
September 4, 2013
WP1 Exchange of experience and
WP1 leader: Dr. chem. Arkadij Sobolev
Task leaders: Dr.chem. Kristaps Jaudzems,
Dr. pharm. Edgars Liepiņš, Dr. chem. Aiva Plotniece,
Dr. pharm. Maija Dambrova
Exchange of know-how and experience via
international two-way secondments of
experienced scientists and young scientists
between the LIOS and leading scientific institutions
in the ERA
– to explore the opportunities for building of lasting
– to gain the access to complementary equipment, data
observations and ideas.
WP1 Exchange of experience and
• To promote the exchange of
experience and to know-how
• to build the capacity of LIOS
researchers by obtaining the necessary
knowledge and skills
• to strengthen the networking with
partner organizations to ensure the long
lasting further cooperation
WP1 Goals for the program of the
two-way secondments:
1. Improving expertise in biophysical chemistry, in
silico drug discovery and protein production for
structural studies
2. improving expertise in modern process chemistry,
green chemistry and organic synthesis methods
development for drug discovery
3. improving of test systems for pharmacological
characterization of drugs and advanced drug
delivery forms
4. exchange of experience in research & innovation
management and technology transfer
WP1 Training and networking
WP1 Training and networking
WP1 Training and networking
WP1 Training and networking
WP-2 Strengthening of the research
potential of human resources
WP2 leader Dr.hab.chem. Lubova Ignatovich
• To increase the LIOS research capacity and experience in new directions of
drug discovery by recruitment of experienced researchers
• To increase the international-level transfer process of accumulated
knowledge and technologies through the reintegration of experienced
researchers from abroad
• To increase the research potential of existing laboratories by recruitment of
post-doctoral researchers
The project foresees the recruitment of 8 experienced researchers and 6 postdoctoral researchers.
WP-2 Professor Edwin Vedejs
Michigan University, Ann Arbor, USA
Prof. Edwin Vedejs professional activities resulted in >230 highly
cited research papers published in the leading ACS journals and
prestigious awards received. His wide knowledge about innovations
and innovative research is gained being more than 30 years (19712005) as a consultant for famous pharmaceutical companies
(UpJohn, Pharmacia and Pfizer). Recruitment of Prof. E. Vedejs will
strengthen LIOS capacities in drug discovery (>30 new molecular
entities) and innovative research in collaboration with pharmaceutical
Modern innovative research in drug design and development is characterized with the
highest qualities of knowledge transfer and interconnections between academic
research, process development and patent and academic publications. Success in the
sector of knowledge transfer is based on deepest understanding of these subjects and
ability to implement them.
WP-2 Inese Smukste, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist, Study Director, Corning Life Sciences,
Discovery Labware, Woburn, MA
With over 10 years of research experience, Dr. Inese Smukste’s expertise spans the areas of
medicinal chemistry and pre-clinical development. In her current role as a Study Director,
Inese directs ADME studies and leads the bioanalytical group and drug transporter and
metabolism group. Previously, Inese worked in a department of Preclinical Development and
Clinical Pharmacology of a biotechnology company focused on oncology drug development.
She also was part of a development team leading medicinal chemistry and preclinical
development efforts of a biotechnology company focused on anti-inflammatory drug
development. Inese was a research scientist and lecturer at University of Columbia, New
York, NY and a postdoctoral associate at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research,
Cambridge, MA. She studied molecular pathways involved in oncogene induced cancer drug
resistance and served as medicinal chemistry expert in Professor Brent Stockwell group
supporting multiple research projects.
She has started his scientific career in LIOS (under the supervision of Dr. L. Ignatovitch), and
then she moved to USA, where she earned PhD in organic chemistry from University of
Cincinnati, OH, where she studied host-guest chemistry and functional groups involved in
molecular recognition of proteins. Inese Smukste has authored and co-authored 9 peerreviewed articles (J.Org.Chem., Tetrahedron, Cancer Cell, Nature) and book chapters one patent
application and eight provisional patent applications.
The recruitment of Dr. I. Smukste will strengthen the multidisciplinary research capacities
in LIOS, especially related to preclinical drug development. In addition, her experience will
be very valuable for the establishment of Biopharmaceutical Research Centre as a local
centre of competence in collaboration with Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre,
University of Latvia and Riga Technical University. Recruitment of I. Smukste is expected to
strengthen ADME-related research capacities in LIOS.
