Sources of Radiation Nuclear Fuel Cycle – Enrichment IAEA Day 4 – Lecture 6(2) 1 Enrichment IAEA 2 Gaseous Diffusion Two enrichment processes: Gaseous Diffusion Gas Centrifuge IAEA 3 Basic Theory of Gaseous Diffusion • Gaseous Diffusion uses molecular diffusion to separate the isotopes of uranium • Three basic requirements are needed • Combine Uranium with Fluorine to form Uranium hexafluoride (UF6) • Pass UF6 through a porous membrane • Utilize the different molecular velocities of the two isotopes to achieve separation IAEA 4 Basic Theory of Gaseous Diffusion • Enrichment of 235U through one porous membrane (or barrier) is very minute • Thousands of passes are required to increase the enrichment of natural uranium (0.711%) to a usable assay of 4 or 5% for use in reactors IAEA 5 Cylinder Filled with Solid UF6 IAEA 6 Gaseous Diffusion Enrichment of 235U through one porous membrane (or barrier) is very minute IAEA 7 Tails Condensation and Withdrawal • Tails are the depleted UF6 stream • UF6 is compressed and condensed into a liquid • Withdrawn into 10- or 14-ton cylinders • Cooled at ambient conditions until UF6 is solid, taking at least 5 days • Typical assay of tails is between 0.2% and 0.4% IAEA 8 Potential Hazards • Primary overall hazard is a major UF6 release • Liquid cylinder drop is most credible • When UF6 reacts with water, it forms hydrofluoric acid • Both corrosive and toxic IAEA 9 Significant Hazards • • • • • UF6 – Uranium Hexafluoride HF – Hydrogen Fluoride Cl2 - Chlorine NH3 - Ammonia ClF3 – Chlorine Trifluoride IAEA 10 Gaseous Diffusion IAEA 11 Gas Centrifuge IAEA 12 Why Gas Centrifuge? Large enrichment effect per stage > 1.05 vs 1.004 for GDP More compact design Reduced uranium inventories in cascades Better energy efficiencies < 5% of GDP energy typically stated More rapidly achieves equilibrium/steady state about a day instead of “weeks” for GDP IAEA 13 Gas Centrifuge IAEA View of a Urenco cascade 14 Safety Comparison: GC vs GDP Centrifuge Lower pressures, less inventory, more isolation Newer facility Liquid UF6 areas comparable Conclude GC risk probably lower IAEA 15 What is Depleted Uranium? Definition: Depleted uranium (DU) is uranium that contains less than the natural assay of uranium-235 Natural assay = approximately 0.712% U-235 “Normal DU” is around 0.2-0.4% U-235 DU comes as a “byproduct” - some say “waste” from enrichment IAEA 16 DU Background Generated by every enrichment process DU generation cannot be avoided Perceived hazards old and rusting containers chemical - UF6, F2 liability for cleanup, accidents IAEA 17 A DUF6 Cylinder IAEA 18 UF6 Tailings Cylinders IAEA 19 Depleted uranium Little U-235 remains in the tails (usually less than 0.3%) so it is of no further use for energy. Depleted uranium is used in metal form in yacht keels, as counterweights, and as radiation shielding, since it is 1.7 times denser than lead. Military uses include defensive armor plating and bullets. IAEA 20 Depleted uranium – hazards External exposure to radiation from pure depleted uranium is less of a concern because the alpha radiation emitted by its isotopes travel only a few cms in air or can be stopped by a sheet of paper. Further, the low concentration of uranium-235 that remains in depleted uranium emits only a small amount of low energy gamma radiation. The chemical toxicity of depleted uranium is about a million times greater in vivo than its radiological hazard. IAEA 21 What are the potential hazards with DUF6? DU more chemically toxic than radiotoxic heavy metal ingestion equivalent to about 1 rem dose can be fatal DUF6 readily reacts with atmospheric water vapor to form UO2F2 and Hydrogen Fluoride (both “bad”) DUF6 corrosive (+ HF effect) DUF6 reacts violently with most organic materials IAEA 22 Reference International Atomic Energy Agency, Postgraduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and the Safety of Radiation Sources (PGEC), Training Course Series 18, IAEA, Vienna (2002) IAEA 23