รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร อรพิน เกิดชูช่ ืน รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร ณัฎฐา เลาหกุลจิตต์ School of Bioresources and Technology King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi , Bangkok Introduction Aromatic and medicinal plants are important for pharmaceutical, food and fragrance industries although they contain a small fraction of volatile oil. Essential oils are interested in aromatherapy for healing, cleansing, preservative, and mood-elevating attributes. Essential oils refer to the subtle, aromatic and volatile liquids extracted from the flowers, seeds, leaves, stems, bark and roots of herbs, bushes, shrubs and trees . Chemically, in the essential oils that can derived to primarily composed of mono- and sesquiterpenes and aromatic etc. Essential oils found in 108 families and > 2000 species. Gramineae Labiatae Lauraceae Myrtaceae Oleaceae Pinaceae Rosaceae Rutaceae Santalaceae Umbelliferae http://www.nazflora.org/Dicots.htm Umbelliferae Eryngium foetidum (ผักชีฝรั่ ง) Centella asiatica Angelica acutiloba Carum carvi (ตังกุย) (หอมป้อม) Apium graveolen Cuminum cyminum (คื่นช่ าย) (ยี่หร่ า) Foeniculum vulgare Coriandrum sativum (ผักชีล้อม ) (บัวบก) (ผักชี) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umbelliferae Coriander Kingdom: Plantae Family: Umbelliferae Genus: Coriandrum Species: C. sativum Binomial name: Coriandrum sativum All parts of the plant are edible used in cooking. seeds are used a carminative and a digestive aid the relief of anxiety and insomnia in Iran It helps to detoxify the body and to stimulate the spleen. Coriander oil has a sweet, spicy, warm smell, is nearly colorless to pale yellow and has a watery viscosity. The therapeutic properties of coriander oil are analgesic, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, carminative, depurative, deodorant, digestive, carminative, fungicidal, lipolytic, stimulant and stomachic. Commercial Used Pharmaceutical Beverages Aromatherapy Candy Lotions & Cream Meat sauce Alcoholic Herrero et al., 2010 Chemical composition of essential oil from Coriander . 53 compounds are detected Essential oils Compound γ-Terpinene γ-Terpinene β-Pinene β-Myrcene m-Cymene Limonene Linalool Linalool Citronellal Borneol Composition (%) 14,42 (14.42%) 1,82 0.55 1.27 .0.4 (37.65%) 37,65 1.96 0.32 Terpinyl acetate 0.31 Citronellol Citral Geraniol 1.31 1.36 1.87 Composition (%) Eugenol 0.9 Undecanal 0.58 Myrtenyl acetate 0.43 Citronellyl acetate 1,36 Geranyl acetate (17.57%) Geranyl acetate 17,57 Caryophyllene 0.33 Curcumene 0.98 α-Cedrene (3.87%) α-Cedrene 3,87 α-Farnesene 1.22 β-Bisabolene 0.8 β-Sesquiphellandrene 1.56 Others 7.16 Essential oils compound Bhuiyan, et.al., 2009 Chemistry of essential oils The complicated volatile compounds in essential oil could be divided into 4 groups: Aliphatic compound Benzene derivatives Terpene derivatives Others compound http://www.wikipedia.org/ In aliphatic compounds, carbon atoms can be joined together in straight chains, branched chains, or non-aromatic rings • Aliphatic Alcohol cis-3-hexen-1-ol cis-2-hexen-1-ol 1-octen-3-ol • Aliphatic aldehydes n-octanal trans-2-hexanal http://isostar.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/html/classes/Ligand_Acyclic_links_O_C_H_only.html • Aliphatic ketones 3-hydroxy-2-butanone (acetoin) diacetyl (2,3-butanedione) • Aliphatic esters C6 alcohol-acetate : fruity notes C8-12 acetate : blossom fragrance C12 : conifer notes acetate-ester : fatty-soapy odour Ethyl acetate Benzyl acetate Linalyl acetate http://isostar.