Chap 4 - Bakersfield College

Chemical Reactions:
An Introduction
4.1 Solutions & Solubility Rules
4.2 Molecular and Ionic
4.3 Precipitation Reactions
4.4 Acid Base Reactions
Ions in Aqueous Solution
Ionic Theory of Solutions
• Many ionic compounds dissociate into
independent ions when dissolved in water
H 2O
NaCl(s )  Na (aq)  Cl (aq)
• These compounds that “freely” dissociate into
independent ions in aqueous solution are
called electrolytes.
• Their aqueous solutions are capable of
conducting an electric current.
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Ions in Aqueous Solution
Ionic Theory of Solutions
• Not all electrolytes are ionic compounds.
Some molecular compounds dissociate into
HCl(aq)  H (aq)  Cl (aq)
• The resulting solution is electrically conducting,
and so we say that the molecular substance is an
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Ions in Aqueous Solution
Ionic Theory of Solutions
• Some molecular compounds dissolve but do
not dissociate into ions.
C6 H12O6 (s) (glucose)  C6 H12O6 (aq)
H 2O
– These compounds are referred to as
nonelectrolytes. They dissolve in water to give a
nonconducting solution.
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Ions in Aqueous Solution
Ionic Theory of Solutions
• Electrolytes are substances that dissolve in
water to give an electrically conducting
– Thus, in general, ionic solids that dissolve
in water are electrolytes.
– Some molecular compounds, such as
acids, also dissociate in aqueous solution
and are considered electrolytes.
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Ions in Aqueous Solution
Ionic Theory of Solutions
Observing the electrical conductance of a
Figure 4.3 shows a simple apparatus that
allows you to observe the conductivity
of a solution.
If the solution is conducting, the circuit is
complete and the bulb lights.
If the solution is nonconducting, the
circuit is incomplete and the bulb does
not light.
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Ions in Aqueous Solution
Ionic Theory of Solutions
• Strong and weak electrolytes.
– A strong electrolyte is an electrolyte that exists in
solution almost entirely as ions.
NaCl(s)  Na (aq)  Cl (aq)
H 2O
Most ionic solids that dissolve in water do so
almost completely as ions, so they are strong
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Ions in Aqueous Solution
Ionic Theory of Solutions
• Strong and weak electrolytes.
– A weak electrolyte is an electrolyte that dissolves
in water to give a relatively small percentage of
NH4OH(aq)  NH4 (aq)  OH (aq)
• Most soluble molecular compounds are either
nonelectrolytes or weak electrolytes.
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Ions in Aqueous Solution
Ionic Theory of Solutions
• Strong and weak electrolytes.
– Figure 4.4 illustrates the
conductivity of weak versus strong
– Solutions of weak electrolytes
contain only a small percentage of
ions. We denote this situation by
writing the equation with a double
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Ions in Aqueous Solution
Ionic Theory of Solutions: Summary
• In summary, substances that dissolve in
water are either electrolytes or
– Nonelectrolytes form nonconducting solutions
because they dissolve as molecules.
– Electrolytes form conducting solutions because
they dissolve as ions.
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Ions in Aqueous Solution
Ionic Theory of Solutions: Summary
• Electrolytes can be strong or weak.
– Almost all ionic substances that dissolve are
strong electrolytes.
– Molecular substances that dissolve are either
nonelectrolytes or weak electrolytes.
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Types of Chemical Reactions
• Most of the reactions we will study fall into
one of the following categories
– Precipitation Reactions
– Acid-Base Reactions
– Oxidation-Reduction Reactions (These we will
talk about during the next class period.)
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Precipitation Reactions
• A precipitation reaction occurs in aqueous
solution because one product is insoluble.
– A precipitate is an insoluble solid compound
formed during a chemical reaction in solution.
– For example, the reaction of sodium chloride with
silver nitrate forms AgCl(s), an insoluble precipitate.
NaCl(aq )  AgNO3 (aq )  AgCl(s)   NaNO3 (aq )
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Ukrainian Wolves
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Precipitation Reactions
Solubility rules
Substances vary widely in
their solubility, or ability to
dissolve, in water.
When they do dissolve in
water, the polar water
molecules act like
Ukrainian wolves that
gang up on the fully
charged ions to remove
them from the crystal.
