UNIVERSITY OF IOANNINA / SCHOOL OF SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY / LABORATORY OF BIOCHEMISTRY ΕΠΙΔΡΑΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΜΗΧΑΝΙΚΗΣ ΤΑΣΗΣ ΣΤΗ ΒΙΟΣΥΝΘΕΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΦΩΣΦΑΤΙΔΥΛΟΧΟΛΙΝΗΣ ΣE ΠΝΕΥΜΟΝΟΚΥΤΤΑΡΑ ΤΥΠΟΥ ΙΙ The Effect of Mechanical Stretch on Biosynthesis of Phosphatidylcholine (PC) on Alveolar Type II Cells (ATII) Despoina Pantazi Chemist, MSc, PhD Staff of the UOI (IDAX) Laboratory of Biochemistry Synthesized by type II alveolar cells Consists of surfactant specific proteins and phospholipids (dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, PC) Reduces surface tension (prevents alveolar collapse during expiration) Exhibits host-defense properties ALVEOLAR TYPE II CELLS Surfactant is biosynthesized, organized and stored into various structures, such as lamellar bodies in alveolar type II (ΑΤΙΙ) cells. Under this form surfactant is secreted into the alveolar space through the formation of microvilli in the apical cell surface. Alveolar type II cell from human lung ATII Golgi LB Υπόφαση SER Orgeig S. Conference proceedings, Australian Frontiers, 31 July to 1 August 2003, Canberra Australia. EM of Lamellar Bodies and Tubular Myelin From J. Goerke, Pulmonary surfactant: functions and molecular composition Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1408 (1998) 79-89. Composition of human lung surfactant 90 % Phospholipids 68.0 % PC 10.0 % PG, 5.0 % PE 90 % Lipids 4.0 % Sph 10 % Neutral Lipids Hydrophilic proteins SP-A, SP-D (50 - 49 %) 10 % Proteins Hydrophobic SP-B, SP-C (1 %) Rooney S.A. 1985. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis., 131:439-460. DPPC Structure DPPC, the major lipid component of surfactant, is responsible for the equilibration of pressure in the alveoli. LUNG SURFACTANT HOMEOSTASIS Surfactant homeostasis is critical for lung function and is maintained through the balanced actions of biosynthesis, secretion, recycling and decomposition of its constituents Qualitative and quantitative alterations of surfactant composition are associated to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) MECHANICAL VENTILATION Mechanical ventilation is required for critically-ill patients However, it is established that certain modes of ventilation provoque inflammation not only in injured, but even in non-injured lung MECHANICAL FORCES Lung is subjected to mechanical forces continuously during development, normal breathing and mechanical ventilation The main forces are • Strain is more prominent in lung epithelium during breathing • Shear forces acts mainly on the vascular endothelium Cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, release of different inflammatory cytokines and factors are some of the stretchinduced responses in AT II cells Substantial evidence indicates that mechanical stress during respiration is the signal for lung surfactant secretion from AT-II cells AIM To investigate the effect of mechanical stimulation on phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis within AT-II cells - A549-cell line was used as a model for AT-II cells - A mode of static stretch was applied FLOW-CHART Force 35 g/cm2 for 1 & 4 h Cell Count A549 CELLS (~ 5% Deformation) Homogenisation 800xg, 10 min, 4 ºC Cell Homogenate Petriperm Plexiglass Pellet Protein Enzyme activities Enzyme expression Lipid analysis RESULTS EFFECT OF STRETCH ON PHOSPHATIDYLCHOLINE CONTENT (% Difference from Control) PC 40 PC 30 * 20 10 0 -10 -20 CONTROL STRETCH 1h STRETCH 4h After stretch for 1 h PC was increased by 22.9 %. At 4 h, PC declined to the control levels Control: unstretched cells; *: Statistical difference from the control Enzyme activities that implicated in production of PC CPT DPPC PC LPCAT PLA2 Lyso-- PC ΕΝZYMIC ACTIVITIES (1) 1. Final step of the de novo formation PC O-CO-R CDP-choline CMP O-CO-R R΄-OC-O HO ΟΗ Diacylglycerol (DAG) R: palmitate R’: unsaturated acyl chain CPT P-Cho Phosphatidylcholine (PC) BIOSYNTHESIS OF PC: CPT (% Difference from