A&L LABORATORY INC. - A & L Laboratory Inc.

A&L Laboratory Inc. was established in 1976 to provide
laboratory services to the environmental community. As we
enter our 31st year in business we owe our success to our
clients and associates who have used our services and
relied upon us for all their analytical needs.
We have analyzed over 150,000 samples and have
performed over 1.5 million tests. A business does not reach
these numbers without producing reliable and credible data.
Mission Statement
It is our mission to provide the best quality assured data to
our clients at a fair price for our service. We will use the
best available technological instrumentation and employ
only qualified personnel to operate these instruments.
We welcome our clients to visit our laboratory at anytime
to observe our quality control and quality assurance
procedures as well as our testing methodology.
Key Personnel
Jonathan Dyer, B.S. , M.S. – Laboratory Director
Jon holds a BS in Chemistry and an MS in Engineering and has been the
owner of A&L Labs since 1985. His responsibilities include direction of all
ongoing projects, marketing and sales, and final data interpretation.
Rebecca Lebrun, B.S. – Quality Assurance Officer/Microbiology
Rebecca holds degrees in Environmental Science and Business. Her
responsibilities include statistical analysis, quality control charts, quality
assurance audits, overseeing microbiological projects, and microscopy.
David Pettingil, B.S. – Heavy Metals Specialist/Chemistry
Dave has a BS in Chemistry. His specialty is heavy metals analysis and
atomic absorption spectrophotometers.
Quality Control
What is NELAC?
Accreditation Conference (NELAC) is a
voluntary association of State and Federal
agencies with full opportunity for input from the
private sector. NELAC's purpose is to adopt and
promote mutually acceptable performance
standards for the operation of environmental
Proficiency Testing
Proficiency Testing (PT) is used to evaluate a
conditions through analysis of unknown samples
provided by an external source.
PTs are required to be done twice a year.
Laboratories must pass two out of the last three
tests for each analyte in order to remain
On-Site Assessment
Laboratories are required to be inspected every
two years by a NELAC Accrediting Authority.
On-Site assessment generally lasts 2 to 4 days
depending on the size of the laboratory and the
number of areas seeking accreditation.
During the inspection the inspectors review
personnel, methods, equipment, record-keeping,
and quality control (QC).
Daily Quality Control
 Detection Limits
 Laboratory Control Samples
 Duplicates
 Matrix Spikes
 Blanks
 Accuracy Charts / Graphs
 Precision Charts / Graphs
Calibration Basics Calibration Basics
Initial Calibration (ICAL)
 Must do at multiple concentration levels
 Average response factor (%RSD) < limit
 Lowest concentration near or at MDL
 Some methods require second source confirm
Continuing Calibration (CCAL)
Daily or within time window (12 hours)
 Must be within acceptable range (%RPD)
 Should be part of lab report
Detection Limit
Method Detection Limit (MDL) – The method detection
limit is defined as the minimum concentration of a
substance that can be measured and reported with 99%
confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than
zero and is determined from analysis of a sample in a given
matrix containing the analyte.
Standards (S)
Standard (S) is a substance the properties of which are
known with sufficient accuracy to permit its use to
evaluate the same property in a sample. Usually three
standards are prepared.
The first standard is the same concentration as the RL
(reporting limit) of the parameter to be analyzed.
The second standard is in the range of the predicted amount.
The third standard is usually twice the concentration as the
second standard. Any sample exceeding this standard will be
Laboratory Control Sample
Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)
The LCS consist of aliquots of analyte-free matrices (water)
spiked with analytes of interest.
Laboratory pure water is used to prepare the LCS for
methods for water analysis. LCSs provide evidence that
the laboratory is performing the method within accepted
guidelines generally in the absence of matrix interferences.
They are prepared at a rate of one per batch of twenty or
fewer samples
Sample Duplicate
A Sample Duplicate (SD) is a sample that has been
homogenized and split into two equal portions before the
method sample preparation process.
It measures sample precision associated with the
preparation through analysis and is prepared and analyzed
at a specified rate listed in each Standard Operating
Duplicates (cont.)
The comparison of the values determined for a sample and
its duplicate is expressed as Relative Percent Difference
(RPD). The calculation is as follows:
where: S is the determined result of the original sample
D is the determined result of the duplicate sample
Method Blank
A method blank is a volume of analyte-free matrix (e.g.
deionized and/or distilled water) for water analyses.
The volume of the blank must be equal to the sample
volume processed.