WP-2 Dmitrijs Cernyaks, Ph.D.
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Dr. Dmitrijs Chernyak has a 13 year experience of research in the field of organic
synthesis; metalloorganic chemistry and process chemistry, the last is being the most
important, but under-developed direction in LIOS and Baltic region. He has started
his scientific career in LIOS (under the supervision of Dr. P. Trapencieris), and then he
moved to USA, where he earned PhD in organic chemistry and synthesis at University
of Chicago, IL with Professor Vladimir Gevorgyan. After that he moved to MI Northwestern University (Evanston, IL, USA; with Professor Karl A. Scheidt) to deepen
experience in the modern organic and bioorganic chemistry. His expertise is related to
the development of a route towards the total synthesis of glycoside natural product
secaloside A. Dr. Chernyak is an author of 10 articles in peer reviewed journals (J. Am.
Chem. Soc., Adv. Synth. Catal., Org. Letters).
The recruitment of Dr. D. Chernyak will strengthen the ties between all aspects of
synthetic chemistry and process chemistry research capacities in LIOS, especially related
to modern drug development. In addition, his experience will be very valuable for the
modern impact to the Department of Technology Development in LIOS and
Biopharmaceutical Research Centre as a local centre of competence in collaboration with
Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre, University of Latvia and Riga Technical
University. Recruitment of D. Chernyak will strengthen modern process research
capacities in LIOS.
WP-2 Aleksandrs Gutcaits, Ph.D
With over 25 years of research experience, Dr. Aleksandrs Gutcait’s
expertise spans the areas of medicinal chemistry and Computer-aided drug
discovery and development, proteins modulators de-novo design, molecular
modeling and MD simulations, directed protein degradation, Botulinum
toxin structure, function, design, GPCR modeling. Most of the projects after
year 2001 were conducted for and together with Merz Pharma (Frankfurt,
Germany). He has started his scientific career in RTU on design and
synthesis of new luminophores for technical and medicinal usage, active
polymeric light conductors for medicine and nuclear physics research, new
luminescence labels for oligonucleotide synthesis and luminescent probes for
biological membranes investigation. Then he did his posdoctoral research at
National Taiwan University, College of Medicine, School of Pharmacy,
working on asymmetric synthesis, up-scaling development of new effective
a1-adrenoreceptors antagoniststs with molecular modeling study. His further
postdoctoral research at Uppsalla University, Department of Pharmacology
included study and development of new chemometrics methods for drug
discovery and protein design
The recruitment of Dr. A. Gutcait will strengthen the multidisciplinary
research capacities in LIOS, especially related to molecular modeling and
drug design.
WP-2 Laura Bekere, Ph.D
CNRS, CINaM, Departament de Chemie, ANR, NEM
With over 10 years of research experience, Dr. Laura Beķere’s expertise spans
the areas of medicinal chemistry and applied science.
Dr. Laura Bekere gained her basic education and elaborated her PhD thesis
(under the supervision of Dr. A. Krauze) in the LIOS and University of Latvia on
chemical and enzymatic synthesis of biologically active compounds – partially
hydrogenated heterocycles. Afterwards she went to the CNRS, Université de la
Méditerranée – Centre Interdisciplinaire des Nanoscience de Marseille, France
and gained advanced experience, new skills and new techniques (femto- and
nanosecond lasers, fluorescence and two-photon absorption spectroscopy) in
design and synthesis of nanohybrids, their physical chemical and biochemical
studies. Laura has authored and co-authored 4 peer-reviewed articles
(Tetrahedron, Beilstein Journal Org. Chem., Appl. Surface Science) and 4 patent
The recruitment of Dr. L. Beķere will strengthen the multidisciplinary research
capacities in LIOS, especially related to the nanotechnology, hybrid materials and
theragnostics (novel therapy combined with diagnostics), including novel types of vital
fluorescent probes with Forster resonance energy transfer. Her experience will be very
valuable for the characterisation of the new products in a collaboration with Latvian
Biomedical Research and Study Centre, University of Latvia and Riga Technical
WP-2 Aleksandrs Versilovskis, Ph.D
Institute of Reference Materials and Measurements, Belgium
With over 9 years of research experience, Dr. A.Versilovskis’s expertise spans the areas of
food chemistry, analytical chemistry, synthesis of xenobiotics metabolites and development
and certification of reference materials of some xenobiotics. In his current role as a
Scientific/Technical Project Officer in Institute of Reference Materials and Measurements
(Joint Research Centre of European Commission), Aleksandrs directs development of
reference materials of mycotoxins in food matrices. Previously, Aleksandrs worked in a
Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre Unit of Natural Toxins (Belgium) where he
was focused on chemical and biochemical (enzyme assisted) synthesis of plant and animal
metabolites of mycotoxins, animal metabolism of mycotoxins, as well as on development
and validation of analytical methods for determination of mycotoxins in food, feed and
animal organs and body fluids. He also was part of a team which is deeply involved in
mycotoxin research at Ghent University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Belgium)
where he studied pharmacy. Aleksandrs was also leading scientist, head of HPLC division
and head of mycotoxins investigation division at Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and
Environment - "BIOR“. He has started his scientific career in LIOS (under the supervision of
Prof. Duburs and Dr. Krauze) where he was involved in synthesis of some new substances
which are potential candidates for heart diseases treatment, then he moved to Belgium
where he is still working as a Scientific/Technical Project Officer. Dr. Versilovskis is an
author of 7 articles in peer reviewed journals (Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, World
Mycotoxin Journal, Journal of Chromat., J.of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology).
