MS PowerPoint



B. Viswanathan

Calculated bond lengths R e

, harmonic force constants k e

,bond angle, Θ e and bending force constants, k


Molecule State



R e

(A o ) K e

(mdyne/A o )

Θ e

(deg) K


(mdyne/A o


X 1 Σ g

+ 1.14(1.16) 13.68(16.02) 180(180) 1.33




1 B




115(122) 1.39

Possible modes of activation of carbon dioxide

Radiochemical γ -radiation


• Chemical reduction

2Mg + CO2 → 2MgO + C

Sn + 2CO2 → SnO2 + 2CO

2Na + 2CO2 → Na2C2O4

• Thermo chemical


CO2 → CO + ½O2

T>900 ° C

• Photo chemical h ν


• Electrochemical eV

CO2 + xe- + xH+ → CO, HCOOH, (COOH)2

• Biochemical bacteria

CO2 + 4H2 → CH4 + 2H2O

• Biophotochemical h ν

CO2 + oxoglutaric acid → isocitric acid

• Photo electrochemical h ν

CO2 + 2e- + 2H+ → CO + H2O eV, semicond

• Bioelectrochemical enzyme

CO2 + oxoglutaric acid → isocitric acid eV, methylviologen

• Biophotoelectrochemical h ν . enzyme, p-1nP

CO2 → HCOOH eV, methylviologen

M. A. Scibioh & B. Viswanathan, Proc. Indn. Natl. Acad. Sci., 70 A (3), 2004.

Why only electrochemical and photo-electrochemical activation of carbon dioxide?

• One need to consider the bonding scheme of carbon dioxide and evaluate which mode of activation is feasible and possible

• Which site in the molecule has to be activated and why?

• What selectivity or product slate one wants?

• What is the basic difference between electrochemical activation and other modes of activation – if it exists?

• Do we need reduction alone or both reduction and decomposition if so how?

The energy level diagram for carbon dioxide

The points of relevance are:

The 2s orbital of oxygen with binding energy

-32.4 eV does not participate in bonding and still are lone pair states in oxygen of CO



The B E or C 2s and 2p states are -10.7 and

-19.4 eV while that of oxygen 2p states are at-15.9 eV.

This gives rise to 2σ and 2π bonds with non bonding states. Only considering the bonding states and designating them as 1σ

1π u g,

1σ u

, (-38 eV) 2 σ g,

,(17.5) 1π g


(-19.5) 2 σ u


In this scheme the bonding orbitals are

1σ g,

2 σ g,,

1σ u, and

1π u

2 σ u,

. and 1π

The non bonding states are g.

It is to be noted that the HOMO is a non bonding

π orbital. The bonding σ orbitals are deep lying.

Mostly the non bonding orbitals are frontier orbitals. Note the energy positions of each of the orbitals. The 2s orbital of oxygen is at -32.4 eV and hence deep down.


Selective Properties and Energy-Level Diagram for CO2

MO diagram for CO2

Selected properties of CO2

Point Group

Ground state

Boiling point( 0 C)



Bond length (Å)

Bond energy (eV)

Ionization potential (eV)

Electron affinity

IR data (cm -1 )

D α h

1 Σ g+


1 π g

2 π u

1.16 (C-O)




1320, 235, 668 M. A. Scibioh & B. Viswanathan, Proc. Indn. Natl. Acad. Sci., 70 A

(3), 2004. 407-462 .

Why combined mode of activation?

In the photochemical activation, one has to consider the optical excitation and the absorbance characteristics of the molecule and it is not favourble and hence it is directly may not be a solution at this time. Only energy transfer mechanism may be useful in this case and hence electrochemical means have to be combined with other means of activation .

What are the options of electrochemical activation


Electrochemical activation implies another variable namely potential. The application of potential( or in reality the field strength) can distort the PE diagram of the molecule and hence activation is possible.


The simultaneous presence of species like Hydroxyl can give rise to reduction, essentially the reduction process is favourable in electrochemical sense and hence the issue of selectivity does not arise.


Molecular activation of CO

2 or bond activation can also be influenced by the field strength


Do we have enough knowledge on the reduction of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis if so how much one can mimic the same.

