NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI Laboratory of Ion Beam Analysis at NPI Vladimír Havránek Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR v.v.i, 250 68 Řež u Prahy, Czech Republic NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI Presentation outline Facilities - 3.5 MV Van de Graaff accelerator (since 1964) - 3 MV HVEE Tandetron accelerator (since 2005) - Activities at LWR-15 research reactor Analytical Techniques - RBS, PIXE, ERDA, PIGE, PESA, NDP, PGAA - High energy ion implantation - Ion microanalysis Applications - Material research, biology, environment, history and art, modification of materials with energetic ions, etc. NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI Our electrostatic accelerators VdG 1964 Tandetron 2005 NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI Tandetron MC 4130 Accelerator Accelerator RBS, RBS-C, ERDA-TOF Ion implantation PIXE, PIGE Ion microprobe NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI Interaction of MeV ions with the sample and corresponding analytical techniques Základní procesy NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI Van de Graaff and Tandetron 4130 MC accelerators (H-Au ions with energies 0.4-20 MeV and intensities up to several microamps) Methods and main research fields RBS, RBS-channeling, ERDA, ERDA-TOF Analyses of composition and structure of layered, nano-structured materials, hard coatings, metal- polymer composites, optoelectronics and microelectronics materials, oxidation and corrosion processes, diffusion and migration of atoms in solids, processes of self organization (e.g. metal-carbon allotropes composites) Ion microsonde 3D mapping of composition and structure of materials with lateral resolution of 1 micrometer, study of biological objects ( recently Tycho de Brahe’s hairs), ancient ceramics, minerals. In 2010 first experiments with ion writing PIXE, PIGE Environmental studies, mostly analyses of aerosols and micro-particles accumulated on filters Ion implantation Modification of solids (e.g. improvement of properties of selected microelectronics components), simulations of radiation degradation of materials (e.g. polymers) Devices installed on thermal neutron beam from LWR-15 research reactor Methods and main research fields Neutron depth profiling (NDP) Analyses of few light elements (He, Li, B, N..), study of diffusion processes in solids (e.g. in materials important for nuclear technologies and fusion programs), study of radiation degradation of solids (e.g. polymers), development of polymer based sensors Prompt gamma analysis (PGA) Analyses of composition of materials (e.g. analyses of boron in biological samples for Neutron capture tumor therapy). Method complementary to Neutron activation analysis. NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI Příklady aplikace metod PIXE a PIGE NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI TOF-ERDA The TOF-ERDA spectrometer set into operation in 2006 with support and cooperation of Rossendorf group., The system consist of thin carbon foil start detector and particle energy detector, which also provides the stop time signal. In the near future the second stop detector will be add. Example of TOF-ERDA spectrometer tests. Spectra of LiF (200 nm) deposited on glassy carbon. 15,4 MeV Cu6+ (Tv =2,2 MV) Start detector NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI RBS-Channeling The RBS-Channelling setup is only equipment which was fully supplied by external vendor. It was bought from NEC company USA and recently installed at -30 deg. beam line. The target chamber is equipped with fine goniometer with five degrees of freedom (x,y,z,,) and two charge particle detectors. Test experiments are now in progress. There is also a possibility to add additional x or -ray detector, so the PIXE or PIGE channelling experiments can be performed in future. The setup will be used for routine RBS-channelling and RBS measurements. Channeling software NuPECC Prague 2011 Ion microbeam (since 2009) V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI 1000 Cu mesh Th inclusion 25x25m NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI Microbeam target chamber STIM RBS Microscope PIXE Far. cup NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI Two Examples of Cobalt Blue Sherds found in the Excavated Sediments from the Pool of the Royal Palace in Angkor Thom. The sherds were first irradiated with protons frontally (Van de Graaff Generator) and transversally (Microbeam) of medium thin (~2 mm) slices cut from the original pieces. NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI Elemental distribution maps 500x500 um KK Ca Ti Fe Co Si White glaze Blue glaze Body Transition Body/Glaze Fe 0.59 % 0.88 % 0.73 % 0.43 % Co <0.02 % 0.60 % <0.02 % <0.02 % Ca 9.5 % 