Click here to see animation.
Figure 4.5: Limestone formations. Photo ©Corbis.
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Precipitation Reactions
Page 128 in text.
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Let’s Practice Determining Solubility
Which of the following are soluble in water?
Go to solubility rules.
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MgCl2(aq) + AgNO3(aq)  Mg(NO3)2(aq) + AgCl(s)
Figure 4.6:
Reaction of
chloride and
Photo courtesy
of American
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MgCl2(aq) + AgNO3(aq)  Mg(NO3)2(aq) + AgCl(s)
Click here to see several
reactions involving the
Silver ion.
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Net Ionic Equations
AgNO3(aq) + NaCl(aq)  AgCl(s) + NaNO3(aq)
Molecular Equation
++NO - + Na++ Cl- 
1. Divorce
++NO - + Na++ Cl-  AgCl
+ NaNO3
2. Change Partners
Ag++NO3- + Na++ Cl-  AgCl(s) + Na+ NO33. Soluble?
Total Ionic Equation
4. Cross out
Spectator Ions
Ag++ Cl-  AgCl(s)
5. Balance
Ag++ Cl-  AgCl(s)
Net Ionic Equation
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Net Ionic Equations
Pb(NO3)2(aq) + NaI(aq)  PbI2(s) + NaNO3(aq)
Molecular Equation
+2+NO - + Na++ l- 
1. Divorce
+2+NO - + Na++ l-  Pbl
2 + NaNO3
2. Change Partners
Pb+2+NO3- + Na++ l -  Pbl2(s) + Na+ NO33. Soluble?
Total Ionic Equation
4. Cross out
Spectator Ions
Pb+2+ l-  Pbl2(s)
5. Balance
Pb+2+ 2 l-  Pbl2(s)
Net Ionic Equation
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Net Ionic Equations
BaCl2(aq) + Na2SO4(aq)  BaSO4(s) + NaCl(aq)
Molecular Equation
+2 + Cl- + Na++ SO -2 
1. Divorce
+2 + Cl- + Na++ SO -2  BaSO + NaCl
2. Change Partners
Ba+2 + Cl- + Na++ SO4-2  BaSO4(s)+ Na+ + Cl3. Soluble?
Total Ionic Equation
4. Cross out
Spectator Ions
Ba+2+ SO4-2  BaSO4(s)
5. Balance
Ba+2+ SO4-2  BaSO4(s)
Net Ionic Equation
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Types of Chemical Reactions
• Acid-Base Reactions
– Acids and bases are some of the most important
electrolytes. (See Table 4.2)
– They can cause color changes in certain dyes
called acid-base indicators.
– Household acids and bases. (See Figure 4.7)
– Red cabbage juice as an acid-base indicator.
(See Figure 4.8)
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
• The Arrhenius Concept
– The Arrhenius concept defines acids as
substances that produce hydrogen ions, H+,
when dissolved in water.
– An example is nitric acid, HNO3, a molecular
substance that dissolves in water to give H+ and
HNO 3 (aq ) 
 H (aq )  NO 3 (aq )
H 2O
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
• The Arrhenius Concept
– The Arrhenius concept defines bases as
substances that produce hydroxide ions, OH-,
when dissolved in water.
– An example is sodium hydroxide, NaOH, an ionic
substance that dissolves in water to give sodium
ions and hydroxide ions.
NaOH(s) 
 Na (aq)  OH (aq)
H 2O
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
• The Arrhenius Concept
– The molecular substance ammonia, NH3, is a
base in the Arrhenius view,
NH 3 (aq )  H 2O(l )  NH 4 (aq )  OH  (aq )
because it yields hydroxide ions when it reacts
with water.
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
• The Brønsted-Lowry Concept
– The Brønsted-Lowry concept defines an acid as
the species (molecule or ion) that donates a
proton (H+) to another species in a protontransfer reaction.
– A base is defined as the species (molecule or
ion) that accepts the proton (H+) in a protontransfer reaction.
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
• The Brønsted-Lowry Concept
In the reaction of ammonia with water,
NH 3 (aq )  H 2O(l )  NH 4 (aq )  OH  (aq )
the H2O molecule is the acid because it donates a
proton. The NH3 molecule is a base, because it accepts
a proton. (See animation: Ammonia Fountain)
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
• The Brønsted-Lowry Concept
The H+(aq) ion associates itself with water to form
H (aq )  H 2O(l )  H 3O (aq )
This “mode of transportation” for the H+ ion is called
the hydronium ion.