It is foreseen to update the complicated process of discovery and development of novel
medicines. This process involves studies of metabolism, including separation,
purification, identification of metabolites in minor quantities, synthesis of eventual
metabolites. It is necessary to recruit such specialist, especially in the fields of
complicated compounds, natural products and their analogues.
WP-2 Recruitment of experts in
structure-based drug discovery
To increase the research capacity in the field of structure-based drug discovery 3
experienced researchers and 4 post-docs in biomolecular NMR, protein X-ray
crystallography and molecular modeling and drug design will be recruited. They will
join other LIOS experts in medicinal chemistry and pharmacology to form an
interdisciplinary research team that focuses on rational drug design.
The recruited researchers will use state-of-the-art research equipment – 800 MHz NMR
spectrometer, crystallization robot and molecular modeling computer cluster
acquired through this project or through the State Research Centre Program.
The candidates are expected to have PhD, extensive experience in their research field, as
well as at least 5 publications in well respected journals of the research field or patents
and appropriate management skills.
WP 3 – Renewal of research equipment
WP3 leader: Dr.chem. Osvalds Pugovičs
Task leaders: Dr.chem. Kristaps Jaudzems, Dr. pharm. Edgars
Liepiņš, Dr. chem. Aiva Plotniece
Objectives :
1. Acquisition of modern equipment and tools necessary for
innovative drug development
2. Upgrading the research equipment
receptor – ligand
binding studies
in-vivo imaging
design of new tools
for pharmacology
new tools for
smart delivery
in silico simulations
WP3 Acquisition of a crystallization robot and a light
microscope for protein crystallography
Equipment to be acquired:
crystallization robot for protein
crystallization screening;
light microscope for crystals
Field of application:
structure-based drug design - ligand binding studies,
hit-to-lead optimization process, optimization of core
• members of the newly established protein crystallography group
detailed in WP2;
• researchers of Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre
WP3 Acquiring of Fluorescence Molecular Tomography
(in-vivo imaging)
Equipment to be acquired:
in vivo imaging system;
software and accessories
Field of application:
monitoring and quantification of biological targets and pathways in living
animals in real time
• researchers from Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Pharmacology and
Chemotherapy group;
• several researcher groups from Latvian University;
• synergy with emerging Baltic positron emission tomography (PET) centre
WP3 Acquiring of a system for light scattering
measurement of hydrodynamic size, zeta potential and
molecular weight of proteins and nanoparticles
Equipment to be acquired:
system for measurement
of hydrodynamic size,
zeta potential and
molecular weight of
proteins and nanoparticles
Field of application:
studies of synthetic liposomes and other nanoaggregates;
development of new drug delivery systems based on these particles
• IOS researchers;
• several researcher groups from Latvian University;
• researchers from Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre;
• researchers from Palacký University in Olomouc
WP3 Acquisition of a computer cluster for molecular
modeling purposes
Equipment to be acquired:
integrated CPU-GPU
computer cluster
comprising 14 servers,
each containing 2 CPU’s
with 6 cores per CPU and
2 GPU’s, 10 Gb ethernet
and a 42 U rack
Field of application:
quantum mechanics calculations of hit-compounds and reaction intermediates,
virtual screening of large compound libraries, pharmacophore and QSAR modeling
as well as molecular dynamics simulations of proteins, lipid systems and drug
delivery agents
• IOS researchers;
• several researcher groups from Latvian University;
• protein crystallography experts from Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre;
• organic chemists from Riga Technical University
WP 4 Organization of conferences,
seminars, trainings
WP leader Dr. Chem. Pēteris Trapencieris
Task leaders: Dr. Aiva Plotniece, Dr. Maija Dambrova, Dr. Arkādijs
Soboļevs, Dr. Kristaps Jaudzems, Dr. Raivis Žalubovskis, Dr.