Control) CPT Activity 100 CPTCPT 80 * 60 40 20 0 -20 CONTROL STRETCH 1h STRETCH 4h -40 CPT activity was increased at 47 ± 9 % (p=0.037) after stretch for 1 h while after stretch for 4 h the enzyme activity recurred to the control levels. Control: unstretched cells; *: Statistical difference from the control ΕΝZYMIC ACTIVITIES (2) 2. Remodelling of PC for DPPC formation O-CO-R O-CO-R aiPLA2 R΄-OC-O HO P-Cho PCho Lyso-phosphatidylcholine (Lyso-PC) Phosphatidylcholine (PC) O-CO-R O-CO-R LPCAT R-OC-O HO PCho P-Cho palmitate (Lyso-PC) R: palmitate (DPPC) TOTAL ΕΝZYMIC ACTIVITIES: variations * 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 # ‡ * 2.5 aiPLA2 (nmol C12-NBD-FA/h/mg protein) CPT Activity (% Difference from Control) 3.0 ‡ Stretch 1 h Stretch 4 h - MJ33 + MJ33 2.0 # 1.5 # 1.0 0.5 0 Stretch 1h LPCAT activity (% Difference from Control) Control 45 * 40 35 Stretch 4h D * 30 25 20 aiPLA2 – 26 kDa 15 β-actin – 45 kDa 10 5 Hela 0 Stretch 1 h Stretch 4 h Control Stretch 1h Stretch 4 h RELATIVE GENE EXPRESSION Relative Gene Expression *‡ Control Stretch 1 h Stretch 4 h * * CHPT1 PRDX6 LPCAT1 IN CONCLUSION • Static stretch of A549 cells causes a transient increase in total phosphatidylcholine levels • The concomitant increase in CPT justifies this alteration • The enrichment of stretched cells in DPPC can be attributed to the concerted actions of aiPLA2 and, in particular, of LPCAT in which the expression is definitively increased • Our data suggest that in A549 cells mild static mechanical stretch promotes the biosynthesis of PC CONCLUSIONS - CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS Possible clinical implications of our findings A low level of stretch can induce surfactant production which can act in a protective way This phenomenon has a limited duration and the system equilibrates after 4 h. Probably, cyclic stretch could help in the further production Our results are compatible with previous work where PC was reduced after prolonged ventilation Future Studies - Perspectives Part I Signaling and regulation of surfactant biosynthesis under different stretching conditions Relevance of our findings with mechanical ventilation Instrumentation of Cyclic Stretcher Future Studies Part II Lipidomics is the detailed analysis and global characterization of the structure and function of lipids (the lipidome) within a living system The enrichment of the list of lipids with new structures from biological samples, and/or after the influence of various parameters probably will help to the understanding of mechanisms of lung diseases Lipidomic and further proteomic analysis of biological samples n (BAL, serum, etc) in the unit LC-LTQ-ORBITRAP-MS Department of Chemistry in UOI in LC- LTQ – ORBITRAP – MSn INSTRUMENTATION Solvent Platform Autosampler Pump When the HPLC system is connected to an MS detector, the components exit the LC column and travel through a red tubing to the MS detector. The LTQ Orbitrap features a rapid scan rate and high mass accuracy. Enables faster, more sensitive and more reliable detection and identification of compounds in low levels in complex mixtures. It outstands mass accuracy, mass resolution and reliable high sensitivity MSn performance. REFERENCES 1. Pantazi D., Nakos G., Kitsiouli E., Trangas T., Lekka M.E. 2011. Non-Injurious mechanical stretch induces phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis in alveolar type II cells. Under preparation. 2. Fisher, A.B., Dodia C. 1997. Role of acidic Ca2+ -independent phospholipase A2 in synthesis of lung dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell Mol. Physiol. 272:L238-L243. 3. Edwards Y.S. 2001. Stretch stimulation: its effect on alveolar type II cell function in the lung. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 129:245-260. 4. Torday J.S., Rehan V.K. 2002. Stretch-stimulated surfactant synthesis is coordinated by the paracrine actions of PTHP and leptin. Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell Mol. 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