion due to vessel failure, high pressure non-reactive gas 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 8 Definitions • Deflagration: explosion with shock wave moving at a speed lower than speed of sound • Detonation: explosion with shock wave moving faster than speed of sound • Confined explosion: explosion inside vessel or building • Unconfined explosion: flammable gas spill 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 9 Definitions • Boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE): vessel containing liquid at T>Tb ; explosive vaporization of vessel contents • Dust explosion: rapid combustion of fine particles • Shock wave: pressure wave moving through a gas • Overpressure: P as f(shock wave) 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 10 Flammability Characteristics of Liquids and Gases • Liquids – use flash point temperature to characterize the fire and explosion hazards • FPT – determined in open-cup apparatus; open flame over liquid which is heated; closed-cup apparatus gives lower T 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 11 Flammability Characteristics of Liquids and Gases 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 12 Flammability Characteristics of Liquids and Gases 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 13 Flash Point • FP’s are tabulated • Multicomponent mixtures: one component is flammability and its characteristics are known • Estimate is based on the partial pressure of the flammable component 4/13/2015 2 TFP c c b exp Tb Tb a 2 1 exp c T b K. Satyanarayana, P. G. Rao, Improved equation to estimate flash points of organic compounds, J. Hazardous Materials, 32, 81-85 (1992). Coefficients tabulated for chemical groups. Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 14 Example 6-1. Flash point of MeOH solution 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 15 Saturation Vapor Pressure for Methanol 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 16 Concentration of Flammable Gas (vol%) 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 17 Vapor Flammability • LFLs and UFLs can be computed for mixtures using an equation by Le Chatelier LFLmix 4/13/2015 1 n yi i 1 LFLi Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 18 LFL = f(T, P) T 25 LFLT LFL25 1 0.75 H c UFLP UFL1 20.6 (log P 1) 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 19 Estimating LFL, UFL LFL 0.55 Cst UFL 3.50 Cst Cst is the volume % fuel in fuel plus air x Cm H x O y z O2 m CO2 H 2O 2 x y z m 4 2 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 20 Minimum Oxygen Concentration • LFL is based on fuel in air • A minimum oxygen level is needed to propagate a flame • Below the MOC, the flame cannot generate enough energy to heat the mixture for self-propagation • MOC is estimated using the stoichoimetry of the combustion and the LFL 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 21 Minimum Ignition Energies 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 22 Ignition Sources of Major Fires 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 23 Reaction and Pressure Fronts Propagating Through a Pipe 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 24 Test Apparatus for Acquiring Vapor Explosion Data 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 25 Typical Pressure Versus Time Data Obtained from Explosivity Apparatus 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 26 Pressure Rate and Maximum Explosion Pressure as a Function of Vapor Concentration 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 27 Typical Explosion Data Exhibiting the Cubic Law 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 28 Average Kg Values for Selected Gases 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 29 Average KSt Values for Selected Dusts 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 30 Effect of Initial Pressure on Maximum Explosion Pressure and Rate 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 31 Explosion Data for Propane Showing Peaks Indicative of the Onset of Detonation 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 32 Damage Produced by Overpressure 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 33 Correlation Between Overpressure and Scaled Distance, English Engineering Units 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 34 Correlation Between Overpressure and Scaled Distance, SI Units 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 35 Maximum Horizontal Range of Blast Fragments 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 36 Images from CASE STUDY: TNT 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 37 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene CAS Reg # 118-96-7 Formula: C7H5N3O6 Fw = 227.13 kg/kmol Names: TNT, Trotyl, Triton, … Density: 1654 kg/m3 Melting point: 80.35 C; boiling point: 295 C (decomposition) Solubility: 0.13g/L in water; soluble in ether, acetone, benzene, pyridine EU classification: explosive (E), toxic (T), environmental hazard (N) NFPA 704 TRINITROTOLUENE 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 38 background • Common explosive with convenient handling properties • C6H2(NO2)3CH3 • Standard measure of explosive strength • Synthesis: multi-step process. Nitration of toluene (nitric + sulfuric acid) to MNT/separation/nitration to DNT then nitration to TNT in anhydrous mixtures of nitric acid + oleum. NOX in feed nitric acid must be controlled to prevent oxidation of methyl group. • Stabilization: aqeous sodium sulfite to remove less stable isomers and other byproducts. Rinse water is a significant pollutant. 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 39 applications • Common explosive for military and industrial applications • Low sensitivity to shock & friction; ignition temperature is well above the melting point • Does not sorb water, relatively stable. • Block sizes: 0.25, 0.5 and 1 kg. • Synergistic blends with other exposives 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 40 Explosive characteristics •Explosives decompose to elements, stable molecules (mostly) without the aid of external oxidizing agents. •Exothermic, high activation energy •Carbon is a product, leading to sooty appearance of explosions •Ignition with a high velociy initiator or by concussion •Reference point – Figure of Insensitivity •The Figure of Insensitiveness is determined from impact testing, typically using a drop-weight tower. In this test, a small sample of the explosive is placed on a small steel anvil which is slotted into a recess in the base of the drop tower. A cylindrical, 1 kilogram steel weight (mounted inside a tube to accurately guide its descent to the impact point in the centre of the anvil) is then dropped onto the test specimen from a measured height. The specimen is monitored both during and after this process to determine whether initiation occurs. This test is repeated many times, varying the drop height according to a prescribed method. Various heights are used, starting with a small distance (e.g. 10 cm) and then progressively increasing it to as high as 3 metres. The series of drop heights and whether initiation occurred are analysed statistically to determine the drop height which has a 50% likelihood of initiating the explosives. The intention of these tests is to develop safety policies/rules which will govern the design, manufacturing, handling and storage of the explosive and any munitions containing it. 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 41 Energy content • 4.6 megajoules/kg (energy density) – Nuclear weapons are measured in megatons of TNT – Gunpowder: 3 MJ/kg – Dynamite: 7.5 MJ/kg – Gasoline: 47.2 MJ/kg (gas+O2=10.4 MJ/kg) 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 42 500 ton TNT explosion, 1965, Note white blast wave at water surface and condensate cloud caused by shock wave. 4/13/2015 Eric Grulke. fires & explosions. CME 470 43