Explain - BioRox.net

Quarter 1 Do Nows
and Exit Passes
Do Now 2
***PLACE your TOP 10 Moments and SIGNED Papers (syllabus,
lab safety, parent letter) in the file folder UNDER the first
letter of your LAST NAME
1. Explain the consequences, in order, if a students chooses to
break a rule.
2. Define plagiarism and give three different examples.
3. List and briefly describe the class rules in your OWN words.
4. Describe what you would do in the following scenarios
(explain why):
You are working in the lab and you notice the teacher has her hand in the
You were absent last class and you need to know what the assignments
The teacher is giving notes and the bell rings.
5. Describe the hall pass policy.
6. Study for class procedures, expectations and safety quiz.
Exit Pass 2 Biology
1. Explain how a fire may seem like a living
organism (what characteristics of a living
organism does it possess).
2. Explain why a fire is NOT a living thing (what
specific characteristics is it lacking).
Biology Do Now 3
Have out materials (stapler, colored pencils, composition book, do now
notebook and notes notebook) for supply check
Any signed documents you forgot last class have out as well!
1. Explain what is meant by the term “differentiation”. Provide a specific
2. Explain how a car is similar to humans.
3. Compare and contrast prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells (use a Venn
Diagram or Column Chart).
4. Define homeostasis and provide an example.
5. List and describe at least 3 fields/branches of biology.
Biology Exit Pass 3
1) Compare and contrast the fungi and plant
2) Explain how classifying cars is similar to
classifying living organisms. Provide a specific
Biology Do Now 4
1) List and describe the 3 main domains of life.
2) Compare and contrast domain and species. Provide
specific example.
3) Name the level AND branch of biology each scientist is
studying (briefly explain why):
a. A scientist studying how the pH levels of lake affect the growth of algae in a lake.
b. A scientist studying the composition of nectar of a hibiscus flower that grows in the canopy of a
c. A scientist studying how a species of bats living in south African caves behave with each other.
d. A scientist studying the bone structure of the orca whale.
4) Explain the evolutionarily significance of sexual
reproduction vs. asexual reproduction.
5) Define natural selection and provide an example.
Biology Do Now 5
Compare and contrast Bacteria and Protista. (USE columns)
Differentiate between qualitative observations and quantitative observations.
Provide an example of each.
3. Explain why a hypothesis is really NOT just an educated guess.
For the next two questions, answer the following:
a. Problem statement (PS)
b. Independent Variable (IV)
c. Dependent Variable (DV)
d. Constant Variable (CV) at least 3
e. Control group/control (CG)
John wants to see if adding fertilizer to his basil will make the plant grow fuller
(more leaves).
Sarah wants to see if the watching TV for different amounts of time affect her
ability to retain facts (such as important terms for her upcoming biology test).
Exit Pass 4/5 Biology
• In a paragraph, explain the importance of
following the scientific method. Include the
significance of peer review. Explain
consequences of not following the scientific
Biology Do Now 6
1. Differentiate between accuracy and precision. Draw
an example (using a dart board) of the following:
Precise but not accurate
Accurate but not precise
Accurate and precise
2. Explain why scientists use line graphs to represent
data from an experiment.
3. Compare and contrast scientific theories and scientific
4. Write a PS, IV, DV, CV, CON, HYP, and a sample graph
from the following experiments:
a) An experiment that tests how quickly different
temperatures will dissolve sugar cubes.
b) An experiment that explores how different colors of light
impact plant growth.
Biology Exit Pass 6
1. List the 4 major base units we will be using in
this class and what tools we will use to
measure the.
2. Explain how a thermometer works, be
3. Define MATTER.
4. Explain how weight is not the same as mass.
Provide an example.
Do NOT write out
question #3 or #5
Show ALL work!
Biology Do Now 7
Study for SCI. METH.
Explain why the SI measurement system is important.
Differentiate between derived units and base units.
You have a weird shaped rock and you want to determine if it is quartz. Quartz
has a density of 2.65 g/mL (2.65 g/cm3). You put the rock on a scale and
determine its mass to be 55g. Before using water displacement, what would you
predict the volume of the rock to be in order for your rock to be quartz? Be sure
to show all work. Include how much the water level would change in a
graduated cylinder that has 30 mL of water in it.
You conduct the experiment above 3 times. What would your volume for each of
the trials be if your experiment was PRECISE but NOT Accurate.
Rebecca sets up an experiment to test a hypothesis. She plants three seedlings
of the same size and species in three identical pots. She adds the same amount
of water to each one. She positions one pot in the closet, one on the living room
table, and one on the window sill. She uses an extraction method using ethanol
to determine the amount of starch as a percentage of leaf tissue in each plant.
Identify each of the following for the above experiment:
PS, IV, DV, CON, CVS, and include a correctly labeled sample graph showing data she
might collect.