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
• The Brønsted-Lowry Concept
The dissolution of nitric acid, HNO3, in water is
therefore a proton-transfer reaction
HNO 3 (aq )  H 2O(l )  NO 3 (aq )  H 3O  (aq )
where HNO3 is an acid (proton donor) and H2O is a
base (proton acceptor).
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
• In summary, the Arrhenius concept and
the Brønsted-Lowry concept are
essentially the same in aqueous solution.
– The Arrhenius concept
acid: proton (H+) donor
base: hydroxide ion (OH-) donor
– The Brønsted-Lowry concept
acid: proton (H+) donor
base: proton (H+) acceptor
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
Strong and Weak Acids and Bases
A strong acid is an acid that ionizes completely in
water; it is a strong electrolyte.
HNO 3 (aq )  H 2O(l )  NO 3 (aq )  H 3O (aq )
HCl (aq )  H 2O(l )  Cl  (aq )  H 3O  (aq )
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
Strong and Weak Acids and Bases
A weak acid is an acid that only partially ionizes in water; it
is a weak electrolyte.
The hydrogen cyanide molecule, HCN, reacts with water to
produce a small percentage of ions in solution.
HCN(aq)  H 2O(l )  CN (aq)  H 3O (aq)
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
Strong and Weak Acids and Bases
A strong base is a base that is present entirely as
ions, one of which is OH-; it is a strong electrolyte.
NaOH(s)  Na (aq)  OH (aq)
The hydroxides of Group IA and IIA elements, except for
beryllium hydroxide, are strong bases.
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
• Strong and Weak Acids and Bases
– A weak base is a base that is only partially
ionized in water; it is a weak electrolyte.
– Ammonia, NH3, is an example.
NH 3 (aq )  H 2O(l )  NH 4 (aq )  OH (aq )
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
• Strong and Weak Acids and Bases
– You will find it important to be able to identify an
acid or base as strong or weak.
– When you write an ionic equation, strong acids
and bases are represented as separate ions.
– Weak acids and bases are represented as
undissociated “molecules” in ionic equations.
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
• Neutralization Reactions
– One of the chemical properties of acids and bases is
that they neutralize one another.
– A neutralization reaction is a reaction of an acid
and a base that results in an ionic compound and
– The ionic compound that is the product of a
neutralization reaction is called a salt.
HCN(aq)  KOH(aq)  KCN(aq)  H 2O(l )
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
• Neutralization Reactions
– The net ionic equation for each acid-base
neutralization reaction involves a transfer of a
(See animation: Neutralization of a strong acid by a strong base.)
– Consider the reaction of the strong acid , HCl(aq)
and a strong base, KOH(aq).
HCl(aq)  KOH(aq)  KCl(aq)  H 2O(l )
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
• Neutralization Reactions
– Writing the strong electrolytes in the form of ions
gives the complete ionic equation.
H (aq)  Cl (aq)  K (aq)  OH (aq) 
K (aq)  Cl (aq)  H 2O(l )
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
• Neutralization Reactions
– Canceling the spectator ions results in the net
ionic equation. Note the proton transfer.
H (aq)  Cl (aq)  K (aq)  OH (aq) 
K  (aq)  Cl  (aq)  H 2O(l )
H  (aq)  OH  (aq)  H 2O(l )
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
• Neutralization Reactions
– In a reaction involving HCN(aq), a weak acid, and
KOH(aq), a strong base, the product is KCN, a
strong electrolyte.
– The net ionic equation for this reaction is
HCN(aq)  OH (aq)  CN (aq)  H 2O(l )
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Note the proton transfer.
Presentation of Lecture Outlines, 4–41
Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
• Acid-Base Reactions with Gas Formation
– Carbonates react with acids to form CO2, carbon
dioxide gas. (See Video on Limewater)
Na2CO3  2HCl  2NaCl  H 2O  CO2 
– Sulfites react with acids to form SO2, sulfur dioxide
Na2SO 3  2HCl  2NaCl  H 2O  SO 2 
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Acid-Base Reactions
• Acid-Base Reactions with Gas Formation
– Sulfides react with acids to form H2S, hydrogen
sulfide gas.