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/html/classes/Ligand_Acyclic_links_O_C_H_only.html Benzene is an organic chemical compound with the molecular formula (C6H6 ) n Benzene is an aromatic hydrocarbon, a cyclic hydrocarbon with a continuous pi bond 1. Hydrocarbon 2. Benzenoid alcohol Cinnamic-alcohol Cinnamaldehyde Phenylacetaldehyde http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzene 3. Benzenoid ketone 4. Ester of aromatic alcohols and aliphatic acids Benzylacetate Benzyl benzoate Phenylethyl acetate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzene Terpenes are derived biosynthetically from units of isoprene, which has the molecular formula (C5H8 ) n. That may be classified by the number of terpene units in the molecule. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terpene the molecular formula C10H16. Monoterpenes may be linear (acyclic) or contain rings. Acyclic Mycrene Monocyclic Menthol Bicyclic Camphor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terpene The molecular formula C15H24. Like monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes may be acyclic or contain rings, including many unique combinations. Acyclic Farnesene Monocyclic Humulene Bicyclic Vetivazulene Tricyclic Longifolene http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terpene Diterpenes are composed for four isoprene units and have the molecular formula C20H32 Retinol : Triterpenes consist of six isoprene units and have the molecular formula C30H48 Lanosterol : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terpene http://www.wikipedia.org/ The volatile oil composition may change from the natural odor depending on the extraction method (Anitescu et al, 1997). Compositions Hydrodistillation Ethanol supercritical carbon dioxide Linalool Terpinene Camphor Limonene α-pinene γ-terpinene C-terpinene Coumarins Geraniol Geranyl acetate Phenylpropanoids P-cymene Myrcene Terpenolene Camphene Terpinolene α- terpineol Trans-sabinene hydrate Citronello n - Octanol The volatile oil composition may change from the natural odor depending on the extraction method Anitescu et al, 1997 Plant extracts Production Methods Final products notes Enfleurage Enfleurage absolutes Suitable for extracts flavor of flowers Essential oils Need a high energy, suitable for extracts citrus peel, low yield Expression Concrete (crude extracts) Solvent extraction a waxy, semisolid, dark-colored material free from the original solvent Easy, simple, low energy Absolutes Free from wax and resinoids Essential oils Steam/hydro distillation concentrate hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds and rich of bioactive compounds (aliphatic, terpene, benzene, others) High yield compared with expression Extraction Flavor + fragrance ที่สกัดจากพืช เรียก “pomades, concretes, absolutes, resinoids or tincture 1. Pomades ประกอบด้ วยไขมันที่มีสารให้ กลิ่นหอมอยู่ เตรียมโดยวิธี hot or cold enfleurage จากดอกไม้ - Hot enfleurage วิธีเก่ าแก่ ในการเก็บรักษากลิ่นหอม โดยนาดอกไม้ หรือส่ วนต่ างๆ ของพืช จุ่มใน wax เหลว + ร้ อน - Cold enfleurage ใช้ ไขมันเป็ นตัว adsorp volatile component ที่ ปล่ อยจากดอกไม้ โดยเอาดอกไม้ สดใส่ ไว้ ในชัน้ ไขมัน ซึ่งไขมัน ประกอบด้ วย lard + beef tallow ซึ่ง spread บนกระจกแก้ วในภาชนะ ปิ ด เป็ นวิธีใช้ แทนการสกัดด้ วย solvent 2. Concretes สกัดส่ วนต่ างๆ ของพืช ด้ วย solvent ชนิด non polar solvent (toluene, hexane, petroleum ether) เมื่อระเหยส่ วนที่เหลือจะมี volatile fragrance + non volatile รวมทัง้ wax cpds. Concrete มีลักษณะเหมือน pomades ไม่ ละลายใน alc ... มีข้อจากัดในการนามาใช้ perfume แต่ ใช้ ให้ กลิ่นสบู่ Concrete สกัดมาจากดอกไม้ (กุหลาบ มะลิ เป็ นต้ น) ส่ วนตางๆ ของพืช (lavender, violet leaf เป็ นต้ น) 3. Absolutes เตรี ยมจาก concrete ละลายใน ethanol ตกตะกอนที่ temp ต่า กรอง ระเหย EtOH ออก wax – free เรี ยก absolute ... ละลายได้ ใน EtOH ใช้ perfume ingredients 4. Resinoids เตรี ยมจากยางไม้ (plant exudates) สกัดด้ วย solvent เช่ น methanol, EtOH, Toluene yield 50 – 95% product เหนียว ทาเจือจางเติม phthalates หรื อ benzyl benzoate เพื่อปรั บปรุ งคุณสมบัตกิ ารไหล