A method blank is performed with each batch of samples.
Analysis of the blank verifies that method interferences
caused by contaminants, reagents, glassware, and other
sample processing hardware are known and minimized.
Matrix Spike
Matrix Spikes (MS)
Matrix Spikes (MS) are similar to Laboratory Control
Samples except the analytes used for spiking are added to
a second separate aliquot from the client samples in a
batch analyses.
Matrix spikes are used, for example, to determine the effect
of the matrix on a method's recovery efficiency.
Precision Vs. Accuracy
Accuracy describes the nearness of a measurement to the standard or
true value.
Precision is the degree to which several measurements provide
answers very close to each other. It is an indication of the scatter in the
data. The lesser the scatter, higher the precision.
In science we can never make a perfect measurement. The best we
can do is to come as close as possible within the limitations of the
measuring instruments.
Precision Vs. Accuracy
Suppose you are aiming at a target, trying to hit the bull’s eye with each
of three arrows.
Precise and Accurate - The top left target is both precise and
accurate. The arrows are tightly clustered and their average position is
the center of the bull’s eye.
Accurate, not Precise - The top right target is an accurate pattern, but
not precise. The arrows are not clustered but their “average” position is
the center of the bull’s eye.
Precise, not Accurate – The bottom left target is a precise pattern, but
not accurate. The arrows are clustered together but did not hit the
intended mark.
Neither Precise nor Accurate – The bottom right target shows a
random like pattern, neither precise nor accurate. The arrows are not
clustered together and not near the bull’s eye.
Precision Vs. Accuracy
Control Charts
Control Charts are quality control tools which graphically
display the QC parameters over time.
Accuracy – Accuracy charts are maintained for LCS
The percent recovery is plotted into a graph where:
the x-axis is the sample ID; and
the y-axis is the range of percent recoveries
Control Charts (cont.)
Precision – Where precision charts are maintained, the
relative percent difference is plotted on the graph where:
the median, zero, represents 0% difference
the x-axis is the number of data points per chart; and
the y-axis is the range of relative percent differences
Control Charts (cont.)
Limits – Both upper and lower warning limits and upper
and lower control limits are established to interpret
Warning Limits express a narrow confidence interval and
are used to warn the analyst of possible system
inconsistencies or failures, before an out-of-control event
Control Limits express the outer limits of accepted method
Microbiological Quality
Uninoculated controls, laboratory water, and sterilized equipment and
supplies will be tested as provided for in the SOP protocols.
Confirmation/verification tests. The laboratory will perform confirmation
ands verification tests as specified by the approved methods.
Media. All test media will be checked with positive and negative control
organisms to ensure the target organisms respond in an acceptable and
predictable manner. These controls will be run with each new lot of
media using microorganisms obtained from an accredited NELAC
Proficiency Test Provider.
Data Integrity Training
As an environmental laboratory we are ethically and morally obligated
to the public to provide data that are precise, accurate, and of known
and documented quality.
Data Integrity Training is provided by the QA Officer to all new
employees during their orientation and annually for all current
employees. Employee knowledge of this area is extremely important as
infractions of laboratory data integrity procedures could lead to
termination and/or civil/criminal prosecution.
Topics covered are organizational mission, ethics in analytical
reporting, data monitoring, reporting data integrity issues, and
appropriate/inappropriate record keeping practices.
Our heavy metals analytical capabilities are performed
by Perkin-Elmer Zeeman Graphite Furnace and Flame
atomic absorption units. We run the full spectrum of
just about every heavy metal from arsenic to zinc.
The wet chemistry department analyzes water in the
visible and ultra-violet range.
The chemists also
potentiometric analysis. Elements such as nitrogen
compounds, fluorides, chlorides, phosphates and
many other chemical compounds are examined in this
It’s hard to believe that water that looks, smells, and tastes fine may not
be safe to drink. But the truth is that one out of every ten private wells
in Maine has water that is high in arsenic. View Map of Arsenic in Maine
Arsenic is a naturally occurring chemical found in soil and rocks. As
water flows through these rocks it can pickup the arsenic and carry it to
your well.
The Bureau of Health recommends that all household wells be tested
for arsenic. The EPA maximum exposure guideline for arsenic
in well water is 10 parts per billion. At this level
consuming 1 liter of water per day for 5 years
will increase your risk of bladder cancer
by 1 in 1,000.
Lead is a toxic metal that is harmful if inhaled or swallowed. Lead can
be found in air, soil, dust, food, and water.