Na 2S  2HCl  2NaCl  H 2S 
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Presentation of Lecture Outlines, 4–43
Chemical Reactions:
An Introduction
4.5 Oxidation-Reduction
4.6 Balancing Simple Redox
4.7 Molar Concentrations
4.8 Diluting Solutions
4.9 Gravimetric Analysis
4.10 Volumetric Analysis
Types of Chemical Reactions
• Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
– Oxidation-reduction reactions involve the
transfer of electrons from one species to another.
– Oxidation is defined as the loss of electrons.
– Reduction is defined as the gain of electrons.
– Oxidation and reduction always occur
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Types of Chemical Reactions
• Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
– The reaction of an iron nail with a solution of
copper(II) sulfate, CuSO4, is an oxidationreduction reaction (See Figure 4.11).
– The molecular equation for this reaction is:
Fe(s)  CuSO4 (aq)  FeSO4 (aq)  Cu(s)
See Video: Thermite Reaction
See Video: Zinc and Iodine
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Types of Chemical Reactions
• Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
– The net ionic equation shows the reaction of iron
metal with Cu2+(aq) to produce iron(II) ion and
copper metal.
Loss of 2 e-1 oxidation
Fe(s)  Cu (aq)  Fe (aq)  Cu(s)
Gain of 2 e-1 reduction
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
• Oxidation Numbers
– The concept of oxidation numbers is a simple way
of keeping track of electrons in a reaction.
– The oxidation number (or oxidation state) of an
atom in a substance is the actual charge of the
atom if it exists as a monatomic ion.
– Alternatively, it is hypothetical charge assigned
to the atom in the substance by simple rules.
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
• Oxidation Number Rules
Rule Applies to
The oxidation number of an atom in an element is
Monatomic ions
The oxidation number of an atom in a monatomic
ion equals the charge of the ion.
The oxidation number of oxygen is –2 in most of
its compounds. (An exception is O in H2O2 and
other peroxides, where the oxidation number is –
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
• Oxidation Number Rules
Rule Applies to
The oxidation number of hydrogen is +1 in most
of its compounds.
Fluorine is –1 in all its compounds. The other
halogens are –1 unless the other element is
another halogen or oxygen.
Compounds and
The sum of the oxidation numbers of the atoms in
a compound is zero. The sum in a polyatomic ion
equals the charge on the ion.
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What are the Oxidation Numbers for each
element in the following?
+1 for H, -2 for O
Zero for N, elemental state
+1 for K, -2 for O, +7 for Mn
-2 for O, +4 for C
+1 for H, -4 for C
+1 for H, -1 for Cl, +2 for C
Zero for He, elemental state
Zero for Cu, elemental state
+1 for Na, -2 for O, +6 for Cr
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1(+1 K)=+1
4(-2 O)= -8
1(+1 H)=+1
3(-1 Cl)= -3
2(+1 Na)=+2
7(-2 O)= -14
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Are the Following Oxidation-Reduction Reactions? What is Oxidized
and What is Reduced?
NaCl + LiBr  NaBr + LiCl
CH4 + 2O2  CO2 + 2H2O
Yes C ox, O red
4Fe + 3O2  2Fe2O3
Yes Fe ox, O red
2NaBr + MgO  MgBr2 + Na2O
P4 + 6 Br2  4 PBr3
Yes P ox, Br red
Zn + Cu2+  Zn2+ + Cu
Yes Zn ox, Cu red
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
• Describing Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
– Look again at the reaction of iron with copper(II)
Fe(s)  Cu (aq)  Fe (aq)  Cu(s)
– We can write this reaction in terms of two halfreactions.
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
• Describing Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
– A half-reaction is one of the two parts of an
oxidation-reduction reaction. One involves the loss
of electrons (oxidation) and the other involves the
gain of electrons (reduction).
Fe(s)  Fe (aq)  2e
Cu (aq)  2e  Cu(s)
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oxidation half-reaction
reduction half-reaction
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
• Describing Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
– An oxidizing agent is a species that oxidizes
another species; it is itself reduced.
– A reducing agent is a species that reduces
another species; it is itself oxidized.