และการนาไปใช้ resinoid ประกอบด้ วย nonvolatile + resinoid cpds. ต่ างจาก oleoresin ซึ่งได้ จาก pepper, ginger, vanilla oleoresins ใช้ solvent สกัดจาก spices solvent ที่ใช้ ขึน้ กับชนิด spices หรื อ supercritical CO2 เป็ นตัวสกัด pepper + ginger oleoresins มี volatile aroma + pungency 5. Tinctures เป็ นสารที่ละลายใน alc. เตรี ยมโดย Treat natural raw material ด้ วย ethanol ผสม กับนา้ ซึ่ง solvent เหล่ านีส้ ามารถละลายสารที่สกัดได้ จากพืชชนิดต่ างๆ Tinctures บางครั ง้ เรี ยกว่ า Infusion Extraction methods Expression Distillation -Hydrodistillation -Steam distillation - Simultaneous distillation extraction - Vacuum distillation Solvent extraction - Enflurage - Liquid-liquid extraction - Soild-liquid extraction - Supercritical fluid extraction http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essential_oil#Production 1. Expression Advantage - Low cost - simple Disadvantage - High energy - Long time http://www.weloveshopping.com/template/e1/showproduct.php?shopid=221389&productid=CHH8 2. Distillation Distillation is a method of separating mixtures based on differences in their volatilities in a boiling liquid mixture. Distillation is a unit operation, or a physical separation process, and not a chemical reaction. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distillation Hydrodistillation • Traditional method of extraction Advantage -Easy separation Disadvantage - Combustion of the sample - Degradation of volatile compound http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distillation#Hydrodistillation Steam distillation • distilling compounds which are heat-sensitive Advantage - Easy separation - Easy operation Disadvantage - Degradation of some analytes - Sample impurities -Expensive equipment http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distillation#Steam_distillation Simultaneous distillation extraction (SDE) Advantage - Semi-volatile and heatstable component - High recovery - rapid Disadvantage - concrete - Degradation of volatile compound - Thermal degradation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distillation Vacuum distillation •low temperature distillation •Principle: pressure above mixture is reduced to less than its vapor pressure Advantage Disadvantage - Prevention degradation - Use strong instrument - Expensive - Weak volatiles http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_distillation 3. Solvent extraction Enfleurage • Enfleurage uses odorless fats that are solid at room temperature Advantage • simple •Suitable for flower extraction Disadvantage * long time of extraction * Not use a wide range of material http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enfleurage Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) Partition Extraction of a substance with different densities Advantage - Easy to separate - Extractions normally performed at room temperature Disadvantage - Large volumes of organic solvents http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid-liquid_extraction Soild-liquid extraction •Base on like dissolve like •Use solvent to separate desired compound from solid sample Advantage - Analyze in one extraction step Disadvantage - Loss of certain compounds - The time for an average Soxhlet extraction ranges from 1 to 72 h. Soxhlet extractor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) Supercritical fluids provide a higher solubility of the components of the volatile oil, as well as improved masstransfer rates. Moreover, the manipulation of parameters as temperature and pressure leads to the extraction of different components. Reverchon and De Marco, 2006 Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) - Dense gases - Critical temperature & pressure - Resemble both liquids & gases Critical properties of various solvents Solvent Molecular Critical weight temperature