Osvalds Pugovičs, Ieva Jaunzeme
To facilitate the knowledge transfer at the national, regional and
international levels
To increase the visibility of LIOS by dissemination of the results
of Latvian scientists in organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry of
heterocycles, structure-activity relationships, experimental
chemotherapy and pharmacology to the international scientific
To strengthen the long-lasting scientific collaboration between
LIOS and partnering organisations in ERA.
WP 4 New Events
• Workshop “Ready for Horizon 2020” (Winter 2013/2014)
• Seminar “Advanced antiinfective drug design” (Spring 2014)
• Workshop on publication writing for scientific journals and on
popular science (Autumn 2013)
• Seminar „Biophysical methods in drug discovery” (Spring 2014)
• Seminar „Protein production techniques” (Spring 2014)
• BOS-2014 pre-conference roundtable (June 2014)
• Workshop „Competitive proposal preparation for Horizon 2020”
(Autumn 2014)
• Gustavs Vanags memorial conference ( Autumn 2014)
• Conference “BaltDrug” (May 2015)
• Conference “Paul Walden 9th Symposium” ( Autumn 2015)
• BOS-2016 pre-conference roundtable (June 2016)
• BOS-2016 conference (June 2016)
• Participation of LIOS researchers in transnational events
WP 4 Tradicional Events
• Workshop “Ready for Horizon 2020” (Winter 2013/2014)
• Seminar “Advanced antiinfective drug design” (Spring 2014)
• Workshop on publication writing for scientific journals and on
popular science (Autumn 2013)
• Seminar „Biophysical methods in drug discovery” (Spring 2014)
• Seminar „Protein production techniques” (Spring 2014)
• BOS-2014 pre-conference roundtable (June 2014)
• Workshop „Competitive proposal preparation for Horizon 2020”
(Autumn 2014)
• Gustavs Vanags memorial conference ( Autumn 2014)
• Conference “BaltDrug” (May 2015)
• Conference “Paul Walden 9th Symposium” ( Autumn 2015)
• BOS-2016 pre-conference roundtable (June 2016)
• BOS-2016 conference (June 2016)
• Participation of LIOS researchers in transnational events
WP 4 Gustavs Vanags
memorial conference
( Autumn 2014)
Photos from G.Vanags Conference in 2006
WP 4 Paul Walden 8th Symposium,
Riga, May 13-14, 2013
Paul Walden was a Latvian and his first scientific results were obtained in Riga
under the supervision of Nobel prize winner Professor Wilhelm Ostwald.
In 1896 he discovered his famous rule, later called the “Walden inversion”. 150th
anniversary of the birth of Paul Walden is included in the UNESCO Celebrations
Day Calendar for Year 2013.
Every three years, starting in 1988, a Paul Walden medal has been awarded in
Chemistry and Science History (both beloved Walden’s scientific disciplines) by the
Riga Technical University. In 1997 Prof. Edwin Vedejs (Michigan State University,
USA) was awarded this medal, which was a starting point for traditional Paul
Walden Symposiums.
Paul Walden 1st Symposium was held in Riga on April 1998.
Planned Conference
“Paul Walden 9th Symposium” ( Autumn 2015)
Symposium home page: www.walden.lv
WP 4 BOS pre-conference roundtables
• BOS-2014 pre-conference roundtable (Bauska, July 4-5, 2014)
• BOS-2014 Conference in Vilnius (July 6-9, 2014)
• Medicinal chemistry – quo vadis?
• Participants – BOS-2014 lecturers + 50-70 Latvian chemists,
biologists etc.)
