Chapter Summary: The Big Picture (1) • Chapter foci: – Chemical bonds and ion gradients are cellular energy – Membrane transport proteins play a role in energy transduction – Energy transduction pathways in the chloroplast – Energy transduction in the mitochondria with an emphasis on glucose metabolism – Energy transduction in bacteria are diverse Chapter Summary: The Big Picture (2) • Section topics: – Cells store energy in many forms – Gradients across cellular membranes are essential for energy storage and conversion – Storage of light energy occurs in the chloroplast – Cells use a combination of channel, carrier, and pump proteins to transport small molecules across membranes – The first phase of glucose metabolism occurs in the cytosol – Aerobic respiration results in the complete oxidation of glucose Physiological status Source of energy loss Survival *Retain viability Repair damage to key macromolecules Maintenance *Sustain activity Repair/replace of cellular material Motility Inefficiency/heat generation Futile ion cycling Secretion Growth *Replication All of the above, and: Replication of cellular material logE survival: maintenance: growth 1:103:106 1-4 =100% efficient E: cellular energy supply Fs: substrate flux (FS), G'rxn: free energies for catabolism G'ATP: free energy for ATP synthesis ADP + Pi = ATP (60 kJ mol-1) -n: translocated H+ for ATP synthesis E < ME= inactivity or death ME: maintenance energy Cells store energy in many forms • Key Concepts (1): – Energy exists in three forms: kinetic, potential, and heat. – The laws of thermodynamics define the rules for energy transfer. – Cells remain alive by converting environmental energy sources into cell-accessible energy forms. – High-energy electrons and ion gradients are the most common forms of cellular energy storage. – The amount of energy in an ion gradient is expressed as an electrical potential. . Cells store energy in many forms • Key Concepts (1): – Cells remain alive by converting environmental energy sources into cell-accessible energy forms. . O2 CO2 H2O Cells store energy in many forms • Key Concepts (1): *High-energy electrons and ion gradients are the most common forms of cellular energy storage. *The amount of energy in an ion gradient is expressed as an electrical potential. . The laws of thermodynamics define the rules for energy transfer • H2S released through volcanic activity • H2S dissolves in H2O and reacts with metals to form precipitates • 2 S-2 + Fe+2 FeS2 (pyrite) • SO2-2 + Ca+2 CaSO4 (gypsum) Fats and polysaccharides are examples of long-term energy storage in cells High-energy electrons and ion gradients are examples of short-term potential energy How cells store potential energy with gradients ATP + H2O =ADP + Pi DGo’ =-30.5KJ/mole ADP + H2O= AMP + Pi DGo’ = -28.4KJ/mole • Cells couple energetically favorable and unfavorable reactions • Nucleotide triphosphates store energy for immediate use • The amount of potential energy stored in an ion gradient can be expressed as an electrical potential Gradients across cellular membranes are essential for energy storage and conversion • Key Concepts: – Membrane transport proteins are responsible for moving ions through the phsopholipid bilayer of cellular membranes. – Membrane transport proteins are organized into three groups: channels, carriers, and pumps. – All channels dissipate gradients, all pumps build gradients, and most carriers only dissipate gradients. Some carriers can build gradients as well, using indirect active transport. Phospholipid bilayers are semipermeable barriers Figure 10.01: Permeation of lipid bilayers by biologically important molecules. Protein channels, carriers, and pumps regulate transport of small molecules across membranes • Protein channels dissipate gradients Figure 10.02: Different views of a Cl- transporter. Note how several transmembrane alpha helices combine to form the pore, including the selectivity filter. Channel types Ligand-gated Voltage-gated Figure 10.03: Three methods for controlling the opening and closing of channels. Ca+2 channels are used as examples. Figure 10.04: Three models for how voltage across a membrane controls the shape of voltage-gated channels. Different types of K+ channels are shown as examples. Passive carrier proteins dissipate gradients Figure 10.05: A comparison of channel and carrier proteins. Figure 10.06: An example of a conformation change in a carrier protein. Symport and Antiport Figure 10.07: Some examples of Na+-dependent transporters. Energy-coupled carrier proteins (pumps) build gradients Direct active transport Figure 10.08: The relationship between direct and indirect active transport. Indirect active transport PUMPS, CHANNELS AND TRANSPORTERS Transporters Membrane Transporter Proteins: Classification Primary active transport: Transport depends on the energy from the hydrolysis of ATP