Biology Exit Pass 6/7 (Show ALL work)
Write 124 in scientific notation
Convert 0.000 000 005 78 to scientific notation
Write in decimal notation: 3.6 × 1012
Convert 4.2 × 10–7 to decimal notation
How many Kelvins is 10oC?
How many degrees Celsius is 173 Kelvins?
Convert 803cm into kilometers (kM). (put in correct
scientific notation)
8. Convert 55mL into Hectoliters. (put in correct scientific
9. You want to know the density of a rock that weighs 6.5 g.
You place it in a graduated cylinder with 32 mL of water.
The water level rises to 48 mL. What is the density of the
rock. Include a diagram showing your work.
Biology Do Now #8
Explain why we use scientific notation in biology.
You have an irregularly shaped metal and you want to determine if it is silver.
Silver has a density of 10.49 g/mL (10.49 g/cm3). You put the piece of metal on
a scale and determine its mass to be 28g. Before using water displacement,
what would you predict the volume of the rock to be in order for your rock to
be silver? Be sure to show all work. Include how much the water level would
change in a graduated cylinder that has 12 mL of water in it.
3. You conduct the experiment above 3 times. What would your volume for each
of the trials be if your experiment was PRECISE AND ACCURATE.
Get your lab notebooks from the shelf. Leave the first page blank for Title of Lab,
Problem Statement, and Hypothesis. On the second page, Write the heading
On this page begin to summarize your notes on density and how to calculate density
Include information on measuring liquids in a graduate cylinder
Include information (Atomic # and atomic mass and chemical symbol) on the
following metals (from your periodic table seating chart I gave you on day 1 of class)
Biology Exit Pass 8
1. Differentiate between atom, matter, element
and compound.
Biology Do Now #9
Define matter.
Describe the structure of an atom.
Differentiate between an element and a compound.
Differentiate between an ion and an isotope.
Explain what happens if you change the number of
protons in an atom.
6. Complete the PS, HYP, IV, DV, CVS, CON and a
sample graph for the experiment below:
– You noticed that paper airplanes made with different
materials fly different.
For each of the following, determine:
a. Atomic Number
b. Mass Number
c. Number of Protons
d. Number of Electrons
e. Number of neutrons
Biology Do Now #10
1) Describe the various information you can gain about
an element by just reading the periodic table.
2) Differentiate between a physical change and a
chemical change. Provide an example of each.
3) Define valence electrons and explain what these can
tell us about an atom.
4) Differentiate between reactants and products in a
chemical equation (reaction). Explain how this
relates to the law of conservation of matter.
Exit Pass
• Compare and contrast ionic and covalent
bonds. Provide an example of a covalent
compound and an ionic compound.
Biology Do Now #11
1. Define “polar” molecule and explain why water
fits in this category. Include a detailed diagram.
2. Distinguish between single, double, and triple
covalent bonds.
3. Element X has 8 electrons in the highest energy
level/ring of its atoms. Is element X likely to be
reactive? Explain your answer.
4. (Do not write question) Beginning with the
neutral atoms on the periodic table, show how
potassium fluoride would be formed. Use
atomic diagrams, chemical symbols, ions,
arrows to show movement of electrons and
provide a detailed explanation to accompany
your picture.
Exit Pass 11
1. Define diatomic molecule. List each one and
explain their significance.
2. Element X is made up of four isotopes: X-53, X54, X- 61 and X-57. If the hypothetical atomic
number of element X was 26, make a table
listing the mass number and how many
protons, electrons, and neutrons are in each
isotope. When complete, calculate the average
atomic mass of element X (assume each
isotope is found in equal amounts in nature).
Chemistry review
• Read p. 34-38
• Answer #1-5 on page 38 on a separate sheet
of notebook paper
• Complete Sentence answers
Bio Do Now 12
1. Explain why radiation can be detrimental
to cells. Be specific.
2. Describe how radioactive isotopes can
be useful. Provide specific examples.
3. Explain what happens to an atom when
you do the following: change the proton
number, change the neutron number and
change the electron number.
Exit Pass 12
1. Differentiate between the different types of
mixtures. Provide an example of each.
2. Explain why water is the universal solvent.
3. Draw a water molecule and show why it is
Biology Do Now 13
1. Compare the structure of Uranium and Fluorine. Explain which on
is radioactive and explain why.
2. Differentiate between a solution and a suspension. Provide an
example of each.
3. Define hydration shell and explain what property of water this
relates to.
4. Diagram a droplet of water using 10 water molecules. Use H for
hydrogen and O for oxygen. Show any slight charges on atoms.
Show hydrogen bonds between ALL the molecules.
5. Name and briefly describe the domain of life. Include the major
kingdoms in each domain.