g/mol ˚C Critical pressure Bar Critical density g/cm3 Carbon dioxide (CO2) 44.01 30.95 73.77 0.469 Water (H2O) 18.015 373.946 220.65 0.322 Methane (CH4) Ethane (C2H6) 16.04 30.07 -82.75 32.15 46 48.7 0.162 0.203 Propane (C3H8) 44.09 96.65 42.5 0.217 Ethylene (C2H4) 28.05 9.25 50.4 0.215 Propylene (C3H6) 42.08 91.75 46.0 0.232 Methanol (CH3OH) 32.04 239.45 80.9 0.272 Ethanol (C2H5OH) 46.07 240.75 61.4 0.276 Acetone (C3H6O) 58.08 234.95 47.0 0.278 Reid et al., 1987 Super Critical CO2 Extraction DISADVANTAGE Boiling point, Artifact formation partial loss of extracted volatiles ADVANTAGES Easy to remove, Not harmful, odorless, tasteless, non flammable, Inexpensive in high purity, moderate condition = 310C 74 bar , no degradation ---->labile flavor compounds selectivity, aroma & flavor-->resemblance to original material SOLUBILITY UNDER LIQUID CO2 1. MW < 500 daltons 2. Low - medium MW of halocarbon, aldehyde, keton, ester, alcohol, ether 3. Low MW , non polar, aliphatic hydrocarbons -- 20 carbons 4. Polar organic -- low solubility 5. Polar groups -- OH, COOH, N decrease solubility 6. Chorophyll, carotenoids, amino acid, fruit acid --->insoluble 7. Alkaloids, phenols, aniline compounds ----> poor solubility The application of liquid CO2 HOP, OLEORESIN, Basils, VANILLA, ONION OIL, CITRUS OIL, APPLE JUICE, PEAR, COFFEE, ORANGE, Coliander FLAVOR, FRAGRANCE, AND COLORANTS CONCERN HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT Consumer demand, new, improved, natural, high quality SUPERCRITICAL REGION TOTAL EXTRACTION FRACTIONATION Pressure (bar) SUPERCRITICAL REGION SOLID LIQUID TRIPLE POINT CRITICAL POINT DEODERIZATION Pc = 73.8 bar Tc = 31.1 ˚c GAS Temperature (˚c) Laohakunjit .,2010 Factor affecting on quality of extract by SFE Temperature Pressure Particle size Time Pourmortazavi et al., 2007 and Bensebia et al., 2009 2. Continuous Solvent Extraction Condenser Beverage sample Solvent (Ether) Water Bath Holes at the bottom of the tube Persicaria odorata Author Zheng, and Wang (2001) Method of extraction extracted with 15 mL of phosphate buffer (75 mM, pH 7.0) Starkenmann, et al Hydrodistillation (2006) Nanasombat And Teckchuen (2009) Common name : Vietnamese coriander Thai name : Pak-Paeow Family : Polygonaceae Usually use for culinary herbs Methanol extract Type of extracts Result Crude extract has a total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of 3.09± 0.12 and 22.30±0.68 respectively Essential oil The Persicaria odorata has a strong coriander leaf odor due to it’s high content aliphatic aldehydes. Crude extract Polygonum odoratum or Persicaria odorata has an antimicrobial activity against Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Staphylococcus aureus, Yersinia enterocolitica And also has an antioxidant activity, and Total phenolics compounds of 315.4 ± 18.8 and 52.0 ± 0.0 (µg Gallic Acid Equivalents (GAE)/mg dry extract) Suaeda maritima Common name : Annual sea blite Thai name : Cha-kram Family : Amaranthaceae Include in halophyte plant group Salt content in the tissues is very high -> can act as antimicrobial agent Author Agoramoorthy, et al.(2008) Method of extraction Type of extracts Result Total phenolic of 23.5 ± 4.2 µg/mL Whole Dry plant Whole dry plant Kumar, et al. (2009) Methanol extract Crude extract Show inhibition activity against Bacillus cereus, Bacillus megaterium and Streptococcus lactis Bobbarala, et al. (2009) Solvent (methanol) extraction with soxhlet apparatus Crude extract Show an antifungal activity and MIC value of 10-20 and ± 80 µmg/ml Wannu, et al. (2010). Solvent extraction (petroleum ether and ethanol) Crude extract Could inhibit the growth of bacterial strains; B. cereus, L. mesenteroid, L. plantarum and S. aureus which their inhibition zone were 13.25, 16.00, 19.55 and 15.65 mm, respectively. Radical