Secondary active transport: Use of energy from a secondary diffusion gradient set up across the membrane using another ion. Because this secondary diffusion gradient initially established using an ion pump, as in primary active transport, the energy is ultimately derived from the same source-ATP hydrolysis. Membrane Transporter Proteins: Classification Facilitated diffusion: Transport from higher concentration to lower concentration. It does not require the expenditure of metabolic energy Channels Selective transport water or ions down their concentration or electric potential gradients Highly regulated Energetically favorable reaction A passageway across the membrane through which multiple water molecules or ions move simultaneously at a very rapid rate—up to 108 per second Transporters: Uniporters Transport is specific and saturable Facilitated “low resistance” diffusion: Down the concentration gradient Reversible Rate much higher than passive diffusion Transporters: Secondary transporters Couple the movement of one type of ion or molecule against its concentration gradient to the movement of a different ion or molecule down its concentration gradient Mediate coupled reactions in which an energetically unfavorable reaction coupled to energetically favorable reaction Transporters: Secondary transporters Catalyze “uphill” movement of certain molecules often referred to as “active transporters”, but unlike pumps, do not hydrolyze ATP (or any other molecule) during transport Pumps P, F, and V classes transport ions only, whereas the ABC superfamily class transports small molecules as well as ions. Pumps Use the energy of ATP hydrolysis to move ions or small molecules across a membrane against a chemical concentration gradient or electric potential. Overall reaction—ATP hydrolysis and the “uphill” movement of ions or small molecules—is energetically favorable Storage of light energy occurs in the chloroplast • Key Concepts (1): – Chloroplasts capture kinetic energy in photons of sunlight and convert it into an ion gradient and high energy electrons, which are stored on the electron carrier NADPH. – The machinery that converts sunlight into these energy forms is a cluster of proteins in the thylakoid membrane inside chloroplasts. Collectively, they are known as the thylakoid electron transport chain. Storage of light energy occurs in the chloroplast • Key Concepts (2): – The ion gradient energy is converted into ATP by an enzyme called ATP synthase. – The energy in ATP and NADPH is used to convert atmospheric CO2 into carbon-containing macromolecule called glyceraldehydes 3phosphate via set of chemical reactions called the Calvin cycle. Chloroplasts have three membrane-bound compartments Chloroplasts convert sunlight into the first forms of cellular energy • Light reactions - energy transduction reactions • Dark reactions - carbon assimilation reactions The energy transduction (light) reactions sunlight into stored potential convert energy The electron transport chain in the thylakoid membrane. The “Z” scheme The carbon assimilation (dark) reactions convert stored potential energy into macromolecules Figure 10.13: An overview of the Calvin cycle. Figure 10.14: The synthesis of glucose and sucrose from G3P in the cytosol. The carbon assimilation (dark) reactions convert stored potential energy into macromolecules The synthesis of glucose and sucrose from G3P in the cytosol. Cells use combination of channel, carrier, and pump proteins to transport small molecules across membranes • Key Concepts: – The majority of the macromolecules made by cells can serve as food energy for other cells. To access this energy, the chemical bonds holding these macromolecules must be broken. – In animals, macromolecules are broken into cellular building blocks (via digestion) in the extracellular space. – Cellular building blocks (e.g., glucose) are transported across the plasma membrane by an integrated system of channels, carriers, and pumps. leaky K+ channel, Na+/glucose symporter, and passive glucose carrier work together to move glucose from gut lumen to bloodstream Macromolecule Transport The cholera toxin: when things go wrong A with membrane function cholera toxin Lumen Gs Cytosol G protein 1.Cholera toxin subunit A crosses the membrane and activates a G protein A Lumen Cytosol Gs AC ATP cAMP 2. G protein activates adenyl cyclase to produce cAMP Lumen Cytosol K+ Cl- Na+ HCO3- 3. cAMP activates a Cl- channel. K+, Na+ Cl- and HCO3- are secreted to the intestinal lumen. The lumen osmotic pressures rises Lumen Cytosol K+ ClNa+ HCO3- water flow 4. A large osmotic pressure gradient is established between the cytosol and the lumen causing large amounts of water to go to the lumen. This produces diarrhea and dehydration Oral rehydration: Gatorade glucose Water flow Na+ Lumen Lumen Na+/glucose symporter Cytosol Cytosol 5. : The Na+/glucose