Lead is rarely found in source water, but enters tap water through
corrosion of plumbing materials.
Homes built before 1986 are more likely to have
lead pipes, fixtures and solder. However, new
homes are also at risk: even legally “lead-free”
plumbing may contain up to 8 percent lead.
The most common problem is with brass or
chrome-plated brass faucets and fixtures
which can leach significant amounts of lead
into the water, especially hot water.
Copper is found only in trace amounts in Maine’s ground waters,
excess levels are usually caused by the corrosion of copper pipes from
soft, acidic waters.
Copper is an essential element for plants, animals, and humans. When
present in drinking water in levels over 1.3 milligrams per liter, it may
cause a bitter taste, or green-blue stains on sinks.
Copper is a gastrointestinal irritant and can be toxic
at high levels. However, the levels in drinking
water are rarely high enough to cause a serious
risk. A 1.3 milligram per liter secondary drinking
water standard is set to indicate a taste problem,
not a health hazard.
Manganese is a mineral that naturally occurs in rocks and soil and is a
normal constituent of the human diet.
It exists in well water in Maine as a groundwater mineral, but may also
be present due to underground pollution sources.
Manganese may become noticeable in tap water at concentrations
greater than 0.05 milligrams per liter of water.
You may suspect that manganese is in your water if the water is
discolored (brownish-red), causes staining of plumbing fixtures (faucets,
sinks) or clothing, or has an off-taste or odor.
Exposure to high concentrations of manganese
over the course of years has been associated
with toxicity to the nervous system, producing
a syndrome that resembles Parkinsonism.
Iron is not hazardous to health, but it is considered a secondary or
aesthetic contaminant. Essential for good health, iron helps transport
oxygen in the blood.
Concentrations of iron as low as 0.3 mg/l will leave reddish brown
stains on fixtures, tableware and laundry that are very hard to remove.
Iron is mainly present in water in two forms:
either the soluble ferrous iron or the insoluble
ferric iron. Water containing ferrous iron is
clear and colorless because the iron is
completely dissolved. When exposed
to air in the pressure tank or atmosphere,
the water turns cloudy and a reddish
brown substance begins to form. This
sediment is the oxidized or ferric form
of iron that will not dissolve in water.
Sodium contamination is most often caused by road salt runoff, road
salt storage or salt water intrusion.
Water softeners also increase the amount of sodium in water. A water
softener replaces calcium and magnesium with sodium. If you use a
softener, it may be the cause of high sodium.
Excess sodium from salt in the diet increases the risk
of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.
For most healthy people, a sodium level of 100 milligrams
per liter of water will not substantially increase risk.
Individuals on a low sodium diet due to high blood
pressure or other health problems, are restricted to
water within the 20 milligrams per liter standard.
They should consult their physician about drinking
water which exceeds that level.
The pH of pure water is 7. In general, water with a pH lower than 7 is
considered acidic, and with a pH greater than 7, basic. The normal range for pH
in water system is 6.5 to 8.5.
Alkalinity is a measure of the capacity of the water to resist a change in pH that
would tend to make the water more acidic. The measurement of alkalinity and
pH is needed to determine the corrosiveness of the water.
In general, water with a low pH (< 6.5) could be acidic, soft, and corrosive. This
can cause premature damage to metal piping, and have associated aesthetic
problems such as a metallic or sour taste, staining of laundry, and the
characteristic "blue-green" staining of sinks and drains.
Water with a pH > 8.5 could indicate that the water is hard. Hard water does not
pose a health risk, but can cause aesthetic problems. These problems include
an alkali taste to the water (making that morning coffee taste bitter!), formation
of a deposit on dishes, utensils, and laundry basins, difficulty in getting soaps
and detergents to lather, and formation of insoluble precipitates on clothing
pH Scale
Nitrate and nitrite are naturally occurring substances
found in soil, plants, water and other sources.
The primary drinking water standard is 10 milligrams per
liter for nitrate - (N) and 1.0 milligram per liter for nitrite (N).
Nitrate or nitrite concentrations cause
methemoglobinemia in infants, a disease which affects
blood so that it no longer carries oxygen through the
body. Also known as "blue-baby syndrome", this disease
can be fatal. Infants should not drink water which is over
the standard, and it should not be used for mixing infant
DO not boil the water to make it safe for temporary use - this will only increase the nitrate concentrations. Use
bottled water for infants.