scavenging activity >250 (3343.0 ± 902.8) µg/mL Method of extraction Author The highest antioxidant activity was detected in G. inodorum, followed by P. sarmentosum and M. arvensis, respectively. Methanol extrcation Crude extract in sohxlet apparatus Piper sarmentosum showed anti bacterial activity against S.aureus al. Methanol extract, for Crude extract 24 h The study demonstrated the efficacy of Piper sarmentosum, P. argyrophillum, P. longum, P. betle as a antiinflammatory agents Zaidan, et al (2005) et Common name : Wild betel Thai name : Cha-plu Family : Piperaceae Culinary and medicine herbs Type of Result extracts Crude extract Chanwitheesuk, et al. Methanol extraction (2005) Vagashiya, (2007) Piper sarmentosum Chieng, et al. (2008) Hydrodistillation Essential oil Essential oil has an antitermite activity against larvae of Artemia salina Taweechaisupapong, et al. (2010). Hydrodistillation and Essential oil and concretes ethanol extract Piper sarmentosum ethanol extract has only antifungal activity for C.albicans MBC of Piper sarmentosum against A. actinomycetemcomitans and C.albicans are 2.5 and 1.25 mg/ml respectively. Kondo, et al. (2010). Ethanol and water Crude extraction extraction (maseration) Piper sarmentosum ethanol extract has antibacterial activity against Vibrios and Shigella with the MIC value 0.625->5 and >5 mg/ml respectively. Application of essential oil in chicken meat Several type of plant has been use for preservatives in chicken meat Research Lemay, et al (2002) Oral, et al (2009) Type of plant extract Mustard oil Oregano essential oil Purpose of use Antibacterial agents in raw chicken meat against Eschericia coli, Brochothrix thermosphacta, Lactobacillus alimentarius Antibacterial agents against Psychrotrops bacteria, Lactic Acid Bacteria, Yeast, Pseudomonas enterobactericeae Irkin and Esme (2009) bay leaf (Laurus mobilis L.) essential oil (0.5% v/w) with modified atmosphere (MAP) (20%CO2/80%N2) and vacuum packaging stored at 4°C To control Listeria monocytogenes and Eschericia coli ground chicken breast meat Giatrakou, et al (2010) Chitosan and Thyme oil Preservatives on ready to cook chicken product Fratianni, et al. (2010) Thyme and Balm oil Preservatives on chicken breast meat Rattanachaikunsopon and Phumkhachorn (2010) Coriandrum sativum oil in various concentrations (0.1, 0.25, and 0.5%) To controlling Campylobacter jejuni in raw meat in various storage temperatures No report about the application of essential oil or plant extract from Vietnamese coriander, annual sea blite and wild betel Extraction process Sample preparation Solvent Extraction Hydrodistillation Dry sample Fresh sample Time : 500 gr : 1000 gr : 24 h. Dry sample : 20 gr Composition : (1:2 w/v ratios) Ethanol Acetone 24 hour extraction (1st extraction) Essential oil (dry and fresh sample) Petroleum ether 1st extracts Residue 72 hour extraction (2nd extraction) 2nd extracts Residue Physical, chemical, and biological activity analysis absolutes Wax washing process Physical, chemical, and biological activity analysis Analysis Physical properties : - Percent of yield extraction - Optical rotation - Color - Refractive index. Chemical properties : - Volatile compounds analysis - Total phenolics compounds Biological activities : - Antibacterial activity - Minimum Inhibitor Concentration (MIC) values - Antioxidant activity (DPPH and ABTS methods) The best plant extracts Application into the raw chicken meat Volatile compound analysis Analyzed using GC-MS system, equipped with : 1. 30 m x 0.25 mm i.d. x 0.25 µm film thickness, 2. DB-5ms capillary column. 3. The carrier gas was helium at flow rate 0.56682 ml/min, and 1 µml of sample (100 ppm concentration) was injected directly 4. The injector and detector temperatures were 230oC and 250oC respectively. 