symporter binds Na+ and glucose in the lumen and transports both to the cytosol. This increases the osmotic pressure in the cell making water return to cell by osmosis The first phase of glucose metabolism occurs in the cytosol • Key Concepts (1): – The steps taken to extract energy from glucose are very similar to the steps chloroplasts use to build glucose from G3P, only in reverse order. – The first 10 enzymatic steps in the digestion of glucose are called glycoslysis. The first phase of glucose metabolism occurs in the cytosol • Key Concepts (2): – The products of glycolysis include the molecule pyruvate, which must be metabolized to keep glycolysis from stalling. – In the absence of molecular oxygen (O2), pyruvate is metabolized by a process called fermentation. Two different methods of fermentation have evolved in different organisms. Glycolysis is subdivided into 3 stages • The 10 chemical reactions in glycolysis convert glucose into 2three-carbon compounds (pyruvate), two NADH molecules, and two ATP molecules In the absence of O2, pyruvate undergoes fermentation Figure 10.18: Three fates of pyruvate. In the absence of O2, pyruvate undergoes fermentation Figure 10.18: Three fates of pyruvate. Aerobic respiration results in the complete oxidation of glucose • Key Concepts (1): – The appearance of molecular oxygen in the atmosphere allowed some organisms to harness the strong electronegativity of oxygen atoms to extract 18-fold more ATP energy than glycolysis alone. – Aerobic respiration takes place in mitochondria, and occurs in four stages. – Stage one converts pyruvate into acetyl CoA, the substrate of a metabolic cycle called the Krebs cycle (stage two). – The Krebs cycle resembles the Calvin cycle run in reverse. Aerobic respiration results in the complete oxidation of glucose • Key Concepts (2): 5) During stage three, the high-energy electrons removed from pyruvate and acetyl CoA are passed through an electron transport chain in inner mitochondrial membrane, similar to thylakoids. At the end of the electron transport chain, the electrons are returned to oxygen atom to rebuild the water molecule that was oxidized at the beginning of photosynthesis, thereby completing the cyclic journey of electrons. 6) In stage four, the proton gradient formed by the electron transport chain is converted into ATP by and ATP synthase. Aerobic respiration occurs in 4 stages (1) • Stage 1: Pyruvate is transported into mitochondrial matrix and converted into acetyl CoA Aerobic respiration occurs in 4 stages (1) • Stage 2: Acetyl CoA is fully oxidized to CO2, GTP, and high-energy electron carriers Overview of mitochondrial respiration Yield of the glycolysis-aerobic metabolism pathway Aerobic respiration occurs in 4 stages (2) • Stage 3: The electron transport chain (ETC) uses high-energy electrons from NADH and FADH2 to build a proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane • Stage 4: The F1/Fo ATP synthase uses the proton gradient to make ATP ETC Figure 10.21: The mitochondrial electron transport chain. The redox potential of reactants indicates the energy level of the electrons moving through the mitochondrial electron transport chain. A model of the F1Fo ATPase. Final accounting of the ATP yield from aerobic metabolism One molecule of glucose oxidized by aerobic respiration yields the following: Glycolysis 2 ATP from substrate-level phosphorylation 2 NADH yields 6 ATP Transition Reaction 2 NADH yields 6 ATP by oxidative phosphorylation Citric Acid Cycle -2 ATP from substrate-level phosphorylation 6 NADH yields 18 ATP by oxidative phosphorylation 2 FADH2 yields 4 ATP by oxidative phosphorylation Total Theoretical Maximum Number of ATP Generated per Glucose : 38 ATP 4 from substrate-level phosphorylation; 34 from oxidative phosphorylation. In eukaryotic cells, the maximum yield of ATP generated per glucose is 36 to 38 depending on how the 2 NADH during glycolysis enter the mitochondria and whether the resulting yield is 2 or 3 ATP per NADH. Glycerol phosphate shuttle • In muscle and brain • Each NADH converted to FADH2 inside mitochondrion – Produces 2 ATP The life of aerobic organisms depends on primary energy transduction Diversity of bacterial respiratory complexes SUBSTRATES DEHYDROGENASES QH2 bc1 complex cyt c cyt aa3 Mitochondria bc1 complex bc1 complex cyt c cyt c cyt ba3 cyt caa3 cyt cbb3 T. thermophilus cyt bd cyt bd (II) cyt bo3 cyt bd V. cholerae E.coli Bacterial proteins can be used as models for eukaryotic proteins, since the prokaryotic proteins are simpler. Also, there are more molecular techniques that can be applied to prokaryotes. Bacterial Complex I: 12-16 subunits, 550 kDa. Core subunits are conserved. Mitochondrial complex I: 43 subunits > 900kDa AEROBIC AND AND ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION Fermentations in bacteria Examples of fermentation reactions