16 May 2014 –Hinxton Kinetic CHO Cell Modelling and Simulations – The Modeling Cycle and Industrial Application Sophia Bongard 1 Company Overview Insilico Biotechnology AG Insilico Biotechnology Biotech Pharma Process Analysis & Optimisation Testing of New Drugs Software Founded in 2001, headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany Inter-disciplinary team comprised of biologists, chemists, computer scientists, physicists, and bioprocess engineers Expertise in modelling and simulation of biochemical networks Solution provider for 40+ international companies and academic research institutes Services Insilico quantifies and predicts cellular processes for the Life Science Industries. 2 Technology Platform – Overview Insilico Discovery™ Insilico Inspector™ Insilico Software > 8,000 reactions > 2,000 compounds > 20 strains + organs/body Insilico Databases Insilico Cells Insilico Organs > 100,000 cores High-Performance Computing Insilico Technology Platform Insilico delivers (i) quantitative insight into biotechnological processes and (ii) predictive simulations. 3 Why do we need CHO Cells? – Usability and industrial Application What are CHO cells? Immortalised cell strain from chinese hamster ovaries Picture Source: wikipedia What do the cells produce? Recombinant proteins How are they produced? Feed cSubstrates Sampling cProduct Fermentation processes 4 Model-supported Cell Line Development Cell line: host cell + recombinant expression construct 1. Transfection 2. Amplification & Selection 3. Screening 4. Expansion Many Clones (100‘s – 1000‘s) µL - mL 5. Growth Evaluation & Process Optimization 10 – 20 Clones 100 – 1.000 mL Host Cell Cell Line Engineering Clone Selection Process Control Computer-supported Processes 5 Case Scenario for this session – IgG antibody Production Most common antibody in blood needed for immune defense against bacteria and viruses Artificial generation via CHO cells to target proteins in the human body (used e.g. for cancer therapies) Case scenarios Producer strain comparison with stationary CHO models Bioprocess optimization of best clone using dynamic CHO model 6 In silico Workflow 7 Hand over new Media Design to customer 6 New Bioprocess Design 5 Kinetic parameter estimation 4 Determination of stationary flux distribution 1 Model reconstruction and network adaption 2 Experimental Design 3 Data integration 7 Model Reconstruction and Network Adaption Challenge To gain a consistent model with all needed data information in a short time and appropriate visualisation Solution KEGG: Pathway Research UNIPROT: stoichiometry PubChem: chemical compound structures ο multiple database information (reactions, compounds), which can be used for model reconstruction, e.g. in COPASI and Cytoscape Benefits „All-in-one“ software solution which delivers model in universal SBML format 8 CHO Cell Metabolism IgG ER and Golgi Glucose Amino Acids O- and N-Glycosylation Glucose glycoprotein Pyruvate BIOMASS Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism Lipid Metabolism Mitochondrium TCA Cycle Steroid Synthesis Amino Acid Metabolism Protein DNA RNA Glycogen Lipid AKG O2 CO2 Peroxisomes Nucleus Organic Acids NH4 (e.g. Lactate) 9 CHO Model Network Adaption Merge Host Cell with Novel Reactions »Super-Network« + Host cell + new strain-specific reactions/pathway + known gene knock outs Producer Strain Comparison Target Identification, Design New Media Integration of Kinetics + experimental data (extracellular and intracellular) Stationary Model Identification Dynamic Model Identification 10 Definition of Model Kinetics Ordinary Equation System: Stationary model: Dynamic model: ππ ππ‘ ππ ππ‘ = π1 − π2 + π3 with r=const. = π1 − π2 + π3 with r=f(c, p), nonlinear kinetics Kinetics linlog kinetics: π = π£πππ₯ β (1 + π1 β πππ π1 π1 π π + π2 β πππ π2 π2 π π +…), with π(πππππ’ππ‘π , πΌπβππππ‘πππ ) ≤ 0 ππππ(ππ’ππ π‘πππ‘ππ ) ≥ 0 Michaelis-Menten kinetics: π = π£πππ₯ β π1 πΎπ βπ1 Convenience kinetics, Mass action kinetics, Hill kinetics … 11 In silico Workflow 7 Handover new Media Design to customer 6 New Bioprocess Design 5 Kinetic parameter estimation 4 Determination of stationary flux distribution 1 Model reconstruction and network adaption 2 Experimental Design 3 Data integration 12 Experimental Design Challenge To find the minimum set of required measurements providing the maximum of information for model identification Solution Optimal Experimental Design (CSIC, CWI, Joke Blom) Benefits Get maximum quality/quantity of information from a minimum of experimental effort Saves resources 13 Implementation of General conditions – Definitions of constraints, variables and parameters Cell concentration in fermenter (500,000 cells/ml) Fermenter Volume (6 Liters) Fed-Batch/Batch/Continuous Process: Feed Rates, Feed Concentrations, Bolus Shots Process time: 300 h Sampling Biomass densitiy in cell Biomass growth rate Product protein composition (amino acids) 14 Identification of Optimal Experimental Conditions – Required inputs for CSIC Method Mathematical Model Inputs: Ordinary differential equations including external conditions (e.g. feeding, temperature), kinetic parameters, state variables (e.g. fermenter volume) Auxiliary functions describing the relation between model states and experimental measurements (preliminary data) Measurement Inputs: Measurement quality Limitations (e.g. glucose solubility) Variables to be considered in experimental design (sampling times, feeds, to be measured metabolites…) =Output of optimised experimental design 15 In silico Workflow 7 Handover new Media Design to customer 6 New Bioprocess Design 5 Kinetic parameter estimation 4 Determination of stationary flux distribution 1 Model reconstruction and network adaption 2 Experimental Design 3 Data integration 16 In silico Workflow 7 Handover new Media Design to customer 6 New Bioprocess Design 5 Kinetic parameter estimation 4 Determination of stationary flux distribution 1 Model reconstruction and network adaption 2 Experimental Design 3 Data integration 17 Determination of Stationary Flux Distributions Challenge Determine phase-dependent flux distributions which best describe measurements Solution COPASI: steady-state analysis and parameter estimation (UNIMAN) Multiple Objective FBA (CSIC, Julio Banga) Benefit State-of-the-art parameter estimation and flux balance analysis making integration of multiple objectives possible Considerations of non-obvious criteria (Example??) 