5. The running methods were splitless mode, pressure: 3 psi, oven temperature: 70 oC then 10oC/min. to 140oC, and then 5oC/min. to 240oC 1. Sample concentration : 100 ppm 2. Volume injection : 1 µL Compared with WILEY257 and NIST library use a % quality match greater than 85% RI calculation based on n-alkane standard (C10-C20) Volatile compound analysis Essential oil No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Volatile compound eucalyptol undecane 1-nonanol decanal decanol undecanal n-decanoic acid 1-Nonene beta-elemene dodecanal beta-caryophyllene allo-aromadendren alpha.-caryophyllene RIa 1051 1108 1174 1212 1274 1311 1358 1374 1401 1417 1441 1456 1476 % of Composition Fresh Dry 0.31 0.14 0.09 7.32 4.47 3.34 0.58 0.57 0.21 2.02 0.64 19.96 18.72 11.07 11.40 0.49 12.57 11.62 No. Volatile compound 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. alpha,-curcumene eremophillene 7-epi-alpha-selinene ledol nerolidol globulol caryophyllene oxide cubenol eupatoriochromene drimenol Hexahydro farnesyl acetone isophytol n-hexadecanoic acid a RIa 1490 1508 1537 1550 1564 1587 1601 1640 1664 1790 1842 1945 1959 % of Composition Fresh Dry 3.16 4.49 6.89 4.20 2.59 5.99 3.67 0.95 2.04 5.64 0.08 21.71 20.94 4.74 4.34 0.60 0.39 0.17 0.91 0.99 Retention indices calculated based on n-alkane standard (C10-C20) Starkenmann et al, (2008) mentioned the major compounds of this plant are decanal and caryophyllene. Volatile compound analysis No. Volatile compound RIa Plant extract % of Composition Petroleum ether Acetone Ethanol 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 981 - - 8.06 16.55 13.10 - 1. beta-pinene 2. beta-cis-ocimene 1025 - - - - 1.61 - 3. 3-carene 1037 - - - 2.08 - - 4. ocimene 1050 - - 17.90 36.46 26.44 - 5. decanal 1208 18.43 12.09 7.73 4.64 4.42 - 6. methyl hydrocinnamate 1278 - - - - 2.57 - 7. ethyl dihydrocinnamate 1351 - - 1.77 4.24 2.71 - 8 copaene 1388 - - - 8.52 6.00 - 9. dodecanal 1409 53.12 38.36 27.14 8.06 7.21 11.35 10. caryophyllene 1435 5.42 8.07 6.26 6.49 7.07 11.01 11. cyclododecane 1471 6.13 6.47 - - - - 12. 1,1-diethoxydecane 1472 - - 8.10 - - 19.03 13. germacrene d. 1495 - - 2.40 3.06 - - 14. 3,5-di-tert-butylphenol 1505 - - 5.78 4.81 9.16 10.70 15. dehydro-cyclolongifolene oxide 1657 8.21 16.48 - - - - 16. eupatoriochromene 1657 - - 5.52 - 8.00 19.49 17. neophytadiene 1834 2.88 5.30 4.71 5.09 6.08 - 18. ethyl hexadecanoate 1989 5.80 13.24 4.62 - 5.61 28.43 Physical properties Extraction methods Annual sea blite Refractive index Optical rotation Color appearance Ethanol 1st 1.363 -21.10 o Clear dark green and yellow Ethanol 2nd 1.363 -22.85 o Clear dark green and yellow Petroleum ether 1st 1.364 -19.80 o Clear light yellow Petroleum ether 2nd 1.363 -15.95 o Clear light yellow Acetone 1st 1.363 -21.50 o Clear light green Acetone 2nd 1.363 -20.05 o Clear light green Hydrodistillation-Dry - - - Hydrodistillation-Fresh - - - The physical properties in refractive index, optical rotation, color appearance were not different with vietnamese coriander results. Volatile compound analysis Analyzed using GC-MS system, equipped with : 1. 30 m x 0.25 mm i.d. x 0.25 µm film thickness, 2. DB-5ms capillary column. 3. The carrier gas was helium at flow rate 0.56682 ml/min, and 1 µml of sample (100 ppm concentration) was injected directly. 4. The injector and detector temperatures were 230oC and 250oC respectively. 5. The running methods were splitless mode, pressure: 3 psi, oven temperature: 40 oC then rate 8oC/min. to 100oC, then rate 15oC/min. to 180oC, and the last rate 12oC/min. to 280oC 1. Sample concentration : 1000 ppm 2. Volume injection : 0.5 µL Compared with WILEY257 and NIST library use a % quality match greater than 85% RI calculation based on n-alkane standard (C10-C20) The End Assoc. Prof.Dr. Natta Laohakunjit Assoc. Prof. Dr. Orapin Kerdchoechuen