Consuming drinking water containing chloride is not harmful to
High amounts of chloride can give a salty taste to water and can
corrode pipes, pumps and plumbing fixtures. Therefore, the
secondary drinking water standard of 250 milligrams per liter is
set to indicate water quality problems and not health effects.
If high chloride amounts are detected, the water source should
also be checked for sodium. Amounts of high sodium often occur
in water with high chloride amounts.
High amounts of chloride are associated with contamination from
salt water intrusion, septic tanks, road salting and road salt
storage piles.
Hardness is caused by minerals, primarily calcium and magnesium,
which are picked up by water passing through underground mineral
Hard water is not considered contaminated, but it does retard the
cleaning action of soap and forms a scale on cooking utensils, hot water
pipes and heaters. This build-up may eventually reduce pipe capacity
and water pressure.
Hardness is measured in milligrams pre liter or Grains per Gallon.
Water with under 75 milligrams per liter of calcium carbonate is soft;
water with over 200 milligrams per liter is hard.
There is no standard for hardness. Hard water is
not harmful to health. Calcium and magnesium
are essential body elements. In fact, studies
suggest that hard water is better for
cardiovascular health than soft water,
though the reasons for this are not yet known.
We are a NELAP (National Environmental Laboratory
Accreditation Program) approved microbiology laboratory.
Tests are performed on water, air, compost, dirt, and just
about anything that will grow bacteria.
Services include shelf-life studies, cooling tower water
analyses, monitoring well iron bacteria studies, sulfurreducing bacteria analysis for liquid gas pipelines, and
bacteria identification in bottled and recreational water.
Other capabilities include fungal ID, algae ID, and foreign
matter ID.
The group “Coliform bacteria” is a diverse group of bacteria, which are
present in human and animal feces. They are also often present in
decaying organic matter, topsoil and in surface waters.
While these bacteria are generally not harmful themselves, their
presence in a water supply is used as an indicator of contamination.
When coliforms are present as a result of septic contamination, their
numbers are usually high and E. coli is usually present as well.
Waters that are positive for coliform bacteria and
especially for E. coli should not be consumed until the
problem is resolved. This should start with disinfection
of the well followed by a retest to confirm that the
disinfection was effective.
Our radiological department consists of
analyzers and two RAD 7 portable units
for air radon and water radon studies.
Radon is a cancer-causing, radioactive gas. Radon comes from the
natural (radioactive) breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water and
gets into the air you breath.
Radon is estimated to cause many thousands of deaths each year. You
can't see, smell or taste radon. But it may be a problem in your home.
Maine has radon concentrations that are generally higher than much of the
country. Approximately one out of every three Maine homes has air radon
concentrations above the state limit.
If you have radon over two (2) picocuries per liter of air or 4,000 pCi/L of
water you should reduce it.
Please remember …if your home is for sale, you
cannot legally test for radon yourself. You must hire
a state registered radon tester.
Zone 1 Highest Potential (greater than 4
Zone 2
Moderate Potential (from 2 to 4
Zone 3
Low Potential (less than 2 pCi/L)
Air & Water Quality, Inc.
P.O. Box 536 160 US Route 1
Freeport, Maine 04032
(800) 698-9655
Aqua-Max of Maine Maine Professional
914 Sabattus Street
Lewiston, Maine 04240
18 Ledge Hill Drive
Chelsea, Maine 04330
Visit Maine Professional
Inspections’ Website!
Visit Air & Water Quality's Website!
Visit Aqua-Max of Maine’s
Northeast Radon,
Radon Removal
9 Northwood Road
Yarmouth, Maine 04096
153 Forest Street
West brook, ME 04092
915 U.S. Route One
Yarmouth, Maine 04096
Visit Radon Removal
Systems’ Website!
Visit Water Treatment Equipment’s
Water Treatment
Equipment, Inc.
Maine Drinking Water Program
Department of Health & Human Services
Radon & Home Sales
US Environmental Protection Agency
A & L Laboratory Inc
3100 Hotel Road
Auburn, Maine 04211
At exit 75, turn RIGHT onto
Ramp towards US-202 / Me-4 /
Me-100 / Auburn ( 0.4 miles)
Bear RIGHT (South-West) onto
US-202 [SR-100] (0.3 miles)
Turn RIGHT (West) onto
Kittyhawk Ave (0.8 miles)
Turn LEFT (South)at 4-way stop
sign onto Hotel Rd (0.8 miles)
Arrive 3100 Hotel Rd, Auburn,
ME 04210-3207