Interaction of CO2 with Transition Metal Centers

Reactive positions of CO2 molecule & electronic properties of a transition metal centre required for complexation

Structural types of metal–CO2 complexes

Orbital overlapping & electrostatic interaction of coordination modes of CO2

M. A. Scibioh & B. Viswanathan

Proc. Indn. Natl. Acad. Sci., 70 A (3), 2004

Electrochemical Reduction of CO2

M. A. Scibioh & B. Viswanathan, Proc. Indian. Natl. Acad. Sci., 70 A (3), 2004.

CO2 electro-reduction on sp group metal electrodes

M. Jitaru, J. Appl. Elec.Chem 27 (1997) 875

Periodic table for CO2 reduction products

At –2.2 V /SCE in low temperature, 0.05 M KHCO3 solution

Y Hori et al., J Chem Soc Chem Commun (1987) 728

Summary of Metal Cathodes Employed for Electroreduction of CO2

M. A. Scibioh & B. Viswanathan,

Proc. Indian. Natl. Acad. Sci., 70 A (3), 2004

Electro-catalytic Reduction of CO2

(a) Molecular electro-catalysts in solution; (b) Cathodic materials modified by surface deposition of molecular electro-catalysts

M. A. Scibioh & B. Viswanathan, Proc. Indian. Natl.

Acad. Sci., 70 A (3), 2004.

Photoreduction of CO2

Energy band modes of an n-type semiconductor with a Schottky-type barrier

( a) band–band transition;

(b) surface state population transition. Vs and Vs0, surface potential difference; CB, conduction band;

VB, valence band; Et, surface state level; EF, Fermi level.

Pd/RuO2/TiO2 photoreduction of CO2

T.Xie, Mater Chem Phy 70 (2001) 103

Photoreduction of CO2 - Perception

Unsolved Problems!

TON (mol reduction product of CO2 / mol catalyst) are still low

• Efficiencies of the reactions is unsatisfactory-both the amount of reduction products of

CO2 (usually C1 products) & oxidation products of the sacrificial donor

• The tuning of the single components w.r.t. their redox potentials, life times and selectivity is not well understood.

• Necessary to device systems which do not require sacrificial donors light energy is also used for degradation of sacrificial donors, influencing the energy balance of the reactions unfavorably

• Macrocyclic complexes of transition metal ions- satisfy the requirements of a useful relay. They may play a dual role as a catalysts and relays

• Even with transition metal complexes – Reduction products have not been of great economic value (usually only C1 products)

• Multicomponent systems containing photoactive center, electron relays and/or molecular electrocatalysts in addition to possible microheterogeneous systems will be discovered


Appealing Approach!

An important energy input contribution from light might be expected, thus diminishing electricity consumption

An Example


J.P. Collin & J.P. Sauvage, Coord. Chem. Rev. 93 (1989) 245

CO2 Activation by Metal Complexes- Perception

Binding of CO2 to a metal centre leads to a net electron transfer from metal to

LUMO of CO2 & thus leads to its activation.

Hence, coordinated CO2 undergoes reactions that are impossible for free CO2.

Many stoichiometric & most catalytic reactions involving CO2 activation proceed via formal insertion of CO2 into highly reactive M–E bonds → formation of new C–E bonds.

These reactions might not necessarily require strong coordination of CO2 as in stable complexes, but are generally initiated by nucleophilic attack of E at Lewis acidic carbon atom of CO2.

Weak interaction between the metal & the lone pairs of one oxygen atom of CO2 may play a role in supporting the insertion process.

Although we are more knowledgeable about CO2 activation, the effective activation of

CO2 by transition metal complexes is still a goal!

Direct photoreduction of CO2

At the surface of semiconducting materials; p-Si, p-CdTe, p-InP, pGaP, n-GaAs

Three principles of photocatalytic cycles of CO2 reduction

Some concepts at this stage


• Electrochemical activation is possible but being a gas under normal conditions the yields and selectivity depend on potential nature of electrode and medium that can be employed.

• Direct photochemical activation may be possible but cannot be selective

• Photo-electrochemical can be one of the choices now on hand to activate carbon dioxide

Do you have any challenges to pose!