12.0 % - 4.7 % NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI Comparison of Spatial Distributions for Co, Fe and Ca NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI Cobalt inclusion – detail (maps 25x25 um for Fe, Co and As) GUPIX fit of a cobalt inclusion defined as a region of interest Elemental ratios Co As As/Co 0.006 (0.6%) Fe/Co 0.017 (1.7%) NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI EXAMPLES OF A SAMPLES HOLDER WITH MOUNTED CEREBELLUM BRAIN SLICES AND LIGHT MICROSCOPE IMAGES THEREOF SAMPLE HOLDER WITH MOUNTED BRAIN SLICES SPATIAL WINDOW CONTAING A BRAIN SAMPLE IRRADIATED WITH PROTON BEAM A LIGHT MICROSCOPE IMAGE OF THE CENTRAL PART OF THE CEREBELLUM SECTION SCANNED WITH THE PROTON BEAM. NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI S Ca Zn Fe Ni Cu NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI Oxidation of zirconium NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI 1.8 MeV protons ) Zr RBS 18O a Zr PIXE Fe 18O b Si 18O b 18O a NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI Ion beam writing (hammering) using 10-12 MeV focused beam of C, O a Si into layer of PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxane) In cooperation with Dr. Istvan Rajta, Atomki Debrecen, HAS NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI LVR-15 nuclear reactor REZ RESEARCH REACTOR LVR-15 LVR15 LVR-15 IS LIGHT-WATER MODERATED AND COOLED TANK NUCLEAR REACTOR WITH FORCE COOLING. THE FUEL IRT-2M IS ENRICHED TO 36%, COMBINED WATER-BERYLLIUM REFLECTOR IS USED. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS: Maximum reactor power 10 MW Maximum thermal neutron flux in the core 1.5 x 1018 n/m2s HCH-3 Maximum fast neutron flux in the core 3 x 1018 n/m2s Thermal neutron flux at the end of the beam tube 1 x 1013 n/m2s Thermal neutron flux in irradiation channel in fuel 1.2 x 1018 n/m2 Thermal neutron flux in irradiation channel in reflector 9 x 1017 n/m2s NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI Thermal neutron guide tube and TNDP chambers TNDP CHAMBERS LVR-15 reactor hall NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI List of the NDP relevant isotopes Nuclear reaction Nuclide Natural abundance or activity* [at/mCi] Cross section [barn] Energy of reaction products [keV] Detection limit [at/cm2] 3He 0.00013 3He(n,p)3H 5326 573 191 3.1 x 1013 6Li 7.42 6Li(n,a)3H 940 2051 2734 1.8 x 1014 7Be* 2.5 x 1014 7Be(n,p)7Li 48000 1438 207 3.5 x 1012 839 4.3 x 1013 19.6 10B(n,a)7Li 3606 1471 10B 19.6 10B(n,a)7Li 230 1775 1014 6.7 x 14N 99.64 14N(n,p)14C 1.81 584 42 9.1 x 1016 22Na* 4.4 x 1015 22Na(n,p)22Ne 31000 2247 103 4.7 x 1012 33S 0.76 33S(n,a)30Si 0.14 3091 412 1.2 x 1018 35Cl 75.5 35Cl(n,p)35S 0.49 598 17 3.4 x1017 59Ni* 1.3 x 1020 59Ni(n,a)56Fe 12.3 4757 340 1.4 x1016 10B 1014 Basic reaction characteristics of the NDP relevant isotopes, and d e t e c t i o n sensitivities for the NDP singledetector spectrometer in the NPI Rez. Detection limits are based on the charged particle counting rate 0.01 s-1, detector -sample solid angle 0.03 Sr, and intensity of the neutron beam Fth = 107 cm-2s-1. NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI Principles od NDP (Neutron Depth Profiling) DE 6 Li(n, a )T energy loss DE ~ depth x 220 keV 6Li Nb energy spectrum of particles from (n,a ) reactions 1000 6Li(n, a )T T depth surface 500 10B(n, a )7Li a 0 thermal neutrons Counts per Channel depth channel-energy-depth conversion x a, T detector x surface sample 220 keV 6 Li Nb 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Channel Number conversion to energy 1.0 1.5 2.0 conversion to depth 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 2.5 3.0 x 0.2 0 2.0 1.0 0 m MeV NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI U MATS HAMA 1 T xT GET DEa . 6 Li DET xa x TAR OSTOP R T U E N a 2D coincidence data plot from Li/B/Li/B/PET C D TOR ETEC 0 Principal scheme of the detector-target-detector coincidence set-up O NEUTR STOP Coincidence NDP 2 CTOR DETE 3D coincidence data plot (detail of the 2D rectangle) U MATS HAMA x D Ea ≌ a x D ET ≌ T 3D depth profile of Li determined from the 3D plot NuPECC Prague 2011 PGAA (Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis) facility Instrument parameters Installed at LVR-15 reactor Neutron flux 3x106 n cm-2s-1 Beam 25x7 mm2 Detector HPGe (25%) Sample liquid/powder in 0.5 ml teflon vial 3.7 counts/s /g 10B Sensitivity Det. limits Usage: ~ 0.1 g (B,Sm,Gd) ~ 50 g (H) Analytical method PGAA - concentration of isotopes/elements (B, Cd, Sm, Gd, H, Cl, …) - optimized for liquid (powder) samples - biological samples (study of pharmacokinetics of boron compounds in the framework of BNCT) - minerals NuPECC Prague 2011 V.Havránek Laboratory of IBA at NPI Thank you for your attention ! 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