Exit Pass 13
1. List and briefly describe the 4 most
important properties of water. Include
how/why polarity of water enables these
2. Differentiate between hydrogen bonds, ionic
bonds, and covalent bonds.
Do Now 14
1. Explain how water in the soil makes its way to the top
of a tree. Use the vocabulary words cohesion,
adhesion, hydrogen bonding, capillary action,
transpiration, and polarity in your explanation. Include
a labeled diagram as well.
2. Provide an explanation as to why the desert is cold at
night and hot during the day.
3. Explain how an insect is able to stand and/or walk
across water.
4. Draw the Lewis Dot Diagram of carbon. Describe its
structure and explain what type of bonds it is likely to
form and why.
EXIT Pass 14
• Analyze the statement, “It’s not the heat, it’s
the humidity”. Explain exactly what is meant
by this statement.
Biology Do Now #15
1. Explain what is meant by “dissociation” of water.
2. Compare and contrast acids and bases.
3. Explain why strong acids and strong bases are
4. Draw the pH scale, labeling the values 0-14, labeling
where is highly acidic, highly basic and neutral.
Provide examples along the entire pH gradient.
5. Explain how an acid can negatively effect the
6. Define a buffer and describe its role in biological
***Do NOT write #4
Exit Pass 14-15
1) Define functional group and provide three
2) Differentiate between hydrophobic and
Biology Do Now #16
Define polymerization.
Compare and contrast dehydration and hydrolysis reactions.
**Explain why you feel sleepy during the last class of the day (after having a big
pasta lunch) and how you can avoid this feeling. Use the following words
correctly in your explanation: polysaccaharide, monosaccaride, glucose, Cellular
respiration, energy, ATP, hydrolysis, startch
Is the following reaction an example of dehydration synthesis or hydrolysis ? How
do you know ?
C12H22O11 + H2O ---> C6H12O6 + C6H12O6
Do not
write this
Exit Pass 14-15-16
1) Define functional group and provide three
2) Differentiate between hydrophobic and
Biology Do Now #17
1. List and describe the different types of
polysaccharides and their functions.
2. Explain why glycogen and starch are polymers
and lipids are not.
3. Create a chart/diagram showing the “fates” of
glucose in:
a) Animals
b) Plants
4. Explain why we can get immediate energy from
disaccharides and monosaccharaides but not
Exit Pass 14-15-16-17
Exit Pass 14-15-16
1) Define functional group and provide three examples.
2) Differentiate between hydrophobic and hydrophilic
Exit Pass 17
1. Explain why fats and lipids are beneficial to organisms
and explain how fats can be detrimental (dangerous)
to living organisms.
2. Compare and contrast lipids and carbohydrates.
Biology Do Now 18
1. Compare and contrast (using 3 column chart)
Phospholipids and Triglycerides.
2. Compare and contrast (using 3 column chart)
polysaccharides and triglycerides.
3. Explain why cholesterol is not ALWAYS bad.
4. Analyze and explain why the following statement is
Fats are bad for people.
5. Describe the “predictable” behavior of a hydroxyl group (OH).
6. Differentiate between saturated fats and unsaturated fats.
Exit Pass 18
1. Analyze and explain why the following
statement is inaccurate:
– Proteins are only important in body builders and
people who work out.
2. List and describe the four structures of
Biology Do Now #19
1. Name, diagram and describe the four major
structural levels of proteins. Be sure to include
what interactions cause this specific structure.
2. Explain why a polypeptide chain is not considered
a functioning protein.
3. Provide you own explanation describing the role
of ribosomes in cells.
4. Define denaturation. Provide an example.
5. Define enzyme.
Exit Pass 19
1. Determine the strand of DNA, the strand of
mRNA and the polypeptide chain (using the
amino acid chart up front) for the following
List and briefly describe factors that can effect the activity of
Differentiate between non-competitive and competitive
inhibition. Include a labeled diagram.
Compare and contrast exothermic and endothermic
reactions. Include a labeled graph of each. Provide a
biological example of each, be sure to explain your choice.
Diagram the “lock-and-key” model and explain why it is
used to describe enzymatic action.
Compare and contrast DNA and RNA. (use 3 column chart)
Diagram and label a nucleotide.
Do Now 21
Explain what is meant by the phrase “central dogma of
biology” Include a diagram.
Someone is declaring that proteins are the #1 most
important macromolecule. You think DNA is the #1
most important molecule. In a paragraph, explain your
Explain why someone might say protein in the #1
Compare and contrast (in a column chart) the
Lipids and polysaccharides
Codon and Anticodon
Name and briefly describe the 6 major kingdoms of life.
Differentiate between the control group of an
experiment and the experimental group.
Define peer review and explain why it is important in
scientific research.
Explain what a cladogram is used for. See image to the