• BOS-2016 pre-conference roundtable (Jūrmala, June 24-25, 2016 or
July 1-2)
• BOS-2016 Conference in Riga (June 26-29, 2016 or July 3-6, 2016)
Symposium home page: www.boschem.eu
Balticum Organicum Syntheticum
Balticum Organicum Syntheticum, a meeting which continues
the tradition of the previous conferences starting in 2000, held in
the capitals of all three Baltic States: Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn, for
the following aims:
– To highlight activities in organic chemistry
– To provide a window on Baltic chemistry
– To offer opportunities for interactions between chemists of the Baltic
and Western world countries in order to create links and collaborations
in both academic and industrial settings
– To showcase Riga and Latvia and through it to also give a full
appreciation of the history, culture, language, and social framework of
the other two Baltic States, Estonia and Lithuania
• The original dream of the organizers had been to share the venue
of BOS among the three Baltic States and this dream was fulfilled
by BOS 2006, which completed the first cycle. Being in the middle
of the third cycle, we can say with enthusiasm that there are no
plans to end these cycles.
Symposium home page: www.boschem.eu
Victor Sniečkus
BOS initiator
WP5 Improving the management of Intellectual
Property and enhancement of innovation potential
WP leader Prof.I.Kalvins
The strategy of this WP is based on 3 principles:
• development – by providing the strategic Intellectual Property
development plan for the effective management of IPR and efficient
technology transfer process
• collaboration –with governmental institutions, research, academia,
industry, technology transfer centres and other stakeholders on the
issues of innovation and IPR; by networking with partnering
• awareness – by training and education of experienced and early
stage researchers as well as entrepreneurs on the IPR and technology
transfer issues
Protected Inventions of IOS scientists
USA patents
USA patent applications
EPO patents
EP patent applications
WIPO patent applications
Eiroasian patents
Japanese patents and applications
Ukraine patents
Russia patents un author sertificates
Latvian patents
Patents and applications in total
Not published patents
Non-identical patents in total (01.02.2013)
Patent families consists of 1000 patents un patent applications
Research Commercialization: public finance
Lab Model
IP protection
A Round
First Customers
Create Business
Mgt Team
Probability of Success
Probability of Success
B Round
Commercialization Progression
WP 6 Dissemination and promotional
WP leader Dr. Biol.Dace Tirzīte
Team: Edīte Mētere, Dr. Antons Ļebedevs, Dr. Aigars
Jirgensons, Dr. Raivis Žalubovskis, Dr. Ronalds Zemribo
Promotion of InnovaBalt within the scientific community
of Europe
Dissemination of information on advanced innovative
medicine development to the industry sector and other
Providing the information for society on topicalities in
innovative drug development and results of InnovaBalt
WP6 Tools of dissemination:
• website
• relevant websites (CORDIS and other corresponding
• public media (journals, newspapers, radio, TV),
scientific journals
• newsletters of project
• leaflets, brochures, CDs, other promotional materials,
• booth of InnovaBalt
• conferences, exhibitions and fairs
• seminars, workshops, discussions
• networking
• Café Scientific
WP6 Deliverables
time of delivery
• Reports on issued promotional materials
(flyers, brochures, booth etc.)
M5, M14, M 23
• Summarised materials from media
(press releases, TV plots, articles etc.) M12, M24, M36
• Specialised issues of Journal
M23, M35
“Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds”
M12, M24
• Reports on dissemination activities
M36, M42
• Milestone: Research, technology and innovation
dissemination strategy (M4) and its updating (M28)
WP7 Management of project
WP leader Dr.pharm Maija Dambrova
Management board: financial director of LIOS Dace Karkle
Dr. Edgars Suna, Dr. A. Jirgensons, Dr. Edgars Liepinsh
• Setting up the appropriate monitoring,
coordination and communication
procedures in order to ensure that project is
implemented in a timely and cost effective
manner in accordance with applicable EC
guidelines and national legislation rules
• Ensuring that EC financial and administrative
procedures are respected and reports and
cost statements are provided in time
WP8 Assessment of research and
innovative potential of LIOS
WP leader Dr.chem Grigorijs Veinberg
The evaluation of LIOS’ overall research quality
and capability by high-level independent
experts, nominated by European Commission.
The evaluation will give essential contribution in
the definition of the further Strategic plan to
strengthen LIOS research and innovation
capacities essential for the regional economical
and social development as well as promoting
the integration of LIOS in the ERA activities.