My Absolutely Fabulous Slide Show on Chemical Reactions, So Yah!!!

My Absolutely Fabulous Slide Show
on Chemical Reactions, So Yah!!!
By Rachel Mills
A Chemical Reaction
• The Definition of a Chemical Reaction is this: A
process that involves changes in the structure
in the energy content of atoms. (Simplified
version from
A Written Example
• As you can see here we
have a chemical
equation here. Also
listed here are the
reactants and products.
This is the equation of
• Equation: 6CO2 + 6H2O=
C6H12O6 + 6O2
• Reactants
Carbon Dioxide
Light Energy
• Products
• Glucose
• Water + Oxygen
The Law of Conservation of Matter
• The definition is just what is says.
Conservation of Matter. It states that matter
cannot be destroyed or created. Thus meaning
it conserves all matter in existence. Though it
may change its form, it is still the same matter.
More on the Chemical Reaction
• Now, we are listing the
atoms found in our
example equation. We
will again be listing
them in reactants and
• Equation: 6CO2 + 6H2O=
C6H12O6 + 6O2
• Reactants
• 6 Carbon Dioxide Molecules
• 6 pairs of Hydrogen Atoms
• 6 Oxygen Atoms
• Products
6 Carbon Atoms +
12 Hydrogen Atoms +
6 Oxygen Atoms = (Glucose)
6 pairs of Oxygen Atoms
The end is the same as the beginning.
Say you have 6 lbs. of Celery…
• When you eat 6 pounds of
Celery, you expect it to be
good for you. But you will
gain 6 pounds all the same.
Too much of something
good can be bad.
Say you have 6 lbs. of Steak…
• The same also applies. If
you eat 6 pounds of Steak,
you will still gain those 6
pounds. Protein is good for
you, but eating 6 pounds of
it may mess with your
digestive system. As well as
eating all of that celery.
So in conclusion the end is the same as the
beginning, you will still have 6 pounds of food
whether you eat Celery or Steak.
Mass problem.
• The following problem will be solved below
the problem.
• Stu has a liquid and a solid that together have a mass of 200 grams. When
he mixes the two together in an open cup it starts to bubble. He then finds
the mass of the stuff in the cup. Why is the mass only 160 grams now?
• The answer is simple, When he mixes the solid and
the liquid together they are still 200 grams. But when
is starts to bubble some of the gas escapes. 40 grams
of gas or part of the mass; leaves the container. So
only 160 grams of the mass remain.
Another Question
• Here is the next problem:
• When Rene drives her car the gasoline reacts with
oxygen to make carbon dioxide and water. If Rene uses
20 lbs of gasoline and 5 lbs of oxygen how many pounds
of water and carbon dioxide will there be together?
• As said in the Law of the Conservation of Matter,
no matter can be destroyed or created. So 20 lbs
of gasoline and 5 lbs of oxygen are put together
there would be 25 lbs of water and carbon
dioxide total. Its as simple as addition.