18 Case Study 1: Producer Strain Comparison 19 Producer Strain Comparison – Strategy Input: Time Series Data of extracellular Metabolites, Offgas Data, Feeds, Samples Procedure: Calculation of according phase-dependent uptake/consumption rates Flux Balance Analysis for intracellular distribution for multiple process phases Analysis: Either phase-wise comparison of performance indicators or over whole process 20 Producer Strain Comparison – Decision Criteria I Product Titer The final product concentration in fermenter Product Yield The ratio between product produced to glucose consumed Biomass Yield Cell Density The ratio between generated biomass to consumed Glucose Maximum viablecell concentration in the fermenter Growth Rate Productivity Maintenance Maximum or average growth rate (biomass formation rate) over the process Maximum or average specific product generation rate over the whole process Cellular rate of ATP consumption for maintaining the cell in a viable state. 21 Producer Strain Comparison – Decision Criteria II Product Yield Maximum Yield Producer Strain 1 Producer Strain 2 Producer Strain 3 Biomass Yield Producer Strain 1 has best performance indicators, but high ammonia release ο Strain 1 for next generation strain development 22 In silico Workflow 7 Handover new Media Design to customer 6 New Bioprocess Design 5 Kinetic parameter estimation 4 Determination of stationary flux distribution 1 Model reconstruction and network adaption 2 Experimental Design 3 Data integration 23 Kinetic Parameter Estimation Challenge Complexity of large dynamic models (large number of parameters, stability issues, model too robust or fragile) High resource demand of calculations Solution AMIGO: ScatterSearch optimisation method in combination with ensemble modelling (CSIC, Julio Banga) COPASI: integrated optimisation algorithms High performance computing (Super Computer) Benefit Improved assessment of predictive value due to quantified uncertainty Saving time by reducing number of required restarts during parameter estimation 24 Dynamic Model Identification + dynamic model rate equations (use stationary flux distribution as reference flux in dynamic model) + initial parameter guess Identified stationary model Preliminary dynamic model Target Identification, New Media Design + experimental data (extracellular and intracellular) Parameter Estimation Identified dynamic model 25 In silico Workflow 7 Handover new Media Design to customer 6 New Bioprocess Design 5 Kinetic parameter estimation 4 Determination of stationary flux distribution 1 Model reconstruction and network adaption 2 Experimental Design 3 Data integration 26 Case Study 2: NH4 Reduction in CHO Strain 1 27 NH4 Reduction in a CHO Process – Case Study 2: Summary Challenge NH4 accumulation in a CHO fed-batch processes for monoclonal antibody production impairs process performance Solution Identification of sources of NH4 formation in different process phases Identification of intracellular and extracellular substrate limitations/bottlenecks New media design for better performance through feed optimisation Benefits Reduce NH4 levels, improve viability late in the process and product 28 NH4 Reduction in a CHO Process Amino Acid Synthesis View in Insilico Inspector™ >80% Degradation Phase 2 <40% Degradation Fluxes in µmol Carbon/(gDW*h) Asparagine and glutamine exhibit the highest degradation rates of the amino acids taken up in Phase 2 29 NH4 Reduction in a CHO Process – Case Study 2: Phase-specific identification of NH4 sources Nitrogen Metabolism View in Insilico Inspector™ Phase 2 Intracellular degradation of asparagine and glutamine is responsible for the majority of NH4 released until Phase 3 Fluxes in µmol Nitrogen/(gDW*h) Process Phase Amino acids with significant degradation (>30% of uptake) Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Asn > Gln > Leu > Val > Tyr Asn > Gln > Leu > Val > Tyr Asn > Gln > Ser 30 Identification of New Media Design for NH4 Reduction + definition of objectives ο reduce NH4, increase product titer, … Identified dynamic model Definition of elements to be optimized Prediction of altered cell dynamics and new performance indicator values + constraint definitions Optimization New Media Composition 31 In silico Workflow 7 Handover new Media Design to customer 6 New Bioprocess Design 5 Kinetic parameter estimation 4 Determination of stationary flux distribution 1 Model reconstruction and network adaption 2 Experimental Design 3 Data integration 32 NH4 Reduction in a CHO Process – Case Study 2: Implementation Customer reduced asparagine in the feed by 38% Optimized Result: reduced ammonium levels, improved viability, and product titer increased by >30% relative to the reference run 33 Benefits of kinetic CHO models Gain quantitative insight Save experimental studies and reduce development time Improve yield, productivity, and quality of biotech products Generate new know-how and intellectual property Taking decisions based on quantified processes 34 Many thanks to Joachim Schmid, Dirk Müller, Klaus Mauch (Insilico Biotechnology AG) And to the BioPreDyn consortium! 35 Contact Sophia Bongard Insilico Biotechnology AG Meitnerstr. 8 70563 Stuttgart | Germany T +49 711 460 594-25 sophia.bongard@insilico-biotechnology.com 36