Loss of 2 e- oxidation
reducing agent
Fe(s)  Cu (aq)  Fe (aq)  Cu(s)
oxidizing agent
Gain of 2 e- reduction
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
• Some Common Oxidation-Reduction
– Most of the oxidation-reduction reactions fall into one of
the following simple categories:
– Combination Reaction
– Decomposition Reactions
– Displacement Reactions
– Combustion Reactions
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
• Combination Reactions
– A combination reaction is a reaction in which two
substances combine to form a third substance.
2 Na (s)  Cl 2 (g)  2 NaCl(s)
Combination reaction of sodium and chlorine
(See Figure 4.14).
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
• Combination Reactions
– Other combination reactions involve compounds
as reactants.
CaO(s)  SO 2 (g )  CaSO3 (s)
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
• Decomposition Reactions
– A decomposition reaction is a
reaction in which a single compound
reacts to give two or more
2 HgO (s)  2 Hg (l)  O2 (g)
Decomposition reaction of mercury(II) oxide
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Types of Chemical
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
• Displacement Reactions
–A displacement reaction (also called a
single- replacement reaction) is a
reaction in which an element reacts
with a compound, displacing an
element from it.
Zn(s)  2HCl(aq)  ZnCl2 (aq)  H 2 (g )
Displacement reaction of zinc and hydrochloric
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Types of Chemical
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
• Combustion Reactions
– A combustion reaction is a reaction in
which a substance reacts with oxygen,
usually with the rapid release of heat to
produce a flame.
4 Fe (s) + 3 O2 (g)  2 Fe2O3 (s)
Combustion reaction of iron wool
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
• Balancing Simple Oxidation-Reduction
– At first glance, the equation representing the
reaction of zinc metal with silver(I) ions might
appear to be balanced.
Zn(s)  Ag (aq)  Zn (aq)  Ag(s)
– However, a balanced equation must have a
charge balance as well as a mass balance.
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
• Balancing Simple Oxidation-Reduction
– Since the number of electrons lost in the oxidation
half-reaction must equal the number gained in the
reduction half-reaction,
Zn(s)  Zn (aq)  2e
2 Ag (aq)  2 e  2 Ag(s )
oxidation half-reaction
reduction half-reaction
we must double the reaction involving the reduction
of the silver.
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Types of Chemical Reactions
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
• Balancing Simple Oxidation-Reduction
– Adding the two half-reactions together, the
electrons cancel,
Zn(s)  Zn (aq)  2e
2Ag  (aq)  2e   2Ag(s)
oxidation half-reaction
reduction half-reaction
Zn( s )  2 Ag (aq)  Zn (aq)  2 Ag( s )
which yields the balanced oxidation-reduction
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Summary Types of Reactions
Combination Reaction: a reaction in which two
substances chemically combine to form a third.
4 Fe(s) + 3O2(g)
2 Fe2O3(s)
Decomposition Reaction: a reaction in which a single
compound breaks up into two or more substances.
2 AgCl(s)
2 Ag(s) + Cl2(g)
Single-Replacement Reactions: one single reactant
replaces another.
Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq)
ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)
Combustion Reactions: organic plus oxygen gives
carbon dioxide and water.
C6H12O6(s) + 6O2 (g)  6CO 2 (g)  6H2O (g)
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Working with Solutions
• The majority of chemical reactions discussed
here occur in aqueous solution.
– When you run reactions in liquid solutions, it is
convenient to dispense the amounts of reactants
by measuring out volumes of reactant solutions.
• When we dissolve a substance in a liquid, we
call the substance the solute and the liquid
the solvent.
– The general term concentration refers to the
quantity of solute in a standard quantity of
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Working with Solutions
Molar Concentration
• Molar concentration, or molarity (M), is
defined as the moles of solute dissolved in
one liter (cubic decimeter) of solution.
moles of solute
Molarity (M) 
liters of solution
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Working with Solutions
Molar Concentration
• Let’s try an example.
– A sample of 0.0341 mol iron(III) chloride, FeCl3,
was dissolved in water to give 25.0 mL of solution.
What is the molarity of the solution?
– Since
moles of FeCl 3
molarity 
liters of solution
0.0341 mole of FeCl 3
 1.36 M FeCl 3
0.0250 liter of solution
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Working with Solutions
Molar Concentration
• The molarity of a solution and its volume are
inversely proportional. Therefore, adding
water makes the solution less concentrated.
– This inverse relationship takes the form of:
M i  Vi  M f  V f
– So, as water is added, increasing the final volume, Vf,
the final molarity, Mf, decreases.
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Let’s Practice!
What is the volume of 6.0 M HCl that can be
made from 5.0 mls of 12.0 M HCl?
Use M1V1 = M2V2 with M1= 12.0 M, V1 = 5.0 mls, M2 = 6.0 M
(12.0 M)(5.0 mls) = (6.0 M)V2
Solving for V2
V2 = (12.0 M)(5.0 mls)/(6.0 M) = 10. mls
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Quantitative Analysis
• Analytical chemistry deals with the
determination of composition of materials-that
is, the analysis of materials.
– Quantitative analysis involves the determination
of the amount of a substance or species present in
a material.
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Quantitative Analysis
Gravimetric Analysis
• Gravimetric analysis is a type of quantitative
analysis in which the amount of a species in a
material is determined by converting the
species into a product that can be isolated
and weighed.
– Precipitation reactions are often used in
gravimetric analysis.
– The precipitate from these reactions is then
filtered, dried, and weighed.
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Quantitative Analysis
Gravimetric Analysis
• Consider the problem of determining the
amount of lead in a sample of drinking water.
– Adding sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) to the sample will
precipitate lead(II) sulfate.
Na2SO4 (aq)  Pb (aq)  2Na (aq)  PbSO 4 (s)
– The PbSO4 can then be filtered, dried, and
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Quantitative Analysis
Gravimetric Analysis
• Suppose a 1.00 L sample of polluted water
was analyzed for lead(II) ion, Pb2+, by adding
an excess of sodium sulfate to it. The mass of
lead(II) sulfate that precipitated was 229.8
mg. What is the mass of lead in a liter of the
water? Express the answer as mg of lead per
liter of solution.
Na2SO4 (aq)  Pb (aq)  2Na (aq)  PbSO 4 (s)
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Quantitative Analysis
Gravimetric Analysis
• First we must obtain the mass percentage of
lead in lead(II) sulfate, by dividing the molar
mass of lead by the molar mass of PbSO4,
then multiplying by 100.
207.2 g/mol
%Pb 
 100  68.32%
303.3 g/mol
Then, calculate the amount of lead in the PbSO4
Amount Pb in sample  229.8 mg PbSO 4  0.6832  157.0 mg Pb
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Quantitative Analysis
Volumetric Analysis
• An important method for determining the
amount of a particular substance is based on
measuring the volume of the reactant
– Titration is a procedure for determining the
amount of substance A by adding a carefully
measured volume of a solution with known
concentration of B until the reaction of A and B is
just complete (See Figure 4.23).
– Volumetric analysis is a method of analysis
based on titration.
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Quantitative Analysis
Volumetric Analysis
• Consider the reaction of sulfuric acid, H2SO4,
with sodium hydroxide, NaOH:
H 2SO4 (aq)  2NaOH(aq)  2H 2O(l )  Na 2SO4 (aq)
– Suppose a beaker contains 35.0 mL of 0.175 M
H2SO4. How many milliliters of 0.250 M NaOH
must be added to completely react with the sulfuric
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Quantitative Analysis
Volumetric Analysis
– First we must convert the 0.0350 L (35.0 mL) to
moles of H2SO4 (using the molarity of the H2SO4).
– Then, convert to moles of NaOH (from the
balanced chemical equation).
– Finally, convert to volume of NaOH solution (using
the molarity of NaOH).
0.175 mole H 2SO 4 2 mol NaOH 1 L NaOH soln.
(0.0350L ) 
1 L H 2SO 4 solution 1 mol H 2SO 4 0.250 mol NaOH
0.0490 L NaOH solution (or 49.0 mL of NaOH solution)
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Figure 4.7:
acids and
bases. Photo
courtesy of
American Color.
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Figure 4.8:
Preparation of
red cabbage
juice as an
courtesy of
James Scherer.
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Figure 4.11: Reaction of
iron with Cu2+ (aq).
Photo Courtesy of American Color.
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Figure 4.14: Combination reaction.
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Figure 4.23: Titration of an unknown amount of
HCl with NaOH. Photo courtesy of James Scherer.
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